72 research outputs found


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    Based on the analysis of trends and threats of digital transformation of global banking, we concluded that there is an unevenness of digitization of banking in different regions. The development of digital technology has an impact on the global banking market, its structure and services. Cloud technology, blockchain and Big Data, artificial intelligence, biometrics, and open source APIs are used by financial institutions both in routine client work (optical character recognition, language, voice, customer image and face recognition, etc.), and in complex analysis of unstructured data sets (pattern recognition in money laundering transactions, counter-terrorism financing). The major segments where the biggest changes were made — are retail, corporate banking, payments, bank transactions, investment banking, and infrastructure projects. There are considered the concept of open banking, its impact on the ecosystem of financial market. The use of digital technologies, on the one hand, increases competition and market efficiency, and on the other, creates new systemic risks to financial stability and integrity.The main obstacles to digital transformation are not technological ones, but the differences in the organizational culture of traditional banks and fintech, different strategic vision of top management, lack of qualified personnel, which makes it difficult for banks to transform for cooperation. The use of digital technology increases the systemic risks associated with cyber security, fraud and ethical issues. In order to reduce the fraud, it is important to improve the verification procedures: the integration of offline and online modes, the use of implicit factors, and consumer biometric behaviour. Given the likelihood of recession in the coming years, geopolitical problems, trade and currency wars, traditional banks need to transform their businesses in line with new trends. In modern global world, there are not the largest banks that the competitive advantages get but the ones that are the most adapted to changes.На основе анализа тенденций и угроз цифровой трансформации глобального банкинга пришли к выводу о неравномерности цифровизации банковского бизнеса в различных регионах. Облачные технологии, блокчейн и Big Data, искусственный интеллект, биометрика и открытые программные интерфейсы используются финансовыми учреждениями как в рутинной работе с клиентами, так и в сложном анализе неструктурированных наборов данных. Их использование, с одной стороны, увеличивает конкуренцию и эффективность рынка, а с другой — создает новые системные риски для финансовой стабильности и целостности.Основными препятствиями трансформации является не технологические, а разность в организационной культуре традиционных банков и финтех-компаний, разное стратегическое видение топ-менеджмента и нехватка квалифицированных кадров.На основі аналізу тенденцій і загроз цифрової трансформації глобального банківництва прийшли до висновку про нерівномірність цифровізації банківського бізнесу в різних регіонах. Розвиток цифрових технології чинить вплив на глобальний банківський ринок, його структуру і послуги. Хмарні технології, блокчейн та Big Data, штучний інтелект, біометрика та відкриті програмні інтерфейси (API) використовуються фінансовими установами як у рутинній роботі з клієнтами (оптичне розпізнавання символів, розпізнавання голосу, мови, зображення та обличчя клієнтів тощо), так і у складному аналізі неструктурованих наборів даних (наприклад, розпізнавання шаблонів у трансакціях стосовно відмивання грошей, боротьба із фінансуванням тероризму). Їхнє використання, з одного боку, підвищує конкуренцію та ефективність ринку, а з другого — створює нові системні ризики для фінансової стабільності та цілісності.Основними перепонами трансформації є не технологічні, а різність в організаційній культурі традиційних банків та фінтех-компаній, різне стратегічне бачення топ-менеджменту, брак кваліфікованих кадрів, у результаті чого банкам важко трансформуватись для співробітництва. Використання цифрових технологій посилює системні ризики, які пов’язані з кібербезпекою, шахрайством та етичними проблеми. Для зменшення шахрайства необхідно удосконалити процедури підтвердження ідентичності: інтеграція офлайн- та онлайн-режимів, використання неявних факторів (геолокація IP-адреси) та біометричну поведінку споживачів.З огляду на ймовірність спаду в найближчі роки геополітичні проблеми, торгові та валютні війни традиційні банки повинні трансформувати свій бізнес відповідно до нових тенденцій. У сучасному глобальному світі конкурентні переваги отримують не найбільші банки, а те, які найбільш пристосовані до змін

    Polyblastia nevoi and Caloplaca wasseri — two new lichens from Israel

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    Наведено описи двох нових для науки видів — Polyblastia nevoi S. Zelenko, O. Breuss & S. Kondr. sp. nov. (відрізняється від Agonimia allobata меншими розмірами спор та відсутністю тришарової стінки перитецію) з Верхньої Галілеї та Caloplaca wasseri Khodosovtsev et S. Kondr. sp. nov. (відрізняється від Caloplaca phlogina ендолітною сланню з точкоподібними соралями та ширшими спорами) з пустелі Негев. Обговорюються риси подібності цих видів з близькими таксонами та відмінності від них. Наведені ілюстрації характерних ознак.Описаны два новые для науки вида: Polyblastia nevoi S. Zelenko, O. Breuss & S. Kondr. sp. nov. (отличается от Agonimia allobata меньшими размерами спор и отсутствием трехслойной стенки перитеция) из Верхней Галилеи и Caloplaca wasseri Khodosovtsev et S. Kondr. sp. nov. (отличается от Caloplaca phlogina эндолитным слоевищем с точковидными соралями и более широкими спорами) из пустыни Негев. Обсуждаются черты сходства с близкими видами лишайников и отличия от них. Приведены иллюстрации характерных признаков

    The temporal dynamics of readily available soil moisture for plants in the technosols of the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin

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    The restoration of a stable and productive ecosystem after drastic disturbances to the natural environment due to mining and open-cast mining may be achieved by means of reclamation. Investigation of the hydrological budget of technosols is important task in developing adequate approaches to reclamation. Sod lithogenic soils on red-brown clay, on grey-green clay were chosen as the objects of the investigation. The simulation of moisture content in Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin technosols was performed using the Penman-Monteith approach and evaluated the role of the dependence of soils’ surface albedo on the humidity in the intensity of evapotranspiration. The research was conducted during 2013–2015 at the station for research on reclaimed land within the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin (city Pokrov, Ukraine). The experimental area for the study of optimal modes of agricultural reclamation was created in 1968–1970. Precipitation in the investigated area was found to fall very unevenly in time. In 2013, the duration of the rainless period was 259 days, in 2014 – 264 days, in 2015 – 261 days. The maximum daily rainfall varies within 18–49 mm. There are significant interannual differences in the intensity of rainfall. The minimum total annual precipitation in 2014 was due to a decrease in atypical rainfall in late winter and early winter. The maximum annual rainfall in 2015 was caused by intense rainfall both in the spring and in mid-summer and late autumn. The average annual temperature was 11.1 ºC and the annual totals did not statistically significantly vary within the study period. The average wind speed and average atmospheric humidity are statistically significantly different from year to year. The technosols’ colour properties and surface albedo varied depending on the moisture content. There is a linear relationship between the moisture content in the soil and albedo of the soil surface. The evaluation of readily available water content was carried out based on the Penman-Monteith model taking into account meteorological data, the water-physical properties of the technosols and the dependence of soil surface albedo on soil humidity. The distribution of this index for different teсhnosols is characterized by a high level of similarity of shape due to the fact that the overall climate factors are crucial in shaping the dynamics of moisture. A complex mixture of normal distributions is the best model for representing the experimental data. The readily available water content distribution can best be represented as a mixture of two normal distributions. The relatively high moisture level is characterized for winter and spring periods. Water content in sodlithogenic soils on red-brown clay over the period of research never reached the value of the permanent wilting point. In 2013, the period when the moisture content was less than the value of the permanent wilting point lasted 23 days, and in 2014 this period lasted 39 days. Thus, you can always expect the phenomenon of drought under typical climatic conditions for the technosols on grey-green clay. It was found that monitoring water supplies before the start of the growing season can provide valuable information necessary for the selection of crops for cultivation in the current year. The results indicate the urgency of measures to save the winter rainfall on the fields. Keywords: reclamation; water regime; albedo; evapotranspiration; Penman-Monteith equation

    The temporal dynamics of readily available soil moisture for plants in the technosols of the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin

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    The restoration of a stable and productive ecosystem after drastic disturbances to the natural environment due to mining and open-cast mining may be achieved by means of reclamation. Investigation of the hydrological budget of technosols is important task in developing adequate approaches to reclamation. Sod lithogenic soils on red-brown clay, on grey-green clay were chosen as the objects of the investigation. The simulation of moisture content in Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin technosols was performed using the Penman-Monteith approach and evaluated the role of the dependence of soils’ surface albedo on the humidity in the intensity of evapotranspiration. The research was conducted during 2013–2015 at the station for research on reclaimed land within the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin (city Pokrov, Ukraine). The experimental area for the study of optimal modes of agricultural reclamation was created in 1968–1970. Precipitation in the investigated area was found to fall very unevenly in time. In 2013, the duration of the rainless period was 259 days, in 2014 – 264 days, in 2015 – 261 days. The maximum daily rainfall varies within 18–49 mm. There are significant interannual differences in the intensity of rainfall. The minimum total annual precipitation in 2014 was due to a decrease in atypical rainfall in late winter and early winter. The maximum annual rainfall in 2015 was caused by intense rainfall both in the spring and in mid-summer and late autumn. The average annual temperature was 11.1 ºC and the annual totals did not statistically significantly vary within the study period. The average wind speed and average atmospheric humidity are statistically significantly different from year to year. The technosols’ colour properties and surface albedo varied depending on the moisture content. There is a linear relationship between the moisture content in the soil and albedo of the soil surface. The evaluation of readily available water content was carried out based on the Penman-Monteith model taking into account meteorological data, the water-physical properties of the technosols and the dependence of soil surface albedo on soil humidity. The distribution of this index for different teсhnosols is characterized by a high level of similarity of shape due to the fact that the overall climate factors are crucial in shaping the dynamics of moisture. A complex mixture of normal distributions is the best model for representing the experimental data. The readily available water content distribution can best be represented as a mixture of two normal distributions. The relatively high moisture level is characterized for winter and spring periods. Water content in sod-lithogenic soils on red-brown clay over the period of research never reached the value of the permanent wilting point. In 2013, the period when the moisture content was less than the value of the permanent wilting point lasted 23 days, and in 2014 this period lasted 39 days. Thus, you can always expect the phenomenon of drought under typical climatic conditions for the technosols on grey-green clay. It was found that monitoring water supplies before the start of the growing season can provide valuable information necessary for the selection of crops for cultivation in the current year. The results indicate the urgency of measures to save the winter rainfall on the fields

    The temporal dynamics of readily available soil moisture for plants in the technosols of the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin

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    The restoration of a stable and productive ecosystem after drastic disturbances to the natural environment due to mining and open-cast mining may be achieved by means of reclamation. Investigation of the hydrological budget of technosols is important task in developing adequate approaches to reclamation. Sod lithogenic soils on red-brown clay, on grey-green clay were chosen as the objects of the investigation. The simulation of moisture content in Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin technosols was performed using the Penman-Monteith approach and evaluated the role of the dependence of soils’ surface albedo on the humidity in the intensity of evapotranspiration. The research was conducted during 2013–2015 at the station for research on reclaimed land within the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin (city Pokrov, Ukraine). The experimental area for the study of optimal modes of agricultural reclamation was created in 1968–1970. Precipitation in the investigated area was found to fall very unevenly in time. In 2013, the duration of the rainless period was 259 days, in 2014 – 264 days, in 2015 – 261 days. The maximum daily rainfall varies within 18–49 mm. There are significant interannual differences in the intensity of rainfall. The minimum total annual precipitation in 2014 was due to a decrease in atypical rainfall in late winter and early winter. The maximum annual rainfall in 2015 was caused by intense rainfall both in the spring and in mid-summer and late autumn. The average annual temperature was 11.1 ºC and the annual totals did not statistically significantly vary within the study period. The average wind speed and average atmospheric humidity are statistically significantly different from year to year. The technosols’ colour properties and surface albedo varied depending on the moisture content. There is a linear relationship between the moisture content in the soil and albedo of the soil surface. The evaluation of readily available water content was carried out based on the Penman-Monteith model taking into account meteorological data, the water-physical properties of the technosols and the dependence of soil surface albedo on soil humidity. The distribution of this index for different teсhnosols is characterized by a high level of similarity of shape due to the fact that the overall climate factors are crucial in shaping the dynamics of moisture. A complex mixture of normal distributions is the best model for representing the experimental data. The readily available water content distribution can best be represented as a mixture of two normal distributions. The relatively high moisture level is characterized for winter and spring periods. Water content in sod-lithogenic soils on red-brown clay over the period of research never reached the value of the permanent wilting point. In 2013, the period when the moisture content was less than the value of the permanent wilting point lasted 23 days, and in 2014 this period lasted 39 days. Thus, you can always expect the phenomenon of drought under typical climatic conditions for the technosols on grey-green clay. It was found that monitoring water supplies before the start of the growing season can provide valuable information necessary for the selection of crops for cultivation in the current year. The results indicate the urgency of measures to save the winter rainfall on the fields. Keywords: reclamation; water regime; albedo; evapotranspiration; Penman-Monteith equation

    Classification of integrable discrete Klein-Gordon models

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    The Lie algebraic integrability test is applied to the problem of classification of integrable Klein-Gordon type equations on quad-graphs. The list of equations passing the test is presented containing several well-known integrable models. A new integrable example is found, its higher symmetry is presented.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Physica Script

    The first small-molecule inhibitors of members of the ribonuclease E family

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    The Escherichia coli endoribonuclease RNase E is central to the processing and degradation of all types of RNA and as such is a pleotropic regulator of gene expression. It is essential for growth and was one of the first examples of an endonuclease that can recognise the 5′-monophosphorylated ends of RNA thereby increasing the efficiency of many cleavages. Homologues of RNase E can be found in many bacterial families including important pathogens, but no homologues have been identified in humans or animals. RNase E represents a potential target for the development of new antibiotics to combat the growing number of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics in use currently. Potent small molecule inhibitors that bind the active site of essential enzymes are proving to be a source of potential drug leads and tools to dissect function through chemical genetics. Here we report the use of virtual high-throughput screening to obtain small molecules predicted to bind at sites in the N-terminal catalytic half of RNase E. We show that these compounds are able to bind with specificity and inhibit catalysis of Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNase E and also inhibit the activity of RNase G, a paralogue of RNase E

    Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки

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    У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки