44 research outputs found

    Assessing the Relationship between Body Composition and Spinal Curvatures in Young Adults

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    Introduction:&nbsp; Although&nbsp; it&nbsp; is&nbsp; thought&nbsp; that&nbsp; abdominal adiposity&nbsp; is&nbsp; one&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; risk&nbsp; factor&nbsp; for&nbsp; postural&nbsp; deviation, such as increased lumbar lordosis, the&nbsp; studies&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; literature&nbsp; only&nbsp; explored&nbsp; the&nbsp; effects&nbsp; of&nbsp; body mass index on spinal alignment and postural changes. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation with detailed body composition and spine alignment in healthy young adults. Materials and Methods:This cross-sectional study was conducted with sixty seven healthy volunteers (37 men and 30 women)&nbsp; whose&nbsp; ages&nbsp; ranged&nbsp; between 18 and 25&nbsp; years.All participants’ sagittal spinal&nbsp; curvatures of lumbar and thoracic region were measured via Spinal mouse® (Idiag, Fehraltorf,&nbsp; Switzerland).Also, body composition analysis (total fat ratio, total muscle ratio, visceral fat ratio, and body muscle ratio) estimation by means of bio electrical impedance were evaluated via Tanita Bc&nbsp; 418&nbsp; Ma&nbsp; Segmental Body Composition Analyzer (Tanita, Japan).Pearson’s correlation was used to analysis among the variables. Results:The mean lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis angles were 21.02°±9.39, 41.50°±7.97,&nbsp; respectively.Statistically&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; showed&nbsp; a&nbsp; significant positive correlation between total fat ratio and&nbsp; lumbar lordosis angle (r=0.28, p=0.02).Similarly, there was a positive correlation between visceral fat ratio and lumbar lordosis angle (r=0.27, p=0.03). The thoracic kyphosis angle showed also positive correlation with total fat ratio (r=0.33,p=0.00) and visceral fat ratio (r=0.40,p=0.01).The total muscle ratio showed&nbsp; negative correlation between lumbar lordosis (r=-0.28,p=0.02) and thoracic kyphosis angles (r=-0.33,&nbsp; p=0.00), although there was no statistically correlation between trunk muscle ratio,lumbar and thoracic curvatures (p&gt;0.05).Conclusion:The&nbsp; study&nbsp; demonstrated&nbsp; that&nbsp; an&nbsp; increase&nbsp; of&nbsp; fat&nbsp; ratio&nbsp; and&nbsp; decrease&nbsp; of&nbsp; muscle&nbsp; ratio&nbsp; in abdominal region or whole body shifts the spinal alignment which may adversely affect the spinal loading.Therefore, body composition should be taken into account in spine rehabilitation.</p


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    In 328 cases of hydatid disease of the liver operated between 1979 and 1989, 51 (15.8 %) had complicated cysts. The most frequent complication was intrabiliary rupture (2/3 of all complications). The others were intraperitoneal rupture in 7 cases (13.8 %), suppuration in 7 cases (13.8 %) and intrathoracic rupture in 3 cases (5.8 %). Among the intrabiliary ruptured cysts, T-drainage was performed in 15 cases, choledochoduodenostomy was performed in 12 cases, and sphincteroplasty was performed in 7 cases. The cases of intraabdominal rupture were operated immediately. The suppurated cysts were marsupialized in 3 cases and drained in 4 cases. The 3 cases of bronchobiliary fistula were treated by T-tube drainage of the common bile duct, drainage of the pleural space, repair of the diaphragm and closure of the communicating bronchus. In this series, the mortality rate was 7.8 % and the reccurrence rate was 9.8 %