34 research outputs found


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    The objective of the research is a review of approaches to the evaluation of biocompatibility of medical devices on the basis of metals and alloys, and to find ways of overcoming the low engraftment of implanted structures. Implantation by artificial materials allows us to regain the use of human organs and tissues and to date has no rivals. The advantage of using metals and alloys for implanted structures is their high reliability in operation, long servicelife, and high functionality. The nature of the interaction between the human body and the implant has an impact on resource use and the durability of the structures. Manufacturers of scientific research into medical implants at the present stage are directed to obtain materials that will not adversely affect the human body, and to ensure the maximum survival rate when using them. At the same time, the data presented in the article suggests that attempts to make higher biocompatible material properties tend to reduce the development of new methods for the surface treatment and the chemical composition modulation implants. World literature demonstrates the lack of a systematic approach to the problem of increased sensitivity of patients to different metals and alloys (metal sensitization), resulting in the development of complications such as the development of aseptic inflammation and infectious complications of unstable structures, and loss of functionality. Consequently, there is a need to search for ways to improve the biocompatibility of materials used in medicine, based on an assessment of immune defense mechanisms, and the development of algorithms preoperative tactics. Представлен обзор подходов к оценке биосовместимости медицинских изделий на основе металлов и сплавов, поиск путей преодоления низкой приживляемости имплантируемых конструкций. Имплантация исскуственными материалами позволяет вернуть утраченную функциональность органов и тканей человека и на сегодняшний день не имеет конкуренции. Преимущество использования металлов и сплавов в имплантируемых конструкциях заключается в их высокой надежности при эксплуатации, длительном сроке службы, большой функциональности. Характер взаимодействия организма человека и импланта оказывает влияние на ресурсоемкость и износостойкость конструкций. Научные изыскания производителей медицинских имплантов на современном этапе направлены на получение материалов, которые не будут оказывать отрицательного влияния на организм человека и обеспечат максимальную приживаемость при их использовании. В то же время данные, приведенные в статье, свидетельствуют о том, что попытки придать более высокие биосовместимые свойства материалам, как правило, сводятся к освоению новых методов обработки поверхности и модуляции химического состава имплантов. При этом мировая литература демонстрирует отсутствие системного подхода к изучению проблемы повышенной чувствительности пациентов к различным металлам и сплавам («металлическая» гиперсенсибилизация), следствием чего является возникновение таких осложнений как развитие асептического воспаления и инфекционных осложнений, нестабильность конструкций, утрата функциональности. В связи с этим необходим поиск путей повышения биологической совместимости материалов, используемых в медицине, основанных на оценке механизмов иммунной защиты и разработке алгоритма предоперационной подготовки пациенто


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    The article presents the results of the survey of physicians (pediatric infectious disease specialists and pediatricians) on combating the spread in Ukraine, vaccine managed children's viral infections. Experts identifi ed the main image and fi nancial problems of the process of vaccination, assessed the current state of the pharmaceutical supply and proposed options to overcome these diseases. So, according to doctors opinion, their wide dissemination in Ukraine, accept the lack of vaccines, specifi ed parents refusal of vaccination (40 %) and the formation of the mass media negative opinions about the benefi ts of immunization (35 %). Requires raise the self-esteem of the doctor's role in forcing parents in favor of vaccination, and the role of pharmacists – ensuring the quality and availability of vaccines. The problem of availability and timeliness of evidence-based information on prevention, treatment, and opposition of the spread of children's viral infections remains, as 58 % of professionals believe that their necessiy for information implemented partially.В статье представлены результаты проведенного анкетирования врачей (детских инфекционистов и педиатров) по вопросам противодействия распространению в Украине вакциноуправляемих детских вирусных инфекций. Специалистами определены основные имиджевые и финансовые проблемы процесса вакцинации, дана оценка текущего состояния фармацевтического обеспечения и предложены варианты преодоления этих болезней. Так, по мнению врачей, значительное их распространение в Украине, кроме, собственно, отсутствия вакцин, обусловлено отказом родителей от вакцинации (40 %) и формированием в СМИ негативного мнения о пользе иммунопрофилактики (35 %). Требует поднятия роль врача в принуждении родителей в пользу прививок, а роль провизоров – гарантированное обеспечение качества и наличия вакцин. Остается проблемой доступность и своевременность доказательной информации по вопросам профилактики, лечения и противодействия распространению детских вирусных инфекций, поскольку 58 % специалистов считают, что их потребность в информации удовлетворена частично.У статті представлено результати проведеного анкетування лікарів (дитячих інфекціоністів та педіатрів) щодо питань протидії розповсюдженню в Україні вакцинокерованих дитячих вірусних інфекцій. Спеціалістами окреслено основні іміджеві та фінансові проблеми процесу вакцинації, надана оцінка поточного стану його фармацевтичного забезпечення і запропоновано варіанти подолання цих хвороб. Так, на думку лікарів, значне їх поширення в Україні, окрім власне відсутності вакцин, зумовлене відмовою батьків від вакцинації (40 %) та формуванням ЗМІ негативної думки щодо користі імунопрофілактики (35 %). Потребує підняття самооцінка ролі лікаря у схилянні батьків на користь щеплень, а роль провізорів – гарантоване забезпечення якості та наявності вакцин. Залишається проблемою доступність та своєчасність доказової інформації щодо питань профілактики, лікування та протидії розповсюдженню дитячих вірусних інфекцій, оскільки 58 % спеціалістів вважають, що їхня потреба в інформації задоволена частково


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    The objective of the research is a review of some characteristics of dental implants’ products and an analysis of prospects of using them in modern medicine.Dental implantation as a high-technology method of restoring the natural anatomical structure has no competitors at present. The advantages of dental implants consist in their high operational dependability, a longer life time, a higher functionality and a lesser rate of complications as compared to the use of complete or bridge prostheses.The materials used in dental implantation for this purpose are rather diverse. Doctors using them rely on extensive clinical experience, a developed industry of accessory materials, instruments, that is everything that ensures comfortable work and conveniences for the patient.At the same time, the data mentioned in the article testify to the effect that ceramic implants as compared to titanium alloy implants have comparable or better indices. This is guaranteed, for example, by the requirements of the new international standard ISO6474-2:2012: first-rate strength and wear resistance; thermal stability and corrosion resistance; ceramics’ four point bending strength over 750 MPa.The result of the conducted analysis is a review of using various materials in dental implantation. The author compares the aesthetic indices and durability of titanium or metal alloy implants to those of ceramic ones. The comparison shows that, under the current level of ceramic materials’ structural property, it is actual for dentistry to develop its own methodological approaches in relation to a wide use of ceramic implants and creation of various ceramic mono-implants with the purpose of improving the results of treatment of patients, suffering from secondary partial or complete adentia accompanied by bone tissue deficiency, by applying the methods of dental implantation.Целью работы является обзор некоторых характеристик материалов стоматологических имплантатов и анализ перспектив их использования в современной медицине.Стоматологическая имплантация как высокотехнологичный способ восстановления естественной анатомической структуры в настоящее время не имеет конкурентов. Преимущество дентальных имплантатов заключается в высокой надежности в эксплуатации, более длительном сроке службы, большей функциональности и меньшей частоте осложнений, чем при использовании съемных или мостовидных протезов.Материалы, применяемые в стоматологической имплантации, весьма разнообразны. Врачи, пользуясь ими, основываются на большом клиническом опыте, развитой индустрии вспомогательных материалов, инструментов, т.е. всего того, что обеспечивает комфортную работу и удобство для пациента.В то же время данные, приведенные в статье, свидетельствуют о том, что керамические имплантаты, по сравнению с имплантатами из сплавов титана, имеют сравнимые или лучшие показатели. Превосходная прочность и износостойкость, термическая и коррозионная стойкость, прочность керамики при четырехточечном изгибе более 750 МПа гарантируются, например, требованиями нового международного стандарта ISO 6474-2:2012.Результатом проведенного анализа является обзор применения различных материалов в стоматологической имплантации. Сравнение эстетических показателей и долговечности имплантатов из титана или металлических сплавов с керамическими аналогами показало, что при современном уровне структурного состояния керамических материалов для стоматологии актуально совершенствование собственных методологических подходов в сторону широкого использования керамических имплантатов и создание различных керамических моноимплантатов для улучшения результатов лечения больных с вторичной частичной или полной адентией с сопутствующим дефицитом костной ткани методами стоматологической имплантации

    Formation of cadets’ psychological readiness for professional practice during sport activities

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    The influence of kettlebell lifting training on the level of professionally important psychological qualities of cadets (n=96) of Ukrainian higher military educational institutions is investigated in the article. The reasons affecting the level of cadets’ psychological readiness for competitions are revealed, the principles of the authors’ methodology of the cadets’ psychological readiness formation are illustrated, the influence of the authors’ methodology on the level of cadets’ professionally important psychological qualities is determined. The cadets of the experimental group were discovered to have a higher level of most psychological qualities than the cadets of the control group at the end of experiment. It proves the positive influence of kettlebell lifting training on the formation of cadets’ psychological readiness for professional practice.El artículo investiga la influencia del entrenamiento de leva ntamiento de pesas rusas en el nivel de cualidades psicológicas profesionalmente importantes de los cadetes (n=96) de las instituciones de educación militar superior de Ucrania. Se revelan la s razones que afectan el nivel de preparación psicológica de los cadetes para las competiciones, se ilustran los principios de la metodología de los autores de la formación psicológica de los cadetes, y la influencia de la metodología de los autores en el nivel de las cualidades psicológicas profesionalmente importantes de los cadetes. Se descubrió que los cadetes del grupo experimental tenían un mayor nivel de cualidades psicológicas que los del grupo de control al final del experimento. Se demuestra la influencia positiva del entrenamiento de levantamie nto de pesas rusas en la formación de la preparación psicológica de los cadetes para la práctica profesional

    Epidemiological impact of waning immunization on a vaccinated population

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    This is an epidemiological SIRV model based study that is de- signed to analyze the impact of vaccination in containing infection spread, in a 4-tiered population compartment comprised of susceptible, infected, recov- ered and vaccinated agents. While many models assume a lifelong protection through vaccination, we focus on the impact of waning immunization due to conversion of vaccinated and recovered agents back to susceptible ones. Two asymptotic states exist, the \disease-free equilibrium" and the \endemic equi- librium" and we express the transitions between these states as function of the vaccination and conversion rates and using the basic reproduction number. We nd that the vaccination of newborns and adults have dierent consequences on controlling an epidemic. Also, a decaying disease protection within the re- covered sub-population is not sucient to trigger an epidemic on the linear level. We perform simulations for a parameter set modelling a disease with waning immunization like pertussis. For a diusively coupled population, a transition to the endemic state can proceed via the propagation of a traveling infection wave, described successfully within a Fisher-Kolmogorov framework

    Genetic and biochemical characterization of staphylococci occurring in Novosibirsk, Russia

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    Staphylococci are capable of penetrating many human tissues and organs, causing superficial and deep purulent infections, respiratory and urinary tract infections, food poisoning and intoxication. Last years, coagulase­negative staphylococci were the cause of infection in many cases. Infectious agents, namely Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, and Staphylococcus hominis, were detected more often as nosocomial infections. A particular danger of these infections is a high virulence and  pathogenicity of bacterial strains and their resistance to various anti ­ biotics. Methicillin­resistant staphylococci are especially difficult to treat. The correct identification of staphylococci and their sensitivity to antibiotics are important for clinical diagnosis and appointment of adequate drug therapy. Rapid and accurate identification of Staphylococcus species and detection of their sensitivity to antibiotics is quite important. The aim of this study was to study staphylococci isolated in Novosibirsk from human, animal and environmental samples. A collection of 100 staphylococcus strains was analyzed. Staphylococcus species were identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Eleven staphylococcus species were identified. Among the strains obtained from hospitalized patients, Staphylococcus aure us dominated (79.1 %), Staphylococcus  epidermidis amounted to about 12.5 %. However, S. aureus and S. epi dermidis strains were isolated in an approximately equal proportion from community­associated samples. Identification of coagulase positive strains was performed using a standard biochemical method and by real­time PCR of the coa gene. 100 % coincidence between the presence of the gene and coagulase activity for S. aureus strains was recorded, which suggests that detection of the coa gene can be used as a correct method for S. aure us identification. A high coincidence rate (99 %) was reveal ed between the phenotypic resistance to oxacillin and the presence of the staphylococcal mecA gene. The study of staphylococci for the presence of the mecA gene can be considered as an alternative to the phenotypical method for identification of methicillin­resistant strains of staphylococci

    Life Support Paradigm — a New Idea for the Development of Accounting and Reporting

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    The article provides a comprehensive authors' study of a new accounting and reporting paradigm, which takes into account the interdependence of the life support of stakeholders and economic agents in the face of uncertainty, risks, new opportunities associated with environmental and social transformations, the transition to digital and remote technologies and the use of artificial intelligence. The authors present a new accounting model, which is formed under the influence of vital issues of ecology, social development, information exchange, automation and, as a result, the manifestation of serious interest in non-financial indicators and non-financial reporting. Due to the rapid changes in accounting and reporting there arise many questions of a conceptual nature, especially in industrial sphere, which calls for the formation of a fundamentally new theoretical study. In the current situation with COVID-19, a company being a representative of an economic community faces social and environmental problems, the successful solution of which provide the life support of the whole mankind. The research uses the techniques of comparative analysis of existing scientific and theoretical materials, methods of logical and expert analysis. To achieve the results of the study and confirm the hypothesis, the authors reconstructed the chronology of the emergence of accounting models having generalized the works of modern scientists in this area. The results of the work confirm the need to determine the actual essential approach to the accounting and reporting paradigm: it is revealed that the modern theory is shaped under the influence of the needs of the individual, company and society. It is proposed to characterize the life support paradigm as the formation of information reflecting the conditions of life support of the company and interested parties, taking into account the values accepted. The authors argue that the proposed accounting theory is related to life support and life values and is not limited to an economic operation. The research results can be applied to further develop the ideas of the authors and improve the method of professional judgment when developing the accounting and reporting paradigm. The results of the research can be used to improve the method of professional judgment in the development of the accounting and reporting paradigm and its practical implementation, as well as for continuing theoretical developments in the field of accounting theory

    Harmonization of Accounting, Auditing and Analysis in a Digital Economy

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    The article analyzes the reasons for the need for harmonization of various areas of accounting, including ambiguity in the interpretation of a number of terms, the meaning of important indicators, the application of certain methods, and the lack of a unified concept that unite all areas of accounting with a single goal. In a digital economy, the negative impact of these differences on the effectiveness of the accounting area is manifested especially bright. As a result, the transformation of the accounting sphere becomes a priority in the situation when the information, knowledge of any subject of the economy represents a resource of the highest value. In the article, only four areas of research are considered, according to which, first of all, it is necessary to achieve a correspondence between the areas of the accounting sphere: the approach to virtual operations; scope of using probabilistic indicators; terminology; details of accounting information. Also, a proposal was made to develop a unified concept for accounting, auditing and analysis in the digital economy (including also integrated reporting in the accounting area). This concept should be based on the capabilities of digital technologies that allow instant communication between different sources of information and handle Big Date. The goal of a single accounting concept is to create knowledge (information resource) in relation to both individual economic entities and their groups, as well as other new structures and forms of their cooperation for all interested users. Three principles on which the development of the accounting sphere in the conditions of the digital economy should be built: the provision of information security; continuous interaction of the accounting sector with other areas of the economy; visualization of knowledge. These three principles form the priority directions for further research into the development of the accounting sector in the digital economy