457 research outputs found


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    BMQ: Boston Medical Quarterly was published from 1950-1966 by the Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Memorial Hospitals. Pages 49-52, v17n2, provided courtesy of Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center

    San Lorenzo (CanadĂĄ) (RĂ­o). Exploraciones geogrĂĄficas. (1881) (Ca. 1541)

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    Copia Digital. Real Academia de la Historia : 2010Cuadrícula de referencia para situar el perfil de la costa y copiar la minuta original. Carece de coordenadas y escala. Relieve por montes de perfil sombreados por agrupaciones, que suelen coincidir con el nacimiento de un río. Arbolado diseminado por el interior. Los topónimos fueron transcritos por Fernåndez Duro y vienen a corroborar lo que en tantos otros documentos se advierte; esto es, que españoles y franceses frecuentaban por entonces aquellas costas. Empezando por la boca del río hacia el Norte se lee: Terra de toda remembranza. Cabo de Trenot. Las muchas islas. Bahía de San Lorenzo. Siete Islas. Ruan. Río de Saguinay. Damiån, Isla de Orliens. En la orilla del río, frente a esta isla dice: Aquí murieron muchos franceses de hambre, que quizås aluda al segundo asentamiento de Cartier en 1535-1536. Un poco mås arriba, en el interior, los pueblos de Bretån, Asterda(m) y Canadå. Mås hacia el borde del río dice: Golesme. Los topónimos de poblaciones se indican con pequeños diseños de edificios en diferentes alturas y remates triangulares en su cubierta a modo de torrecillas. Los mås importantes son Amsterdam, Bretån y CanadåTítulo facticio tomado del que se dio a la carta nåutica de pergamino (Sign. C-I a 118). Véase datos sobre su autoría en ese registro.Fecha tomada de: Libro de Actas de la Academia, en la sesión celebrada el primero de abril de 1881, figura el permiso de publicación de la carta nåutica: El señor Fernåndez Duro dio conocimiento a la Academia de haber descubierto en un tomo de varios de su Archivo una antigua carta de marear relativa al Canadå, pidiendo autorización para sacar un calco y publicarla; la cual fue concedida. Carta publicada en el libro Fernåndez Duro, Cesåreo, Arca de Noé. Libro sexto de las Disquisiciones nåuticas, 1881, plegada entre pp. 678-679Cromolitografía. Reproduce fielmente algunos desperfectos que ofrecía el pergamino: la pérdida del color verde en la parte central. Restaurado. Se cita en: Real Academia de la Historia. Memoria de actividades 2007-2008, p. 66, en la relación de piezas restauradas en ese períod

    Guillain-Barré syndrome: a century of progress

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    In 1916, Guillain, BarrĂ© and Strohl reported on two cases of acute flaccid paralysis with high cerebrospinal fluid protein levels and normal cell counts — novel findings that identified the disease we now know as Guillain–BarrĂ© syndrome (GBS). 100 years on, we have made great progress with the clinical and pathological characterization of GBS. Early clinicopathological and animal studies indicated that GBS was an immune-mediated demyelinating disorder, and that severe GBS could result in secondary axonal injury; the current treatments of plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin, which were developed in the 1980s, are based on this premise. Subsequent work has, however, shown that primary axonal injury can be the underlying disease. The association of Campylobacter jejuni strains has led to confirmation that anti-ganglioside antibodies are pathogenic and that axonal GBS involves an antibody and complement-mediated disruption of nodes of Ranvier, neuromuscular junctions and other neuronal and glial membranes. Now, ongoing clinical trials of the complement inhibitor eculizumab are the first targeted immunotherapy in GBS

    Health inequalities in Germany: do regional-level variables explain differentials in cardiovascular risk?

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    Breckenkamp J, Mielck A, Razum O. Health inequalities in Germany: do regional-level variables explain differentials in cardiovascular risk? BMC Public Health. 2007;7(1): 132.Background: Socioeconomic status is a predictor not only of mortality, but also of cardiovascular risk and morbidity. An ongoing debate in the field of social inequalities and health focuses on two questions: 1) Is individual health status associated with individual income as well as with income inequality at the aggregate (e. g. regional) level? 2) If there is such an association, does it operate via a psychosocial pathway (e.g. stress) or via a ®®neo-materialistic®® pathway (e.g. systematic under-investment in societal infrastructures)? For the first time in Germany, we here investigate the association between cardiovascular health status and income inequality at the area level, controlling for individual socio-economic status. Methods: Individual-level explanatory variables (age, socio-economic status) and outcome data (body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol level) as well as the regional-level variable (proportion of relative poverty) were taken from the baseline survey of the German Cardiovascular Prevention Study, a cross-sectional, community-based, multi-center intervention study, comprising six socio-economically diverse intervention regions, each with about 1800 participants aged 25–69 years. Multilevel modeling was used to examine the effects of individual and regional level variables. Results: Regional effects are small compared to individual effects for all risk factors analyzed. Most of the total variance is explained at the individual level. Only for diastolic blood pressure in men and for cholesterol in both men and women is a statistically significant effect visible at the regional level. Conclusion: Our analysis does not support the assumption that in Germany cardiovascular risk factors were to a large extent associated with income inequality at regional level

    Synthetic approaches to pallimamine and analogues using direct imine acylation

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    The use of Direct Imine Acylation (DIA) methodology for the total synthesis of pallimamine is described, with three different synthetic routes examined. The construction of three advanced ÎŽ-lactam precursors, all utilising DIA, is described, along with attempts to progress these compounds further, using three distinct desymmetrisation strategies, two involving alcohol-aryl coupling, and a third involving an unusual diastereoselective lactonisation

    Alcohol Consumption and Dietary Patterns: The FinDrink Study

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    The aim of this population-based study was to investigate differences in dietary patterns in relation to the level of alcohol consumption among Finnish adults. This study was part of the FinDrink project, an epidemiologic study on alcohol use among Finnish population. It utilized data from the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study. A total of 1720 subjects comprising of 816 men and 904 women aged 53–73 years were included in the study in 1998–2001. Food intake was collected via a 4-day food diary method. Self-reported alcohol consumption was assessed with quantity-frequency method based on the Nordic Alcohol Consumption Inventory. Weekly alcohol consumption was categorized into three groups: non-drinkers (<12 grams), moderate drinkers (12–167.9 grams for men, 12–83.9 grams for women) and heavy drinkers (≄168 grams for men, ≄84 grams for women). Data were analyzed for men and women separately using multiple linear regression models, adjusted for age, occupational status, marital status, smoking, body mass index and leisure time physical activity. In women, moderate/heavy drinkers had lower fibre intake and moderate drinkers had higher vitamin D intake than non-drinkers. Male heavy drinkers had lower fibre, retinol, calcium and iron intake, and moderate/heavy drinkers had higher vitamin D intake than non-drinkers. Fish intake was higher among women moderate drinkers and men moderate/heavy drinkers than non-drinkers. In men, moderate drinkers had lower fruit intake and heavy drinkers had lower milk intake than non-drinkers. Moderate drinkers had higher energy intake from total fats and monosaturated fatty acids than non-drinkers. In contrast, energy intake from carbohydrates was lower among moderate/heavy drinkers than non-drinkers. In conclusion, especially male heavy drinkers had less favorable nutritional intake than moderate and non-drinkers. Further studies on the relationship between alcohol consumption and dietary habits are needed to plan a comprehensive dietary intervention programs in future

    Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean diet: a healthy cardiovascular diet for weight loss

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ketogenic diets are an effective healthy way of losing weight since they promote a non-atherogenic lipid profile, lower blood pressure and decrease resistance to insulin with an improvement in blood levels of glucose and insulin. On the other hand, Mediterranean diet is well known to be one of the healthiest diets, being the basic ingredients of such diet the olive oil, red wine and vegetables. In Spain the fish is an important component of such diet. The objective of this study was to determine the dietary effects of a protein ketogenic diet rich in olive oil, salad, fish and red wine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective study was carried out in 31 obese subjects (22 male and 19 female) with the inclusion criteria whose body mass index and age was 36.46 ± 2.22 and 38.48 ± 2.27, respectively. This Ketogenic diet was called "Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet" (SKMD) due to the incorporation of virgin olive oil as the principal source of fat (≄30 ml/day), moderate red wine intake (200–400 ml/day), green vegetables and salads as the main source of carbohydrates and fish as the main source of proteins. It was an unlimited calorie diet. Statistical differences between the parameters studied before and after the administration of the "Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean diet" (week 0 and 12) were analyzed by paired Student's <it>t </it>test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was an extremely significant (p < 0.0001) reduction in body weight (108.62 kg→ 94.48 kg), body mass index (36.46 kg/m<sup>2</sup>→31.76 kg/m<sup>2</sup>), systolic blood pressure (125.71 mmHg→109.05 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (84.52 mmHg→ 75.24 mmHg), total cholesterol (208.24 mg/dl→186.62 mg/dl), triacylglicerols (218.67 mg/dl→113.90 mg/dl) and glucose (109.81 mg/dl→ 93.33 mg/dl). There was a significant (p = 0.0167) reduction in LDLc (114.52 mg/dl→105.95 mg/dl) and an extremely significant increase in HDLc (50.10 mg/dl→54.57 mg/dl). The most affected parameter was the triacylglicerols (47.91% of reduction).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The SKMD is safe, an effective way of losing weight, promoting non-atherogenic lipid profiles, lowering blood pressure and improving fasting blood glucose levels. Future research should include a larger sample size, a longer term use and a comparison with other ketogenic diets.</p

    Identification and validation of the pathways and functions regulated by the orphan nuclear receptor, ROR alpha1, in skeletal muscle

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    The retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor (ROR) alpha has been demonstrated to regulate lipid metabolism. We were interested in the RORα1 dependent physiological functions in skeletal muscle. This major mass organ accounts for ∌40% of the total body mass and significant levels of lipid catabolism, glucose disposal and energy expenditure. We utilized the strategy of targeted muscle-specific expression of a truncated (dominant negative) RORα1ΔDE in transgenic mice to investigate RORα1 signaling in this tissue. Expression profiling and pathway analysis indicated that RORα influenced genes involved in: (i) lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, cardiovascular and metabolic disease; (ii) LXR nuclear receptor signaling and (iii) Akt and AMPK signaling. This analysis was validated by quantitative PCR analysis using TaqMan low-density arrays, coupled to statistical analysis (with Empirical Bayes and Benjamini–Hochberg). Moreover, westerns and metabolic profiling were utilized to validate the genes, proteins and pathways (lipogenic, Akt, AMPK and fatty acid oxidation) involved in the regulation of metabolism by RORα1. The identified genes and pathways were in concordance with the demonstration of hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance, attenuated insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt and impaired glucose uptake in the transgenic heterozygous Tg-RORα1ΔDE animals. In conclusion, we propose that RORα1 is involved in regulating the Akt2-AMPK signaling pathways in the context of lipid homeostasis in skeletal muscle
