116 research outputs found

    Flows and Duality Symmetries in N=1 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We present more examples of dual N=1 SUSY gauge theories. This set of theories is connected by flows to both Seiberg's and Kutasov's dual theories. This provides a unifying picture of the various dual theories. We investigate the dual theories, their flat directions and mass perturbations.Comment: 31 pages, uses harvmac.tex and tables.tex Minor changes - version accepted to Nucl. Phys.

    Vortices, Q-balls and Domain Walls on Dielectric M2-branes

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    We study BPS solitons in N=6 U(N) \times U(N) Chern-Simons-matter theory deformed by an F-term mass. The F-term mass generically breaks N=6 supersymmetry down to N=2. At vacua, M2-branes are polarized into a fuzzy S^3 forming a spherical M5-brane with topology \mathbf{R}^{1,2} \times S^3. The polarization is interpreted as Myers' dielectric effect caused by an anti-self-dual 4-form flux T_4 in the eleven-dimensional supergravity. Assuming a polarized M2-brane configuration, the model effectively reduces to the well-known abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs model studied in detail by Jackiw-Lee-Weinberg. We find that the potential for the fuzzy S^3 radius agrees with the one calculated from the M5-brane point of view at large N. This effective model admits not only BPS topological vortex and domain wall solutions but also non-topological solitons that keep 1/4 of the manifest N=2 supersymmetry. We also comment on the reduction of our configuration to ten dimensions.Comment: references added, minor modification

    Generating new dualities through the orbifold equivalence: a demonstration in ABJM and four-dimensional quivers

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    We show that the recently proposed large NN equivalence between ABJM theories with Chern-Simons terms of different rank and level, U(N_1)_{k_1}\times U(N_1)_{-k_1} and U(N_2)_{k_2}\times U(N_2)_{-k_2}, but the same value of N' =N_1 k_1=N_2 k_2, can be explained using planar equivalence in the mirror duals. The combination of S-dualities and orbifold equivalence can be applied to other cases as well, with very appealing results. As an example we show that two different quiver theories with k nodes can be easily shown to be Seiberg dual through the orbifold equivalence, but it requires order k^2 steps to give a proof when Seiberg duality is performed node by node.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, minor changes and references adde

    Pursuing Gravitational S-Duality

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    Recently a strong-weak coupling duality in non-abelian non-supersymmetric theories in four dimensions has been found. An analogous procedure is reviewed, which allows to find the `dual action' to the gauge theory of dynamical gravity constructed by the MacDowell-Mansouri model plus the superposition of a Θ\Theta term.Comment: Invited paper to appear in the special issue of the `Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals' on: "Superstrings, M,F,S,... Theory" (M.S. El Naschie and C. Castro, editors), 19 pages, LaTeX file, no figure

    Symmetry transform in the Faddeev-Jackiw quantization of dual models

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    We study the presence of symmetry transformations in the Faddeev-Jackiw approach for constrained systems. Our analysis is based in the case of a particle submitted to a particular potential which depends on an arbitrary function. The method is implemented in a natural way and symmetry generators are identified. These symmetries permit us to obtain the absent elements of the sympletic matrix which complement the set of Dirac brackets of such a theory. The study developed here is applied in two different dual models. First, we discuss the case of a two-dimensional oscillator interacting with an electromagnetic potential described by a Chern-Simons term and second the Schwarz-Sen gauge theory, in order to obtain the complete set of non-null Dirac brackets and the correspondent Maxwell electromagnetic theory limit.Comment: 22 pages, RevTex file, no figur

    Argyres-Douglas theories and S-duality

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits any use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are creditedM.B. and T.N. are partly supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under grants DOE-SC0010008, DOE-ARRA-SC0003883, and DOE-DE-SC0007897. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF PHY11-25915. S.G. is partially supported by the ERC Advanced Grant “SyDuGraM”, by FNRS-Belgium (convention FRFC PDR T.1025.14 and convention IISN 4.4514.08) and by the “Communaut´e Francaise de Belgique” through the ARC progra

    Exact vortex solutions in a CP^N Skyrme-Faddeev type model

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    We consider a four dimensional field theory with target space being CP^N which constitutes a generalization of the usual Skyrme-Faddeev model defined on CP^1. We show that it possesses an integrable sector presenting an infinite number of local conservation laws, which are associated to the hidden symmetries of the zero curvature representation of the theory in loop space. We construct an infinite class of exact solutions for that integrable submodel where the fields are meromorphic functions of the combinations (x^1+i x^2) and (x^3+x^0) of the Cartesian coordinates of four dimensional Minkowski space-time. Among those solutions we have static vortices and also vortices with waves traveling along them with the speed of light. The energy per unity of length of the vortices show an interesting and intricate interaction among the vortices and waves.Comment: 21 pages, plain latex, no figure

    Introduction to M Theory and AdS/CFT Duality

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    An introductory survey of some of the developments that have taken place in superstring theory in the past few years is presented. The main focus is on three particular dualities. The first one is the appearance of an 11th dimension in the strong coupling limit of the type IIA theory, which give rise to M theory. The second one is the duality between the type IIB theory compactified on a circle and M theory on a two-torus. The final topic is an introduction to the recently proposed duality between superstring theory or M theory on certain anti de Sitter space backgrounds and conformally invariant quantum field theories.Comment: 26 pages; To be published in the Proceedings of a conference held in Corfu, Greece in September 1998. v2: reference adde

    Static Charges in the Low-Energy Theory of the S-Duality Twist

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    We continue the study of the low-energy limit of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory compactified on a circle with S-duality and R-symmetry twists that preserve N=6 supersymmetry in 2+1D. We introduce external static supersymmetric quark and anti-quark sources into the theory and calculate the Witten Index of the resulting Hilbert space of ground states on a torus. Using these results we compute the action of simple Wilson loops on the Hilbert space of ground states without sources. In some cases we find disagreement between our results for the Wilson loop eigenvalues and previous conjectures about a connection with Chern-Simons theory.Comment: 73 pages, two paragraphs added, one to the introduction and one to the discussio