305 research outputs found

    An Upper Bound on the Size of Obstructions for Bounded Linear Rank-Width

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    We provide a doubly exponential upper bound in pp on the size of forbidden pivot-minors for symmetric or skew-symmetric matrices over a fixed finite field F\mathbb{F} of linear rank-width at most pp. As a corollary, we obtain a doubly exponential upper bound in pp on the size of forbidden vertex-minors for graphs of linear rank-width at most pp. This solves an open question raised by Jeong, Kwon, and Oum [Excluded vertex-minors for graphs of linear rank-width at most kk. European J. Combin., 41:242--257, 2014]. We also give a doubly exponential upper bound in pp on the size of forbidden minors for matroids representable over a fixed finite field of path-width at most pp. Our basic tool is the pseudo-minor order used by Lagergren [Upper Bounds on the Size of Obstructions and Interwines, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 73:7--40, 1998] to bound the size of forbidden graph minors for bounded path-width. To adapt this notion into linear rank-width, it is necessary to well define partial pieces of graphs and merging operations that fit to pivot-minors. Using the algebraic operations introduced by Courcelle and Kant\'e, and then extended to (skew-)symmetric matrices by Kant\'e and Rao, we define boundaried ss-labelled graphs and prove similar structure theorems for pivot-minor and linear rank-width.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs II. Vertex-minor obstructions

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    In the companion paper [Linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs I. A polynomial-time algorithm, Algorithmica 78(1):342--377, 2017], we presented a characterization of the linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs, from which we derived an algorithm to compute it in polynomial time. In this paper, we investigate structural properties of distance-hereditary graphs based on this characterization. First, we prove that for a fixed tree TT, every distance-hereditary graph of sufficiently large linear rank-width contains a vertex-minor isomorphic to TT. We extend this property to bigger graph classes, namely, classes of graphs whose prime induced subgraphs have bounded linear rank-width. Here, prime graphs are graphs containing no splits. We conjecture that for every tree TT, every graph of sufficiently large linear rank-width contains a vertex-minor isomorphic to TT. Our result implies that it is sufficient to prove this conjecture for prime graphs. For a class Φ\Phi of graphs closed under taking vertex-minors, a graph GG is called a vertex-minor obstruction for Φ\Phi if GΦG\notin \Phi but all of its proper vertex-minors are contained in Φ\Phi. Secondly, we provide, for each k2k\ge 2, a set of distance-hereditary graphs that contains all distance-hereditary vertex-minor obstructions for graphs of linear rank-width at most kk. Also, we give a simpler way to obtain the known vertex-minor obstructions for graphs of linear rank-width at most 11.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures, 1 table, revised journal version. A preliminary version of Section 5 appeared in the proceedings of WG1

    Linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs I. A polynomial-time algorithm

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    Linear rank-width is a linearized variation of rank-width, and it is deeply related to matroid path-width. In this paper, we show that the linear rank-width of every nn-vertex distance-hereditary graph, equivalently a graph of rank-width at most 11, can be computed in time O(n2log2n)\mathcal{O}(n^2\cdot \log_2 n), and a linear layout witnessing the linear rank-width can be computed with the same time complexity. As a corollary, we show that the path-width of every nn-element matroid of branch-width at most 22 can be computed in time O(n2log2n)\mathcal{O}(n^2\cdot \log_2 n), provided that the matroid is given by an independent set oracle. To establish this result, we present a characterization of the linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs in terms of their canonical split decompositions. This characterization is similar to the known characterization of the path-width of forests given by Ellis, Sudborough, and Turner [The vertex separation and search number of a graph. Inf. Comput., 113(1):50--79, 1994]. However, different from forests, it is non-trivial to relate substructures of the canonical split decomposition of a graph with some substructures of the given graph. We introduce a notion of `limbs' of canonical split decompositions, which correspond to certain vertex-minors of the original graph, for the right characterization.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, 2 table. A preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of WG'1

    An FPT algorithm and a polynomial kernel for Linear Rankwidth-1 Vertex Deletion

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    Linear rankwidth is a linearized variant of rankwidth, introduced by Oum and Seymour [Approximating clique-width and branch-width. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 96(4):514--528, 2006]. Motivated from recent development on graph modification problems regarding classes of graphs of bounded treewidth or pathwidth, we study the Linear Rankwidth-1 Vertex Deletion problem (shortly, LRW1-Vertex Deletion). In the LRW1-Vertex Deletion problem, given an nn-vertex graph GG and a positive integer kk, we want to decide whether there is a set of at most kk vertices whose removal turns GG into a graph of linear rankwidth at most 11 and find such a vertex set if one exists. While the meta-theorem of Courcelle, Makowsky, and Rotics implies that LRW1-Vertex Deletion can be solved in time f(k)n3f(k)\cdot n^3 for some function ff, it is not clear whether this problem allows a running time with a modest exponential function. We first establish that LRW1-Vertex Deletion can be solved in time 8knO(1)8^k\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. The major obstacle to this end is how to handle a long induced cycle as an obstruction. To fix this issue, we define necklace graphs and investigate their structural properties. Later, we reduce the polynomial factor by refining the trivial branching step based on a cliquewidth expression of a graph, and obtain an algorithm that runs in time 2O(k)n42^{\mathcal{O}(k)}\cdot n^4. We also prove that the running time cannot be improved to 2o(k)nO(1)2^{o(k)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)} under the Exponential Time Hypothesis assumption. Lastly, we show that the LRW1-Vertex Deletion problem admits a polynomial kernel.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, An extended abstract appeared in IPEC201

    Modulation of Immune Response in Lambs

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    Experiments using different types of antigen-adjuvant preparations were conducted in outbred sheep to compare effects of adjuvants on immune responses. Trinitrophenyl-ovalbumin (TNP-ovalbumin) incorporated in a preparation with nonionic block copolymers elicited high antibody titers to both ovalbumin and TNP. Different humoral immune responses were observed when Pasteurella haemolytica lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was added to the preparations. Responses to ovalbumin and TNP were reduced when Pasteurella haemolytica LPS was added to copolymer L121. The antibody titers to ovalbumin or TNP were not affected by the addition of LPS to the preparation containing copolymer L180.5. Lymphocyte proliferation assays demonstrated high stimulation indices at day 17 to ovalbumin by lymphocytes from lambs receiving preparations containing copolymers without Pasteurella haemolytica LPS

    Etude des politiques relatives aux stratégies de gestion de la chimiorésistance dans le cadre de la lutte contre la trypanosomose en Afrique de l'Ouest: cas du Mali

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    Discussion sur l’etude des politiques relatives aux stratégies de gestion de la chimiorésistance dans le cadre de la lutte contre la trypanosomose en Afrique de l’Ouest, Mali. Le projet a pour objectif d’assurer l’efficacité des trypanocides comme une composante effective des strategies intégrées et améliorées de contrôle de Ia trypanosomose animale dans Ia region ouest-africaine. Pour atteindre cet objectif, des organisations nationales de recherche et de developpement, des institutions internationales et régionales de recherche, et des universités allemandes travaillent en partenariat afin de développer aux niveaux local et regional des strategies de reduction de risque de Ia chimiorésistance. L’accent est mis principalement sur l‘information et des supports techniques aux paysans, aux prestataires de service en sante animale, aux vétérinaires professionnels et aux décideurs politiques. Les informations et supports techniques ont pour but de promouvoir Ia lutte intégrée et l’utilisation rationnelle des trypanocides afin de réduire les risques a long terme de Ia chimiorésistance sans compromettre Ia capacité des éleveurs a pouvoir protéger leurs animaux contre les effets néfastes de la trypanosomose animale. Le projet est réalisé au Burkina Faso, au Mali et en Guinée par l’lnstitut International de Recherche sur l’Elevage (lLRl) en collaboration avec d’autres organisations. Des approaches de solutions sont alors proposees de maniere a apporter une solution durable au phenomene de la chimioresistance