1,792 research outputs found

    Research on the polarization in porous oxygen electrodes Quarterly report, 1 Jan. - 31 Mar. 1968

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    Polarization in porous oxygen electrodes and mass transport in gas phase

    Tiltaksplan for forurensede sedimenter i Aust-Agder. Fase 1 - Miljøtilstand,

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    Rapporten omhandler første fase av tiltaksplan for forurensede sedimenter i Aust-Agder. De tre utvalgte områdene i Aust-Agder er Tvedestrand på innsiden av Sagesund, Arendal havneområde med Tromøysund og Vikkilen i Grimstad. I dette arbeidet er det gjort en gjennomgang av eksisterende data med kartpresentasjon av miljøstatus for de ulike miljøgiftene i hvert tiltaksområde. Videre er det gitt en oversikt over aktuelle og mulige kilder til forurensning i nedbørfeltet og høyrisikoområder er foreslått. Data fra indre Tvedestrandsfjord har vist høye konsentrasjoner av både PAH og TBT (tilstandsklasse IV-V) slik at flere grunne områder er definert som mulige høyrisikoområder. Det er imidlertid behov for å ta prøver i grunne farvann for å kunne fastslå dette. I Arendal er spesielt havneområdene og området rundt Eydehavn forurenset av miljøgifter, men også småbåthavner og andre områder er sterkt forurenset. I likhet med Tvedestrand er det også her lite data fra grunne områder som er mest utsatt for spredning. Indre del av Vikkilen er foreslått som høyrisikoområde på grunn av høye PAH-verdier og ekstremt høye TBT-verdier. Det er behov for å ta prøver som verifiserer nivåene og gir opplysning om omfang

    Systemic and intraperitoneal interleukin‐6 system during the first year of peritoneal dialysis

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    Perit Dial Int. 2006 Jan-Feb;26(1):53-63. Systemic and intraperitoneal interleukin-6 system during the first year of peritoneal dialysis. Pecoits-Filho R, Carvalho MJ, Stenvinkel P, Lindholm B, Heimbürger O. Division of Renal Medicine and Baxter Novum, Karolinska Institutet, K-56, Huddinge University Hospital, 141 86 Stockholm, Sweden. [email protected] Comment in: Perit Dial Int. 2006 Jan-Feb;26(1):35-7. Abstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate if intraperitoneal and systemic interleukin-6 (IL-6) and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) are related to each other and to peritoneal solute transport rate (PSTR). DESIGN: Longitudinal study in retrospectively selected patients. SETTING: Peritoneal dialysis (PD) unit of a university-based hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 31 PD patients on treatment with conventional glucose-based solutions participated in a longitudinal study. IL-6 and sIL-6R were measured in plasma and overnight effluent, both at baseline and after 12 +/- 2 months on PD. C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum albumin were used as surrogate markers of inflammation. PSTR of small solutes was evaluated using the dialysate-to-plasma ratio (D/P) of creatinine after a 4-hour dwell; PSTR of large solutes was evaluated using the 24-hour D/P ratio of albumin. RESULTS: D/P creat increased over time (0.67 +/- 0.15 vs 0.80 +/- 0.11, p or = median had higher (p or = median [24.7 (16.5 - 38.5) pg/mL] compared to patients with IL-6 < median [14.1 (10 - 25.7) pg/mL]. Neither CRP nor albumin changed over time on PD, although they were closely linked to plasma IL-6 levels. A strong positive correlation was found between D/P creat and dialysate IL-6 (rho = 0.77, p < 0.0001) at baseline, but not at 1 year. In contrast, there was a significant correlation between D/P creat and dialysate sIL-6R (rho = 0.39, p < 0.05) at 1 year, but not at baseline. At 1 year, 17 patients with increasing PSTR had higher increases in dialysate IL-6 (28 +/- 26 vs -21 +/- 78 pg/mL, p < 0.05) and levels of dialysate sIL-6R (693 +/- 392 vs 394 +/- 274 pg/mL, p = 0.05) compared to patients with stable PSTR (n = 11). Patients who had peritonitis presented higher baseline serum IL-6 concentration (6.8 +/- 1.0 pg/mL) compared with patients without peritonitis (4.0 +/- 0.6 pg/mL, p < 0.05). Finally, both at baseline and after 1 year, there were significant correlations between plasma and dialysate IL-6 (rho = 0.46, p < 0.05, and rho = 0.40, p < 0.05) respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that, (1) intraperitoneal and systemic inflammation increase in PD patients during the first year of therapy; (2) intraperitoneal and systemic inflammation may be interrelated and the IL-6 system may be the link; (3) the IL-6 system (both intraperitoneal and systemic) is associated with PSTR, particularly in the early phase of PD treatment, in which small and large solute transport are linked. Signs of a transition between acute and chronic inflammation were observed in the follow-up evaluation. Inflammation may, at least in part, be responsible for the development of a high PSTR, and this could be one reason for the high mortality in patients with high PSTR. PMID: 16538876 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLIN


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    The eye lens exposure among 16 technicians in two nuclear medicine departments at university hospitals in Finland was investigated by measuring the operational quantity H-p(3) using EYE-D dosemeters. For all workers, the annual mean H-p(3) was estimated to be 1.1 mSv (max. 3.9 mSv). The relation between H-p(3) to routinely monitored personal dose equivalent H-p(10) was clearly correlated. Considering individual dose measurement periods (2-4 weeks), the H-p(3)/H-p(10) ratio was 0.7 (Pearson's coefficient r = 0.90, p 0.1 mSv vs. <0.1 mSv, respectively), i.e. higher Hp(10) predicts H-p(3) more reliably. Moreover, annual H-p(10) data from national dose register during 2009-2018 were used to derive the annual H-p(3) applying the H-p(3)/H-p(10) ratio. The data from Finnish nuclear medicine departments imply that routine measurements of H-p(3) among nuclear medicine technicians are not justified.Peer reviewe

    Sawja: Static Analysis Workshop for Java

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    Static analysis is a powerful technique for automatic verification of programs but raises major engineering challenges when developing a full-fledged analyzer for a realistic language such as Java. This paper describes the Sawja library: a static analysis framework fully compliant with Java 6 which provides OCaml modules for efficiently manipulating Java bytecode programs. We present the main features of the library, including (i) efficient functional data-structures for representing program with implicit sharing and lazy parsing, (ii) an intermediate stack-less representation, and (iii) fast computation and manipulation of complete programs

    Tiltaksplan for forurensede sedimenter i Telemark. Fase 1 - Miljøtilstand, kilder og prioriteringer

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    Årsliste 2004Prosjektet har hatt som mål å sammenstille eksisterende data på miljøgifter i bunnsedimenter i Grenlandsfjordene, samt skaffe oversikt over bidraget av miljøgifter til fjorden fra kilder i nedbørsfeltet. Videre var målet å peke ut potensielle høyrisikoområder og områder som har behov for kartlegging. Grunnområdene utenfor flere av de store kaiene i Frierfjorden og Eidangerfjorden er vurdert som potensielle høyrisikoområder (høye konsentrasjoner av miljøgifter i grunne områder med risiko for spredning, som følge av høy båtaktivitet eller friluftsliv). Arbeidet har vist at det er behov for supplerende data fra noen av disse grunne områdene. For å kunne vurdere risikobidraget fra ulike forurensningskilder er det behov for kunnskap om ulike kilder i nedbørsfeltet. Tilførsler fra deponier og forurenset grunn, direkte til sjø og via Skienselva, samt overflateavrenning fra byene Porsgrunn og Skien bør kartlegges. Vurdering av effekten av tiltak vurderes for øyeblikket ved bruk av DIG-modellen.Fylkesmannen i Telemark, Miljøvernavdelinge

    Free fatty acids link metabolism and regulation of the insulin-sensitizing fibroblast growth factor-21

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    OBJECTIVE—Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-21 improves insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism in obese or diabetic animal models, while human studies revealed increased FGF-21 levels in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Given that FGF-21 has been suggested to be a peroxisome proliferator–activator receptor (PPAR) –dependent regulator of fasting metabolism, we hypothesized that free fatty acids (FFAs), natural agonists of PPAR, might modify FGF-21 levels. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—The effect of fatty acids on FGF-21 was investigated in vitro in HepG2 cells. Within a randomized controlled trial, the effects of elevated FFAs were studied in 21 healthy subjects (13 women and 8 men). Within a clinical trial including 17 individuals, the effect of insulin was analyzed using an hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp and the effect of PPAR activation was studied subsequently in a rosiglitazone treatment trial over 8 weeks. RESULTS—Oleate and linoleate increased FGF-21 expression and secretion in a PPAR-dependent fashion, as demonstrated by small-interfering RNA–induced PPAR knockdown, while palmitate had no effect. In vivo, lipid infusion induced an increase of circulating FGF-21 in humans, and a strong correlation between the change in FGF-21 levels and the change in FFAs was observed. An artificial hyperinsulinemia, which was induced to delineate the potential interaction between elevated FFAs and hyperinsulinemia, revealed that hyperinsulinemia also increased FGF-21 levels in vivo, while rosiglitazone treatment had no effect. CONCLUSIONS—The results presented here offer a mechanism explaining the induction of the metabolic regulator FGF-21 in the fasting situation but also in type 2 diabetes and obesity

    Технологические решения для строительства разведочной вертикальной скважины глубиной 2750 метров на нефтяном месторождении (ХМАО)

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    Технологические решения для строительства разведочной вертикальной скважины глубиной 2750 метров на нефтяном месторождении (ХМАО).Technological solutions for the construction of an exploration vertical well with a depth of 2,750 meters at the oil field (KhMAO)