3,299 research outputs found

    The design of the HOM-damping cells for the S-band linear collider

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    Damping cells for the higher order modes are necessary for the S-band linear collider to minimize BBU (Beam-Break-Up). The construction of the damper cells has to take into account the different field geometries of the higher order modes. So two different types of dampers have been designed: a wall slotted an an iris slotted cell. In order to optimize the two types of damping cells with respect to damping strength, impedance matching between coupling system and waveguide dampers and between damping cell and undamped cells and the tuning system, damping cells of both types have been built and examinated

    The effect of a single HOM-damper cell within a channel of undamped cells

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    The effect of a single HOM-damper cell within a channel of undamped cells is described theoretically using an equivalent circuit model. From this a simple equation can be derived which relates the Q-value of the single damping-cell, the bandwidth of the passband under consideration, and the additional phase shift which is introduced by the damper cell to provide energy flow into the damper cell. This equation immediately shows the limitations of such single cell damping systems. Comparisons with experimental results are shown

    Mode propagation in an iris type accelerator section loaded with single heavily HOM-damped cells

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    The wakefield effects in accelerator sections for future linear colliders will be reduced either by damping by detuning or by a combination of both. For the DESY/THD linac [1] it is forseen to employ heavily HOM-damped cells to provide a strong coupling to the TE/TM11-dipole passband as well as to the TM/TE11-dipole passband. For our experiments we have used wall-slotted damping cells. This leads to several problems concerning the propagation of fundamental and HOM-modes. Experimental investigations have been done. Results are presented

    Quality factor measurements in cavities with mode overlap

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    A new method of measuring quality factors in cavities is presented. This method is well suited to measure quality factors in undamped cavities as well as in heavily damped cavities, and in addition this method provides a possibility of separating modes and measuring quality factors especially in cases of overlapping modes. Measurements have been carried out on HOM-damped cavities for the DESY/THD linear collider project. Results are presented

    "Честный" и "нечестный" маркетинг: пример DeSheli

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    В статье рассматриваются критерии "честного" и "нечестного" маркетинга, выделены основные принципы маркетинга, описаны методы "недобросовестного" маркетинга, приводятся приемы "нечестного" маркетинга, используемые компанией DeSheli, приведены рекомендации, как не попасться на нечестных маркетологов, а также, если вы поддались провокациям и оформили кредит на косметику, но после того осознали, что совершили ошибку, несколько правил, как вернуть деньги

    Использование фильтровальной установки для очистки водопроводной воды от солей жёсткости

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    Очистка воды в домашних условиях имеет очень важное значение. В статье проведено исследование ионообменной способности фильтровального модуля при извлечении солей жёсткости из водопроводной воды. Сделан вывод об эффективности извлечения солей жёсткости исследуемым фильтром в сравнении с ранее тестируемыми фильтровальными системами. Water purification in home conditions is very important. In this article, the ion-exchange characteristics of filtering module were studied over extraction of hardness salts from tap water. A conclusion is drawn about efficiency of hardness salts extraction by the investigated filter in comparison with the previously tested filter systems

    Разработка генератора холодной плазмы для нуклеопластики

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    В настоящей работе мы исследовали низкотемпературную плазму и ее параметры для разработки генератора холодной плазмы для нуклеопластики. На первом этапе нашей исследовательской работы мы изучили более 20-ти патентов на приборы, основной функцией которых являлось образование холодной плазмы в электролитах. Мы выявили наиболее приемлемые параметры разрабатываемого нами генератора, а также следующие особенности: 1.Плазма формируется в электролите. 2.Для нуклеопластики используется малый размер электрода. 3.Необходимость возбуждения и удержания режима плазмы. 4.Для режима плазмы требуется меньше мощность, чем для нагрева проводящей ткани от прохождения переменного тока высокой частоты

    Maximum illumination control system for photovoltaic panels orientation

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    The article describes the solar tracker for photovoltaic panels and energy systems based on such devices. The authors introduce the results of calculations of the solar tracker application effectiveness for solar energy systems and the results of the field testing in Tomsk

    Subject-oriented plural method meets BPMN: a case study

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    Subject-oriented approach to business process management focuses on the subjects and their interactions with the aim to capture more accurate process information with increased fidelity. In a common setting, business processes are modeled by process engineers or modeling experts who often create their processes in a top-down fashion. However, this may pose risks to the acceptance and adoption of these models in practice, particularly in knowledge-centric environments. The Plural method follows a subject-oriented approach and allows process participants, rather than a centralized group of process engineers, to model and maintain their processes in a decentralized way. It guides process participants to focus on the roles and their interactions in terms of message exchanges. This study investigates the use of BPMN 2.0 for the Plural method. With the aim to show the applicability of the notation for a subject-oriented approach and report on the benefits and limitations of the new edition of the Plural method in general, we performed a case study in an industry company. Guided by a coordinator, 11 process participants modeled four processes that they participate by following the Plural method. These models were also compared with the classical models developed prior to the application of the Plural method to better understand the influence. Analyses showed that the application of the Plural resulted in more complete process models. However, there are concerns regarding the understandability of these models when compared with their classical counterparts. It has been shown that the Plural method is a powerful tool for process discovery and modeling, but an improvement on its models is needed to obtain full value of the framework

    Measurement of Transverse Polarization of Electrons Emitted in Free Neutron Decay

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    The final analysis of the experiment determining both components of the transverse polarization of electrons (σT1\sigma_{T_{1}}, σT2\sigma_{T_{2}}) emitted in the β\beta-decay of polarized, free neutrons is presented. The T-odd, P-odd correlation coefficient quantifying σT2\sigma_{T_{2}}, perpendicular to the neutron polarization and electron momentum, was found to be R=R= 0.004±0.012±\pm0.012\pm0.005. This value is consistent with time reversal invariance, and significantly improves both earlier result and limits on the relative strength of imaginary scalar couplings in the weak interaction. The value obtained for the correlation coefficient associated with σT1\sigma_{T_{1}}, N=N= 0.067±0.011±\pm0.011\pm0.004, agrees with the Standard Model expectation, providing an important sensitivity test of the experimental setup. The present result sets constraints on the imaginary part of scalar and tensor couplings in weak interaction. Implications for parameters of the leptoquark exchange model and minimal supersymmetric model (MSSM) with R-parity violation are discussed