212 research outputs found

    A survey of family planning in the Philippines

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    In a multi-centre survey in 1986, 400 married Filipino women aged 15-40 were interviewed about their use of contraceptive methods, and specifically about their perceptions of the effects on health of oral contraceptives and their attitudes to contraceptive methods. The sample was randomly selected in the urban and rural areas surveyed and cannot be considered representative for the country as a whole. The results showed that women hold definitive views on the health risks posed by oral contraceptives and point to the importance of family planning clinics as a source of contraceptive counselling. The overall rate of contraceptive use must be regarded as insufficient to meet contraceptive need

    System and method for detecting woody breast condition in broilers using image analysis of carcass features

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    This invention relates generally to a system and method of detecting woody breast using image analysis of carcass features, and more particularly to a real-time system and method of detecting woody breast in broilers using non-destructive and/or non-contact image analysis of carcass features. The system and method assess woody breast in broilers at the fillet level using image analysis of the angle or area associated with the tip of the keel bone and surrounding breast meat of broiler carcasses. The method is configured be incorporated into and utilized by vision grading system

    Researchers' Seedbeds for the Development of Research Skills in Universities

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    The objective of this study is to demonstrate the effects of the application of the pedagogical strategy "researcher's seedbed" in the development of research skills in universities. This research is of quasi-experimental, longitudinal and prospective design, where 2 groups were formed: control and experimental, of 18 students each. A validated instrument was used to measure the research competences, as well as a rubric for the evaluation of the research projects. It began with a pre-test, and after 14 weeks of the development of the strategy, through different educational sessions, the post-test was administered. Likewise, the research projects carried out were evaluated. The results obtained showed that the pedagogical strategy had a positive effect on the development of research skills, with the highest evaluation being found in 40% of the students, with statistically significant differences between the control and experimental groups (Mann Whitney U, p=0.007), and between the pre-test and post-test (Wilcoxon, p=0.00). In the development of cognitive and procedural competence, an effect was also found in the strategy, but not in the attitudinal competence (Mann Whitney U, p=0.496). The application of this study is based on the fact that the formation of research groups in universities strengthens formative research in higher level students. This study shows the benefits of the implementation of strategies for the development of research competencies, since the product will be to train professionals with a scientific culture in favor of society

    Control en las Cobranzas y su Incidencia en la Liquidez y en el Resultado de la Empresa DAYR INVERSIONES MULTIPLES SAC 2015 – 2016

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    El propósito de la presente investigación surge desde el momento en el que se pretende conocer con más precisión sobre el inadecuado registro contable del deterioro de las cuentas por cobrar, la ineficiencia en las cobranzas efectuadas en las provincias específicamente en las zonas de Cusco, Juliaca y Desaguadero, el inadecuado procedimiento de los depósitos en el banco; que les conllevan a tener estados financieros no razonables, reportes de las cuentas por cobrar distorsionadas y la falta de liquidez, realizada en el período 2015 al 2016 en la empresa DAYR INVERSIONES MÚLTIPLES SAC. El presente estudio es aportar recomendaciones con el fin de desarrollar un buen control de las cobranzas en la entidad y su incidencia en la liquidez, para ello es necesario orientar los correctivos ante la toma de decisiones incorrectas, indebido control en las cobranzas, emisión de letras a falta de liquidez. Se procurará alcanzar los objetivos planteados en la entidad, donde el tamaño de las ventas y la cantidad de efectivo periódico dependen de las ventas al crédito. El lineamiento de este estudio enfoca precisamente a la contemplación de las variables de control de cuentas por cobrar y su incidencia en la liquidez y el resultado.The purpose of the present investigation arises from the moment in which it is intended to know more precisely about the inadequate accounting record of the deterioration of accounts receivable, the inefficiency in collections made in the provinces specifically in the areas of Cusco, Juliaca and Desaguadero, the inadequate procedure of deposits in the bank; that lead them to have unreasonable financial statements, reports of distorted accounts receivable and lack of liquidity, made in the period 2015 to 2016 in the company DAYR INVERSIONES MÚLTIPLES SAC. The present study is to provide recommendations in order to develop a good control of collections in the entity and its impact on liquidity, for this it is necessary to guide the corrective before making incorrect decisions, undue control in collection, issuance of letters in the absence of liquidity. Efforts will be made to achieve the objectives set out in the entity, where the size of sales and the amount of periodic cash depend on credit sales. The guidelines of this study focus precisely on the contemplation of the control variables of accounts receivable and their impact on liquidity and result.Trabajo de investigació

    New miniPromoter Ple345 (NEFL) drives strong and specific expression in retinal ganglion cells of mouse and primate retina.

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    Retinal gene therapy is leading the neurological gene therapy field, with 32 ongoing clinical trials of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV)-based therapies. Importantly, over 50% of those trials are using restricted promoters from human genes. Promoters that restrict expression have demonstrated increased efficacy and can limit the therapeutic to the target cells thereby reducing unwanted off-target effects. Retinal ganglion cells are a critical target in ocular gene therapy; they are involved in common diseases such as glaucoma, rare diseases such as Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy, and in revolutionary optogenetic treatments. Here, we used computational biology and mined the human genome for the best genes from which to develop a novel minimal promoter element(s) designed for expression in restricted cell types (MiniPromoter) to improve the safety and efficacy of retinal ganglion cell gene therapy. Gene selection included the use of the first available droplet-based single-cell RNA sequencing (Drop-seq) dataset, and promoter design was bioinformatically driven and informed by a wide range of genomics datasets. We tested seven promoter designs from four genes in rAAV for specificity and quantified expression strength in retinal ganglion cells in mouse, and then the single best in nonhuman primate retina. Thus, we developed a new human-DNA MiniPromoter, Ple345 (NEFL), which in combination with intravitreal delivery in rAAV9 showed specific and robust expression in the retinal ganglion cells of the nonhuman-primate rhesus macaque retina. In mouse, we also developed MiniPromoters expressing in retinal ganglion cells, the hippocampus of the brain, a pan neuronal pattern in the brain, and peripheral nerves. As single-cell transcriptomics such as Drop-seq become available for other cell types, many new opportunities for additional novel restricted MiniPromoters will present

    Regeneración ósea post exodoncia por fractura dentaria de origen traumático

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    The present article aims to report a clinical case that exposes the guided bone regeneration treatment (ROG) in a tooth with a traumatic fracture. The procedure consisted of bone regeneration, which has proven to be a successful technique to promote the recovery of dentoalveolar bone defects. Lyophilized organic bovine bone and resorbable bovine collagen membrane were placed one month after having suffered a dentoalveolar trauma at the level of the upper right central incisor. In conclusion, the treatment proved to be very effective in increasing and preserving the dimensions of the resorbed alveolar ridges, optimizing the biological conditions of our patients for subsequent rehabilitation.  El presente artículo tiene como objetivo reportar un caso clínico que expone el tratamiento de regeneración ósea guiada (ROG) en una pieza dentaria con fractura de origen traumático. El procedimiento consistió en regeneración ósea, la cual ha demostrado ser una técnica exitosa para promover la recuperación de defectos óseos dentoalveolares. Se colocó hueso orgánico de bovino liofilizado y membrana reabsorbible de colágeno bovino a un mes de haber sufrido un trauma dentoalveolar a nivel del incisivo central superior derecho. En conclusión, el tratamiento demostró ser muy eficaz para aumentar y conservar las dimensiones de los rebordes alveolares reabsorbidos, logrando optimizar las condiciones biológicas de nuestros pacientes para una posterior rehabilitación.O procedimento de regeneração óssea guiada (ROG) tem se mostrado uma técnica de sucesso para promover a regeneração de defeitos ósseos presentes ao redor dos implantes dentários, bem como para aumentar as dimensões vertical e horizontal das cristas alveolares atróficas antes da colocação do implante. O plano de tratamento incluiu a instalação de osso bovino orgânico liofilizado e uma membrana de colágeno bovino reabsorvível após um mês de trauma dentoalveolar. O objetivo deste relato de caso é descrever a instalação do osso liofilizado e da membrana, após ter sofrido um trauma alveolar dentário ao nível do dente 1.1. Este artigo relata um caso clínico que expõe o tratamento de regeneração óssea guiada para a posterior instalação do implante dentário e a futura restauração da coroa

    Recomendaciones dirigidas a los familiares responsables del cuidado domiciliario de un paciente diagnosticado con Covid-19

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    The crisis that is causing the disease called COVID-19 is severely affecting the health system of many countries, which require alternative measures to care this large number of patients who are not able to be treated at medical centers. This is the reason why home care is considered an alternative, for which it must be very rigorous with the care of the sick person, since if it is not done in a proper way, the other members of the family home are under risk of contamination, which would increase the saturation of the health system. Indications such as the stay of the patient in one place, the use of protective barriers when entering this area, or the constant sanitization of hands, among other measures, can lead to the success of this type of actions, favoring the prompt recovery of the patient and the preservation of the health of the other members at home.La crisis que está ocasionando la enfermedad denominada COVID-19 está afectando severamente al sistema sanitario de diversos países, lo que obliga a tomar medidas alternativas para poder atender a una gran cantidad de pacientes que no pueden acceder a los centros de atención médica. Es por esta razón que se considera como una alternativa la atención domiciliaria para lo cual se debe ser muy riguroso en el cuidado de la persona afectada con COVID 19, ya que, si esto no se realiza de forma adecuada, los demás integrantes del hogar corren el riesgo de contaminarse, lo que incrementaría la saturación de los establecimientos de salud. Indicaciones como la permanencia del enfermo en un solo lugar, el uso de barreras de protección cuando se ingresa a esta área o la constante práctica de la higiene de manos, entre otras medidas, puede encaminar al éxito de este tipo de atención favoreciendo la pronta recuperación del paciente y la preservación de la salud de los demás habitantes del hogar.A atual crise que está causando a doença denominada COVID-19 está afetando gravemente o sistema de saúde de vários países, o que requer outras medidas a serem tomadas para poder atender este grande número de pacientes fora dos centros hospitalares. É por isso que a assistência domiciliar é considerada uma alternativa, para a qual deve ser muito rigorosa com o cuidado do doente, pois se não for realizada de forma adequada os demais membros do domicílio correm o risco de contaminar o que aumentaria a saturação das unidades de saúde. Indicações como a permanência do paciente em um único local, o uso de barreiras protetoras na entrada nesta área ou a prática constante de higienização das mãos, entre outras medidas, podem levar ao sucesso desse tipo de atendimento, favorecendo uma recuperação rápida do paciente e a preservação da saúde dos demais habitantes. &nbsp

    Interventions to reduce pesticide exposure from the agricultural sector in Africa: a workshop report

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    Despite the fact that several cases of unsafe pesticide use among farmers in different parts of Africa have been documented, there is limited evidence regarding which specific interventions are effective in reducing pesticide exposure and associated risks to human health and ecology. The overall goal of the African Pesticide Intervention Project (APsent) study is to better understand ongoing research and public health activities related to interventions in Africa through the implementation of suitable target-specific situations or use contexts. A systematic review of the scientific literature on pesticide intervention studies with a focus on Africa was conducted. This was followed by a qualitative survey among stakeholders involved in pesticide research or management in the African region to learn about barriers to and promoters of successful interventions. The project was concluded with an international workshop in November 2021, where a broad range of topics relevant to occupational and environmental health risks were discussed such as acute poisoning, street pesticides, switching to alternatives, or disposal of empty pesticide containers. Key areas of improvement identified were training on pesticide usage techniques, research on the effectiveness of interventions targeted at exposure reduction and/or behavioral changes, awareness raising, implementation of adequate policies, and enforcement of regulations and processes