500 research outputs found

    In-Line estimation of the standard colour index of citrus fruits using a computer vision system developed for a mobile platform

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11947-012-1015-2A key aspect for the consumer when it comes to deciding on a particular product is the colour. In order to make fruit available to consumers as early as possible, the collection of oranges and mandarins begins before they ripen fully and reach their typical orange colour. As a result, they are therefore subjected to certain degreening treatments, depending on their standard colour citrus index at harvest. Recently, a mobile platform that incorporates a computer vision system capable of pre-sorting the fruit while it is being harvested has been developed as an aid in the harvesting task. However, due to the restrictions of working in the field, the computer vision system developed for this machine is limited in its technology and processing capacity compared to conventional systems. This work shows the optimised algorithms for estimating the colour of citrus in-line that were developed for this mobile platform and its performance is evaluated against that of a spectrophotometer used as a reference in the analysis of colour in food. The results obtained prove that our analysis system predicts the colour index of citrus with a good reliability (R2 = 0.925) working in real time. Findings also show that it is effective for classifying harvested fruits in the field according to their colour. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.This work was partially funded by the INIA through research project RTA2009-00118-C02-01 with the support of European FEDER funds, and by the project PAID-05-11-2745, Vicerectorat d'Investigacio, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Vidal, A.; Talens Oliag, P.; Prats-Montalbán, JM.; Cubero García, S.; Albert Gil, FE.; Blasco Ivars, J. (2013). In-Line estimation of the standard colour index of citrus fruits using a computer vision system developed for a mobile platform. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 6(12):3412-3419. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-012-1015-2S34123419612Arzate-Vázquez, I., Chanona-Pérez, J. J., Perea-Flores, M. J., Calderón-Domínguez, G., Moreno-Armendáriz, M. A., Calvo, H., Godoy-Calderón, S., Quevedo, R., & Gutiérrez-López, G. (2011). Image processing applied to classification of avocado variety Hass (Persea americana Mill.) during the ripening process. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(7), 1307–1313.Blasco, J., Aleixos, N., Cubero, S., Gómez-Sanchis, J., & Moltó, E. (2009). Automatic sorting of satsuma (Citrus unshiu) segments using computer vision and morphological features. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 66, 1–8.Campbell, B. L., Nelson, R. G., Ebel, C. E., Dozier, W. A., Adrian, J. L., & Hockema, B. R. (2004). Fruit quality characteristics that affect consumer preferences for satsuma mandarins. HortScience, 39(7), 1664–1669.Cavazza, A., Corradini, C., Rinaldi, M., Salvadeo, P., Borromei, C., & Massini, R. (2012). Evaluation of pasta thermal treatment by determination of carbohydrates, furosine, and color indices. Food and Bioprocess Technology. doi: 10.1007/s11947-012-0906-6 . In-press.Cubero, S., Aleixos, N., Moltó, E., Gómez-Sanchis, J., & Blasco, J. (2011). Advances in machine vision applications for automatic inspection and quality evaluation of fruits and vegetables. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(4), 487–504.Cubero, S., Moltó, E., Gutiérrez, A., Aleixos, N., García-Navarrete, O. L., Juste, F., & Blasco, J. (2010). Real-time inspection of fruit on a mobile harvesting platform in field conditions using computer vision. Progress in Agricultural Engineering Science, 6, 1–16.Díaz, R., Faus, G., Blasco, M., Blasco, J., & Moltó, E. (2000). The application of a fast algorithm for the classification of olives by machine vision. Food Research International, 33, 305–309.DOGV (2006) Diari Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana, 5346, 30321-30328.Gardner, J. L. (2007). Comparison of calibration methods for tristimulus colorimeters. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 112, 129–138.Hashim, N., Janius, R. B., Baranyai, L., Rahman, R. A., Osman, A., & Zude, M. (2011). Kinetic model for colour changes in bananas during the appearance of chilling injury symptoms. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(8), 2952–2963.HunterLab (2008): Applications note, 8(9), http://www.hunterlab.com/appnotes/an08_96a.pdf . Accessed September 2012.Hutchings, J. B., Luo, R., & Ji, W. (2002). Calibrated colour imaging analysis of food. In D. MacDougall (Ed.), Colour in Food (pp. 352–366). 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    Relativistic Klein-Gordon charge effects by information-theoretic measures

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    The charge spreading of ground and excited states of Klein-Gordon particles moving in a Coulomb potential is quantitatively analyzed by means of the ordinary moments and the Heisenberg measure as well as by use of the most relevant information-theoretic measures of global (Shannon entropic power) and local (Fisher's information) types. The dependence of these complementary quantities on the nuclear charge Z and the quantum numbers characterizing the physical states is carefully discussed. The comparison of the relativistic Klein-Gordon and non-relativistic Schrodinger values is made. The non-relativistic limits at large principal quantum number n and for small values of Z are also reached.Comment: Accepted in New Journal of Physic

    Study of bound states in 12Be through low-energy 11Be(d,p)-transfer reactions

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    The bound states of 12Be have been studied through a 11Be(d,p)12Be transfer reaction experiment in inverse kinematics. A 2.8 MeV/u beam of 11Be was produced using the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The outgoing protons were detected with the T-REX silicon detector array. The MINIBALL germanium array was used to detect gamma rays from the excited states in 12Be. The gamma-ray detection enabled a clear identification of the four known bound states in 12Be, and each of the states has been studied individually. Differential cross sections over a large angular range have been extracted. Spectroscopic factors for each of the states have been determined from DWBA calculations and have been compared to previous experimental and theoretical results

    Cost model for LIMA device

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    [EN] In this paper we show the results of the cost model developed in LIMA project (FP7-248909). The LIMA project is titled "Improve photovoltaic efficiency by applying novel effects at the limits of light to matter interaction". The project started in January 2010 and during this year a cost model of the device developed in the project has been developed to assess the industrial viability of this innovative approach to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of photovoltaic solar cells. LIMA project exploits cutting edge photonic technologies to enhance silicon solar cell efficiencies with new concepts in nanostructured materials. It proposes nano-structured surface layers designed to increase light absorption in the solar cell while decreasing surface and interface recombination loss. Integration in a back contact design further reduces these interface losses and avoids shading. The project improves light-matter interaction by the use a surface plasmonic nanoparticle layer. This reduces reflection and efficiently couples incident radiation into the solar cell where it is trapped by internal reflection. Surface and interface recombination are minimized by using silicon quantum dot superlattices in a passivating matrix. The distance between quantum dots ensures wave-function overlap and good conductivity. © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.This work has been carried out in the framework of the LIMA Project. The EC is gratefully acknowledged for financial support under Contract number FP7-248909.Vazquez, M.; Connolly, JP.; Cubero García, OJ.; Daly, G.; Halm, A.; Kopecek, R.; Mihailetchi, V.... (2011). Cost model for LIMA device. Energy Procedia. 8:443-448. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2011.06.163S443448

    Improved Limit on Direct α Decay of the Hoyle State

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    The current evaluation of the triple-α reaction rate assumes that the α decay of the 7.65 MeV, 0+ state in 12C, commonly known as the Hoyle state, proceeds sequentially via the ground state of 8Be. This assumption is challenged by the recent identification of two direct α-decay branches with a combined branching ratio of 17(5)%. If correct, this would imply a corresponding reduction in the triple-α reaction rate with important astrophysical consequences. We have used the 11B(3He,d) reaction to populate the Hoyle state and measured the decay to three α particles in complete kinematics. We find no evidence for direct α-decay branches, and hence our data do not support a revision of the triple-α reaction rate. We obtain an upper limit of 5×10-3 on the direct α decay of the Hoyle state at 95% C.L., which is 1 order of magnitude better than a previous upper limit

    The BIOMEX experiment on-board the International Space Station: limits of life and detection of biomarkers after exposure to space- and to Mars-like conditions

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    To explore the limits of terrestrial life in space, we have to understand the effects of the space environment on unprotected biological and chemical material, and on the degradation of organic molecules or biomarkers. The exposure platform EXPOSE-R2 on the ISS offer a suitable facility for the exposure of samples of the astrobiological model lichen Circinaria gyrosa, included in the BIOMEX experiment (Biology and Mars Experiment, ESA). During 18 months (2014-2016), the lichens lived in a latent state at space and at simulated Mars-like conditions, to study Mars’ habitability and resistance to space conditions. After the return of the samples in June 2016, initial analysis showed rapid recovery of photosystem II (PSII) activity in the samples exposed exclusively to space vacuum and to Mars-like atmosphere. In contrast, the samples directly exposed to solar UV radiation showed a slow and a lower recovery, in reference to their observed original activity. This tendency was corroborated with the complementary morphological/ultrastructural and biomolecular analyses. Complementary, the biogeochemical variations have been examined with Raman spectroscopy to assess the possible degradation of cell surfaces and pigments which were in contact with terrestrial rocks, and Martian analogue regolith. Identification of the biomarker whewellite (calcium oxalate) and other organic compounds and mineral products of the biological activity of Circinaria gyrosa were detected by Raman Laser. These findings contribute to answer questions on the habitability of Mars, the likelihood of the Lithopanspermia Hypothesis, the capability to detect biomolecules exposed to an extraterrestrial environment by life-detection instruments and will be of relevance for planetary protection issues