183 research outputs found

    Testing the Paleolithic-human-warfare hypothesis of blood-injectiion phobia in the Balitmore ECA Follow-up Study-Towards a more etiologically-based conceptualization for DSM-V

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    Objective: The research agenda for the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) has emphasized the need for a more etiologically-based classification system, especially for stress-induced and fear-circuitry disorders. Testable hypotheses based on threats to survival during particular segments of the human era of evolutionary adaptedness (EEA) may be useful in developing a brain-evolution-based classification for the wide spectrum of disorders ranging from disorders which are mostly overconsolidationally such as PTSD, to fear-circuitry disorders which are mostly innate such as specific phobias. The recently presented Paleolithic-human-warfare hypothesis posits that blood–injection phobia can be traced to a “survival (fitness) enhancing” trait, which evolved in some females of reproductive-age during the millennia of intergroup warfare in the Paleolithic EEA. The study presented here tests the key a priori prediction of this hypothesis—that current blood–injection phobia will have higher prevalence in reproductive-age women than in post-menopausal women. Method: The Diagnostic Interview Schedule (version III-R) , which included a section on blood and injection phobia, was administered to 1920 subjects in the Baltimore ECA Follow-up Study. Results: Data on BII phobia was available on 1724 subjects (1078 women and 646 males) . The prevalence of current blood– injection phobia was 3.3% in women aged 27–49 and 1.1% in women over age 50 (OR 3.05, 95% CI 1.20–7.73) . [The corresponding figures for males were 0.8% and 0.7% (OR 1.19, 95% CI 0.20–7.14)] . Conclusions: This epidemiological study provides one source of support for the Paleolithic-human-warfare (Paleolithic-threat) hypothesis regarding the evolutionary (distal) etiology of bloodletting-related phobia, and may contribute to a more brain- evolution-based re-conceptualization and classification of this fear circuitry-related trait for the DSM-V. In addition, the finding reported here may also stimulate new research directions on more proximal mechanisms which can lead to the development of evidence-based psychopharmacological preventive interventions for this common and sometimes disabling fear-circuitry disorder

    Transcriptional Silencing of Multiple Genes in Trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica

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    In a previous work we described the transcriptional silencing of the amoebapore A (AP-A) gene (Ehap-a) of Entamoeba histolytica strain HM-1:IMSS. The silencing occurred following transfection with a plasmid containing a 5′ upstream region (473 bp) of Ehap-a that included a truncated segment (140 bp) of a short interspersed nuclear element (SINE1). Silencing remained in effect even after removal of the plasmid (clone G3). Neither short interfering RNA nor methylated DNA were detected, but the chromatin domain of Ehap-a in the gene-silenced trophozoites was modified. Two other similar genes (Ehap-b and one encoding a Saposin-like protein, SAPLIP 1) also became silenced. In the present work we demonstrate the silencing of a second gene of choice, one that encodes the light subunit of the Gal/GalNAc inhibitable lectin (Ehlgl1) and the other, the cysteine proteinase 5 (EhCP-5). This silencing occurred in G3 trophozoites transfected with a plasmid in which the 473 bp 5′ upstream Ehap-a fragment was directly ligated to the second gene. Transcriptional silencing occurred in both the transgene and the chromosomal gene. SINE1 sequences were essential, as was a direct connection between the Ehap-a upstream region and the beginning of the open reading frame of the second gene. Gene silencing did not occur in strain HM-1:IMSS with any of these plasmid constructs. The trophozoites with two silenced genes were virulence-attenuated as were those of clone G3. In addition, trophozoites not expressing Lgl1 and AP-A proteins had a significantly reduced ability to cap the Gal/GalNAc-lectin to the uroid region when incubated with antibodies against the heavy (170 kDa) subunit of the lectin. Lysates of trophozoites lacking cysteine proteinase 5 and AP-A proteins had 30% less cysteine proteinase activity than those of HM-1:IMSS strain or the G3 clone. Silencing of other genes in G3 amoebae could provide a model to study their various functions. In addition, double gene-silenced, virulence-attenuated trophozoites may be an important tool in vaccine development

    Design and Construction of Multigenic Constructs for Plant Biotechnology Using the GoldenBraid Cloning Strategy

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    GoldenBraid (GB) is an iterative and standardized DNA assembling system specially designed for Multigene Engineering in Plant Synthetic Biology. GB is based on restriction–ligation reactions using type IIS restriction enzymes. GB comprises a collection of standard DNA pieces named “GB parts” and a set of destination plasmids (pDGBs) that incorporate the multipartite assembly of standardized DNA parts. GB reactions are extremely efficient: two transcriptional units (TUs) can be assembled from several basic GBparts in one T-DNA less than 24 h. Moreover, larger assemblies comprising 4–5 TUs are routinely built in less than 2 working weeks. Here we provide a detailed view of the GB methodology. As a practical example, a Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation construct comprising four TUs in a 12 kb DNA fragment is presented.Sarrion-Perdigones, A.; Palací, J.; Granell Richart, A.; Orzáez Calatayud, DV. (2014). Design and Construction of Multigenic Constructs for Plant Biotechnology Using the GoldenBraid Cloning Strategy. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1116:133-151. doi:10.1007/978-1-62703-764-8_10S1331511116Haseloff J, Ajioka J (2009) Synthetic biology, history, challenges and prospects. J R Soc Interface 6(Suppl 4):S389–S391Check E (2005) Synthetic biology, designs on life. Nature 438:417–418Kosuri S, Eroshenko N, LeProust EM et al (2010) Scalable gene synthesis by selective amplification of DNA pools from high-fidelity microchips. Nat Biotechnol 28:1295–1299Ellis T, Adie T, Baldwin GS (2011) DNA assembly for synthetic biology, from parts to pathways and beyond. Integr Biol 3:109–118Gibson DG, Young L, Chuang R-Y et al (2009) Enzymatic assembly of DNA molecules up to several hundred kilobases. Nat Methods 6: 343–345Gibson DG, Glass JI, Lartigue C et al (2010) Creation of a bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome. Science 329:52–56Sarrion-Perdigones A, Falconi EE, Zandalinas SI et al (2011) GoldenBraid, an iterative cloning system for standardized assembly of reusable genetic modules. PLoS One 6:e21622Sarrion-Perdigones A, Vilar-Vazquez M et al (2013) GoldenBraid2.0, A comprehensive DNA assembly framework for plant synthetic biology. Plant Physiol 162:1618–1631Engler C, Gruetzner R, Kandzia R (2009) Golden gate shuffling, a one-pot DNA shuffling method based on type IIs restriction enzymes. PLoS One 4:e5553Engler C, Kandzia R, Marillonnet S (2008) A one pot, one step, precision cloning method with high throughput capability. PLoS One 3:e3647Bracha-Drori K, Shichrur K, Katz A et al (2004) Detection of protein-protein interactions in plants using bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Plant J 40:419–427Smaczniak C, Immink RG, Muino JM et al (2012) Characterization of MADS-domain transcription factor complexes in Arabidopsis flower development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109:1560–1565de Folter S, Immink RG, Kieffer M et al (2005) Comprehensive interaction map of the Arabidopsis MADS Box transcription factors. Plant Cell 17:1424–1433Lorenz WW, McCann RO, Longiaru M et al (1991) Isolation and expression of a cDNA encoding Renilla reniformis luciferase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88:4438–4442Voinnet O, Pinto YM, Baulcombe DC (1999) Suppression of gene silencing: a general strategy used by diverse DNA and RNA viruses of plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96: 14147–14152Hellens RP, Edwards EA, Leyland NR et al (2000) pGreen: a versatile and flexible binary Ti vector for Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation. Plant Mol Biol 42:819–832Butelli E, Titta L, Giorgio M et al (2008) Enrichment of tomato fruit with health-promoting anthocyanins by expression of select transcription factors. Nat Biotechnol 26: 1301–1308Kapila J, DeRycke R, VanMontagu M et al (1997) An Agrobacterium-mediated transient gene expression system for intact leaves. Plant Sci 122:101–10

    Memory consolidation in the cerebellar cortex

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    Several forms of learning, including classical conditioning of the eyeblink, depend upon the cerebellum. In examining mechanisms of eyeblink conditioning in rabbits, reversible inactivations of the control circuitry have begun to dissociate aspects of cerebellar cortical and nuclear function in memory consolidation. It was previously shown that post-training cerebellar cortical, but not nuclear, inactivations with the GABA(A) agonist muscimol prevented consolidation but these findings left open the question as to how final memory storage was partitioned across cortical and nuclear levels. Memory consolidation might be essentially cortical and directly disturbed by actions of the muscimol, or it might be nuclear, and sensitive to the raised excitability of the nuclear neurons following the loss of cortical inhibition. To resolve this question, we simultaneously inactivated cerebellar cortical lobule HVI and the anterior interpositus nucleus of rabbits during the post-training period, so protecting the nuclei from disinhibitory effects of cortical inactivation. Consolidation was impaired by these simultaneous inactivations. Because direct application of muscimol to the nuclei alone has no impact upon consolidation, we can conclude that post-training, consolidation processes and memory storage for eyeblink conditioning have critical cerebellar cortical components. The findings are consistent with a recent model that suggests the distribution of learning-related plasticity across cortical and nuclear levels is task-dependent. There can be transfer to nuclear or brainstem levels for control of high-frequency responses but learning with lower frequency response components, such as in eyeblink conditioning, remains mainly dependent upon cortical memory storage

    Glucose Starvation Boosts Entamoeba histolytica Virulence

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    The unicellular parasite, Entamoeba histolytica, is exposed to numerous adverse conditions, such as nutrient deprivation, during its life cycle stages in the human host. In the present study, we examined whether the parasite virulence could be influenced by glucose starvation (GS). The migratory behaviour of the parasite and its capability to kill mammalian cells and to lyse erythrocytes is strongly enhanced following GS. In order to gain insights into the mechanism underlying the GS boosting effects on virulence, we analyzed differences in protein expression levels in control and glucose-starved trophozoites, by quantitative proteomic analysis. We observed that upstream regulatory element 3-binding protein (URE3-BP), a transcription factor that modulates E.histolytica virulence, and the lysine-rich protein 1 (KRiP1) which is induced during liver abscess development, are upregulated by GS. We also analyzed E. histolytica membrane fractions and noticed that the Gal/GalNAc lectin light subunit LgL1 is up-regulated by GS. Surprisingly, amoebapore A (Ap-A) and cysteine proteinase A5 (CP-A5), two important E. histolytica virulence factors, were strongly down-regulated by GS. While the boosting effect of GS on E. histolytica virulence was conserved in strains silenced for Ap-A and CP-A5, it was lost in LgL1 and in KRiP1 down-regulated strains. These data emphasize the unexpected role of GS in the modulation of E.histolytica virulence and the involvement of KRiP1 and Lgl1 in this phenomenon

    Expressive Synchronization Types for Inheritance in the Join Calculus

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    In prior work, Fournet et al. proposed an extension of the join calculus with class-based inheritance, aiming to provide a precise semantics for concurrent objects. However, as we show here, their system suffers from several limitations, which make it inadequate to form the basis of a practical implementation. In this paper, we redesign the static semantics for inheritance in the join calculus, equipping class types with more precise information. Compared to previous work, the new type system is more powerful, more expressive and simpler. Additionally, one runtime check of the old system is suppressed in the new design. We also prove the soundness of the new system, and have implemented type inference

    Evolutionism and genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder

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    The authors discuss, from the evolutionary concept, how flight and fight responses and tonic immobility can lead to a new understanding of posttraumatic stress disorder. Through the analysis of symptom clusters (revivals, avoidance and hyperexcitation), neurobiological and evolutionary findings are correlated. The current discoveries on posttraumatic stress disorder genetics are summarized and analyzed in this evolutionary perspective, using concepts to understand the gene-environment interaction, such as epigenetic. The proposal is that the research of susceptibility factors in posttraumatic stress disorder must be investigated from the factorial point of view, where their interactions increase the risk of developing the disorder, preventing a unique search of the cause of this disorder. The research of candidate genes in posttraumatic stress disorder must take into consideration all the systems associated with processes of stress response, such as the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and sympathetic axes, mechanisms of learning, formation and extinguishing of declarative memories, neurogenesis and apoptosis, which involve many systems of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and neurohormones.Os autores discutem, a partir do conceito evolutivo, como a resposta de estresse, nas suas possibilidades de fuga e luta e de imobilidade tônica, pode levar a uma nova compreensão etiológica do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Através da análise dos agrupamentos de sintomas desse diagnóstico - revivência, evitação e hiperexcitação -, procuram correlacionar os achados neurobiológicos e evolutivos. As descobertas atuais sobre a genética do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático são resumidas e colocadas nessa perspectiva evolutiva, dentro de conceitos que possibilitam o entendimento da interação gene/ambiente, como a epigenética. Propõem que a pesquisa dos fatores de risco do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático deva ser investigada do ponto de vista fatorial, onde a somatória destes aumenta o risco de desenvolvimento do quadro, não sendo possível a procura da causa do transtorno de forma única. A pesquisa de genes candidatos no transtorno de estresse pós-traumático deve levar em consideração todos os sistemas associados aos processos de respostas ao estresse, sistemas dos eixos hipotálamo-hipofisário-adrenal e simpático, mecanismos de aprendizado, formação de memórias declarativas, de extinção e esquecimento, da neurogênese e da apoptose, que envolvem vários sistemas de neurotransmissores, neuropeptídeos e neuro-hormônios.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)(UNIFESP)UNIFESP Departamento de PsiquiatriaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicin Hospital de ClínicasUNIFESP, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL