322 research outputs found

    Neural Nirvana: `No mind' or out on a limbic?

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    The future of deterrence and the US marines on Okinawa

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    The US-Japan alliance established over seventy years ago is typically described by leaders on both sides as the ‘cornerstone of peace and security in East Asia.’ While China and North Korea may not share this positive view of the impact of the alliance on the region, the fact is that few alliances in modern international relations rival the US-Japan one in terms of durability, integration and influence. Under the terms of the US-Japan Security Treaty, the US pledges to defend Japan and in return Japan hosts a number of US military bases. Some, like Yokosuka Naval Base, are located on the so-called ‘home islands’ – the four large islands which comprise most of the land area, as well as the historic homeland, of the Japanese nation. However, the bulk of the US military bases are to be found some 1,500 kilometres southwest of Tokyo on Okinawa Island, former centre of the Ryukyuan Kingdom. Okinawa is not just remote from Tokyo, but importantly it is close to China – and even closer to Taiwan

    The Composition of Human Milk and Infant Faecal Microbiota Over the First Three Months of Life: A Pilot Study

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    peer-reviewedHuman milk contains a diverse array of bioactives and is also a source of bacteria for the developing infant gut. The aim of this study was to characterize the bacterial communities in human milk and infant faeces over the first 3 months of life, in 10 mother-infant pairs. The presence of viable Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in human milk was also evaluated. MiSeq sequencing revealed a large diversity of the human milk microbiota, identifying over 207 bacterial genera in milk samples. The phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes and the genera Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus were the predominant bacterial groups. A core of 12 genera represented 81% of the microbiota relative abundance in milk samples at week 1, 3 and 6, decreasing to 73% at week 12. Genera shared between infant faeces and human milk samples accounted for 70–88% of the total relative abundance in infant faecal samples, supporting the hypothesis of vertical transfer of bacteria from milk to the infant gut. In addition, identical strains of Bifidobacterium breve and Lactobacillus plantarum were isolated from the milk and faeces of one mother-infant pair. Vertical transfer of bacteria via breastfeeding may contribute to the initial establishment of the microbiota in the developing infant intestine

    Suppression of nitric oxide (NO)-dependent behavior by double-stranded RNA-mediated silencing of a neuronal NO synthase gene

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    We have used double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-mediated RNA interference (RNAi) to disrupt neuronal nitric oxide (NO) synthase (nNOS) gene function in the snail Lymnaea stagnalis and have detected a specific behavioral phenotype. The injection of whole animals with synthetic dsRNA molecules targeted to the nNOS-encoding mRNA reduces feeding behavior in vivo and fictive feeding in vitro and interferes with NO synthesis by the CNS. By showing that synthetic dsRNA targeted to the nNOS mRNA causes a significant and long-lasting reduction in the levels of Lym-nNOS mRNA, we verify that specific RNAi has occurred. Importantly, our results establish that the expression of nNOS gene is essential for normal feeding behavior. They also show that dsRNA can be used in the investigation of functional gene expression in the context of whole animal behavior, regardless of the availability of targeted mutation technologies

    Peer support for patients with type 2 diabetes: cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Objective To test the effectiveness of peer support for patients with type 2 diabetes

    Nutrition knowledge of elite and non-elite Gaelic footballers

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    Dietary intake plays a significant role in athletic performance and is influenced by several factors, including nutrition knowledge. Gaelic footballers are amateur athletes who conduct high-intensity, intermittent activity during training and competition, and have previously demonstrated insufficient dietary intake. This study aimed to examine nutrition knowledge in elite and non-elite Gaelic footballers. An online survey was distributed to competitive Gaelic footballers, examining nutrition knowledge using the Abridged Nutrition for Sport Knowledge Questionnaire. Total, general, and sport nutrition knowledge were compared between elite and non-elite athletes, and those who had and had not previously received nutrition education, using Mann-Whitney U-tests. A total of 190 participants (15.3% women) completed the survey. No differences between elite and non-elite athletes in nutrition knowledge were identified (p > 0.05). Athletes with previous nutrition education scored higher than those without previous nutrition education in total (54.0 ± 4.9% vs 46.8 ± 9.6%; p = 0.002) and sport (51.9 ± 12.5% vs 43.4 ± 11.8%; p = 0.005) nutrition knowledge. Findings suggest an importance of nutrition education at all levels of athletic competition to improve nutrition knowledge, which may empower athletes to make appropriate dietary decisions to support training and competition demands

    Structure and Turbulence in Simulated Galaxy Clusters and the Implications for the Formation of Radio Halos

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    We track the histories of massive clusters of galaxies formed within a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation. Specifically, we track the time evolution of the energy in random bulk motions of the intracluster medium and X-ray measures of cluster structure and their relationship to cluster mergers. We aim to assess the viability of the turbulent re-acceleration model for the generation of giant radio halos by comparing the level of turbulent kinetic energy in simulated clusters with the observed properties of radio halo clusters, giving particular attention to the association of radio halos to clusters with disturbedX-ray structures. The evolution of X-ray cluster structure and turbulence kinetic energy, k, in simulations can then inform us about the expected lifetime of radio halos and the fraction of clusters as a function of redshift expected to host them. We find strong statistical correlation of disturbed structure measures and the presence of enhancements in k. Specifically, quantitatively "disturbed", radio halo-like X-ray morphology in our sample indicates a 92% chance of the cluster in question having k elevated to more than twice its minimum value over the cluster's life. The typical lifetime of episodes of elevated turbulence is on the order of 1 Gyr, though these periods can last 5 Gyrs or more. This variation reflects the wide range of cluster histories; while some clusters undergo complex and repeated mergers spending a majority of their time in elevated k states, other clusters are relaxed over nearly their entire history. We do not find a bimodal relationship between cluster X-ray luminosity and the total energy in turbulence that might account directly for a bimodal L_X-P_{1.4 GHz} relation. However, our result may be consistent with the observed bimodality, as here we are not including a full treatment of cosmic rays sources and magnetic fields.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, MNRAS Submitte

    Acute hospital dementia care: results from a national audit

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    Background: Admission to an acute hospital can be distressing and disorientating for a person with dementia, and is associated with decline in cognitive and functional ability. The objective of this audit was to assess the quality of dementia care in acute hospitals in the Republic of Ireland. Methods: Across all 35 acute public hospitals, data was collected on care from admission through discharge using a retrospective chart review (n = 660), hospital organisation interview with senior management (n = 35), and ward level organisation interview with ward managers (n = 76). Inclusion criteria included a diagnosis of dementia, and a length of stay greater than 5 days. Results: Most patients received physical assessments, including mobility (89 %), continence (84 %) and pressure sore risk (87 %); however assessment of pain (75 %), and particularly functioning (36 %) was poor. Assessment for cognition (43 %) and delirium (30 %) was inadequate. Most wards have access at least 5 days per week to Liaison Psychiatry (93 %), Geriatric Medicine (84 %), Occupational Therapy (79 %), Speech & Language (81 %), Physiotherapy (99 %), and Palliative Care (89 %) Access to Psychology (9 %), Social Work (53 %), and Continence services (34 %) is limited. Dementia awareness training is provided on induction in only 2 hospitals, and almost half of hospitals did not offer dementia training to doctors (45 %) or nurses (48 %) in the previous 12 months. Staff cover could not be provided on 62 % of wards for attending dementia training. Most wards (84 %) had no dementia champion to guide best practice in care. Discharge planning was not initiated within 24 h of admission in 72 % of cases, less than 40 % had a single plan for discharge recorded, and 33 % of carers received no needs assessment prior to discharge. Length of stay was significantly greater for new discharges to residential care (p < .001). Conclusion: Dementia care relating to assessment, access to certain specialist services, staffing levels, training and support, and discharge planning is sub-optimal, which may increase the risk of adverse patient outcomes and the cost of acute care. Areas of good practice are also highlighted

    Improved remote sensing methods to detect northern wild rice (Zizania palustris L.)

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    Declining populations of Zizania palustris L. (northern wildrice, or wildrice) during the last century drives the demand for new and innovative techniques to support monitoring of this culturally and ecologically significant crop wild relative. We trained three wildrice detection models in R and Google Earth Engine using data from annual aquatic vegetation surveys in northern Minnesota. Three di erent training datasets, varying in the definition of wildrice presence, were combined with Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-1 C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery to map wildrice in 2015 using random forests. Spectral predictors were derived from phenologically important time periods of emergence (June–July) and peak harvest (August–September). The range of the Vertical Vertical (VV) polarization between the two time periods was consistently the top predictor. Model outputs were evaluated using both point and area-based validation (polygon). While all models performed well in the point validation with percent correctly classified ranging from 83.8% to 91.1%, we found polygon validation necessary to comprehensively assess wildrice detection accuracy. Our practical approach highlights a variety of applications that can be applied to guide field excursions and estimate the extent of occurrence at landscape scales. Further testing and validation of the methods we present may support multiyear monitoring which is foundational for the preservation of wildrice for future generations