37 research outputs found

    Risk factors for negative experiences during psychotherapy

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    Background: It is estimated that between 3% and 15% of patients have a negative experience of psychotherapy, but little is understood about this. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the factors associated with patients’ negative therapy experiences. Method: The data comprised 185 patient and 304 therapist questionnaires, 20 patient and 20 therapist interviews. Patients reported on an unhelpful or harmful experience of therapy, and therapists on a therapy where they thought the patient they were working with had a poor or harmful experience. These were transcribed and analysed using thematic analysis. Results: There was a Lack of fit between Patient needs, Therapist skills, and Service structures. This could result in Fault Lines, a tension between Safety and containment and Power and control. This tension led to Strain and Poor Engagement, which led to Consequences following the negative therapy experience. Conclusions: Patients require clear information, choice, involvement in decision-making, explicit contracting and clarity about sessions and progress. Opportunities for patient feedback should be the norm, where the therapist and service are vigilant for signs of deterioration and solutions considered.Clinical and methodological significance of this article: Estimates of “unwanted effects,” including long-lasting effects, of psychotherapy have ranged from 3% to 15%. Few empirical studies have been conducted in this area. This study aimed to address this gap and provide clinicians with a model of risk factors for negative therapy effects. The findings of this study indicate the importance of providing patients with a supportive service structure that offers clear information, choice and involvement in decision-making. Explicit contracting at the beginning of therapy and clarity about sessions and progress are also important in managing patient expectations throughout. Opportunities for patient feedback should be provided

    A qualitative study of decision-making and safety in ambulance service transitions

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    Background Decisions made by front-line ambulance staff are often time critical and based on limited information, but wrong decisions in this context could have serious consequences for patients. There has been little research carried out in the ambulance service setting to identify areas of risk associated with decisions about patient care. Aim The aim of this study was to qualitatively examine potential system-wide influences on decision-making in the ambulance service setting and to identify useful areas for future research and intervention. Methods We used a multisite, multimethod qualitative approach across three ambulance service trusts. In phase 1 we carried out 16 interviews to contextualise the study and provide discussion points for phase 2. For phase 2, university and ambulance service researchers observed paramedics on 34 shifts and 10 paramedics completed ‘digital diaries’ that reported challenges to decision-making or to patient safety. Six focus groups were held, three with staff (n = 21) and three with service users (n = 23). From observation and diary data we developed a typology of decisions made at the scene. Data from these and other sources were also coded within a human factors framework and then thematically analysed to identify influences on those decisions. In phase 3, workshops were held at each site to allow participants and stakeholders (n = 45) to comment on the study findings. Participants were asked to rank influences on decisions using a ‘paired comparison’ method. Results Interviews provided the context for further qualitative exploration. Nine types of decision were identified from observations and digital diaries, ranging from emergency department conveyance and specialist emergency pathways to non-conveyance. A synthesis of findings from the observations, diaries and staff focus groups revealed seven overarching system influences on decision-making and potential risk factors: meeting increasing demand for emergency care; impacts of performance regime and priorities on service delivery; access to appropriate care options; disproportionate risk aversion; education, training and professional development for crews; communication and feedback to crews; and ambulance service resources. Safety culture issues were also identified. Data from the service user focus groups reflected similar issues to those identified from the staff focus groups. Service user concerns included call handling and communication, triage, patient involvement in decisions, balancing demand, resources, access to care, risk aversion, geographical location and vulnerable patients. Group discussions highlighted a lack of awareness by the public of how best to use emergency and urgent care services. Workshop attendees were satisfied that the findings reflected relevant issues. The two issues ranked highest for warranting attention were staff training and development and access to alternative care. Conclusions Multiple qualitative methods allowed a range of perspectives to be accessed and validation of issues across perspectives. Recommendations for future research include exploring effective ways of providing access to alternative care pathways to accident and emergency, assessing public awareness and expectations of ambulance and related services, exploring safe ways of improving telephone triage decisions and assessing the effects of different staff skill levels on patient safety

    Multiple triangulation and collaborative research using qualitative methods to explore decision making in pre-hospital emergency care.

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    BACKGROUND: Paramedics make important and increasingly complex decisions at scene about patient care. Patient safety implications of influences on decision making in the pre-hospital setting were previously under-researched. Cutting edge perspectives advocate exploring the whole system rather than individual influences on patient safety. Ethnography (the study of people and cultures) has been acknowledged as a suitable method for identifying health care issues as they occur within the natural context. In this paper we compare multiple methods used in a multi-site, qualitative study that aimed to identify system influences on decision making. METHODS: The study was conducted in three NHS Ambulance Trusts in England and involved researchers from each Trust working alongside academic researchers. Exploratory interviews with key informants e.g. managers (n = 16) and document review provided contextual information. Between October 2012 and July 2013 researchers observed 34 paramedic shifts and ten paramedics provided additional accounts via audio-recorded 'digital diaries' (155 events). Three staff focus groups (total n = 21) and three service user focus groups (total n = 23) explored a range of experiences and perceptions. Data collection and analysis was carried out by academic and ambulance service researchers as well as service users. Workshops were held at each site to elicit feedback on the findings and facilitate prioritisation of issues identified. RESULTS: The use of a multi-method qualitative approach allowed cross-validation of important issues for ambulance service staff and service users. A key factor in successful implementation of the study was establishing good working relationships with academic and ambulance service teams. Enrolling at least one research lead at each site facilitated the recruitment process as well as study progress. Active involvement with the study allowed ambulance service researchers and service users to gain a better understanding of the research process. Feedback workshops allowed stakeholders to discuss and prioritise findings as well as identify new research areas. CONCLUSION: Combining multiple qualitative methods with a collaborative research approach can facilitate exploration of system influences on patient safety in under-researched settings. The paper highlights empirical issues, strengths and limitations for this approach. Feedback workshops were effective for verifying findings and prioritising areas for future intervention and research

    Contextualising the pervasive impact of macroeconomic austerity on prison health in England: A qualitative study among international policymakers

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    Background: Prisons offer the state the opportunity to gain access to a population that is at particularly high risk of ill-health. Despite the supportive legal and policy structures surrounding prison rehabilitation, the oppressive nature of the austerity policy in England threatens its advanced improvement.Methods: Using grounded theory methodology, this is the first interdisciplinary qualitative study to explore the impact of macroeconomic austerity on prison health in England from the perspective of 29 international prison policymakers.Results: The far-reaching impact of austerity in England has established a regressive political system that shapes the societal attitude towards social issues, which has exacerbated the existing poor health of the prisoners. Austerity has undermined the notion of social collectivism, imposed a culture of acceptance among prison bureaucrats and the wider community, and normalised the devastating impacts of prison instability. These developments are evidenced by the increasing levels of suicide, violence, radicalisation and prison gangs among prisoners, as well as the imposition of long working hours and the high levels of absenteeism among prison staff.Conclusions: This study underscores an important and yet unarticulated phenomenon that despite being the fifth largest economy in the world, England’s poorest, marginalised and excluded population continues to bear the brunt of austerity. Reducing the prison population, using international obligations as minimum standards to protect prisoners’ right to health and providing greater resources would create a more positive and inclusive system, in line with England’s international and domestic commitments to the humane treatment of all people

    A wheat kinase and immune receptor form host-specificity barriers against the blast fungus

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    Since emerging in Brazil in 1985, wheat blast has spread throughout South America and recently appeared in Bangladesh and Zambia. Here we show that two wheat resistance genes, Rwt3 and Rwt4, acting as host-specificity barriers against non-Triticum blast pathotypes encode a nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat immune receptor and a tandem kinase, respectively. Molecular isolation of these genes will enable study of the molecular interaction between pathogen effector and host resistance genes

    Correction to: Cluster identification, selection, and description in Cluster randomized crossover trials: the PREP-IT trials

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    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article

    Table_1_Non-small cell lung cancer with MET amplification: review of epidemiology, associated disease characteristics, testing procedures, burden, and treatments.docx

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    IntroductionMesenchymal-epidermal transition factor gene amplification (METamp) is being investigated as a therapeutic target in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We reviewed the epidemiology and disease characteristics associated with primary and secondary METamp, as well as the testing procedures used to identify METamp, in advanced NSCLC. Economic and humanistic burdens, and the practice patterns and treatments under investigation for METamp were also examined.MethodsEmbase and Medline (via ProQuest), ClinicalTrials.gov, and Cochrane Controlled Register of Trials (2015–2022) were systematically searched. Conference abstracts were searched via Embase and conference proceedings websites (2020–2022). The review focused on evidence from the United States; global evidence was included for identified evidence gaps.ResultsThe median rate of primary METamp in NSCLC across the references was 4.8% (n=4 studies) and of secondary METamp (epidermal growth factor receptor [EGFR]-mutant NSCLC) was 15% (n=10). Next-generation sequencing (NGS; n=12) and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH; n=11) were most frequently used in real-world studies and FISH testing most frequently used in clinical trials (n=9/10). METamp definitions varied among clinical trials using ISH/FISH testing (MET to chromosome 7 centromere ratio of ≥1.8 to ≥3.0; or gene copy number [GCN] ≥5 to ≥10) and among trials using NGS (tissue testing: GCN ≥6; liquid biopsy: MET copy number ≥2.1 to >5). Limited to no data were identified on the economic and humanistic burdens, and real-world treatment of METamp NSCLC. Promising preliminary results from trials enrolling patients with EGFR-mutated, METamp advanced NSCLC progressing on an EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) were observed with MET-TKIs (i.e., tepotinib, savolitinib, and capmatinib) in combination with EGFR-TKIs (i.e., gefitinib and osimertinib). For metastatic NSCLC and high-level METamp, monotherapy with capmatinib, crizotinib, and tepotinib are recommended in the 2022 published NSCLC NCCN Guidelines.ConclusionPrimary METamp occurs in approximately 5% of NSCLC cases, and secondary METamp in approximately 15% of cases previously treated with an EGFR inhibitor. Variability in testing methods (including ISH/FISH and NGS) and definitions were observed. Several treatments are promising in treating METamp NSCLC. Additional studies evaluating the clinical, economic, and humanistic burdens are needed.</p

    Novel TNF receptor-1 inhibitors identified as potential therapeutic candidates for traumatic brain injury

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    Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) begins with the application of mechanical force to the head or brain, which initiates systemic and cellular processes that are hallmarks of the disease. The pathological cascade of secondary injury processes, including inflammation, can exacerbate brain injury-induced morbidities and thus represents a plausible target for pharmaceutical therapies. We have pioneered research on post-traumatic sleep, identifying that injury-induced sleep lasting for 6 h in brain-injured mice coincides with increased cortical levels of inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Here, we apply post-traumatic sleep as a physiological bio-indicator of inflammation. We hypothesized the efficacy of novel TNF receptor (TNF-R) inhibitors could be screened using post-traumatic sleep and that these novel compounds would improve functional recovery following diffuse TBI in the mouse. Methods: Three inhibitors of TNF-R activation were synthesized based on the structure of previously reported TNF CIAM inhibitor F002, which lodges into a defined TNFR1 cavity at the TNF-binding interface, and screened for in vitro efficacy of TNF pathway inhibition (I.B phosphorylation). Compounds were screened for in vivo efficacy in modulating post-traumatic sleep. Compounds were then tested for efficacy in improving functional recovery and verification of cellular mechanism. Results: Brain-injured mice treated with Compound 7 (C7) or SGT11 slept significantly less than those treated with vehicle, suggesting a therapeutic potential to target neuroinflammation. SGT11 restored cognitive, sensorimotor, and neurological function. C7 and SGT11 significantly decreased cortical inflammatory cytokines 3 h post-TBI. Conclusions: Using sleep as a bio-indicator of TNF-R-dependent neuroinflammation, we identified C7 and SGT11 as potential therapeutic candidates for TBI.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke of the National Institutes of Health [R21 NS072611]; PCH Mission Support Funds; Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation; NIH [F31-NS090921]; Science Foundation Arizona Bisgrove ScholarshipThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Additional file 1: of Novel TNF receptor-1 inhibitors identified as potential therapeutic candidates for traumatic brain injury

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    Figure S1. Uninjured sham mice showed no significant drug-induced change in sleep compared to baseline or the vehicle treated group. (A) There was no significant treatment effect on sleep in uninjured sham mice when compared to their pre-treatment baseline sleep (F2,6 = 0.6759, p = 0.5436). (B) The change in cumulative sleep from vehicle-treated shams was calculated and there was no significant treatment effect on sleep in the C7-treated or SGT-treated shams (t4 = 1.689, p = 0.1665). (TIF 152 kb