110 research outputs found

    La Autoenografía como un instrumento de (trans)formación profesional en la práctica del Pharmaceutical Care

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    La inclusión reciente de farmacéuticos en atención primaria en Brasil a través del Equipo de Apoyo de Salud Familiar los ha alentado a reflexionar sobre la necesidad de dejar de ser un profesional enfocado en los medicamentos a un profesional enfocado en las personas. La autoetnografía le permitió a una farmacéutica confrontar sus perspectivas sobre la práctica clínica entre 2014 y 2016, período en el que ella decidió desafiar, como farmacéutica, su formación tradicional centrada en los medicamentos. Utilizando como marco teórico la práctica del Pharmaceutical Care que había impulsadoa la profesión farmacéutica a cambiar su enfoque hacia el paciente, los autores colaboraron en la construcción de un monólogo sobre lo que significa centrarse en el paciente,de manera que éste cautivara a los lectores. Los hallazgos de la investigación también respaldan la versatilidad de la aplicación del proceso reflexivo proporcionado por la autoetnografía. Durante el trabajo de campo, a través de una redacción reflexiva y la realización de entrevistas, la farmacéutica descubrió una nueva forma de relacionarse con el "cuidado" y los "pacientes" en su rutina diaria

    La Autoenografía como un instrumento de (trans)formación profesional en la práctica del Pharmaceutical Care

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    La inclusión reciente de farmacéuticos en atención primaria en Brasil a través del Equipo de Apoyo de Salud Familiar los ha alentado a reflexionar sobre la necesidad de dejar de ser un profesional enfocado en los medicamentos a un profesional enfocado en las personas. La autoetnografía le permitió a una farmacéutica confrontar sus perspectivas sobre la práctica clínica entre 2014 y 2016, período en el que ella decidió desafiar, como farmacéutica, su formación tradicional centrada en los medicamentos. Utilizando como marco teórico la práctica del Pharmaceutical Care que había impulsadoa la profesión farmacéutica a cambiar su enfoque hacia el paciente, los autores colaboraron en la construcción de un monólogo sobre lo que significa centrarse en el paciente,de manera que éste cautivara a los lectores. Los hallazgos de la investigación también respaldan la versatilidad de la aplicación del proceso reflexivo proporcionado por la autoetnografía. Durante el trabajo de campo, a través de una redacción reflexiva y la realización de entrevistas, la farmacéutica descubrió una nueva forma de relacionarse con el "cuidado" y los "pacientes" en su rutina diaria

    Children's perceptions of parental emotional neglect and control and psychopathology

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    <b>Background:</b> Parental emotional neglect is linked to psychiatric disorder. This study explores the associations between children’s perceptions of parental emotional neglect and future psychopathology. <b>Methods:</b> In a school-based longitudinal study of nearly 1700 children aged 11-15 we explored children’s perceptions of parenting, as measured by the parental bonding instrument (PBI) at age 11, and their associations with later psychiatric diagnosis at age 15, as measured by computerized psychiatric interview. Rather than using the traditional four category approach to the PBI, we identified groups of children, classified according to their perceptions of parenting, using latent class analysis. <b>Results:</b> A small group of children (3%) perceived their parents as almost always emotionally neglectful and controlling. This group had an increased odds of psychiatric disorder (OR 2.14; 95% CI 1.29-4.50), increased overall (standardised) psychiatric symptom scores (B = 0.46; 95% CI 0.16-0.75) and increased scores in all psychiatric subscales except substance-use at age 15, despite no increase in psychiatric referral at age 11. Analyses controlled for key potential confounders (e.g. socioeconomic status). <b>Conclusions:</b> Although our findings are limited by having no objective evidence that children’s perceptions of emotional neglect are directly associated with actual neglect, children’s perceptions of neglect and control are associated with over twice the odds of psychiatric disorder at age 15. Children’s perceptions that parents are emotionally neglectful and controlling are independently associated with later psychiatric disorder and should be taken seriously as a risk factor for future psychopathology

    Ostentations vestimentaires affirmées et refusées : l’habillement à Recife comme marque de distinction sociale

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    This article is dedicated to a study of class distinction by clothing in Recife in the 1970s and 1980s. Based on personal recollections, observations, and recent interviews with acquaintances from the era, the author seeks to understand what dress choices meant to the city’s social groups at that time. Discussing the classic theories that emphasize the weight of social class in fashion, as well as contemporary studies that highlight the impact of other social variables upon dress habits, this article explains that dress codes served to delineate class boundaries, and that members of the upper middle classes attempted to prevent people of the working classes from dressing well

    Bismarck meets Beveridge on the Silk Road: coordinating funding sources to create a universal health financing system in Kyrgyzstan

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    Options for health financing reform are often portrayed as a choice between general taxation (known as the Beveridge model) and social health insurance (known as the Bismarck model). Ten years of health financing reform in Kyrgyzstan, since the introduction of its compulsory health insurance fund in 1997, provide an excellent example of why it is wrong to reduce health financing policy to a choice between the Beveridge and Bismarck models. Rather than fragment the system according to the insurance status of the population, as many other low- and middle-income countries have done, the Kyrgyz reforms were guided by the objective of having a single system for the entire population. Key features include the role and gradual development of the compulsory health insurance fund as the single purchaser of health-care services for the entire population using output-based payment methods, the complete restructuring of pooling arrangements from the former decentralized budgetary structure to a single national pool, and the establishment of an explicit benefit package. Central to the process was the transformation of the role of general budget revenues – the main source of public funding for health – from directly subsidizing the supply of services to subsidizing the purchase of services on behalf of the entire population by redirecting them into the health insurance fund. Through their approach to health financing policy, and pooling in particular, the Kyrgyz health reformers demonstrated that different sources of funds can be used in an explicitly complementary manner to enable the creation of a unified, universal system


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    We report the second complete molecular line data release from the Census of High-and Medium-mass Protostars (CHaMP), a large-scale, unbiased, uniform mapping survey at sub-parsec resolution, of millimeter-wave line emission from 303 massive, dense molecular clumps in the Milky Way. This release is for all (CO)-C-12 J = 1 -> 0 emission associated with the dense gas, the first from Phase II of the survey, which includes (CO)-C-12, (CO)-C-13, and (CO)-O-18. The observed clump emission traced by both (CO)-C-12 and HCO+ (from Phase I) shows very similar morphology, indicating that, for dense molecular clouds and complexes of all sizes, parsec-scale clumps contain. similar to 75% of the mass, while only 25% of the mass lies in extended (>10 pc) or "low density" components in these same areas. The mass fraction of all gas above a density of 10(9) m(-3) is xi(9) greater than or similar to 50%. This suggests that parsec-scale clumps may be the basic building blocks of the molecular interstellar medium, rather than the standard GMC concept. Using (CO)-C-12 emission, we derive physical properties of these clumps in their entirety, and compare them to properties from HCO+, tracing their denser interiors. We compare the standard X-factor converting I (CO)-C-12 to N-H2 with alternative conversions, and show that only the latter give whole-clump properties that are physically consistent with those of their interiors. We infer that the clump population is systematically closer to virial equilibrium than when considering only their interiors, with perhaps half being long-lived (10s of Myr), pressure-confined entities that only terminally engage in vigorous massive star formation, supporting other evidence along these lines that was previously published.NASA/JPL [RSA-1464327]; NSF [AST-1312597]; UF Astronomy Department; University of Florida Astronomy Department; UF University Scholar's ProgramThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Piracy, Circulatory Legitimacy, and Neoliberal Subjectivity in Brazil

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    Uncorrected proof. Supplemental material: http://culanth.org/?q=node/474Understanding current neoliberalism in Brazil requires an analysis of the piracy that has been going on there since at least the 1970s. Early phases of neoliberalism shrank the state, liberalized markets, and privatized resources. Current forms of neoliberal practice are characterized by large informal economies, intellectual property (IP), circulatory “legitimacy,” individualized consumption, and the reproductive fidelities of digital technology. This current combination places the unauthorized production, sale, and use of goods (often referred to as “piracy”) at the center of the forms of exchange on which the modern Brazilian economy relies. Purchases may be viewed as degraded or redemptive by having been mediated through “piracy,” and most consumers of public culture are referred to at some point by the culture industry as “pirates.” The anxious subjectivities that result from piracy’s emerging centrality are here analyzed at two contrasting Brazilian sites. The first is an NGO that polices violations of IP. The second is an informal marketplace in the state of S˜ao Paulo where workers strive for “competitive pricing.” In both of these sites, piracy simultaneously elucidates international discourses while it inscribes local approaches to mixture and boundary violation. At some moments, piracy appears as a distinctly Brazilian “embarrassment.” In others, it is a typically creative Brazilian solution to the problem of unfair international markets