71 research outputs found

    Shadows on the wall: memory and premonition in Berioʼs Cronaca del Luogo

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    Berio's musical action Cronaca del Luogo ("Chronicle of the Place") was commissioned for the Salzburg festival, and premiered at the Felsenreitschule on 24 July 1999. The libretto was compiled from a wide variety of sources by Berio's wife, Talia Pecker Berio

    An intraorganizational model for developing and spreading quality improvement innovations

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    BACKGROUND Recent policy reforms encourage quality improvement (QI) innovations in primary care, but practitioners lack clear guidance regarding spread inside organizations. PURPOSE We designed this study to identify how large organizations can facilitate intraorganizational spread of QI innovations. METHODOLOGY/APPROACH We conducted ethnographic observation and interviews in a large, multispecialty, community-based medical group that implemented three QI innovations across 10 primary care sites using a new method for intraorganizational process development and spread. We compared quantitative outcomes achieved through the group's traditional versus new method, created a process model describing the steps in the new method, and identified barriers and facilitators at each step. FINDINGS The medical group achieved substantial improvement using its new method of intraorganizational process development and spread of QI innovations: standard work for rooming and depression screening, vaccine error rates and order compliance, and Pap smear error rates. Our model details nine critical steps for successful intraorganizational process development (set priorities, assess the current state, develop the new process, and measure and refine) and spread (develop support, disseminate information, facilitate peer-to-peer training, reinforce, and learn and adapt). Our results highlight the importance of utilizing preexisting organizational structures such as established communication channels, standardized roles, common workflows, formal authority, and performance measurement and feedback systems when developing and spreading QI processes inside an organization. In particular, we detail how formal process advocate positions in each site for each role can facilitate the spread of new processes. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS Successful intraorganizational spread is possible and sustainable. Developing and spreading new QI processes across sites inside an organization requires creating a shared understanding of the necessary process steps, considering the barriers that may arise at each step, and leveraging preexisting organizational structures to facilitate intraorganizational process development and spread.This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License 4.0 (CCBY-NC), where it is permissible to download, share, remix, transform, and buildup the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be used commercially

    Timing of Delivery and Adverse Outcomes in Term Singleton Repeat Cesarean Deliveries

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    To compare the maternal and neonatal risks of elective repeat cesarean delivery compared with pregnancy continuation at different gestational ages, starting from 37 weeks

    Effect of Antenatal Corticosteroids on Respiratory Morbidity in Singletons After Late-Preterm Birth

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    To evaluate whether neonates born to women who had previously received antenatal corticosteroids and then delivered a late-preterm birth neonate had less respiratory morbidity compared with those unexposed to antenatal corticosteroids

    Sitting Postures and Trunk Muscle Activity in Adolescents With and Without Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain

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    Study design. A cross-sectional comparative study of adolescents with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP) and healthy controls. Objective. To investigate whether 5 differences in spinal kinematic and trunk muscle activity exist in both usual and slump sitting in adolescents with NSCLBP. Summary of Background. Evidence suggests that low back pain (LBP) commonly develops in adolescence and increases the risk for LBP in adulthood. Sitting is an important consideration in adolescents with NSCLBP: currently there are no reports 10 investigating their motor control strategies in sitting. Methods. 28 adolescents (14 female) with NSCLBP and 28 matched pain-free controls were recruited from a large cohort study. Pain subjects were sub-classified based upon O’Sullivan’s classification system. Three dimensional lumbo-pelvic kinematic data and the activation of three back and two abdominal muscles were recorded during usual and 15 slump sitting. The flexion-relaxation phenomenon in sitting was also investigated. Results. Spinal posture in usual and slump sitting were similar for adolescents with and without NSCLBP. However, differences were identified in both sitting conditions when those with NSCLPB were sub-classified and compared to controls. Muscle activation differences were not consistently identified, with only lower levels of Internal Oblique 20 activation in usual sitting in NSCLBP compared to pain-free controls showing significance. Flexion relaxation was observed in both Iliocostalis and Thoracic Erector Spinae in the NSCLBP group but not controls. *Structured Abstract (300 words) 2 Conclusion. Differences with sitting posture are only seen when adolescents with NSCLBP are classified. Trunk muscle activation is not a sensitive marker for discriminating sub-25 groups of NSCLBP during adolescence.status: publishe