57 research outputs found

    Land Cover Mapping Using Landsat Satellite Image Classification in the Classical Karst - Kras Region

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    Such a diverse and sensitive eco-region as Karst needs to be managed with special attention and consideration of its natural and cultural resources. Land cover is an important indicator, which enables the analysis of their condition and development monitoring. Advanced satellite images classification represents an accurate and cost-effective alternative to the classical techniques of land cover mapping. The methods used to produce a reliable land cover map are presented in this paper. The complexity of the area requires a combination of various data such as Landsat satellite images, digital elevation model, digital orthophotos as well as existing topographic and thematic maps. The maximum likelihood algorithm was used as the main classifier and the accuracy of results was further improved by fuzzy classification, altitude and inclination filtering and auxiliary data integration

    Daljinsko zaznavanje

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    Monografija je prvo obširno in sistematično delo o daljinskem zaznavanju v slovenščini. Tehnologija zajema podatkov iz letal in satelitov postaja vsakodnevno orodje v najrazličnejših študijah – od arheologije, prek geografije in gozdarstva do geodezije. Kljub nekaterim odmevnim primerom uporabe v Sloveniji do sedaj še nismo imeli dela, ki bi omenjeno področje obravnavalo pregledno in v celoti

    Paleorelief detection and paleoDEM modelling - a case of study in eastern Languedoc (France)

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    International audienceThe main objective of the paper is paleo digital elevation model (paleoDEM) detection and modelling, a multidisciplinary approach involving geodesy, archaeology, and paleoenvironmental studies

    Confidence maps: a tool to evaluate data's relevance in spatial analysis.

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    Inventory data used in archaeology are often incomplete and heterogeneous. In the framework of the ArchaeDyn program, a method has been proposed to evaluate heterogeneity in archaeological inventories. The purpose of this work is to create a validation tool to interpret the results. This tool is called a "confidence map" and is produced by combining representation and reliability maps. The first step consists in generating representation maps to describe the clustering of archaeological items. The second step is based on reliability maps. Data providers are asked to define and outline the level of reliability of their data. Finally, representation and reliability layers are combined using map algebra. The resulting maps allow for the comparison and analysis of data confidenc

    Interactive Map for caENTI - Application of the Web Mapping Technology.

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    International audienceGeographical information systems (GIS) are becoming a common tool in applications that involve spatial objects and relations. In the last years the internet technology is moving GIS towards web based applications, simplifying the interaction between users and GIS, and at the same time reducing the ownership and maintenance costs. In the framework of caENTI we are developing a Web Mapping solution to present selected socio-economic indicators of European Union in the form of Interactive map. Indicators will be presented in different levels of detail (from NUTS0 to LAU2). In the time of writing this article Interactive map is still in development phase. The development software has been already selected and tested. However the selection and processing of data and metadata is still not completed. Map built on Web Mapping software GeoServer and JavaScriptbased web applications (including the Map Tools library OpenLayers) are in the final stages of development

    Automatic coregistration of three-dimensional building models with image features

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    The aim of this article is to investigate methods for\ud the automatic extraction of the infrared (IR) textures\ud for the roofs and facades of existing building models.\ud We focus on the correction of the measured exterior\ud orientation parameters of the IR camera mounted on\ud a mobile platform. The developed method is based on\ud point-to-point matching of the features extracted from\ud IR images with a wire-frame building model. Firstly,\ud the extraction of different feature types is studied on\ud a sample IR image; Förstner and intersection points\ud are chosen for a representation of the image features.\ud Secondly, the three-dimensional (3D) building model\ud is projected into each frame of the IR video sequence\ud using orientation parameters; only coarse exterior\ud orientation parameters are known. Then the automatic\ud co-registration of a 3D building model projection into\ud the image sequence with image features is carried out.\ud The matching of a model and extracted features is\ud applied iteratively, and exterior orientation parameters\ud are adjusted with least square adjustment. The method\ud is tested on a dataset of a dense urban area. Finally,\ud an evaluation of the developed method is presented\ud with five quality parameters, i.e. efficiency of the\ud method, completeness and correctness of matching\ud and extraction

    Lidar in Mediterranean agricultural landscapes: reassessing land use in the Mauguio

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    International audienceThe value of lidar data for the study of forested areas has been repeatedly demonstrated, recording large numbers of previously unknown sites and features where most survey methods are ineffective. However, the question of the value of lidar in cultivated areas already investigated through historical mapping and archaeological studies such as fieldwalking survey, aerial photographic survey and excavation remains open. This paper summarizes the results of recent research in the open and heavily cultivated Mauguio region of southern France and reflects on the challenges of integrating information from lidar survey into an existing body of knowledge on the development of an agricultural landscape

    Lidor. Acquisition, traitement et analyse d'images LiDAR pour la modélisation des paléo-reliefs de la plaine littorale du Languedoc oriental.

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    Rapport d'ATIP Jeune Chercheur (CNRS)Rapport final du programme ATIP LidOR. Acquisition et traitement de données Lidar acquises en décembre 2006 dans la plaine littorale de Mauguio. L'ensemble des données Lidar acquises a pu être traité pour produire un premier Modèle Numérique de Terrain puis de Surface à 50 cm de résolution qui ont permis une exploration visuelle des données. D'un point de vue thématique, le travail de l'équipe s'est concentré sur le traitement des données avec trois objectifs principaux : la détection des aménagements de la plaine (irrigation, drainage...) depuis l'Antiquité ; la mise en évidence du réseau hydrographique " naturel " avant le détournement artificiel des cours d'eau et l'assèchement des dépressions humides ; la détection des microreliefs résiduels

    Attractiveness of roads for illegal dumping with regard to regional differences in Slovenia

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    The first countrywide register of illegal dump sites in Slovenia was created in 2010 and 2011. Due to its extensiveness it allows in-depth analyses of factors that affect illegal waste disposal. Prior research has already proven the impact of roads on the incidence of illegal dumps, but in this paper we investigate if regional differences significantly influence its expression. We consider the existing landscape typing, which divides Slovenia into 14 landscape-ecological types. We find significant differences between landscape types in the attractiveness of roads for disposal. They are especially pronounced when comparing the attractiveness of individual road categories