41 research outputs found

    An Etching Study for Self-Aligned Double Patterning

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    A proposed process flow for a complete FinFET etch module is presented as well as experiments to ensure that the target films are etched uniformly with proper rate, selectivity and anisotropy. The proposed process flow was developed at RIT, designed to closely reproduce what the semiconductor industry uses for a Self-Aligned Double Patterning (SADP) process module while advancing RIT\u27s current cleanroom facility capabilities. The etching experiment is proposed such that a sufficient degree of etch endpoint control can be achieved without a spectrophotometer for endpoint detection using the Magnetically Enhanced Reactive Ion Etching (MERIE) system at RIT. Without the proper etch data a number of critical steps would be incredibly difficult to control. Prior to this work across wafer etch non-uniformity was reported to be approximately 10% with a regular rate of 1400-1500A/min. This was improved through various means to a nonuniformity of \u3c 1% and a rate of 2200A/min on average. A way to achieve the mandrel etch and strip using gas ratios of 4:2:1::CF4:CHF3:C2F6 and 4:1::CHF3:C2F6, was derived, respectively

    The Response of Lake Pontchartrain Fish Assemblages to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

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    To assess possible impacts on Lake Pontchartrain fishes from the 2005 hurricanes, we 45 compared trawl, beach seine, and gillnet collections taken before (2000-2003, 2005) and after 46 (2006-2009) to determine if significant assemblage changes occurred. We also compared basic 47 environmental variables to test for hurricane-related changes. Significant post-hurricane changes 48 in fish assemblages occurred in trawl (ANOSIM, R \u3c 0.090, p \u3c 0.05) and beach seine 49 (ANOSIM, R \u3c 0.120, p \u3c 0.05) collections across all seasons. Gillnet assemblages exhibited 50 changes in only one season (ANOSIM, R = 0.045, p \u3c 0.05). These consistently low global R 51 values (all R \u3c 0.120) across all gears suggest only minor compositional changes in species. 52 When peak abundance periods were compared for individual species, Gulf menhaden 53 (Brevoortia patronus) declined in trawl collections after the hurricanes (Friedman’s test, χ2 = 54 6.00, p = 0.014) but increased in gillnet collections (Friedman’s test, χ2=5.00, p = 0.025). 55 Hardhead catfish (Ariopsis felis) increased in trawl collections, but Gulf pipefish (Syngnathus 56 scovelli), naked gobies (Gobiosoma bosc), and rough silverside (Membras martinica) all 57 declined in beach seine samples and Atlantic croakers (M. undulatus), Spanish mackerel 58 (Scomberomorus maculatus), and sand seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius) all declined in gillnet 59 samples. In general, salinity increased and water clarity and dissolved oxygen decreased after 60 the hurricanes. While the overall composition of Lake Pontchartrain fish assemblages remains 61 stable, the significant decline of some species and changes in certain environmental variables are 62 cause for concern. Future monitoring should determine if all elements of this estuary will 63 recover from these impacts

    Distributed Memo: A Heterogeneously Distributed and Parallel Software Development Environment

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    Heterogeneously distributed and parallel computing environments are highly dependent on hardware, data migration, and protocols. The result is significant difficulty in software reuse, portability across platforms, and an increased overall development effort. The appearance of a shared directory of unordered queues can be provided by integrating heterogeneous computers transparently. This integration provides a conducive environment for parallel and distributed application development, by abstracting the issues of hardware and communication. Object oriented technology is exploited to provide this seamless environment

    Distributed-Memo: Heterogeneously Concurrent Programming with a Shared Directory of Unordered Queues

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    Heterogeneously distributed and parallel computing environments are highly dependent on hardware, data migration, and protocols. The result is significant difficulty in software reuse, portability across platforms, and an increased overall development effort. The appearance of a shared directory of unordered queues can be provided by integrating heterogeneous computers transparently. This integration provides a conducive environment for parallel and distributed application development, by abstracting the issues of hardware and communication. Object oriented technology is exploited to provide this seamless environment

    A Generic Software Modeling Framework for Building Heterogeneous Distributed and Parallel Software Systems

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    Heterogeneous distributed and parallel computing environments are highly dependent on hardware and communication protocols. The result is significant difficulty in software reuse, portability across platforms, interoperability, and an increased overall development effort. A new systems engineering approach is needed for parallel processing systems in heterogeneous environments. The generic modeling framework de-emphasizes platform- specific development while exploiting software reuse (and platform-specific capabilities) with a simple, well defined, and easily integrated set of abstractions providing a high level of heterogeneous interoperability

    Retrospective Review of Intra-Articular Hip Steroid Injections and Their Association with Rapidly-Progressive Osteoarthritis

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    Based on strict inclusion criteria, 109 patients were eligible for analysis in this study. Of these patients, 23 developed RPOA—representing an incidence of 21%. The characteristics of patients who went on to develop RPOA in this study were: worse initial Kellgren-Lawrence grade and older age. Future studies of larger sample size that also include outcomes of patients who did not receive intra-articular injections will be needed to establish a causal relationship between these injections and RPOA

    Nurse-led volunteer support care plan

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    The Nurse-Led Volunteer Support Care Plan described in “Nurses leading volunteer support for older adults in hospital: A discussion paper” is made available. This care plan is designed for nurses to develop a plan to direct volunteer support to better meet the individual needs of patients