52 research outputs found

    Reactive astrocyte nomenclature, definitions, and future directions

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    Reactive astrocytes are astrocytes undergoing morphological, molecular, and functional remodeling in response to injury, disease, or infection of the CNS. Although this remodeling was first described over a century ago, uncertainties and controversies remain regarding the contribution of reactive astrocytes to CNS diseases, repair, and aging. It is also unclear whether fixed categories of reactive astrocytes exist and, if so, how to identify them. We point out the shortcomings of binary divisions of reactive astrocytes into good-vs-bad, neurotoxic-vs-neuroprotective or A1-vs-A2. We advocate, instead, that research on reactive astrocytes include assessment of multiple molecular and functional parameters-preferably in vivo-plus multivariate statistics and determination of impact on pathological hallmarks in relevant models. These guidelines may spur the discovery of astrocyte-based biomarkers as well as astrocyte-targeting therapies that abrogate detrimental actions of reactive astrocytes, potentiate their neuro- and glioprotective actions, and restore or augment their homeostatic, modulatory, and defensive functions

    Engagement of a T cell receptor by major histocompatibility complex irrespective of peptide.

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    T cell receptors (TCR) identify target cells presenting a ligand consisting of a major histocompatibility complex molecule (MHC) and an antigenic peptide. A considerable amount of evidence indicates that the TCR contacts both the peptide and the MHC components of the ligand. In fully differentiated T cells the interaction between the peptide and the TCR makes the critical contribution to eliciting a cellular response. However, during the positive selection of thymocytes the contribution of peptide relative to MHC is less well established. Indeed it has been suggested that the critical interaction for positive selection is between the TCR and the MHC molecule and that peptides can be viewed as either allowing or obstructing this contact. This predicts that a given TCR is capable of engaging multiple MHC/peptide complexes. In this study a system is described which detects simply engagement of the TCR by MHC/peptide complexes rather than the functional outcome of such interactions. Using this approach the extent to which peptides can influence contacts between the TCR and the MHC molecule has been examined. The results show that the TCR does in fact engage a wide range of ligands in an MHC-restricted but largely peptide-independent manner, suggesting that only a few peptides are able to prevent the TCR from contacting the MHC molecule