316 research outputs found

    Lucerne for dryland farming systems in the Queensland subtropics

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    The degraded fertility of cropping soils in the Queensland grain belt can be improved by using lucerne, either in short or longer-term rotations. Research in collaboration with NSW Agriculture to improve the adoption of lucerne in farming systems, includes breeding and commercialising better cultivars. Lucerne “probe sets”, comprising cultivars, accessions and breeder lines, were sown at 5 sites in 1997 to measure their production and persistence and to set genetic ideotype targets for further breeding. Highly winter active lines were the most productive and there were some winter active lines that expressed strong persistence traits. The winter active benchmark cv. Trifecta has been clearly superseded but production by the highly winter active benchmark, cv. Sequel was exceeded by only cv. Rippa and Y9549. Breeding for higher winter activity is a priority for short-term rotation lucernes for the Queensland grain belt. For this, there is a strong existing germplasm base to combine with well-selected accessions

    Action learning in partnership with Landcare and catchment management groups to support increased pasture sowings in southern inland Queensland

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    The incorporation of sown pastures as short-term rotations into the cropping systems of northern Australia has been slow. The inherent chemical fertility and physical stability of the predominant vertisol soils across the region enabled farmers to grow crops for decades without nitrogen fertiliser, and precluded the evolution of a crop–pasture rotation culture. However, as less fertile and less physically stable soils were cropped for extended periods, farmers began to use contemporary farming and sown pasture technologies to rebuild and maintain their soils. This has typically involved sowing long-term grass and grass–legume pastures on the more marginal cropping soils of the region. In partnership with the catchment management authority, the Queensland Murray–Darling Committee (QMDC) and Landcare, a pasture extension process using the LeyGrain™ package was implemented in 2006 within two Grain & Graze projects in the Maranoa-Balonne and Border Rivers catchments in southern inland Queensland. The specific objectives were to increase the area sown to high quality pasture and to gain production and environmental benefits (particularly groundcover) through improving the skills of producers in pasture species selection, their understanding and management of risk during pasture establishment, and in managing pastures and the feed base better. The catalyst for increasing pasture sowings was a QMDC subsidy scheme for increasing groundcover on old cropping land. In recognising a need to enhance pasture knowledge and skills to implement this scheme, the QMDC and Landcare producer groups sought the involvement of, and set specific targets for, the LeyGrain workshop process. This is a highly interactive action learning process that built on the existing knowledge and skills of the producers. Thirty-four workshops were held with more than 200 producers in 26 existing groups and with private agronomists. An evaluation process assessed the impact of the workshops on the learning and skill development by participants, their commitment to practice change, and their future intent to sow pastures. The results across both project catchments were highly correlated. There was strong agreement by producers (>90%) that the workshops had improved knowledge and skills regarding the adaptation of pasture species to soils and climates, enabling a better selection at the paddock level. Additional strong impacts were in changing the attitudes of producers to all aspects of pasture establishment, and the relative species composition of mixtures. Producers made a strong commitment to practice change, particularly in managing pasture as a specialist crop at establishment to minimise risk, and in the better selection and management of improved pasture species (particularly legumes and the use of fertiliser). Producers have made a commitment to increase pasture sowings by 80% in the next 5 years, with fourteen producers in one group alone having committed to sow an additional 4893 ha of pasture in 2007–08 under the QMDC subsidy scheme. The success of the project was attributed to the partnership between QMDC and Landcare groups who set individual workshop targets with LeyGrain presenters, the interactive engagement processes within the workshops themselves, and the follow-up provided by the LeyGrain team for on-farm activities

    The Response of Earth's Electron Radiation Belts to Geomagnetic Storms: Statistics From the Van Allen Probes Era Including Effects From Different Storm Drivers

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    A statistical study was conducted of Earth's radiation belt electron response to geomagnetic storms using NASA's Van Allen Probes mission. Data for electrons with energies ranging from 30 keV to 6.3 MeV were included and examined as a function of L-shell, energy, and epoch time during 110 storms with SYM-H 1 MeV also revealed a marked increase in likelihood of a depletion at all L-shells through the outer belt (3.5 1-MeV electrons throughout the outer belt, while storms driven by full CMEs and stream interaction regions are most likely to produce an enhancement of MeV electrons at lower (L similar to 4.5) L-shells, respectively. CME sheaths intriguingly result in a distinct enhancement of similar to 1-MeV electrons around L similar to 5.5, and on average, CME sheaths and stream interaction regions result in double outer belt structures

    the geomorphology of ceres

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    ### INTRODUCTION Observations of Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, have suggested that the dwarf planet is a geologically differentiated body with a silicate core and an ice-rich mantle. Data acquired by the Dawn spacecraft were used to perform a three-dimensional characterization of the surface to determine if the geomorphology of Ceres is consistent with the models of an icy interior. ### RATIONALE Instruments on Dawn have collected data at a variety of resolutions, including both clear-filter and color images. Digital terrain models have been derived from stereo images. A preliminary 1:10 M scale geologic map of Ceres was constructed using images obtained during the Approach and Survey orbital phases of the mission. We used the map, along with higher-resolution imagery, to assess the geology of Ceres at the global scale, to identify geomorphic and structural features, and to determine the geologic processes that have affected Ceres globally. ### RESULTS Impact craters are the most prevalent geomorphic feature on Ceres, and several of the craters have fractured floors. Geomorphic analysis of the fracture patterns shows that they are similar to lunar Floor-Fractured Craters (FFCs), and an analysis of the depth-to-diameter ratios shows that they are anomalously shallow compared with average Ceres craters. Both of these factors are consistent with FFC floors being uplifted due to an intrusion of cryomagma. Kilometer-scale linear structures cross much of Ceres. Some of these structures are oriented radially to large craters and most likely formed due to impact processes. However, a set of linear structures present only on a topographically high region do not have any obvious relationship to impact craters. Geomorphic analysis suggests that they represent subsurface faults and might have formed due to crustal uplift by cryomagmatic intrusion. Domes identified across the Ceres surface present a wide range of sizes ( 100 km), basal shapes, and profiles. Whether a single formation mechanism is responsible for their formation is still an open question. Cryovolcanic extrusion is one plausible process for the larger domes, although most small mounds (<10-km diameter) are more likely to be impact debris. Differences in lobate flow morphology suggest that multiple emplacement processes have operated on Ceres, where three types of flows have been identified. Type 1 flows are morphologically similar to ice-cored flows on Earth and Mars. Type 2 flows are comparable to long-runout landslides. Type 3 flows morphologically resemble the fluidized ejecta blankets of rampart craters, which are hypothesized to form by impact into ice-rich ground. ### CONCLUSION The global trend of lobate flows suggests that differences in their geomorphology could be explained by variations in ice content and temperature at the near surface. Geomorphic and topographic analyses of the FFCs suggest that cryomagmatism is active on Ceres, whereas the large domes are possibly formed by extrusions of cryolava. Although spectroscopic analysis to date has identified water ice in only one location on Ceres, the identification of these potentially ice-related features suggests that there may be more ice within localized regions of Ceres' crust. ![Figure][1] Dawn high-altitude mapping orbit imagery (140 meters per pixel) of example morphologic features. ( A ) Occator crater; arrows point to floor fractures. ( B ) Linear structures, denoted by arrows. ( C ) A large dome at 42° N, 10° E, visible in the elevation map. ( D ) A small mound at 45.5° S, 295.7° E. ( E ) Type 1 lobate flow; arrows point to the flow front. Analysis of Dawn spacecraft Framing Camera image data allows evaluation of the topography and geomorphology of features on the surface of Ceres. The dwarf planet is dominated by numerous craters, but other features are also common. Linear structures include both those associated with impact craters and those that do not appear to have any correlation to an impact event. Abundant lobate flows are identified, and numerous domical features are found at a range of scales. Features suggestive of near-surface ice, cryomagmatism, and cryovolcanism have been identified. Although spectroscopic analysis has currently detected surface water ice at only one location on Ceres, the identification of these potentially ice-related features suggests that there may be at least some ice in localized regions in the crust. [1]: pending:ye

    Patient-specific Alzheimer-like pathology in trisomy 21 cerebral organoids reveals BACE2 as a gene dose-sensitive AD suppressor in human brain

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    A population of >6 million people worldwide at high risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are those with Down Syndrome (DS, caused by trisomy 21 (T21)), 70% of whom develop dementia during lifetime, caused by an extra copy of β-amyloid-(Aβ)-precursor-protein gene. We report AD-like pathology in cerebral organoids grown in vitro from non-invasively sampled strands of hair from 71% of DS donors. The pathology consisted of extracellular diffuse and fibrillar Aβ deposits, hyperphosphorylated/pathologically conformed Tau, and premature neuronal loss. Presence/absence of AD-like pathology was donor-specific (reproducible between individual organoids/iPSC lines/experiments). Pathology could be triggered in pathology-negative T21 organoids by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated elimination of the third copy of chromosome-21-gene BACE2, but prevented by combined chemical β and γ-secretase inhibition. We found that T21-organoids secrete increased proportions of Aβ-preventing (Aβ1-19) and Aβ-degradation products (Aβ1-20 and Aβ1-34). We show these profiles mirror in cerebrospinal fluid of people with DS. We demonstrate that this protective mechanism is mediated by BACE2-trisomy and cross-inhibited by clinically trialled BACE1-inhibitors. Combined, our data prove the physiological role of BACE2 as a dose-sensitive AD-suppressor gene, potentially explaining the dementia delay in ~30% of people with DS. We also show that DS cerebral organoids could be explored as pre-morbid AD-risk population detector and a system for hypothesis-free drug screens as well as identification of natural suppressor genes for neurodegenerative diseases

    Schools out : Adam Smith and pre-disciplinary international political economy

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    In this article, I argue that invocations of Adam Smith in international political economy (IPE) often reveal the influence therein of a disciplinary ontological disaggregation of economic and non-economic rationality, which I claim is obscured by the tendency to map its complex intellectual contours in terms of competing schools. I trace the origins of the disciplinary characterisation of Smith as the founder of IPE's liberal tradition to invocations of his thought by centrally important figures in the perceived Austrian, Chicago and German historical schools of economics, and reflect upon the significance to IPE of the reiteration of this portrayal by apparent members of its so-called American and British schools. I additionally contrast these interpretations to those put forward by scholars who seek to interpret IPE and Smith's contribution to it in pre-disciplinary terms, which I claim reflects a distinct ontology to that attributed to the British school of IPE with which their work is often associated. I therefore contend that reflection upon invocations of Smith's thought in IPE problematises the longstanding tendency to map its intellectual terrain in terms of competing schools, reveals that the disciplinary ontological consensus that informs this tendency impacts upon articulations of its core concerns and suggests that a pre-disciplinary approach offers an alternative lens through which such concerns might be more effectively framed
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