21 research outputs found

    HUKUM ISLAM MANDIRI DAN TERINTEGRASI (Berkontribusi Menguatkan Sistem Hukum Nasional berwawasan ke Indonesiaan)

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    The implementation of Islamic law in Indonesia has been going on for a long time, which was marked by the birth of several theories of the jurists as well as through legislation both before and after colonialism, and after independence.This paper aims to look at Islamic law in the construction of the national legal system. It is concluded that Islamic law has strengthened the national legal system, grows and develops along the progress of this nation, its enforcement occurs either independently or integratively within the framework of Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia)

    Application of A Communicative Approach in Learning Speaking Skills in Class XI Students of SMA Jaya Negara Makassar

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    This research aims to determine speaking skills by applying a communicative approach to class XI students at SMA Jaya Negara Makassar. This research is experimental research that uses a comparison between two groups, namely the experimental group and the control groupThe results of this research indicate that the learning outcomes in learning speaking skills for class Among the 21 experimental class students, there were 19 students who scored>75. In contrast to the learning outcomes in control class learning, it is categorized as inadequate because the scores obtained by students have not reached the set criteria, namely 85% of the total number of students who obtained scores <75. Meanwhile, the students' score only reached 4.8% or 1 person. Thus, it can be said that the learning outcomes in teaching speaking skills for class XI students at SMA Jaya Negara Makassar by applying a communicative approach are very effective


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    The environmental law enforcement is a form of re-actualization of the hopes and dreams of a good living environment. The portion and content of positive law in environmental law enforcement are sufficient in ensnaring perpetrators of environmental destruction. In Islamic law, environmental enforcement is something that must be guarded and preserved, this is stated in the Qur'an and hadith. This study is a literature study, which examines the legislation on environmental enforcement and text arguments relating to the environment. The approach in this study is a formal juridical approach to the scale of positive law and a normative approach to Islamic law. The findings in this study prove that the rules regarding environmental law enforcement in positive law are very adequate. In Law Number 32 of 2009, it has accommodated acts of environmental destruction that can be ensnared with administrative, civil and criminal offenses that lead to fines and imprisonment. Meanwhile, in Islamic law, law enforcement against environmental destruction in jinayah law is subject to ta'zir punishment or a sentence stipulated by the government. In the concept of benefit, environmental destruction needs to be enforced because it is against the benefit of human life and/or can threaten the survival of mankind. The implication of this finding is that environmental law enforcement has been regulated in environmental legislation and is very adequate, and this is in line with the concept of negligence in Islamic law, so that environmental violations need to be taken firmly in order to maintain environmental sustainability. Keywords: Law enforcement; Environment; Positive Law; Islamic law.


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    Pengaturan terkait kegiatan wisata alam masih belum terlaksana secara efektif, hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan berbagai masalah yang ada pada kawasan objek wisata alam masih terus bermunculan dan belum mendapatkan solusi yang kongkret. Negara yang seharusnya mengambil peran penting baik dalam perumusan kebijakan maupun dalam praktik pengelolaan juga masih dianggap lalai dari tanggung jawabnya. Penelitian ini akan membahas secara khusus bagaimana interpretasi asas tanggung jawab negara dalam pengaturan terkait kegiatan wisata alam di Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat? Bagaimana efektifitas pengaturan kegiatan wisata alam di Indonesia saat ini? Bagaimana analisis hukum mengenai kegiatan wisata alam di Indonesia? Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif didasarkan pada penelitian lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa negara mempunyai tanggung jawab atas segala betuk perilaku dan/atau kegiatan manusia yang berdampak pada lingkungan hidup. Keadaan Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani (TNGR) berbeda dengan harapan yang termuat dalam “Pasal 4 UU no. 10 Tahun 2009”, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebijakan tersebut tidak berjalan secara efektif


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the motivation for online learning and to identify the factors that hinder and support the implementation of online learning in Class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Jeneponto. The type of research used by the researcher is qualitative research. The data comes from the words or actions of the researchers' online interviews, voice recordings, and student learning documentation at SMAN 1 Jeneponto. In this case, the subjects are also Class XI students who are also part of the resource persons in this study, whose criteria are determined through purposive sampling technique. The results of the study show that for various reasons, the learning motivation of SMAN 1 Jeneponto students with online learning has decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. In terms of inhibiting factors, one of them is that students have difficulty accessing the internet caused by network or signal disturbances when participating in online learning, while the other side is being able to reduce the spread of COVID-19

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Masyarakat Terhadap Tindakan Penggunaan Antibiotik Tanpa Resep Dokter

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    Antibiotics is a subtance that can kill or weaken an organism such as bacteria, parasite, or fungi.  The use of antibiotics always triggers a problem, such as the use of it without any medical prescription. It sometimes happens caused by some factors such as the lack of people’s knowledge concerning the consumption of antibiotics. This research aims at investigating the correlation between the respondent’s characteristics toward knowledge, attitude, and action. Also, it is to investigate the correlation between knowledge and attitude toward the consumption of antibiotics without medical prescription. The research design applies analytical observation with cross sectional approach. The research subjects are 96 respondents selected by purposive sampling technique. The research instrument is questionnaires consisting of questionnaire of knowledge, attitude, and action. The method of data analysis is multiple correlation. Findings reveal that the people’s level of knowledge is still low obtaining 47,7% of score, the people’s attitude is categorized negative (supporting the consumption of antibiotics without medical) obtaining 54,2%, the people’s action categorized not appropriate obtaining 57,3%, there is correlation between education and job toward knowledge, attitude, and action (p0,05), there is no correlation between age and sex toward knowledge, attitude, and action (p0,05), and there is a correlation between knowledge and attitude toward action (p=0,000)

    Analisis Kandungan Gizi Mikro Biskuit Crackers Berbahan Dasar Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.) dan Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera)

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    Pengembangan produk crackers berbahan dasar ikan patin dan daun kelor dapat menjadi alternatif pilihan dalam mengatasi rendahnya kandungan gizi khususnya sumber zat gizi mikro pada makanan selingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk menganalisis kandungan dari zat gizi mikro yaitu vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin E , seng dan kalsium pada biskuit crackers berbahan dasar patin dan daun kelor. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain experimental study. Penelitian dilaksanakan dilaksanakan selama dua bulan dari oktober-november 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa crackers memiliki kandungan gizi vitamin A sebesar 40,35 µg/100 g, vitamin B2 sebesar 2,39 mg/100 g, vitamin E 11,09 mg/100 g, seng sebesar 2,76 mg/100, dan kalsium 334,2 mg/100 g. Vitamin B2, vitamin E, seng dan kalsium pada crackers dapat memberikan kontribusi >10% dari total kecukupan gizi harian remaja sedangkan kandungan vitamin A berkontribusi 5-6.5% terhadap kecukupan gizi remaja. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan biskuit crackers berbahan dasar ikan patin dan daun kelor dapat dijadikan sebagai pilihan alternatif cemilan yang kaya akan zat gizi mikro bagi remaja

    upaya kodifikasi hukum kewarisan secara bilateral dengan pola diferensiasi dalam masyara kat pluralis

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    The currently applicable inheritance law in Indonesia is pluralistic in nature since it is formed collectively by adat, Islamic, and western legal systemsnot to mention the diverse custom, ethnicity, and belief. Hence, codification of bilateral inheritance law that could address differences in our inheritance and kinship system is needed. Hukum kewarisan yang berlaku di Indonesia saat ini bersifat pluralistis karena disusun bersama-sama oleh hukum adat, Islam, dan Barat serta dilatarbelakangi oleh keanekaragaman adat, etnis, dan agama. Oleh karenanya, diperlukan kodifikasi hukum kewarisan secara bilateral dan bersifat diferensiasi untuk mengakomodasi pluralitas hukum kewarisan dan sistem kekerabatan yang ada di Indonesia