22 research outputs found


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    Neste trabalho, foi analisado o potencial do crescimento diamétrico de Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. em diferentes sítios, com o objetivo de obter informações para o manejo dessa espécie em florestas heterogêneas inequiâneas, visando à produção de madeira de alta qualidade em árvores pré-selecionadas. O material usado constitui-se de 400 árvores de florestas nativas e plantios, crescendo sob condições e tratamentos variáveis nos estados de Santa Catarina, Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul. O método usado para investigar a relação entre a largura da copa e o dap foi baseado na projeção horizontal da copa da árvore individual. Usando 16 amostras de 25 árvores, foram estudados vários estágios de desenvolvimento. Para cada amostra, foi feito um mapa de distribuição das árvores e das projeções das copas para avaliar o efeito da competição. O estudo mostra que existe uma estreita relação entre a largura da copa e o dap, que pode ser usada para o desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas de decisão aplicáveis em árvores individuais para o manejo de araucária em florestas heterogêneas inequiâneas ou para a produção de madeira de alta qualidade com árvores pré-selecionadas. Também, mostrou-se uma estreita correlação entre o crescimento de diâmetro e a qualidade do sítio, pois a expansão máxima da copa depende da qualidade deste, indicando que ele deve ser considerado como fator limitante para o manejo do crescimento

    Manejo do crescimento em diâmetro da árvore individual e o impacto para a poda de Eucalyptus grandis no Brasil.

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    No presente estudo, foi desenvolvido um programa de desbaste e um modelo para a descrição da dinâmica da base da copa. Para esse fim, 485 árvores foram medidas em parcelas temporárias das empresas Klabin Riocell (Guaíba, hoje Aracruz), Todeschini (Cachoeira do Sul), Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (RS) e Aracruz Celulose (Espirito Santo e Bahia). Foi encontrada uma correlação linear entre a largura da copa e o diâmetro à altura do peito (DBH), usando-se a metodologia da análise de regressão. A equação obtida foi largura da copa = e0.504+0.0307* DBH, com um coeficiente de determinação de 0.78 e um erro padrão de 0.034. Com esse modelo, foi calculado o espaço da árvore individual necessário para alcançar um determinado crescimento em diâmetro durante todo o ciclo de rotação, considerando uma cobertura do dossel média de 70%. Assim, o número de árvores por hectare em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento foi calculado para diferentes sistemas de manejo com o objetivo de produzir madeira para serraria em ciclos de rotações curtas. Também foi obtido um modelo multivariado descrevendo a altura da base da copa viva em função das variáveis diâmetro à altura do peito (DBH) e altura total. Com base nesses modelos, a dinâmica na inserção da copa viva para diferentes sistemas de manejo em sítios de diferentes qualidades pode ser calculado, possibilitando assim a determinação do ponto ótimo e da intensidade da poda.In the present work a thinning program and a model describing dynamic of crown base recession for Eucalyptus grandis was established on an individual tree basis. Therefore, 485 trees were measured on temporary plots in forests of the companies Klabin Riocell (Guaíba), Todeschini (Cachoeira do Sul), the Federal University of Santa Maria and Aracruz Company, located in Rio Grande do Sul, Espirito Santo and Bahia, Brazil. A straight relationship between crown width and diameter at breast height (DBH) was found by using regression analysis. The equation obtained was crown width = e0.504+0.0307* DBH, with a coefficient of determination of 0.78 and a standard error of 0.034. With this equation the standing space of the individual trees was calculated over the whole rotation period, taking into account a crown cover of 70 %. Therefore the number of trees which can be grown on a hectare was derived for different variants of management systems aiming to produce eucalypt sawlogs in short rotation periods. Beside this a multivariate model describing height of crown base as a function of DBH and total height was found. Based upon this model the dynamics of crown base recession for different site qualities and thinning regimes are described, giving advice for time and intensity of green pruning

    MODELAGEM DA DESRAMA NATURAL DE Araucaria angustifolia (BERT.) O. KTZE

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    Neste trabalho foi analisada a dinâmica e a qualidade da desrama natural de Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. em diferentes sítios no Sul do Brasil, dentro de uma estratégia da produção de madeira de alta qualidade. O material usado se constitui de 400 árvores de florestas nativas e plantadas, crescendo sob variadas condições e tratamentos. O método usado foi a análise exploratória dados levantados de parcelas temporárias. Foram feito mapas de distribuição das árvores e das projeções das copas para avaliar a competição e o seu efeito na desrama. O estudo mostra que existe uma relação estreita entre o crescimento em altura e diâmetro, numa idade determinada, e a inserção da copa. O primeiro galho morto está estreitamente ligado com a inserção da copa. Estas variáveis foram usadas para modelar o desenvolvimento da inserção da copa e da altura comercial ao longo do tempo. Além disso, podem ser derivados destes modelos a dimensão do núcleo enodado. Foi mostrado que para o manejo de araucaria em rotações curtas uma poda artificial aumenta significativamente à parte da madeira valiosa sem nós. MODELLING SELF-PRUNING OF ARAUCARIA ANGUSTIFOLIA (BERT.) O. KTZE Abstract In the present study the self-pruning dynamics and quality of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O Ktze. on different sites in Southern Brazil was analyzed in the framework of a strategy of high quality wood production. The material consisted of 400 trees from native forests and plantations growing under varying site conditions and treatments in the Brazilian states of Santa Catarina, Parana and Rio Grande do Sul. The research method applied was an explorative analysis of data taken from temporary sample plots. For each plot stem distribution and crown projection map was established in order to determine the competition status and its impact on self-pruning. The study shows that diameter and height at a certain age are good estimators for predicting height of crown base. The lowest dead branch is closely related to crown base. These parameters are used to model the dynamics of self-pruning depending on radial increment and height growth. Moreover, the dimension of the knotty core was calculated. It could be shown that Araucaria angustifolia has a retarded self-pruning because of its tendency of maintaining dead branches at the stem. Especially for target diameters of 40 to 50 cm within short rotation periods an artificial pruning is recommended in order to reduce the knotty core


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    Se estudi\uf3 una plantaci\uf3n de Eucalyptus globulus ubicada en el sector precordillerano andino de la regi\uf3n del B\uedo B\uedo, Chile, con el objetivo de evaluar y modelar el efecto de la poda y raleo sobre las deformaciones residuales longitudinales (DRL). El lugar de estudio correspondi\uf3 a un rodal de 12 a\uf1os de edad, el cual fue intervenido a los 2 a\uf1os y medio de establecido, donde se evaluaron distintas intensidades de poda (0% y 60% de la altura total) y densidades de raleo (1.600 \ue1rb\ub7ha-1 (sin raleo) y 800 \ue1rb\ub7ha-1). En cada tratamiento definido por la combinaci\uf3n de los dos niveles de poda y raleo, se estudi\uf3 adem\ue1s, el efecto de la clase de copa (dominante, codominante e intermedia) sobre el comportamiento de las DRL. En cada unidad de muestreo se registraron variables a nivel de \ue1rbol individual, estimando los par\ue1metros de rodal m\ue1s relevantes. Se muestre\uf3 un total de 36 \ue1rboles, midi\ue9ndose en cada uno de ellos las DRL a nivel del Dap con un extens\uf3metro dise\uf1ado por el CIRAD-For\ueat. Los resultados determinaron que la poda y raleo no afectaron significativamente el comportamiento de las DRL en Eucalyptus globulus; en cambio, la clase de copa, tuvo un efecto altamente significativo sobre la variaci\uf3n de las deformaciones residuales, presentando los \ue1rboles dominantes mayores niveles de deformaci\uf3n que las clases de copa codominante e intermedia, respectivamente. El modelo de estimaci\uf3n incluy\uf3 como variables predictivas del comportamiento de las DRL, las expresiones logar\uedtmicas del Dap y del inverso multiplicativo de la varianza de los radios de copa, adem\ue1s de la poda, presentando un R2 de 0,44 y un EEE de 0,132.A 12-year-old Eucalyptus globulus plantation forest was studied with the aim of assessing and modeling the effect of both pruning and thinning activities on the growth strain. The stand is located in the Andean foothills of B\uedo B\uedo region in Chile. Two forest management activities were carried out after 2 and half years from planting, and were evaluated according to different pruning intensities (from 0 to 60 % from total height of the tree) and different thinning densities (800 UPH with thinning and 1.600 UPH without thinning). Furthermore, the effect of the crown classes (dominant, co-dominant and intermediate crown) was studied by the combination of two treatments on the behavior of the growth strain. Each treatment was defined by two levels of pruning and thinning. Data at single-tree level were collected to each sampling unit for estimating the most relevant parameter for the stand. Thirty-three trees in total were sampled. The growth strain was measured at the dbh in each one of them, with an extensometer designed by the CIRAD-For\ueat. The pruning and thinning did not significantly affect the behavior of the growth strain in Eucalyptus globulus according to the research study; on the other hand, the crown class had a highly significant affect on the variation of strains, showing the highest levels of it in dominant crown class trees that trees belonging to co-dominant and intermediate crown classes, respectively. The logarithmic functions and the variance obtained by measurements of dbh, crown radii, and pruning respectively, were entered into regression models as predictor variables of behavior of growth strain, showing a R2 0,44 and a SEE 0,132


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    A 12-year-old Eucalyptus globulus plantation forest was studied with the aim of assessing and modeling the effect of both pruning and thinning activities on the growth strain. The stand is located in the Andean foothills of Bío Bío region in Chile. Two forest management activities were carried out after 2 and half years from planting, and were evaluated according to different pruning intensities (from 0 to 60 % from total height of the tree) and different thinning densities (800 UPH with thinning and 1.600 UPH without thinning). Furthermore, the effect of the crown classes (dominant, co-dominant and intermediate crown) was studied by the combination of two treatments on the behavior of the growth strain. Each treatment was defined by two levels of pruning and thinning. Data at single-tree level were collected to each sampling unit for estimating the most relevant parameter for the stand. Thirty-three trees in total were sampled. The growth strain was measured at the dbh in each one of them, with an extensometer designed by the CIRAD-Forêt. The pruning and thinning did not significantly affect the behavior of the growth strain in Eucalyptus globulus according to the research study; on the other hand, the crown class had a highly significant affect on the variation of strains, showing the highest levels of it in dominant crown class trees that trees belonging to co-dominant and intermediate crown classes, respectively. The logarithmic functions and the variance obtained by measurements of dbh, crown radii, and pruning respectively, were entered into regression models as  predictor variables of  behavior of growth strain, showing a R2 0,44 and a SEE 0,132.El lugar de estudio correspondió a un rodal de 12 años de edad, el cual fue intervenido a los 2 años y medio de establecido, donde se evaluaron distintas intensidades de poda (0% y 60% de la altura total) y densidades de raleo (1.600 árb·ha-1 (sin raleo) y 800 árb·ha-1). En cada tratamiento definido por la combinación de los dos niveles de poda y raleo, se estudió además, el efecto de la clase de copa (dominante, codominante e intermedia) sobre el comportamiento de las DRL. En cada unidad de muestreo se registraron variables a nivel de árbol individual, estimando los parámetros de rodal más relevantes. Se muestreó un total de 36 árboles, midiéndose en cada uno de ellos las DRL a nivel del Dap con un extensómetro diseñado por el CIRAD-Forêt. Los resultados determinaron que la poda y raleo no afectaron significativamente el comportamiento de las DRL en Eucalyptus globulus; en cambio, la clase de copa, tuvo un efecto altamente significativo sobre la variación de las deformaciones residuales, presentando los árboles dominantes mayores niveles de deformación que las clases de copa codominante e intermedia, respectivamente. El modelo de estimación incluyó como variables predictivas del comportamiento de las DRL, las expresiones logarítmicas del Dap y del inverso multiplicativo de la varianza de los radios de copa, además de la poda, presentando un R2 de 0,44 y un EEE de 0,132

    Ergonomic aspects and productivity of different pruning tools for a first pruning lift of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden

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    For the substitution of wood from tropical rainforests pruning of for producing valuable hardwoods in short rotation plantations has become important. Existing tools and ergonomic aspects of pruning were not yet well analysed under these conditions. The objective of the study is to evaluate the productivity and ergonomics of three different pruning tools in a pruning lift up to 3 m in height. The trees used in the study came from an 18-month-old clonal stand planted in a 5.0 x 2.8 m spacing. Two manual pruning tools and an electric shear were tested for productivity by using time studies. Ergonomic aspects were evaluated by two test persons using pulse meter equipment. The highest productivity could be shown for the electric shear (236 trees per working day), followed by the manual shear (196 trees/day) and the handsaw (180 trees/day). The heartbeat rate of the two test persons ranged from a level of âvery hard workâ for the manual tools to âmiddle hardâ and âhard workâ for the electric shear. The workload level to achieve the productivity currently reached in practice using purely manual tools is extremely high, exceeding the permanent working capacity of the operators and leading to physical degradation on the long run.EucalyptusEucalyptus grandi

    Resíduos da colheita florestal e do processamento da madeira na Amazônia – uma análise da cadeia produtiva

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    The sustainable management of the Amazon forest is of great importance for the conservation of the biome, minimizing ecological impacts and through the rational use of its resources, without totally destroying the habitat. An alternative sustainable forestry is the use of residues which occur during the harvesting and mechanical processing of wood. Residues from the forest are wasted, often due to not knowing how to leverage them or lack of technological options. In order to minimize waste, new technologies must be developed and employed for the use of forest residues according to local conditions, adding value to the raw material, and consequently raising the economic return and social significance, ensuring the preservation and sustainability of natural resources. The objective of this paper is the review of existing literature and the attempt to quantify residues from forest harvesting and wood processing to encourage the best use of the same.O manejo sustentável da floresta Amazônica é de grande importância para a conservação do bioma, através da utilização racional dos seus recursos, sem levar a total destruição da mesma, minimizando os impactos ecológicos. Uma alternativa de atividade florestal sustentável é o aproveitamento dos resíduos da colheita florestal e do processamento mecânico da madeira. Resíduos oriundos da floresta são desperdiçados, muitas vezes em função de não saberem aproveitá-los ou por falta de opções tecnológicas. A fim de minimizar o desperdício, novas tecnologias devem ser desenvolvidas e empregadas para o aproveitamento e utilização dos resíduos florestais conforme as condições locais, agregando valor à matéria prima, e consequentemente com retorno econômico e social significativo, assegurando a preservação e sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais. O objetivo deste trabalho é de revisar a literatura existente e tentar quantificar os resíduos florestais e da indústria da madeira para incentivar o melhor aproveitamento do mesmo


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    A análise retrospectiva é um instrumento para avaliação rápida do potencial de crescimento utilizando-se a periodicidade do incremento em diâmetro, isto é, o crescimento dos anéis anuais. Utilizando-se esta técnica, foi avaliado o desenvolvimento e o crescimento da capororoca (Myrsine umbellata Mart.), espécie nativa da Florestal Ombrofila Mista. O presente estudo foi realizado no Município de General Carneiro PR, em área pertencente às Indústrias Pedro N. Pizzatto. Foi feita a análise de tronco e a medição dos anéis anuais em fatias retiradas nas alturas relativas a 10%, 50% e 75% da altura do ponto de inversão morfológico, bem como também na altura do DAP em quatro árvores, nas quais foram analisados o incremento em diâmetro e altura. Pelos resultados obtidos, pode-se considerar que as árvores analisadas mostraram um crescimento em diâmetro forte no estado inicial, mas seguindo uma tendência de crescimento lento e contínuo a médio prazo, até a idade de 5 anos. Com relação à altura comercial (ponto de inversão morfológico) com 2 a 4 metros, nas árvores analisadas são alcançadas dentro dos primeiros dois anos de vida.ABSTRACT A retrospective analysis is an instrument for the fast evaluation of the potential for growth using the periodical of the increment in diameter, that is, the growth of the annual rings. By applying this technique, it was evaluated the growth and the development of capororoca (Myrsine umbellata Mart.), native species of the mixed ombrofile Forest. This research was accomplished in the municipal area of General Carneiro, in Paraná, an area belonging to the industries of Pedro N. Pizzatto. It was made an analysis of the steam and the measures of the annual rings in parts which were removed from the relative heights of 10%, 50% e 75% to the height of the point of morphological inversion, as well as of the DAP height in four trees, in which were analyzed the increment in diameter and height. By the results obtained, it can be considered that the analyzed trees showed a growth in strong diameter in the initial state, but followed a tendency of a slow and continuous growth in the medium term, up to the age of 5 years old. Concerning the commercial height (morphological inversion point) of 2 to 4 meters, this is achieved within the two first years in the analyzed trees


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    In this study the potential of diameter growth of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. at different sites in Southern Brazil was analyzed. The objectives were to obtain information for the management of this species in uneven-aged mixed stands for high value timber production focused on future crop trees. The material consisted of 400 trees of native forests and plantations growing under varying site conditions and treatments in the states of Santa Catarina, Parana and Rio Grande do Sul. The research method applied was an ex-post facto (observational) one that is based on an explorative data analysis of data taken from 16 temporary sample plots, each consisting of 25 araucarias. For each plot it was made a stem and crown distribution map. The study shows that crown width is a very good estimator for diameter growth and it is closely related to the easy measurable variable diameter at 1.30 m. This relationship was used to develop decision tools based on the management of the growing space of the individual tree. The maximum crown expansion at a given age and therefore also the maximum radial increment are strongly related to site quality. That means that site quality has to be considered as a limiting factor for the production goals in araucaria stands. Decision tools have to be adapted to these circumstances.</p

    Managing diameter growth and natural pruning of Parana pine, Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O Ktze., to produce high value timber

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    The objective of the present work was to analyse diameter growth and the relationship of natural pruning and various morphological characteristics of Parana pine (Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O Ktze.) growing on different sites in southern Brazil and to formulate silvicultural strategies for producing high quality timber for this species. Data on four hundreds trees in both natural and planted forests were collected on temporary sample plots each containing 25 Parana pines. The size of the knotty core within Parana pine stems was modeled with the predictor variables height of the lowest dead branch, height to crown base and maximum radial increment of stem at 1.3 m. The results of our study show that crown width is a good estimator of diameter growth and is closely related to stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground. Restricting crown expansion such that average annual radial increment is 4 mm/year at 1.3 m for a stem grown for 63 years compared to one grown for 36 years with less crown restriction such that the average annual radial increment is about 75% greater (7 mm/year) results in a knotty core volume that is about 75% less for the slower growing tree. Managers can use this model to guide silvicultural decisions needed to achieve the production goal of high quality wood of Parana pine.Gérer la croissance en diamètre et l’élagage naturel du pin du Parana (Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O Ktze. pour produire un bois de haute valeur. L’objectif de ce travail a été d’analyser la croissance en diamètre et les relations entre l’élagage naturel et différentes caractéristiques du Pin de Parana (Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O Ktze) poussant dans différents sites dans le sud du Brésil et de formuler des stratégies sylvicoles pour produire du bois de haute qualité. Quatre cents arbres dans des peuplements naturels et plantés ont été collectés dans des placettes temporaires comprenant chacune 25 arbres. La grosseur des cœurs branchus dans les trouées a été modélisée avec des variables prédictives : hauteur de la plus basse branche morte, hauteur de la base de la couronne et accroissement radial maximum à 1,3 m. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que la largeur de la couronne est un bon estimateur de la croissance en diamètre et qu’elle est étroitement reliée au diamètre du tronc à 1,3 m. La limitation de l’expansion de la couronne de telle manière que l’accroissement annuel moyen atteigne 4 mm/an à 1,3 m pour un arbre ayant poussé depuis 63 ans en comparaison avec un autre qui a poussé depuis 36 ans avec une limitation moindre de la croissance de la couronne tel que l’accroissement en diamètre soit d’environ 75 % plus grand (7 mm/an), a pour résultat un volume de nœud plus faible d’environ 75 % que pour l’arbre ayant poussé plus lentement. Les aménagistes peuvent utiliser ce modèle pour les guider et décider des sylvicultures nécessaires pour atteindre un objectif de production de bois de haute qualité