18 research outputs found

    Mindfulness-Based School Interventions: a Systematic Review of Outcome Evidence Quality by Study Design

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the current literature on mindfulness-based school interventions (MBSIs) by evaluating evidence across specific outcomes for youth. METHODS: We evaluated 77 studies with a total sample of 12,358 students across five continents, assessing the quality of each study through a robust coding system for evidence-based guidelines. Coders rated each study numerically per study design as 1++ (RCT with a very low risk of bias) to 4 (expert opinion) and across studies for the corresponding evidence letter grade, from highest quality (‘A Grade’) to lowest quality (‘D Grade’) evidence. RESULTS: The highest quality evidence (‘A Grade’) across outcomes indicated that MBSIs increased prosocial behavior, resilience, executive function, attention and mindfulness, and decreased anxiety, attention problems/ADHD behaviors and conduct behaviors. The highest quality evidence for well-being was split, with some studies showing increased well-being and some showing no improvements. The highest quality evidence suggests MBSIs have a null effect on depression symptoms. CONCLUSION: This review demonstrates the promise of incorporating mindfulness interventions in school settings for improving certain youth outcomes. We urge researchers interested in MBSIs to study their effectiveness using more rigorous designs (e.g., RCTs with active control groups, multi-method outcome assessment, and follow-up evaluation), to minimize bias and promote higher quality—not just increased quantity—evidence that can be relied upon to guide school-based practice

    Mindfulness-based school interventions: A systematic review of outcome evidence quality by study design.

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    Objective: The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the current literature on mindfulness-based school interventions (MBSIs) by evaluating evidence across specific outcomes for youth. Methods: We evaluated 77 studies with a total sample of 12,358 students across five continents, assessing the quality of each study through a robust coding system for evidence-based guidelines. Coders rated each study numerically per study design as 1++ (RCT with a very low risk of bias) to 4 (expert opinion) and across studies for the corresponding evidence letter grade, from highest quality (\u27A Grade\u27) to lowest quality (\u27D Grade\u27) evidence. Results: The highest quality evidence (\u27A Grade\u27) across outcomes indicated that MBSIs increased prosocial behavior, resilience, executive function, attention and mindfulness, and decreased anxiety, attention problems/ADHD behaviors and conduct behaviors. The highest quality evidence for well-being was split, with some studies showing increased well-being and some showing no improvements. The highest quality evidence suggests MBSIs have a null effect on depression symptoms. Conclusion: This review demonstrates the promise of incorporating mindfulness interventions in school settings for improving certain youth outcomes. We urge researchers interested in MBSIs to study their effectiveness using more rigorous designs (e.g., RCTs with active control groups, multi-method outcome assessment, and follow-up evaluation), to minimize bias and promote higher quality-not just increased quantity-evidence that can be relied upon to guide school-based practice

    Anxiety, concerns and COVID-19: Cross-country perspectives from families and individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions

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    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on the mental health and well-being of children with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) and of their families worldwide. However, there is insufficient evidence to understand how different factors (e.g., individual, family, country, children) have impacted on anxiety levels of families and their children with NDCs developed over time. METHODS: We used data from a global survey assessing the experience of 8043 families and their children with NDCs (mean of age (m) = 13.18 years, 37% female) and their typically developing siblings (m = 12.9 years, 45% female) in combination with data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the University of Oxford, and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook, to create a multilevel data set. Using stepwise multilevel modelling, we generated child-, family- and country-related factors that may have contributed to the anxiety levels of children with NDCs, their siblings if they had any, and their parents. All data were reported by parents. RESULTS: Our results suggest that parental anxiety was best explained by family-related factors such as concerns about COVID-19 and illness. Children’s anxiety was best explained by child-related factors such as children’s concerns about loss of routine, family conflict, and safety in general, as well as concerns about COVID-19. In addition, anxiety levels were linked to the presence of pre-existing anxiety conditions for both children with NDCs and their parents. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that across the globe there was a raise in anxiety levels for both parents and their children with NDCs because of COVID-19 and that country-level factors had little or no impact on explaining differences in this increase, once family and child factors were considered. Our findings also highlight that certain groups of children with NDCs were at higher risk for anxiety than others and had specific concerns. Together, these results show that anxiety of families and their children with NDCs during the COVID-19 pandemic were predicted by very specific concerns and worries which inform the development of future toolkits and policy. Future studies should investigate how country factors can play a protective role during future crises

    Distinguishing reality from fantasy in adults with autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from eye movements and reading

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    Understanding fictional events requires one to distinguish reality from fantasy, and thus engages high-level processes including executive functions and imagination, both of which are impaired in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We examined how adults with and without ASD make sense of reality-violating fantasy narratives by testing real-time understanding of counterfactuals. Participants were eye-tracked as they read narratives that depicted novel counterfactual scenarios that violate reality (e.g. “If margarine contained detergent, Mum could use margarine in her washing/baking”, Experiment 1), or counterfactual versions of known fictional worlds (e.g. “If Harry Potter had lost all his magic powers, he would use his broom to sweep/fly”, Experiment 2). Results revealed anomaly detection effects in the early moments of processing (immediately in Experiment 1, and from the post-critical region in Experiment 2), which were not modulated by group. We discuss these findings in relation to the constraints from real-world and fantasy contexts that compete to influence language comprehension, and identify a dissociation between ToM impairments and counterfactual processing abilities

    Making Progress Monitoring Easier and More Motivating: Developing a Client Data Collection App Incorporating User-Centered Design and Behavioral Economics Insights

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    Data collection is an important component of evidence-based behavioral interventions for children with autism, but many one-to-one aides (i.e., behavioral support staff) do not systemically collect quantitative data that are necessary for best-practice client progress monitoring. Data collection of clients’ behaviors often involves labor-intensive pen-and-paper practices. In addition, the solitary nature of one-to-one work limits opportunities for timely supervisor feedback, potentially reducing motivation to collect data. We incorporated principles from behavioral economics and user-centered design to develop a phone-based application, Footsteps, to address these challenges. We interviewed nine one-to-one aides working with children with autism and seven supervisors to ask for their app development ideas. We then developed the Footsteps app prototype and tested the prototype with 10 one-to-one aides and supervisors through three testing cycles. At each cycle, one-to-one aides rated app usability. Participants provided 76 discrete suggestions for improvement, including 29 new app features (e.g., behavior timer), 20 feature modifications (e.g., numeric type-in option for behavior frequency), four flow modifications (e.g., deleting a redundant form), and 23 out-of-scope suggestions. Of the participants that tested the app, 90% rated usability as good or excellent. Results support continuing to develop Footsteps and testing its impact in a clinical trial

    Self-regulation predicts companionship in children with autism

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    Money can’t buy happiness: A randomized controlled trial of a digital mental health app with versus without financial incentives

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    Mental health disorders are prevalent among college students and increasing in frequency and severity. However, there is a significant gap between those who need treatment and those who engage in treatment. Given the documented efficacy of financial incentives for promoting health behavior change and engagement in treatment, financial incentives may help, along with nonfinancial behavioral incentives such as motivational messaging, gamification, and loss aversion techniques. We compared brief (28-day) use of two versions of a behavioral economics-inspired digital mental health app, NeuroFlow : (1) the full app including financial incentives and nonfinancial behavioral incentives (treatment group) and (2) a version of the app with nonfinancial behavioral incentives only (control group). In our intent-to-treat analyses, in order to examine the primary outcome of app engagement, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (treatment vs. control) was conducted, and to examine the secondary outcomes (depression, anxiety, emotion dysregulation, and wellbeing), a two-way repeated measures ANOVAs (treatment vs. control × baseline vs. post-trial) were conducted. We found that there were no differences between treatment groups on app engagement or the change in the mental health/wellness outcome measures. There was a main effect of timepoint on symptoms of anxiety and emotion dysregulation, such that there were significantly lower self-reported symptoms at post-trial relative to baseline. Our results suggest that financial incentives in digital mental health apps over and above nonfinancial behavioral incentives do not have an impact on app engagement or mental health/wellness outcomes

    Comparing output from two methods of participatory design for developing implementation strategies: traditional contextual inquiry vs. rapid crowd sourcing

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    Abstract Background Participatory design methods are a key component of designing tailored implementation strategies. These methods vary in the resources required to execute and analyze their outputs. No work to date has examined the extent to which the output obtained from different approaches to participatory design varies. Methods We concurrently used two separate participatory design methods: (1) field observations and qualitative interviews (i.e., traditional contextual inquiry) and (2) rapid crowd sourcing (an innovation tournament). Our goal was to generate and compare information to tailor implementation strategies to increase the use of evidence-based data collection practices among one-to-one aides working with children with autism. Each method was executed and analyzed by study team members blinded to the output of the other method. We estimated the personnel time and monetary costs associated with each method to further facilitate comparison. Results Observations and interviews generated nearly double the number of implementation strategies (n = 26) than did the innovation tournament (n = 14). When strategies were classified into implementation strategies from the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) taxonomy, there was considerable overlap in the content of identified strategies. However, strategies derived from observations and interviews were more specific than those from the innovation tournament. Five strategies (13%) reflected content unique to observations and interviews and 3 (8%) strategies were unique to the innovation tournament. Only observations and interviews identified implementation strategies related to adapting and tailoring to context; only the innovation tournament identified implementation strategies that used incentives. Observations and interviews required more than three times the personnel hours than the innovation tournament, but the innovation tournament was more costly overall due to the technological platform used. Conclusions There was substantial overlap in content derived from observations and interviews and the innovation tournament, although there was greater specificity in the findings from observations and interviews. However, the innovation tournament yielded unique information. To select the best participatory design approach to inform implementation strategy design for a particular context, researchers should carefully consider unique advantages of each method and weigh the resources available to invest in the process

    Disrupted Care Continuity: Testing Associations between Social Networks and Transition Success for Children with Autism.

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    Children with autism situated in lower income families often receive intensive educational interventions as their primary form of treatment, due to financial barriers for community interventions. However, the continuity of care can be disrupted by school transitions. The quality of social relationships during the transition to a new school among parents, school staff and community providers, called the team-around-the-child (TAC), can potentially buffer a child with autism from the adverse effects caused by care disruptions. Qualities of social relationships, including trust and collaborative problem solving, can be measured using social network analysis. This study investigates if two different types of TAC relationships, defined as (1) the level of trust among team members and (2) the degree of collaborative problem solving among team members, are associated with perceived successful transitions for children with autism from lower income families. Findings suggested that TAC trust is significantly associated with the outcome of transition success for children with autism immediately post-transition

    Concordance between a U.S. Educational Autism Classification and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule.

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    States in the United States differ in how they determine special education eligibility for autism services. Few states include an autism-specific diagnostic tool in their evaluation. In research, the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS for first edition, ADOS-2 for second edition) is considered the gold-standard autism assessment. The purpose of this study was to estimate the proportion of children with an educational classification of autism who exceed the ADOS/ADOS-2 threshold for autism spectrum (concordance rate). Data were drawn from 4 school-based studies across 2 sites (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and San Diego, California). Participants comprised 627 children (2-12 years of age; 83% male) with an autism educational classification. Analyses included (a) calculating the concordance rate between educational and ADOS/ADOS-2 classifications and (b) estimating the associations between concordance and child's cognitive ability, study site, and ADOS/ADOS-2 administration year using logistic regression. More San Diego participants (97.5%, all assessed with the ADOS-2) met ADOS/ADOS-2 classification than did Philadelphia participants assessed with the ADOS-2 (92.2%) or ADOS (82.9%). Children assessed more recently were assessed with the ADOS-2; this group was more likely to meet ADOS/ADOS-2 classification than the group assessed longer ago with the ADOS. Children with higher IQ were less likely to meet ADOS/ADOS-2 classification. Most children with an educational classification of autism meet ADOS/ADOS-2 criteria, but results differ by site and by ADOS version and/or recency of assessment. Educational classification may be a reasonable but imperfect measure to include children in community-based trials