105 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Prestasi Akademik Antara Laki-laki Dan Perempuan Studi Di Wilayah YOGYAKARTA

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    The aim of the study is to find out the difference of academic achievement based on gender. The result shows that there is significantly difference on academic achievement between male and female in general. Female academic achievement shows greater score than male. For further discussion, Female in elementary school, senior high school, diploma and also undergraduate degree has greater score than male. Meanwhile, in junior high school, there is no difference between male and female in their academic achievement

    Harga diri remaja yang bertempat tinggal di dalam lingkungan kompleks pelacurandan di luar lingkungan kompleks pelacuran

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    INTISARI Tujuan yang ingin dicapai penelitian ini adalah mengetahui ada atau tidak adanya perbedaan harga diri antara remaja yang tinggal di dalam lingkungan kompleks pelacuran dan remaja yang tinggal di luar kompleks pelacuran, dengan mengendalikan faktor inteligensi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah remaja yang bertempat tinggal di Kelurahan Dupak Surabaya, sebanyak 102 orang. Subjek penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan teknik Random Sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah skala harga dill yang diadaptasi dare skala harga diri Coopersmith dan tes Standard Progressive Matrices (splp dari Raven. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan telazik Analisis Kovarians AB (Anakova AB). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara harga diri remaja yang tinggal di dalam lingkungan kompleks pelacuran dan remaja yang tinggal di Juan lingkungan kompleks pelacuran, dengan nilai F = 22,139 dan p < 0,01

    Upaya Peningkatan Persepsi Diri Melalui Pelatihan Pengenalan Diri = Effort to Increase Self-Perception Through Self?Effort to Increase Self-Perception Through Self Understandin

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    ABSTRACTRecently, public attention has been focused on ways of developing Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and also emotional maturity. This is because one\u27s success is not only determined by his IQ but also by his emotional maturity. A characteristic of one whose emotional maturity has developed when he possesses self-awareness so that he will be able to control his inner-drives. This research is intended to find out the influence of self-understanding training on the development of self-perception. It is also intended to find out whether there is a relationship between school and self-perception.The research is experimental correlational study,using self-understanding training and school achievement as its independent variables and self-perception as its dependent one. The subjects of the experiment are 20 fourth-grade pupils of the SDK Theresia, 9 to 10 years of age. Subjects were assigned randomly into experimental and control groups based on a pretest-posttest design. The data are analyzed using one- way anova. The subjects of the correlational study are 58 fourth-grade pupils of SDK Theresia, 9 to 10 years of age. The data are analyzed using product moment correlation.The results of the research showed: (1) there was a positive efffect of self-understanding training toward self-perception (2) There was no correlation between school achievement and self-perception. Key words: self-perception - self-understanding training - school achievemnet

    PERAN STATUS IDENTITAS EGO DAN STATUS USIA REMAJA KEMBAR TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN SOSIAL The Role of Ego Identity Status and Age Status of Twin Adolescents on Social Deveropment

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    This research analyzes the role of ego identity status and age status of twin adolescents on social development which includes the peer group, friend and heterosexual relationship.The subjects of this research are members of Indonesians NakulaSadewa Twins Association resides in East Java and in Yogyakarta. Their ages were 12 to 21 years old. There are 34 subjects (17 pairs) of early adolescent (12-17 years old), and 22 subjects (11 pairs) of late adolescent twins (1821 years old).Instrument used in this research are questionaires concerning the ego identity, the relationship of peer group, friend and heterosexual.The data are analyzed by Two way Analysis of Variances, Chi Square with two way classification and Serial Corelation. The results showed that there were no role of ego identity status and age status of twin adolescent to peer group, friend and heterosexual relationship (F = 0,221F = 0,084= 1,404r = 0,257p > 0,05). Key words: ego identity status, age status, social development, adolescent twin


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    The aim of the study is to find out the difference of academic achievement based on gender. The result shows that there is significantly difference on academic achievement between male and female in general. Female academic achievement shows greater score than male. For further discussion, Female in elementary school, senior high school, diploma and also undergraduate degree has greater score than male. Meanwhile, in junior high school, there is no difference between male and female in their academic achievement

    Prediktor Permasalahan Perilaku Anak Usia Tk = Predictors of Behavioral Problems of Kindergarteners

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    ABSTRACT Behavior problem is often observed among kindergarteners. Perhaps it is a manifestation of a normal developmental process. Several factors have been identified as predictors of the problem, namely social maturity of the child, competence of the educator, and involvement of the parent. However, studies into the relative strength of each predictor, particularly in the social and cultural settings of Javanese societies, have been rarely. Therefore, the objectives of this research are: (1), to extend studies on the predictors of behavior problems among children of kindergartens in Yogyakarta(2), to identify the relative strength of the predictors(3), to understand the pattern of relationship between the predictorsand (4), to obtain an estimate of the distribution of behavior problems among kindergarten children of Yogyakarta. The writer\u27s hypotheses are stated as follows: There are negative correlations between educator\u27s competence in stimulating emotional and social development of children, social maturity of the child, and parental involvement in the children education, and their behavior problems. The characteristics of subjects are as follows: children of the age of 4 -6 yearshave neither physical disability nor diagnosable mental disorderand not of single parent family. Data were collected by the Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS), and analyzed using path analysis procedu res. Multiple regression analysis shows that educator\u27s competence corre- lated significantly with behavior problem (r = -0.46, p 0.01). It contributes to 21.45% of the variance of behavior problem. However, other variables were not significant predictors, with r = 0.02 and p = 0.45 for social maturity and r = -0.01 and p = 0.33 for parent involvement. Descriptive analysis shows that the conduct/ restless domain, which indicates aggressive tendencies, was more common than other domains of behavioral problems. It was followed by the emotional/miserable domainand the least was the isolated/ immature domain. Exploratory analysis shows that educator\u27s experience, as measured by how many years he or she has been in the profession, and educational background were not significantly correlated with competence. In addition, the age of the father and the mother and their respective ed ucation significantly correlated to parental involvement. Keywords : Behavior Problem, Social Maturity, Educator\u27s Competence, and Parental Involvement

    Penerimaan Diri Pada Lanjut Usia Ditinjau Dari Kematangan Emosi

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    The goal of this research is to know the correlation between emotional maturity and self-acceptance of the old people. The dependence variable of this research is self-acceptance, which is measured by self-acceptance scale. The independence variable is emotional maturity, which is measured by emotional maturity scale. This research is applied to the 32 old people, the minimal age is 65, retired, can still response to the items, and does not live in the Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha. The quantitative analysis, the correlation analysis of the emotional maturity score and self-acceptance score, show that there is a positive correlation between emotional maturity and self-acceptance of the old people. Keywords: emotional maturity, self-acceptance, old peopl


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    AbstractObjective of this research is to see whether psychoeducation and relaxation can reduce anxiety in pre-menopausal women. Subjects of the research are women live in villages in Yogyakarta, they experience pre-menopausal symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles in the 6 months or at the last-1 year and experience hot flashes, sweating at night and sleep disorders. subjects were divided into two groups: an experimental group which consisted of 6 subjects and the control group consisted of 5 subjects. Data collection tool used in this research is the anxiety scale TMAS (Taylor manifest anxiety scale). Data wereanalyzed using non-parametric test with Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon test. It showed that the experimental group obtained significant results with values p = 0.027 (p &lt;0.05) and the Z value is -2.207 while the control group showed no significant results with p = 0.102 (p&gt; 0.05) and the Z value is -1.633. The Mann Whitney test showed significant values 0.021 and Z value is -2.303. In conclusion the provision of psychoeducation and relaxation menopause can reduce anxiety in pre-menopausal women.Keywords: anxiety, psychoeducation, relaxation, premenopausa


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dinamika psikologis pencapaian successful aging khususnya pada lansia yang mengikuti program Posyandu Lansia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif tipe studi kasus. Pemilihan subjek menggunakan purposive sampling. Subjek terdiri dari lansia yang berusia 70-85 tahun yang mengikuti Posyandu Lansia. Penelitian dilakukan di Dusun Modinan, Desa Banyuraden, Kecamatan Gamping, Kabupaten Sleman. Validitas penelitian dilakukan menggunakan triangulasi sumber data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dinamika psikologis pencapaian successful aging pada lansia mencakup perkembangan dan perubahan pada diri lansia. Perkembangan berupa penurunan fisik dan psikologis, sedangkan perubahan, seperti perubahan peran, adanya penerimaan dan penyesuaian pada penurunan yang dialami, serta persiapan menghadapi kematian. Diketahui adanya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tercapainya successful aging pada lansia yang mengikuti Posyandu Lansia ditekankan pada berbagai kegiatan yang menekankan aspek kesehatan, yaitu menumbuhkan pemahaman lansia terhadap kesehatan dan penerimaan diri terhadap kondisi fisik. Bermodal kesehatan, aspek psikologis terpenuhi, lansia tidak tergantung kepada orang lain untuk melakukan kegiatannya. Lansia mampu mandiri dan menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi ekonomi serta mempertahankan hubungan dengan keluarga dan masyarakat. Kata Kunci: successful aging, dinamika psikologis, lansia, posyand

    Hubungan Antara Komunikasi Efektif Tentang Seksualitas Dalam Keluarga Dengan Sikap Remaja Awal Terhadap Pergaulan Bebas Antar Lawan Jenis

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    This research was intended to discover the correlation relationship between the effective communications about sexuality in family on early adolescents' attitude toward free socialization among youths of different sexes. The subjects of the research were 370 Junior High School students that consisted of 185 female students and 185 male students from SLTP PIRI I Yogyakarta and SLTPN 5 Depok Sleman. Three psychological scales made by the researcher were used to obtain the data. The first psychological scale was the communications about sexuality in family for the early female adolescents and it consisted of 23 items. The second psychological scale was the communications about sexuality in family for the early male adolescents and it also consisted of 23 items. The third psychological scale was the attitude toward free socialization among youths of different sexes and it consisted of 66 items. Data analysis by Pearson product moment analysis shows that the correlation relationship between the effective communications about sexuality in family and early adolescents' attitude toward free socialization among youths of different sexes was significantly positive for both female and male students (rxy1 =0,201 ; p= 0,003 and rxy2 =0,147 ; p= 0,023 p ′ 0,05). The effective contribution given by the effective communications about sexuality in family on early adolescents' attitude toward free socialization among youths of different sexes was 4% for female students and 2,2% for male students. Data analysis by applying the t – test analysis shows that there was a significant difference between female and male students' attitude toward free socialization among youths of different sexes ( X L = 177,88 ∃ X P = 159,12; t = - 6,4 ; p = 0,000, p ′ 0,01). It means that the attitude of early male adolescents toward free socialization among youths of different sexes is higher than early female adolescents. Keywords: effective communications about sexuality in family, early adolescent,free socialization among youths of different sexe