36 research outputs found

    Isolation Of Chavibetol And Hydroxychavicol And Selected Anti-Obesity Studies Of Standardized Piper Betle Linn. Leaf Extracts

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    Piper betle L. telah digunakan secara meluas dalam perubatan herba tradisional di Asia. Walau bagaimanapun, tumbuhan ini masih kekurangan data analisis terutama berkaitan kualiti, keselamatan dan keberkesanannya. Kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk menyediakan maklumat mengenai pemiawaian daun Piper betle. Kajian ini dibahagikan kepada tiga bahagian: kualiti dan keselamatan bahan-bahan mentah daun Piper betle, piawaian ekstrak Piper betle menggunakan sebatian terasing dan anti-obesiti. Daun kering Piper betle ditentukan untuk kandungan logam berat dan kandungan ujian had mikrob (MLT). Tumbuhan ini didapati berada dalam lingkungan had yang ditetapkan bagi empat logam berat Cd (0.3ppm), Hg (0.5 ppm), Pb (10 ppm) and As (5.0 ppm) dan ia bebas dari pencemaran mikrob. Pemeriksaan fitokimia awal bagi ekstrak etanol, ekstrak 50% etanol dan ekstrak air menunjukkan kehadiran sebatian terpenoid, flavonoid, fenol, sterol, koumarin dan saponin. Dua sebatian iaitu kavibetol (CHV) dan hidroksikavikol (HC) telah diasingkan dan dikenalpasti melalui data UV, FTIR, TLC, HPLC, GC-MS dan NMR. Profil kimia yang menggunakan teknik spektroskopi dan kromatografi seperti UV, FTIR, HPTLC dan GC-MS digunakan dalam kajian pemiawaian. Piper betle L. has been extensively used in traditional herbal remedies in Asia. Nevertheless, this plant still lacks of data especially on their quality, safety and efficacy. This study has been conducted to provide information on the standardization of Piper betle leaves. The study was divided into three parts: quality and safety of raw materials of Piper betle leaves, standardization of Piper betle extracts using isolation compounds and anti-obesity studies. Dry powdered leaves of Piper betle were determined to evaluate the content of heavy metals and the microbial limit test (MLT). This plant was found to be in the range of the acceptable limit of four main heavy metals Cd (0.3ppm), Hg (0.5 ppm), Pb (10 ppm) and As (5.0 ppm) and free from microbial contamination. The preliminary phytochemical screening using TLC on the ethanol, 50% ethanol and water extracts showed the presence of terpenoids, flavonoids, phenols, sterols, coumarins and saponins. Two compounds namely chavibetol (CHV) and hydroxychavicol (HC) were isolated and identified by UV, FTIR, HPTLC, HPLC, GC-MS and NMR data. The chemical profile using spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques such as UV, FTIR, HPTLC and GC-MS were used in the standardization

    Study of Characteristics of Eggshell Waste Composite by Using Cold Compaction Method

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    Eggshell is a new engineering reinforcement retaining excellent properties such as low density, renewable, eco-friendly, and high thermal stability. The research aims to study the characteristics of eggshell waste composite by using the cold compaction method. This research investigates the potential of eggshell waste to be used as water filters. Eggshell waste was mixed with kaolin clay and wheat flour as a binder by using different compositions, physical and microstructure tests were conducted. The result shows that the eggshell has a low-density value. This study also showed that eggshells are suitable as a water filter because microstructural tests show that the sample has pores for water flow

    Keberkesanan program “corporate smart internship” (CSI) Jabatan Penjara Malaysia untuk orang di selia (ODS) di Lypometal Sdn. Bhd.

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberkesanan program “Corporate Smart Internship” (CSI) Jabatan Penjara Malaysia untuk Orang Di Selia (ODS) di Lypometal Sdn. Bhd. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif yang menggunakan temu bual separa berstruktur. Kajian dijalankan ke atas keseluruhan responden iaitu sebanyak tiga puluh enam orang ODS berdasarkan jumlah klien yang berada di bawah seliaan pejabat parol. Manakala, terdapat dua orang ODS diambil secara rawak untuk ditemu bual. Analisis dibuat berdasarkan kepada tema-tema tertentu bagi mencapai objektif kajian. Objektif kajian adalah mengkaji tahap keberkesanan program CSI Jabatan Penjara Malaysia untuk ODS, memberi kefahaman kepada masyarakat dan badan korporat dalam membantu proses pemulihan ODS serta mengenal pasti persepsi ODS terhadap program CSI yang diterima. Data dikumpul melalui temu bual secara mendalam dengan responden kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat tiga tema yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan program iaitu peranan penyelia ODS, cabaran mengikuti program CSI dan penilaian program pemulihan. Ringkasan daripada keputusan menunjukkan ODS dapat meningkatkan kefungsian diri dan secara positif menerima perkhidmatan kerjaya dan intervensi dalam program CSI

    Keterukan bencana banjir tahun 2014 dan keberkesanan pengurusannya di jajahan Kuala Krai, Kelantan

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    The 2014 flood disaster in Kuala Krai has led to the significant destruction of property and the loss of life. This study argues that human interference in the ecosystems often invite risk and hazard in the flood drainage basin thus resulting to more frequent incidents with increasing intensity each year. Thus, the main objective of the study was to examine the effects of human and natural events that contribute to the severity of the floods in 2014 in Kuala Krai through land use change data and rainfall. In addition, a total of 300 people from three districts in Kuala Krai was used in this study evaluating the effectiveness of flood management systems.The results of the land use aspect showed many active land use activities at the survey spot mostly for sand mining, and opening of land for agriculture which covered an area of 6,930 hectars. While 34,850 hectars were for replanting, and 2,260 hectars for secondary jungle according to the 2014 data. This situation worsened when there was an unusual heavy rainfall in the Kuala Krai District in December 2014. To overcome the significant damage and the loss of lives due to flood, the government must implement the flood management system more effectively in the three phases of before, during and after the flood. According to the survey in the Kuala Krai District, the Dabong area had the the low min value (average) for the three phases: 3.04 (before), 2.99 (during) and 2.02 (after). Whereas for the Olak Jeram area the min value was 3.39 (before), 3.21 (during) and 2.30 (after). The one way ANOVA servey found that the people of Kuala Krai had different opinions about the management system of the before, during and the after phases. Whereas the satisfaction level was low at all the phases therefore giving the picture that the flood management system was unsatisfactory. This study suggests that the involvement of all parties in the flood management working draft must be integrated with the Directive 20 of the National Security Council so that future flood disaster management system would be more effective

    Reservation system for premier lounge / Muhammad Faizal Samat ...[et al.]

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    Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.Technology is also used to make things easier in our daily life. For the reservation systems we are focusing more in the reservation of the premier lounge that is located in the UiTM Cawangan Kelantan. This is because in order to use the premier lounge, they have to write on the whiteboard and that become a problems because it can be easily erased and have no security over the reservation. The objective of the reservation system is to make the reservation in using the premier lounge become easier in the university. This reservation system also save time and increase the security in making the reservation. This system can help the user to know the availabilty of the premier lounge and help to reduce and avoid redundancy in making the reservation of the premier lounge.The reservation systems were invented to help the user in the process of the reservation of the premier lounge in order to make the its easier to do work in that premier lounge. The reservation will be more secure and will be easier because itspeed the time to reserve the room. This system can be used in the university which can help to increase the effiiciency of the management in the universi

    Development of semi-automated guided vehicle for fertigation agriculture

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    The design of this project is to carry the pesticide spraying system for the fertigation purpose. The system is basically a semiautomated guided vehicle controlled by Arduino Uno and guided by railway meanwhile the man power is minimized by only turned on the switch and it will move accordingly as set

    Gratitude and Its Relationship to Resilience and Academic Performance among University Students

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    This study examines the relationship between gratitude, resilience, and academic performance among students of a public university in Malaysia. One hundred and forty-six samples were obtained through a simple random technique (N=235). The survey employed GQ6 (Gratitude Questionnaire), Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), and self-reported grade-point average (GPA) as its measurement tools. Correlation analysis shows that gratitude has a high positive relationship with resilience and academic performance. Findings from the study support those of previous studies about the importance of gratitude in improving student’s psychological resilience and academic performances. The study suggests that adopting a sense of gratefulness and appreciation helps students overcome challenges in their educational journey at university

    The Role of Media on Knowledge, Awareness and Students' Attitude during Movement Control Order (MCO)

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    The Malaysian government had announced the Movement Control Order (MCO) to handle the Covid-19 crisis. During MCO, the government has used media channels to spread the information to the public. This research aims to identify the mediating part of both knowledge and awareness between students' attitude and media role during MCO. The findings from 338 respondents analysed using structural equation modelling found that knowledge and awareness mediate between media and students' attitude. This study could guide policymakers to promote a greater understanding of the coronavirus pandemic by using the mass media. Keywords: Knowledge, Awareness, Attitude, Role of Media eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6i16.271

    Keselamatan makanan : kepentingan kesedaran pengguna terhadap Halālan Ṭayyiban

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    Keselamatan makanan menjadi keperluan penting untuk diperhatikan oleh semua pihak termasuk pengguna. Selain halal, tayyiban merupakan salah satu kriteria penting yang digariskan Islam dalam pemilihan makanan. Aspek tayyiban merangkumi pelbagai elemen sepanjang rantaian makanan termasuk elemen kebersihan, kualiti, keselamatan dan kesihatan. Kesedaran merupakan faktor penolak yang mendorong seseorang bertindak untuk melakukan sesuatu. Namun, pengetahuan dan kesedaran tentang keselamatan makanan dalam kalangan pengguna masih berada di tahap yang tidak memuaskan. Oleh itu, kajian ini tampil untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang keselamatan makanan sekali gus menampakkan kepentingan kesedaran tentang pemahaman konsep halālan ṭayyiban yang sebenar kepada pengguna melalui nas agama. Kajian ini dipraktikkan secara kajian kualitatif melalui pendekatan kajian kepustakaan dan analisis dokumen sebelum menganalisis maklumat yang berjaya dikumpulkan menggunakan kaedah induktif dan deduktif. Kajian ini mendapati pengabaian aspek keselamatan makanan akan memberi kesan kepada individu sama ada dari sudut sains atau maqasid. Pelbagai inisiatif khususnya melalui teknologi dan media sosial perlu digiatkan bagi meningkatkan kesedaran tentang keselamatan makanan. Tambahan lagi, pengguna berperanan untuk mengelak pengambilan makanan yang boleh mengundang mudarat, bahaya dan penyakit kepada diri. Oleh itu, kesedaran tentang keselamatan makanan yang sejajar dengan sumber wahyu iaitu al-Quran dan Sunnah sangat penting untuk diterapkan dalam kalangan pengguna

    Perspektif Guru Terhadap Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi dalam Kalangan Pelajar

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bagi meneroka perspektif guru berkaitan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) dalam kalangan pelajar. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah temubual separa berstruktur yang melibatkan seorang guru yang berpengalaman. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada protocol temubual dan komputer riba. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar masih perlu diperkasakan dan dipengaruhi oleh perbezaan tahap sosioekonomi dan jenis sekolah. Faktor pelajar, alat bantu mengajar, dan keadaan bilik darjah didapati mempengaruhi pemilihan strategi pengajaran bagi memupuk KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar. Hasil kajian turut mendapati bahawa teknik menyoal boleh digunakan bagi meningkatkan KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar, manakala pemberian soalan KBAT secara konsisten, penggunaan kaedah pembelajaran abad ke-21 (PAK21) dan pemberian tugasan berkumpulan boleh digunakan untuk menggalakkan aplikasi KBAT ketika pelajar menghadapi penilaian. Dapatan kajian turut menunjukkan bahawa kekangan masa dan faktor pelajar yang tidak aktif memberikan cabaran kepada guru untuk memupuk KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar. Sebagai implikasi, semua pihak perlu memainkan peranan yang sewajarnya dalam usaha meningkatkan KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar agar matlamat pendidikan dapat direalisasikan. Teachers' Perspectives on Higher Order Thinking Skills Among Students Abstract: This study was conducted to explore the perspectives of teachers related to high -level thinking skills (HLTS) among students. This study used a semi -structured interview method involving an experienced teacher. The instruments used in this study consisted of an interview protocol and a laptop. The results of the study found that HOTS among students still need to be empowered and influenced by differences in socioeconomic levels and types of schools. Student factors, teaching aids, and classroom conditions were found to influence the selection of teaching strategies to foster HOTS among students. The study also found that questioning techniques can be used to improve KBAT among students, while giving KBAT questions consistently, the use of 21st century learning methods (PAK21) and group assignments can be used to encourage the application of KBAT when students face assessment. The findings of the study also show that time constraints and inactive student factors provide a challenge to teachers to cultivate HOTS among students. As an implication, all parties need to play an appropriate role in efforts to improve HOTS among students so that educational goals can be realized. Keywords: High-Order Thinking Skills, 21st Century Learning, Information and Communication Technology