584 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Mineral Reactions Inferred from Textures of Impure Dolomitic Marbles from East Greenland

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    Mineral assemblages and chemical compositions of minerals found in impure dolomitic marbles embedded in gneisses and migmatites of the E. Greenland Caledonian fold belt (Scoresby Sund) suggest that the marbles were metamorphosed near 630 °C at 5 kb pressure. The analysis of complex textural and mineralogical relations among minerals such as dolomite, calcite, forsterite, pargasite, chlorite, spinel, diopside and phlogopite led to the conclusion that the major mineralogical features of the rocks were probably caused by sodium metasomatism at constant temperature and pressure. The effect of the inferred sodium metasomatism may be summarized by three schematic reactions all involving modal changes of excess dolomite, calcite, forsterite, chlorite and spinel: (a) nucleation and growth of pargasite, (b) resorption of phlogopite, and (c) growth of pargasite from phlogopit

    Saving Energy in Mobile Devices for On-Demand Multimedia Streaming -- A Cross-Layer Approach

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    This paper proposes a novel energy-efficient multimedia delivery system called EStreamer. First, we study the relationship between buffer size at the client, burst-shaped TCP-based multimedia traffic, and energy consumption of wireless network interfaces in smartphones. Based on the study, we design and implement EStreamer for constant bit rate and rate-adaptive streaming. EStreamer can improve battery lifetime by 3x, 1.5x and 2x while streaming over Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G respectively.Comment: Accepted in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (ACM TOMCCAP), November 201

    Reaction Textures and Metamorphic Evolution of Sapphirine-bearing Granulites from the Gruf Complex, Italian Central Alps

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    Mineral chemistries and textures are described from a suite of sapphirine-bearing granulites from the Gruf Complex of the Italian Central Alps. The granulites contain combinations of garnet, orthopyroxene, sapphirine, sillimanite, cordierite, biotite, quartz, spinel, corundum, staurolite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, ilmenite and rutile, in assemblages with low (usually negative) variance. They are outstanding in that they preserve a textural and chemical record of a protracted metamorphic evolution. Reaction textures are common and include: (i) pseudomorphs (e.g. of sillimanite after kyanite); (ii) relatively coarse-grained monomineralic reaction rims (e.g. of cordierite between sapphirine and quartz); (iii) fine-grained symplectitic coronas (e.g. of orthopyroxene + sapphirine round garnet); (iv) inclusions, in garnet cores, of minerals (e.g. staurolite) not found elsewhere in the rocks. Detailed microprobe study has revealed large chemical variations within each phase. Different textural types of each phase have different compositions, and strong zoning is preserved in garnet (Mg/(Mg + Fe) from 0.30 to 0.61) and coarse sapphirine. Inclusion populations in garnet correlate with host composition. The textural and chemical features are interpreted in terms of successive equilibrium assemblages and reactions. Metamorphic conditions operative at each stage in the evolution are calculated using published geothermometers and geobarometers as well as thermodynamically calibrated MAS and FASH equilibria. The results are used to construct a P—T-time path for the sapphirine-granulites, which can be summarized as follows: (i) Increasing T at high P (>7 kb). Partial melting. (ii) A maximum T of ∼830 °C attained at ∼10 kb. (iii) Almost isothermal decompression, reaching 750 °C at ∼5 kb, under conditions of low μH2O. (iv) Further cooling, and decompression. Localized hydration. Rocks exposed. The P—T-time path is interpreted as the product of a single metamorphic cycle (the tertiary ‘Lepontine' event) and is extrapolated to the Gruf Complex as a whole. When combined with published geochronological data, the results indicate an average uplift rate in excess of 2 mm/yr for the Gruf Complex between 38 and 30 Ma ago. An in situ partial melting origin for the sapphirine-granulites is favoured. Extraction of an iron-rich granitic liquid from a normal pelitic palaeosome could generate a refractory residue with the required Mg, Al-rich composition. The change in bulk solid composition during partial melting is thought to account for the extraordinarity strong zoning in the garnet

    Energy efficiency of dynamic management of virtual cluster with heterogeneous hardware

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    Cloud computing is an essential part of today's computing world. Continuously increasing amount of computation with varying resource requirements is placed in large data centers. The variation among computing tasks, both in their resource requirements and time of processing, makes it possible to optimize the usage of physical hardware by applying cloud technologies. In this work, we develop a prototype system for load-based management of virtual machines in an OpenStack computing cluster. Our prototype is based on an idea of 'packing' idle virtual machines into special park servers optimized for this purpose. We evaluate the method by running real high-energy physics analysis software in an OpenStack test cluster and by simulating the same principle using the Cloudsim simulator software. The results show a clear improvement, 9-48 %, in the total energy efficiency when using our method together with resource overbooking and heterogeneous hardware.Peer reviewe

    Node co-activations as a means of error detection—Towards fault-tolerant neural networks

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    Context: Machine learning has proved an efficient tool, but the systems need tools to mitigate risks during runtime. One approach is fault tolerance: detecting and handling errors before they cause harm. Objective: This paper investigates whether rare co-activations – pairs of usually segregated nodes activating together – are indicative of problems in neural networks (NN). These could be used to detect concept drift and flagging untrustworthy predictions. Methods: We trained four NNs. For each, we studied how often each pair of nodes activates together. In a separate test set, we counted how many rare co-activations occurred with each input, and grouped the inputs based on whether its classification was correct, incorrect, or whether its class was absent during training. Results: Rare co-activations are much more common in inputs from a class that was absent during training. Incorrectly classified inputs averaged a larger number of rare co-activations than correctly classified inputs, but the difference was smaller. Conclusions: As rare co-activations are more common in unprecedented inputs, they show potential for detecting concept drift. There is also some potential in detecting single inputs from untrained classes. The small difference between correctly and incorrectly predicted inputs is less promising and needs further research.Peer reviewe

    Simulation-based optimization in the cloud

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    QuantMark: A Benchmarking API for VQE Algorithms

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    Thanks to the rise of quantum computers, many variations of the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) have been proposed in recent times. This is a promising development for real quantum algorithms, as the VQE is a promising algorithm that runs on current quantum hardware. However, the popular method of comparing your algorithm versus a classical baseline in a small basis set is not meaningful in the big picture. Moreover, many papers use a different molecular representation or a different quantum computer to test their algorithms such that the used baselines are different between different papers. Thus, it is almost impossible to compare the different algorithms to each other. As a solution, we have built a benchmarking framework to standardize the VQE performance metrics, such that they can be analyzed more easily. Using our framework, any researcher working on the VQE can easily test their own algorithms against previous ones on the leaderboard without the need to reproduce previous work themselves.Peer reviewe
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