10 research outputs found


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    Puree was a liquid food as a source of carbohydrates that was often consumed by the people of Indonesia. Puree had a soft texture so it was easily digested by toddlers, children and adults. Puree is not only made from rice but can be made from corn and beans. Corn was one of the cereal crops as an energy source and a commodity that had the potential to be used as a basic ingredient for puree. However, the protein content in corn was quite low, so it was necessary to add protein sources such as Bambara beans and soybeans. Bambara beans and soybeans were types of beans that have a high protein content so that they became important ingredients for food products. The purpose of this study was to determine the protein content of puree made from corn, bambara beans and soybeans and to determine the effect of the composition of corn, bambara beans and soybeans on the protein content of puree. This study began by heating corn juice, bambara bean juice and soybean juice at 85°C for 20 minutes. The resulting slurry was continued on protein testing using the Kjeldahl method. The distillation results of samples accommodated in erlenmeyer as much as 100 mL were titrated with 0.02 HCl. Based on the test results of samples with a composition of 60 g corn, 25 g bambara beans and 15 g soybeans had 12.8% protein content, samples with a composition of 60 g corn, 30 g bambara beans and 10 g soybeans had 11.1%  protein content. This showed  that samples with a composition of 60:25:15 have a higher protein content compared to samples with a composition of 60:30:10 because the composition of soybeans was getting lower. Puree was a liquid food as a source of carbohydrates that was often consumed by the people of Indonesia. Puree had a soft texture so it was easily digested by toddlers, children and adults. Puree is not only made from rice but can be made from corn and beans. Corn was one of the cereal crops as an energy source and a commodity that had the potential to be used as a basic ingredient for puree. However, the protein content in corn was quite low, so it was necessary to add protein sources such as Bambara beans and soybeans. Bambara beans and soybeans were types of beans that have a high protein content so that they became important ingredients for food products. The purpose of this study was to determine the protein content of puree made from corn, bambara beans and soybeans and to determine the effect of the composition of corn, bambara beans and soybeans on the protein content of puree. This study began by heating corn juice, bambara bean juice and soybean juice at 85°C for 20 minutes. The resulting slurry was continued on protein testing using the Kjeldahl method. The distillation results of samples accommodated in erlenmeyer as much as 100 mL were titrated with 0.02 HCl. Based on the test results of samples with a composition of 60 g corn, 25 g bambara beans and 15 g soybeans had 12.8% protein content, samples with a composition of 60 g corn, 30 g bambara beans and 10 g soybeans had 11.1%  protein content. This showed  that samples with a composition of 60:25:15 have a higher protein content compared to samples with a composition of 60:30:10 because the composition of soybeans was getting lower


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    Jagung (Zea mays L.) merupakan jenis komoditas yang banyak ditemukan di Indonesia dengan potensi besar sebagai salah satu sumber karbohidrat. Jagung dapat diolah menjadi beberapa macam olahan pangan salah satunya adalah bubur. Bubur merupakan olahan pangan yang memiliki tekstur lunak dan encer sehingga mudah dikonsumsi oleh balita, lansia dan orang yang sakit. Bubur jagung juga memiliki kandungan gizi yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, akan tetapi kandungan gizi pada bubur jagung masih terbatas sehingga perlu dilakukan suatu inovasi untuk memperkaya kandungan gizi bubur jagung. Salah satu cara yang dapat menambah kandungan gizi bubur jagung yaitu dengan penambahan senyawa antioksidan. Senyawa antioksidan dapat ditemukan pada kacang-kacangan yaitu kacang kedelai dan kacang bambara. Pengujian antioksidan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode DPPH. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk memperoleh potensi aktivitas antioksidan pada bubur jagung dengan penambahan kacang bambara dan kacang kedelai serta untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan pada bubur jagung dengan penambahan kacang bambara dan kacang kedelai dengan menggunakan standart pembanding quercetin. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan mengambil sari jagung, kacang bambara dan kedelai, setelah itu dipanaskan pada suhu 85°C selama 20 menit. Bubur selanjutnya dilakukan uji antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH, pengukuran antioksidan akan dilakukan menggunakan spektrofotometer. Hasil dari pengukuran spektrofotometer akan digunakan untuk menghitung nilai IC50. Nilai IC50 quercetin adalah 6 ppm, nilai IC50 sampel A adalah 371 ppm dan nilai IC50 sampel B adalah 152 ppm. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu sampel B memiliki antioksidan yang lebih kuat dibandingkan sampel A. Akan tetapi antioksidan kedua sampel tersebut lebih lemah dibandingkan dengan standart quercetin

    Nanocellulose-based fibres derived from palm oil by-products and their in vitro biocompatibility analysis

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    Fibres with nanocellulose isolated from oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFBs) were produced. Nanocellulose and PVA-nanocellulose fibres were prepared by wet spinning in an acetone coagulation bath without drawing. The addition of nanocellulose was varied from 10% to 30%, to reveal the beneficial effects of nanocellulose content on the properties of produced spun-fibres. Higher concentration of nanocellulose increased the stiffness of spun-fibres. PVA and PVA-bacterial cellulose fibres were also produced as a control and for comparison, respectively. The nanocellulose fibre formed a compact structure, while PVA fibres had hollow structures. The effect of the produced spun-fibres on the biocompatibility of calf pulmonary artery endothelial cells was assayed by an MTT test. Based on the MTT assay the addition of nanocellulose increased the percentage of cell viability of the obtained spun-fibres slightly. These results point towards the use of sustainable sources of nanocellulose as a beneficial and biocompatible fibre material. Keywords: Spun-fibres, nanocellulose, cellulose nanofibers, wet spinning, biocompatibilit

    The Importance of Agricultural Knowledge in Early Childhood Education: A Scoping Review

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    Indonesia is an agrarian country and has potential in agriculture that is not in line with the potential of supporting human resources. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce agriculture from an early age. Early childhood learning programs with an agricultural perspective can equip children with knowledge about the importance of agriculture as well as basic skills such as caring for, watering and planting plants. This research aims to understand the importance of agriculture-based learning in early childhood education environments. This research method uses Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyze Extensions for scoping reviews using 3 databases namely science direct, google Scholar, and sage journals. The literature reviewed from the scoping review obtained 8 articles that fulfilled the use of qualitative and quantitative or mixed methods. The types of journals produced are mostly children's education journals, environmental education journals for children, and journals about nutrition for children. Many research subjects also center on children's intelligence, scientific and nature-friendly attitudes, cognitive, language, and social skills that children can acquire from gardening or agriculture-based learning. From data collection and preparation of literature material, benefits from agricultural-based learning programs are obtained. This benefit is the basis for the importance of agriculture-based learning in kindergarten children. The benefits of agricultural learning-based activities in Early Childhood Education (ECE) include increasing early childhood knowledge and love for agricultural activities, increasing children's naturalistic intelligence, promoting healthy food in early childhood, environmentally friendly attitudes, and cognitive intelligence

    Thermoplastic Starch–PVA Nanocomposite Films Reinforced with Nanocellulose from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFBs): Effect of Starch Type

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    This research studied the effect of three types of starch on the properties of thermoplastic starch (TPS)–Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA)–cellulose nanocomposite films. Three different types of starch with amylose and amylopectin contents used were corn starch, cassava starch, and sago starch. Meanwhile, the nanocellulose was isolated from oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFBs) by mechanical treatment using ultrafine grinder. The nanocomposite films were made by evaporation casting method. It was found that the difference of amylose content in the native starch affected the properties of nanocomposite films. Meanwhile, the nanocellulose added into matrix TPS–PVA could increase tensile strength of TPS–PVA nanocomposite films

    Review : Teknologi Produksi Plastik Biodegradable dan Pemanfaatannya sebagai Bahan Kemasan

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    Plastik merupakan bahan pengemas yang sangat sering digunakan karena sifatnya yang ringan, mudah dibentuk, serta murah harganya. Namun, tingginya penggunaan plastik menjadi permasalahan baru terutama terhaddap lingkungan karena membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama untuk dapat terdegradasi dan tidak ramah lingkungan. Permasalahan tersebut menjadi penyebab berkembangnya penelitian maupun produksi plastik yang dapat terdegrasasi secara alami atau plastik biodegradable. Penelitian tentang plastik biodegradable banyak banyak menggunakan polimer alami seperti pati dan selulosa sebagai bahan utama pembuatan plastik biodegradable karena ketersediannya yang melimpah. Pati lebih banyak digunakan sebagai matriks plastik biodegradable karena sifatnya yang mudah dibentuk dan elastis. Namun pati memiliki kelemahan dalam sifat fisik dan mekaniknya sehingga memerlukan bahan tambahan lain, modifikasi pati, dan teknologi produksi untuk memperkuat sifat fisik dan mekanik plastik biodegradable. Komposit plastik biodegradable cenderung memiliki sifat fisik dan mekanik yang lebih baik dibandingkan plastik biodegradable yang hanya terdiri dari satu bahan saja


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    Google Classroom is a new platform, so there needs to be training for institutions or institutions that are new to using this platform. SMAN 1 Tanjung Sari is one of the schools that requires training in using google classroom to run the online learning process. The purpose of this training is to improve the knowledge and skills of teachers and students in conducting online learning using the google classroom platform. Learning system training through Google Classroom is carried out by conducting surveys first and preparing questionnaires before and after the training. The results of the training implementation increased participants' knowledge and skills in using google classroom from before the training, which was 0% to 100%, and increased participants' knowledge of using the google classroom platform from 20% to 100%. Therefore, it can be concluded that online learning training using google classroom is very important to do in increasing knowledge and skills so that the learning objectives of the school or institution are achieved

    On the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) – Alginate Composite Yarn Reinforced with Nanocellulose from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches

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    PVA-alginate hydrogel is a promising material for use in biomedical applications due to its desirable characteristics: biocompatible, durable, non-toxic, and low cost. However, the low gel strength of this composite limits its use in biomedical applications. This study aims to develop enhanced mechanical and thermal properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) PVA-alginate composite yarn by adding nanocellulose isolated from the sustainable oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFBs). The PVA-alginate composite yarns reinforced with nanocellulose were prepared with various nanocellulose contents (1 wt.%, 2 wt.%, and 5 wt.%). The composite's tensile strength exhibited an increasing trend with the addition of nanocellulose, while the elongation at break showed the opposite trend. Moreover, it was demonstrated that the composite's thermal degradation shifts to higher temperatures with the addition of nanocellulose. The observed activation energies for the thermal degradation calculated using the Coats-Redfern method exhibited a significant increment for the composites reinforced with nanocellulose. These results show that the addition of nanocellulose into the PVA-alginate matrix enhances the chemical and thermal properties of the resulting hydrogel. All these improvements have resulted from more abundant and robust hydrogen bonds generated by the nanocellulose presence


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    Plastik merupakan bahan pengemas yang sangat sering digunakan karena sifatnya yang ringan, mudah dibentuk, serta murah harganya. Namun, tingginya penggunaan plastik menjadi permasalahan baru terutama terhaddap lingkungan karena membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama untuk dapat terdegradasi dan tidak ramah lingkungan. Permasalahan tersebut menjadi penyebab berkembangnya penelitian maupun produksi plastik yang dapat terdegrasasi secara alami atau plastik biodegradable. Penelitian tentang plastik biodegradable banyak banyak menggunakan polimer alami seperti pati dan selulosa sebagai bahan utama pembuatan plastik biodegradable karena ketersediannya yang melimpah. Pati lebih banyak digunakan sebagai matriks plastik biodegradable karena sifatnya yang mudah dibentuk dan elastis. Namun pati memiliki kelemahan dalam sifat fisik dan mekaniknya sehingga memerlukan bahan tambahan lain, modifikasi pati, dan teknologi produksi untuk memperkuat sifat fisik dan mekanik plastik biodegradable. Komposit plastik biodegradable cenderung memiliki sifat fisik dan mekanik yang lebih baik dibandingkan plastik biodegradable yang hanya terdiri dari satu bahan saja

    Production of Polyvinyl Alcohol–Alginate–Nanocellulose Fibers

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    In this study, nanocellulose is isolated from oil palm empty fruit bunches using ultrafine grinding and ultrasonication. Here, nanocellulose, a reinforcing agent, is mixed with polyvinyl alcohol and sodium alginate, which act as the matrices. Nanocellulose-based fibers are produced via the wet spinning method using calcium chloride as a coagulant solvent. The effects of the nanocellulose content on the morphological, mechanical, and in vitro biocompatibility properties of the produced fibers are then examined, with the results demonstrating that the increase in nanocellulose content produces fibers with a rougher cross-section and higher tensile strength with the addition of nanocellulose up to 3%. Meanwhile, the crystallinity of the fibers increases with the addition of nanocellulose content of up to 5%. The addition of 1% nanocellulose produce fibers with better in vitro biocompatibility, which is confirmed by the higher cell viability and lower inhibition