14 research outputs found

    The use of online learning videos in BIPA program for Arabic speakers

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    This research departs from developing BIPA teaching materials for Arabic speakers. Teaching materials are made in form of interactive learning videos presenting cultural diversity and Indonesian local wisdom. Furthermore, these BIPA learning videos are shared on social media. Therefore, learners of Arabic BIPA from various countries in the Middle East can access this material teaching. A qualitative descriptive method was used in this study. The data were obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. The study used purposive sampling. The study results stated that those learning videos were based on the BIPA learning syllabus determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Furthermore, these learning videos are presented in a cultural package with Arabic as the language of instruction. By sharing the videos on social media, this video can help learners without the limitations of space and tim

    IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB DI PUSDIK PENGMILUM KODIKLAT TNI AD (Studi Fenomenologi Eksistensial pada Kursus Bahasa Arab Tingkat Dasar)

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    Pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa Arab telah berkembang di berbagai bidang termasuk bidang militer. Pelaksanaanya tidak terlepas dari pembelajaran untuk tujuan khusus. Dengan tujuan tersebut dapat menghasilkan para lulusan dengan hasil belajar yang signifikan. Penelitian ini pun bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan fenomena mengenai pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Pusdik Pengmilum dengan pencapaian keberhasilan belajar yang signifikan meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Metode yang digunakan peneliti adalah studi fenomenologi eksitensial dengan teknik sampling purposive sampling. Adapun subjek penelitian ini adalah Satuan Pendidikan, Operasional Pendidikan, Departemen Bahasa, Guru Militer dan peserta didik. Data yang dikumpulkan pada penelitian ini adalah hasil wawancara dengan partisipan dari pusdik tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan empat rumusan masalah dan hasil penelitian yang mencakup perencanaan, pelaksanaan evaluasi dan kendala pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh data bahwa pembelajaran dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dalam setiap tahapannya. Hasil belajar pun signifikan telah mencapai standar yang ditentukan. Hal tersebut disebabkan penerapan tri pola dasar pendidikan militer. Pembelajaran pun dikategorikan sebagai pembelajaran bahasa Arab tujuan khusus untuk militer. Selanjutnya, lembaga diharapkan dapat menyamakan kompetensi dasar yang dimiliki para peserta didik dan menyesuaikan jumlah ujian sehingga tidak membebani mereka Implementation of Arabic learning has developed in various fields including the military. The implementation cannot be separated from learning for specific purposes. With these objectives can produce graduates with significant learning outcomes. This study aims to reveal the phenomena about Arabic Learning in Pusdik Pengmilum with significant achievement of learnings outcomes. The method used by researcher is study of phenomenology existential with purposive sampling technique. As for the subjects of this study are Satuan Pendidikan, Operasional Pendidikan, language department, lecturers and students. The data collected in this study were interviews with informants from this education centre. The research was conducted in four formulas with the result of research which included planning, process, evaluation and constraint Arabic learning. Based on the results of research data obtained to provide results that Arabic learning can be implemented out properly in each step. Learning outcome are also significant. This was due to the pplication of the three basic patterns of military education. This Arabic learning is categorized as Arabic for Specific Purposes (ASP) for military. Furthermore, the institution is expected to be able to equalize the basic competencies of the students and adjust the number of examinations so as not to burden the


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    Pembelajaran bahasa Arab tidak hanya terbatas pada satu bidang atau satu tujuan saja. Saat ini Lembaga militer telah melaksanakan penguatan bahasa asing, khususnya bahasa Arab. Dalam merencanakan pembelajaran tersebut tidaklah sama dengan pembelajaran bahasa Arab pada umumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan perencanaan bahasa Arab tujuan khusus militer dan manajemen yang digunakan di dalamnya. Studi fenomenolgi eksitensial digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik sampling purposive sampling. Adapun subjek penelitian ini adalah Satuan Pendidikan, Operasional Pendidikan, Departemen Bahasa, dan Guru Militer. Data dikumpul dari hasil wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perencanaan pembelajaran bahasa Arab tujuan militer telah dirancang dalam 600 jam pelajaran dengan sistem asrama. Selanjutnya tri pola dasar pendidikan militer diintegrasikan dalam kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa Arab

    The Implementation of Muhawarah Learning in Madrasah Tsanawiyah

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    One of the methods used in learning Arabic that can improve maharah kalam is muhawarah; the muhawarah method is often used in several Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. The facts found by researchers in the field are that in MTs Persis 31 Banjaran, muhawarah is a particular subject studied at school. This research aims to discover the process of muhawarah learning at MTs Persis 31 Banjaran. This study used descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques: observation, interviews, and documentation. After the data was collected, data analysis was carried out using the technique proposed by Milles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research result shows that the process of muhawarah lesson at MTs Persis 31 Banjaran contains four core activities of muhawarah learning, including (1) memorizing mufrodat, (2) analyzing mufrodat, (3) translating conversations, (4) carrying out simple conversations. The teacher\u27s skills in achieving learning objectives are very influential, one of which is regarding the methods used in muhawarah learning. Methods appropriate to students\u27 material, infrastructure, and conditions can make it easier for teachers to achieve learning objectives and increase student enthusiasm for learning

    Pelaksanaan Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Prokrastinasi Akademik

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    Tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk mengetahuibagaimana pelaksanaan dan hasil dari pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan klasikal dalam mengatasi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik peserta didik SMA Negeri 5 Metro Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan pendekatandeskriptif kualitatif, yaitu penelitian yang menekankan pada data yang telah terkumpul berbentuk kata, gambar dan bukan angka. Penelitian ini membahas layanan bimbingan klasikal (X) dan prokrastinasi akademik (Y) tujuan utama dalam penelitian adalah mendapatkan data, dan merupakan pekerjaan yang penting dalam langkah penelitian tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode wawancara dan metode observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, hasil layanan bimbingan klasikal dalam mengurangi perilaku prokrastinasi peserta didik yaitu layanan klaikal yang diberikan guru Bimbingan dan Konseling memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap peserta didik yang mencerminkan perilaku prokrastinasi akademik

    Collaborative Learning through Inside Outside Circle (IOC)- Post to Post Game in 21st Century Mufradat Learning

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    One of the cooperative learning models is the Inside Outside Circle (IOC) learning method. The IOC-Post to Post Game method combines elements of cooperative learning with the Post to Post Game. In the IOC-Post to Post Game students work together in teams by exchanging information and collaborating to complete a given task or order. 21st-century learning requires students to have 21st-century skills to face future challenges. Based on that, a learning method is needed to achieve learning goals and train essential skills for 21st-century learners, including in Arabic language learning. In Arabic language learning, vocabulary mastery is the main foundation that must be possessed. A study conducted at MI Nurul Huda in the third grade aims to determine whether there is an influence of collaborative learning methods through IOC-Post to Post Game on students' mastery of vocabulary in the third grade. This study used a quantitative approach, namely a Quasi-Experiment with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The data collection techniques used were tests in the form of pre-tests and post-tests and non-tests in the form of interviews and documentation. The findings of this study are that the collaborative learning method IOC-Post to Post Game has an effect on students' understanding of vocabulary with a moderate level of effectiveness, with an N-Gain Score of 0.320, and the collaborative learning method IOC-Post to Post Game has a positive impact on students' activity and social skills

    The Effect of Quantum Teaching Method on Motivation and Arabic Language Learning Outcomes (Literature Study)

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    This study analyzes the effectiveness of the Quantum Teaching method in improving motivation and learning outcomes in Arabic. Researchers use descriptive qualitative research methods with a systematic approach to conduct data analysis in a simplified approach. Data was collected through database search tools and literature search stages using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) method. Article search strategies are carried out through international databases, such as Open Knowledge Maps, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar. The summary of this literature review is done using an analysis matrix. The results showed that applying the Quantum Teaching method significantly improved students' Arabic proficiency and learning outcomes. Quantum Teaching effectively improves student learning outcomes, motivation, and engagement. This method creates a comfortable, enjoyable learning environment and strengthens the interaction between teachers and students. In addition, Quantum Teaching also improves students' memory and learning potential

    Pola Struktur Gaya Bahasa Tasybīh dalam Al-Qur'an

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    This research aims to determine the structural analysis of the tasybih language style in the verses of the Al-Qur'an. With a literature study approach, the qualitative method collects data by understanding and studying theories from various relevant literature sources. The main data source in this research is the Al-Qur'an, while additional data sources were obtained from various journals and research articles about Tasybih. Next, data from these research sources will be classified to find several Qur'an verses containing Tasybih. After the data from the research source is presented, the final step is to verify or conclude from the data that has been collected. At this stage, analysis is carried out to identify Koran verses containing Tasybih.  The research results show that although Bayan Science has several discussion branches, Tasybih has its function and characteristics. There are similarities in the structure of the 7 Tasybih verses in the Al-Qur'an studied: they are all in the form of mujmal tasybih. It is hoped that this research can provide a deeper understanding of Tasybih and contribute to the study of Arabic linguistics and literature in general

    Ideal-normative and socio-historical approaches to gender equality verses: A study of Riffat Hassan's thought

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    Gender equality issues never stop being discussed and always attract attention. This is driven by the many inequalities experienced by women from ancient times until now. Even though gender equality is increasingly being echoed, the position of women is always affected and biased by patriarchal culture. Often women are made second. Islam itself provides space for gender equality. This study aims to discuss Riffat Hassan's thoughts on realizing gender equality in the Islamic view. This study also uses a qualitative descriptive method with a narrative analysis approach. The data was collected by documenting various sources related to Hassan and her thoughts and was analyzed using interactive qualitative analysis. The results show that there are two approaches used by Riffat Hassan in interpreting the verses of the Koran: the ideal-normative and socio-historical approaches. In her view, the basis of a contested patriarchal culture is related to 1) God first created men, not women; women are believed to have been created from the ribs of men. Therefore, women are derivative and ontologically secondary; 2) women, not men, are the primary agents for human fall from heaven; and 3) women are not only created by men but also for men, so the existence of women is only a tool and has no fundamental meaning

    Why is Masdar Important? An Investigating of Masdar and its Translation

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    The variety of Arabic word forms has presented difficulties and challenges in its translation. The Arabic word form or sigat requires the translator to take the most appropriate technique to produce a good and correct translation into Indonesian or vice versa. Masdar's translation often receives less attention which causes errors in the translation of various texts. There are many forms of masdar in the Qur'an, which are used as references in Arabic grammar. This study aims to know and understand the types and techniques of translation into the Indonesian language in juz one, and its implications for translation learning. The approach used in this study is a literature study. The research pattern used is descriptive analysis. While the source of reference in the form of books as a supporter is the books Tafsir, Nahwu, and Saraf. With that, researchers classify Masdar based on two categories; First, based on the shape, namely Masdar sarih. Second, Masdar based on its function consists of five kinds. The translation Masdar uses various translation techniques. In addition, the translation of Masdar into the Indonesian language has many patterns, both with verbs and nouns influenced by syntactic and translation techniques