319 research outputs found

    Implementasi Latdamping Dalam Rangka Menghasilkan Rks Berbasis Kebutuhan Melalui Model Eds

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    This school action research is aimed at increasing the ability of School Development Team in designing School Development Program through training in a form of (Pelatihan and Pendampingan or LATDAMPING ) The subjects of this research are School Development Team ( SDT ) of SMA N 5, SMA PGRI 2, SMA Bina Kasih and SMA Unggul Ikabama Kota Jambi.The Data about School Development Program was collected through interview, document, observation and instrument. This research consists of two cycles. The result of sycle 1 states that achievement of SMA N 5 is 75%, SMA PGRI 2 reached 76%, SMA Bina Kasih reached 76% too and SMA Unggul Ikabama got 68%. There increasing percentage of each school is SMA N 5 50%, SMA PGRI 2 50%, SMA Bina Kasih 58.8% and SMA Unggul Ikabama 60%. In cycle two, the four schools got high increase. The result of SMA N 5 reached 84%, SMA PGRI 2 reached 88%, SMA Bina Kasih reached 86%, and SMA Unggul Ikabama 78% Based on this result can be concluded that LATDAMPING is significant enough to increase the ability of SDT in designing School Development program

    PENERAPAN STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN AKTIF TIPE TRUE OR FALSE UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK PADA POKOK BAHASAN TEKS EKSPOSISI KELAS X MIPA 1 SMA NEGERI 2 PEKANBARU: Applying True or False Active Learning Strategies to Increase Students 'Learning Outcomes in the Topic of Text Exposition of Class X MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru

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    Learning is a system that aims to help the learning process of students, which contains a series of events that are designed, arranged in such a way as to influence and support the learning process of students (Firdaus, 2012). According to Nasution (2000) the learning process is an interaction / process of communication between the teacher and students and between students and students. Intertwined communication should be reciprocal communication created in such a way, so that the message conveyed in the form of the subject matter will be effective and efficient. Students as the subject of learning must play an active role in learning. the activeness of students is assessed from their role in learning, such as asking questions, answering questions, giving responses and others. In addition, the activeness of students is a form of independent learning, namely students trying to learn everything about their own will and ability / business, so that in this case the teacher only acts as a mentor, motivator and facilitator. Therefore, the teacher needs to create an atmosphere of learning that can foster an attitude of collaboration between students and other students. The main problem in learning in formal education (school) today is the low absorption of students. The learning process to this day is still dominated by teachers and does not provide access for students to develop independently through discovery in the process of thinking. According to Dimyati and Mudjiono (2002) the dominance of teachers in the learning process causes students to be passively involved, students are more waiting for the presentation of the teacher rather than looking for and finding their own knowledge, skills and attitudes they need during the learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to apply new learning strategies that can make students actively participate in learning. One active learning strategy developed by Silberman (2011) is true or false active learning strategies. The learning steps in the true or false active learning strategy will activate students from the beginning of learning which will stimulate students to think and motivate students to play an active role in learning activities so that the teacher does not dominate the learning process. This strategy is marked by the teacher making statements that are in accordance with the subject matter, half right and the other half wrong. Then students discuss in their groups to state whether the statement is true or false. By discussing students can exchange opinions. According to Silberman (2011) by listening to various opinions, students will be challenged to think. our brain will do a better learning process if we discuss information with other people. When the learning process is passive, the brain cannot store information properly. In answering questions, students are required to give reasons why they answer correctly and why they answer wrongly. This is so that students do not guess when answering and will make students better understand the material. Then the results of the group discussion will be presented in front of the class, students are given the opportunity to ask questions, answer questions and respond or give opinions. This will activate students more in learning and can train students' courage. According to Silberman (2011), learning activities carried out with the activities of students themselves will cause a knowledge to be more meaningful and can last a long time in memory of students so that the learning outcomes achieved will be better. Based on the results of the study obtained values from the first and second cycles in a row - according (77.33%), and (80.00%)

    Penglibatan Komuniti Dalam Pengawalan Denggi Di Tanah Tinggi Kota Binjai, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

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    Kajian ini berkaitan dengan penglibatan komuniti dalam pengawalan denggi di Tanah Tinggi Kota Binjai, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Masalah denggi merupakan satu masalah kesihatan yang membimbangkan di Kota Binjai. Usaha pengawalan secara berleluasa telah banyak dilakukan oleh jabatan kesihatan, tetapi setiap tahun kes denggi dalam kalangan masyarakat semakin meningkat. Kajian ini memfokus kepada beberapa persoalan utama yang meliputi sejauhmana pengetahuan, persepsi dan amalan (kader, tokoh masyarakat, dan komuniti) mengenai penyakit denggi; memahami permasalahan sosial berkaitan dengan denggi; meninjau strategi-strategi dalam penyelidikan bagi pengawalan denggi; serta mendapatkan cadangan yang boleh dikongsikan untuk mengawal denggi dalam komuniti. Kajian kualitatitif ini telah melibatkan 25 informan, dan data telah diperolehi melalui temubual mendalam, pemerhatian dan perbincangan kumpulan fokus. Penemuan kajian telah mendapati bahawa hampir kesemua responden mempunyai pengetahuan dan persepsi yang agak baik mengenai penyakit denggi. Walau bagaimanapun, amalan pembanterasan jentik-jentik dan nyamuk dewasa masih di tahap yang rendah kerana masih terdapat banyak pembiakan jentik-jentik di tempat-tempat yang ditinjau. Antara permasalahan yang menyumbang kepada pembiakan jentik-jentik ini adalah disebabkan oleh kepadatan penduduk, kekurangan penglibatan masyarakat dalam aktiviti pembanterasan denggi serta mobiliti penduduk yang tinggi. Malah kesemua permasalahan ini boleh menyumbang kepada peningkatan penyakit denggi

    Peran orangtua dalam membina kepribadian remaja di Desa Seilompong Kecamatan Ujung Padang

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    Orangtua adalah sosok ideal dalam pandangan anak remaja, sebagai orangtua harus mampu menjadikan dirinya sebagai kepribadian yang baik dalam berperilaku terutama terhadap anak remaja karena anak remaja selalu meniru perilaku orangtuanya. Namun pada kenyataannya banyak orangtua di Desa Seilompong yang tidak mampu menjadi contoh bagi membentukan perilaku anaknya sehingga anak meniru dan memiliki perilaku yang tidak baik juga. Adapun yang menjadi rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana Kepribadian Remaja di Desa Seilompong Kecamatan Ujung Padang serta Bagaimana Peran Orangtua Dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Remaja di Desa Seilompong Kecamatan Ujung Padang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji Bagaimana Kepribadian Remaja di Desa Seilompong Kecamatan Ujung Padang serta Bagaimana Peran Orangtua Dalam Membina Kepribadian Remaja di Desa Seilompong Kecamatan Ujung Padang. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan (Field Research) dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Informan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari orangtua, remaja, masyarakat, tetangga, tokoh agama dan kepala Desa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara. Sedangkan pengolahan dan analisa data dilaksanakan menyusun dan mengorganisasikan data, kemudian menyeleksi dan mendeskripsikan data. Selanjutnya teknik pengumpulan data, teknik analisis data, pengecekan keabsahan data. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak kepribadian remaja yang belum menjadi yang baik dalam hal emosi/perilaku, pemikiran dan perilaku dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang mengakibatkan remaja meniru dan menjadikannya sebagai kebiasaan. Selain itu, masih banyak remaja yang berperilaku yang baik dan tidak baik seperti memiliki lemahnya mengontrol emosi dan suka mencemooh orang lain, sikap terbuka dan memaafkan orang lain, cepat tersinggung, berfikir maju, berpikir positif/negatif, mudah putus asa, egois, jujur, kurang hormat kepada orangtua, malas melaksanaka ibadah. Serta dari analisis peneliti menemukan bahwa adanya hubungan antara peran orangtua dalam membina kepribadian remaja dan juga merawat dan memberi kasih sayang, memberi bimbingan dan menjadi teladan. Hal ini juga dapat dilakukan orangtua dalam membentuk kepribadian remaja kearah yang lebih baik


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    NURMAINI, (8143163319), Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) pada Bagian Umum, Kepegawaian, dan Organisasi, Sub. Bagian Tata Usaha Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Program Studi D-III Administrasi Perkantoran, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2019. Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman kerja bagi Praktikan dan menambah wawasan terhadap dunia kerja, serta menerapkan ilmu yang telah didapatkan di perkuliahan sehingga dapat menjadi Sumber Daya Manusia yang profesional dan berkualitas. Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) ini telah dilakukan di Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi pada Bagian Umum, Kepegawaian, dan Organisasi Sub Bagian Tata Usaha selama 40 hari kerja terhitung mulai tanggal 7 Januari hingga 8 Maret 2019, Gedung Migas Kav. B-5, Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12910. Selama pelaksanaan kerja, Praktikan ditempatkan pada Sub Bagian Tata Usaha Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi untuk melakukan pengelolaan arsip inaktif menggunakan aplikasi arsip digital Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, serta mengoperasikan peralatan kantor. Praktikan dihadapi masalah dalam mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan yaitu kurangnya motivasi kerja praktikan dalam mengerjakan tugas

    The Influence of Physical and Mental Workload and Energy Intake on Nurse Work Fatigue in the Inpatient Room of the Dr. Pirngadi Regional General Hospital

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    Fatigue is a mechanism in which the body has to warn that something is disturbing the body, and it can recover after resting. Fatigue is one of the factors causing work accidents which causes as many as 2 million workers to die each year, and as many as 18,828 people (32.8%) out of 58,115 samples experience fatigue at work. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of physical and mental workload as well as energy intake on the work fatigue of nurses in the inpatient room of Dr. Pirngadi Regional General Hospital. This quantitative study uses a cross-sectional design using a proportional random sampling technique. The sample in this study was the nurse in the Inpatient Room at Dr. Pirngadi Regional General Hospital, namely as many as 63 nurses. Work fatigue was measured using a reaction timer, the physical workload was measured using pulse calculations, the mental workload was measured using the NASA-TLX questionnaire, and energy intake was measured using the estimated food record questionnaire. The data analysis used was univariate, bivariate with the Pearson Correlation test and multivariate with the Multiple Linear Regression test. The results of the Pearson Correlation test analysis showed that there was a significant influence between physical workload on work fatigue (p = 0.001, r = 0.424), mental workload on work fatigue (p = 0.002, r = 0.385), and energy intake on work fatigue (p = 0.0005, r = -0.477). At the same time, the results of the Multiple Linear Regression test analysis showed that the R Square value was 0.412 or 41.2%. Thus it can be concluded that 41.2% of the causes of work fatigue can be explained through the variables of physical workload, mental workload and energy intake in nurses in the Inpatient Room of Dr. Pirngadi Regional General Hospital. Keywords:  Energy Intake, Fatigue, Inpatient Roo


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    Nurmaini. 8143163319. 2016. ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT OF INACTIVE ARCHIVES IN DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF OIL AND GAS. Study Program of Diploma Degree of Office Administration. Faculty of Economic. State University of Jakarta This paper has a purpose to find management of inactive archives in Directorate General of Oil and Gas. Research method that used is descriptive analysis by using data collection method through observation, and literature study. From the results of the writting can be known Directorate General of Oil and Gas experienced problem on management of inactive archives that is in archives storage, archives maintenance, and destruction of archives.This matter caused not do according to the procedure. For facing this problem, suggested Directorate Gemeral of Oil and Gas should fulfill the minimum standard requirements for archive storage,improve archives maintenance, and do the correct file destruction procedure. Key Word: Archives Management, Inactive Archive

    Pelaksanaan Bedside Handover terhadap Komunikasi Interprofesional Perawat

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      This study aims to determine the effect of bedside handover implementation on nurse interprofessional communication at Cut Meutia General Hospital. The research used a quasi-experimental method with a nonequivalent control two-group pre-post test design. The results showed an effect of bedside handover on interprofessional communication at the Cut Meutia General Hospital ((p=0.001 <0.05). In conclusion, the performance of bedside handover affected the nurse's interprofessional communication, among others, in conveying information and discussions, receiving information, respecting the uniqueness of nurses, and better teamwork.   Keywords: Bedside Handover, Nurse Interprofessional Communicatio

    Relationship between Sanitation Hygiene and Health Care with Healthy Family Security of the Family of Smokers at Berastagi Subdistrict

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    BACKGROUND: Healthy family security means the strength and the ability of a family to meet health needs and to be free from health problems. The health problem itself is various and numerous, especially related to sanitation hygiene and health care. AIM: This research aims at analysing the relationship between sanitation hygiene and health care with healthy family security of the family of smokers. METHODS: It involved 120 families of smokers living at Berastagi Subdistrict, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia, as the sample of the research. Data collection was done by doing observation and interview with a structured questionnaire instrument. Weight and height of the family members of the smokers were recorded as the measurement of nutrition status as well as health status for the measurement of healthy family security. RESULTS: The research found that there was a significant relationship between sanitation hygiene and health care with healthy family security. CONCLUSION: The research concluded that sanitation hygiene and health care performed by the family of smokers could increase healthy family security