153 research outputs found

    Duygu Odaklı Çift Terapisi ve Maneviyat

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    Emotionally focused therapy was created as a couples therapy approach and has become a frequently used therapeutic approach these days. This approach, theoretically based on the understanding that the attachment relationship observed between mother and child characterized by proximity seeking and separation anxiety resembles the relationship observed between couples, aims to turn unhealthy attachment relationships between couples into healthy ones. This process is realized by revealing the implicit and hidden emotions that cause problem situations to occur and gaining awareness about these emotions. Different studies have shown spirituality to be a major factor both in forming and solving problem situations in therapy for couples who care about spiritual values. In particular, the meanings couples who attach importance to religious values attribute to marriage and the quality of the relations developed within this meaning can be handled within the framework of emotionally focused couples therapy. The purpose of this article is to explain how the therapy process proceeds when emotionally focused couples therapy is combined with spiritual values and to show which methods and techniques are used in the light of sample cases. In addition, the article aims to raise awareness on how to use this therapy approach, as it can be combined with Islamic elements, and investigates how to set an example in this regard. This study, which briefly introduces emotionally focused couples therapy, provides short examples of how to perform interventions while working with couples who seek counseling using religious or spiritual matters.Duygu Odaklı Terapi bir çift terapisi yaklaşımı olarak oluşturulmuş ve günümüzde sıkça kullanılan bir terapi yaklaşımı olmuştur. Anne ve bebek arasındaki bağlanma ilişkilerinde görülen yakınlık ve huzur arayışı ile ayrılma endişesi süreçlerinin bir benzerinin romantik çift ilişkilerinde de görüldüğü anlayışıyla teorik açıdan temellendirilen bu yaklaşımda amaç, çiftler arasındaki sağlıksız bağlanma ilişkilerini sağlıklı hale çevirebilmektir. Bu süreç problem durumlarının oluşmasına sebep olan örtük ve saklı duyguların ortaya çıkarılıp bu duygulara ilişkin farkındalıkların kazandırılmasıyla gerçekleşmektedir. Manevi değerlere önem veren çiftler ile yapılan terapide, hem problem durumunun oluşumunda hem de çözümünde maneviyatın büyük bir etken olduğu yapılan farklı çalışmalarda görülmektedir. Özellikle dini değerlere önem veren çiftlerin evliliklerine atfettikleri anlam ve bu anlam çerçevesinde gelişen ilişkilerin niteliği Duygu Odaklı Terapi yaklaşımı çerçevesinde ele alınabilmektedir. Bu makalede amaç, Duygu Odaklı Terapi yaklaşımının manevi değerler ile birleştiğinde terapi sürecinin nasıl ilerlediği ile ilgili açıklamalarda bulunmak ve terapi yaklaşımının hangi yöntem ve tekniklerinin daha çok kullanıldığını örnek vak’alar eşliğinde göstermektir. Ayrıca İslami ögeler ile birleştirilebilecek bu terapi yaklaşımının nasıl kullanılabileceği konusunda bir farkındalık oluşturularak bu açıdan örnek teşkil etmesi istenmiştir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle Duygu Odaklı Çift Terapisi kısaca tanıtılmış ve daha sonra dinsel veya manevi ögelerle danışmaya gelen çiftlerle çalışılırken müdahale yöntemlerinin nasıl olacağı ile ilgili kısa vak’a örneklerine yer verilmişti

    An application of capacitated lot-sizing model in petroleum sector

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this thesis, we study capacitated lot-sizing problem with special feature, applicable to the petroleum refinery sector. In our model, the end-products should be stored in item-specific and capacitated storage tanks during pre-determined lead-time. Our aim is to find the optimum production schedule resulting minimum total cost whilst satisfying customer demand. To solve this problem in a reasonable amount of time, we propose a branch-and-cut algorithm. We perform experiments based on the data gathered from Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation. In order to evaluate our algorithm, we compare the results of our algorithm and the solution results of the optimization software.Nurlu, Nuri BarışM.S

    Developing a Teachers’ Gender Stereotype Scale toward Mathematics

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    Gender has become a focus of mathematics education research. While some research show that there are no differences between boys and girls, numerous research studies have indicated that boys have outperformed girls. It is suggested that gender stereotypes, such as expecting girls to show less achievement in mathematics compared to boys, have an effect on mathematics achievement. According to these gender stereotypes, boys are more successful in mathematics and science and girls are more successful in literature andarts. Gender stereotypes are transmitted by one generation to the next generation via children’s books, language, parents and teachers as well. Because of teachers’ important role of shaping their students’ beliefs and attitudes, determining teachers’ gender stereotypes is vital to understanding the differences of mathematical achievement between girls and boys. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a teachers’ gender stereotype scale toward mathematics. The scale consists of two subscales: the Boys’ Form and the Girls’ Form. These two forms are conducted with 595 primary school teachers. Results of the exploratory factor analysis for each form, 17 items and four factors are determined. Based on the literature review, these factors are named as environment, gender appropriateness of careers, competence and attribution of success. For each form, the confirmatory factor analysis is conducted and the four factors of the subscales are confirmed. The findings of the study revealed that the scale is a valid and reliable instrument to measure gender stereotypesin mathematics

    Mineral Chemistry–thermobarometry and Petrography of Metamorphic Sole Rocks of Kömürhan Ophiolite (SE Turkey): Constraints to Evolution and Emplacement

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    This paper presents the generation of metamorphic sole rocks through the detailed geochemical and petrographical analysis of field work carried out on the Kömürhan ophiolite. The metamorphic sole rocks of Kömürhan ophiolite are defined as amphibo-lite (Pl+Mg–Hbl+Ttn±Ap) plagioclase–amphibole schist (Pl+Mg–Hbl+Cpx+Ttn±Zrn±Ap), plagioclase–clinopyroxene–amphibole schist (Pl+Di+Mg–Hbl+Ttn±Ap), and epidote–plagioclase amphibole schist (Ep+Pl+Mg–Hbl+Ttn±Ap±Qtz±Zrn). This research mainly reports comprehensive petrography and mineral chemistry analyses of metamorphic sole rocks of Kömürhan ophiolite of SAOB (Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt) together with a goal of presenting geothermobarometric examination and unravelling the mineral sys-tematics. The metamorphic sole rocks have been observed as a thin slice and these rocks are seen at the base of the tectonites, metamorphosed in amphibolites facies throughout the intra–oceanic supra-subduction geodynamic environment. The Kömürhan ophiolite includes from the top to bottom volcanics, sheeted dike complex, isotropic gabbros cumulates, and tectonites and shows a complete oceanic lithospheric fragments. Analyses of mineral chemistry and petrography of metamorphic sole rocks have been used to exhibit the metamorphic processes of these rocks. Mineral chemistry analyses of pyroxene phenocrysts in the metamorphic sole rocks of Kömürhan ophiolite present similarities island arc tholeiite (IAT), proposing that protolith of the sole rocks was related to the supra-subduction geodynamic environment. The amphibolites were occurred by metamorphism of island arc tholeiite–type volcanics that separated from the front of the obducted ophiolite (Kömürhan ophiolite) and after that underplated

    A Content Analysis of Mathematics Self-Efficacy Themed Articles Published in Türkiye

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    Self-efficacy belief, which can affect the performance of individuals by determining their approach to goals, tasks and difficulties, has been the subject of numerous studies in different disciplines. Mathematics self-efficacy has become the focus of researchers all over the world, especially because of its strong impact on achievement in educational research. In Turkey, studies conducted with different variables and research designs on the theme of mathematics self-efficacy add richness to the literature, but make it difficult to reveal the current situation of this theme. This study aimed to investigate mathematics self-efficacy themed articles in terms of the field, subject, study group/sampling, applied method, data collection tools, analysis techniques, and publishing language in Turkey. The study was designed as a descriptive content analysis. 101 articles published between 2010 and 2022 were included in the study. Data were analysed by using the MAXQDA 2022 qualitative analysis program. The analysis of the data was based on the code and category list designed by Baş and Özturan Sağırlı (2017). The research concluded that the number of mathematics self-efficacy themed articles in Turkey has increased with fluctuations over the years, but there has been a significant decrease in recent years and these articles focused on the fields of mathematics and geometry education and the subject matter of mathematics self-efficacy, mathematical literacy self-efficacy, and mathematics teaching self-efficacy. In addition, it was determined that the most frequently used methods are surveys and scale development studies. These are followed by experimental design and mixed method studies. Accordingly, it has been concluded that data is often collected through scales/surveys, and very few studies apply qualitative data collection techniques. Moreover, the most used analysis techniques were correlation, t-test and ANOVA. It was determined that the most frequently studied group consists of middle school students and prospective teachers. Most of mathematics self-efficacy themed articles in Turkey were published in Turkish

    Reliability and Validity of Attentional Style Questionnaire: Turkish Form

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    Attention is an important part of cognitive and perceptual processes. Attention includes both external processes related to the environment and internal processes such as heredity. In addition, measuring attention processes, which have two dimensions, top-down and bottom-up, is important in terms of both learning processes and determining some psychopathologies. Based on this, it was aimed to adapt the Attention Style Questionnaire (ASQ) into Turkish in this study. The study group includes of 372 university students. Data collection materials included personal information form, Attention Styles Questionnaire and Control Dimension of Self-regulation Scale. Language validity and criterion-related validity analysis were performed for validity studies. Confirmatory factor analysis and test-retest analysis were utilized for reliability studies. The two-factor structure in the original structure of the scale was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis results. Furthermore, the ASQ was found to be highly correlated with the Control Dimension of Self-regulation Scale. According to the findings obtained for reliability, Cronbach's alpha coefficients were found as .81 for the cognitive avoidance sub-dimension and .70 for the focusing sub-dimension. Test-retest correlation coefficients were determined as .76 for the cognitive avoidance sub-dimension and .75 for the focusing sub-dimension. Research results indicate that Attention Style Questionnaire is a reliable and valid measurement tool in determining the style of the attention to university students in Türkiye

    Crustal Thickness Variation Across the Sea of Marmara Region, NW Turkey: A Reflection of Modern and Ancient Tectonic Processes

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    The Marmara region in Turkey is an important geological setting, both from a tectonic and a seismic hazard/risk perspective. We present a new map of crustal thickness variation across this complex region to better understand the interplay of past and present tectonic processes that have formed present‐day structure. Maps of crustal thickness are created using Ps converted phases and receiver function (RF) analysis of earthquakes recorded at all publicly available seismic stations and stations in the national monitoring network (run by AFAD Disaster and Emergency Management Authority Turkey). RFs are converted from time to depth using a local 3‐D full‐waveform tomographic model and are combined in multiphase common conversion point stacks. Direct P to S converted arrivals and associated multiples are mapped to produce continuous maps of the Moho discontinuity. Results show Moho depths ranging from 26–41 km with a regional trend of westward thinning reflecting the effects of the extensional regime in western Anatolia and the neighboring Aegean Sea. The thinnest crust is observed beneath the western end of the Sea of Marmara, attributed to transtensional basin opening. A distinct region of increased crustal thickness bounded by the West Black Sea Fault in the west, and the northern strand of the North Anatolian Fault in the south, defines the ancient crustal terrane of the Istanbul Zone. Isostatic arguments indicate that the thickened crust and lower elevation in the Istanbul Zone require it to be underlain by thicker lithosphere, a conclusion that is consistent with its hypothesized origin near the Odessa shelf

    Direct Evidence of a Slow‐Slip Transient Modulating the Spatiotemporal and Frequency‐Magnitude Earthquake Distribution: Insights From the Armutlu Peninsula, Northwestern Turkey

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    Earthquakes and slow‐slip events interact, however, detailed studies investigating their interplay are still limited. We generate the highest resolution microseismicity catalog to date for the northern Armutlu Peninsula in a ∼1‐year period to perform a detailed seismicity distribution analysis and correlate the results with a local, geodetically observed slow‐slip transient within the same period. Seismicity shows a transition of cluster‐type behavior from swarm‐like to burst‐like, accompanied by an increasing relative proportion of clustered (non‐Poissonian) relative to background (Poissonian) seismicity and gradually decreasing b‐value as the geodetically observed slow‐slip transient ends. The observed slow‐slip transient decay correlates with gradually increasing effective‐stress‐drop values. The observed correlation between the b‐value and geodetic transient highlights the influence of aseismic deformation on seismic deformation and the impact of slow‐slip transients on local seismic hazard

    A Very Rare Cause of Shoulder Weakness: Concurrent Traumatic Neuropathies of Accessory, Long Thoracicus, and Suprascapular Nerves

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    Accessory nerve is one of the most sensitive cranial nerves to injury, and its injuries are usually caused by iatrogenic interventions. As many other causes can mimic its clinical presentation, careful physical examination should be performed while evaluating a patient suspected of accessory neuropathy. In this report, we aimed to illustrate a very rare case with concurrent traumatic cranial neuropathies of accessory nerve, suprascapular nerve, and long thoracicus. A 16-year-old boy was admitted with complaints of shoulder weakness and pain following a trauma of strain injury. He had first taken the misdiagnosis of brachial plexopathy; however, after a detailed physical examination and electrophysiological study, the diagnosis of concurrent traumatic neuropathies of accessory, suprascapular, and long thoracicus nerves was made. In our opinion, during evaluation of these rare traumatic neuropathies, detailed clinical evaluations combined with detailed electromyography investigations may give crucial data for the proper diagnosis

    Bir Üniversite Hastanesi Laboratuvarında Çalışılan Örneklerde HBs Ag, Anti-HCV, Anti- HIV Seropozitiflik Oranları

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma, çeşitli klinik bölümlerinden istem yapılarak laboratuvarımızda çalışılan HBs Ag, anti-HCV, anti- HIV testlerinin retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi ile sağlık çalışanlarının günlük çalışma ortamlarında karşılaştıkları risklere karşı farkındalığını artırmak ve koruyucu önlemlerin önemini vurgulamak amacıyla planlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarına, 1 Ocak- 31 Aralık 2013 tarihleri arasında, çeşitli klinik bölümlerden gönderilen serum örneklerinde çalışılan; 16865 HBs Ag, 16098 anti-HCV, 13758 anti- HIV 1+2 test sonucu geriye dönük olarak incelenmiştir. HBs Ag, anti-HCV, anti- HIV 1+2 tetkikleri Vıtros, Johnson&Johnson, ABD kemilüminesans yöntemi ile firma önerileri doğrultusunda çalışılmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Anti-HIV 1+2 test sonucu pozitif olan serum örnekleri, uygulanan algoritma gereğince, Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Kurumuna gönderilmiş ve Western Blot WB yöntemi ile çalışılarak değerlendirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Bulgular: Laboratuvarımızda çalışılan kan örneklerinde % 5.9 oranında HBs Ag pozitifliği, % 2.3 oranında anti-HCV pozitifliği, % 0.3 oranında anti-HIV 1+2 pozitifliği tespit edilmiştir. Anti-HIV 1+2 test sonucu pozitif olan ve WB yöntemi ile çalışılarak değerlendirilen serum örneklerinde % 0.01 oranında pozitif sonuç alınmıştır. Sonuç: Araştırmamızda sağlık çalışanlarının HBV, HCV ve HIV gibi enfeksiyöz ajanlarla karşılaşma olasılığının hiç de düşük olmadığı gözlenmiş ve mesleki bulaş riskinin en aza indirilmesi için sağlık personelinin eğitimi, HBV’ye karşı aşılanması, aşılamanın henüz uygulanmadığı durumlarda ve seronegatif olsa bile enfeksiyonun pencere döneminde olma olasılığı da düşünülerek bulaşabilecek tüm enfeksiyon ajanlarına karşı koruyucu önlemlerin alınması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştı