21 research outputs found

    The Effect of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Leaf Extract to the Number of Trypanosoma evansi Steel in Liver and Kidney of Mice (Mus musculus L. 1758)

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    The purpose of this study proved the activity of the ethanolic extract of papaya leaf as anti-trypanosomiasis agent, determined the dose of extract which having an effect in inhibiting growth of T. evansi, and evaluated the histopathology of liver and kidney infected by Trypanosoma evansi Steel. Male Balb-c mice were infected by 3 × 107 T. evansi isolates. The native method was used to determine the level of parasitemia.The preparation was made using cytological smear method and paraffin method. The results showed that ethanolic extract of papaya leaf decreased the number of T. evansi. Ethanolic extract of papaya leaf at a dose of 300 mg · kg–1 BW is the most influential dose to reduce the number of T. evansi in liver and kidney of mice. Liver reveals degenerative change varying such as congestion, lipid degeneration, vacuolar degeneration, necrosis, and cellular infiltration. Kidney reveals tubular degeneration, necrosis, cellular infiltration, and glomerulonephritis. Keywords: Carica papaya L.; kidney; liver; mice; Trypanosoma evansi Stee

    AH-11 Expression of N-Acetylglucosamine Residues in Abomasum of The Swamp Buffalo

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    Expression of N-Acetylglucosamine Residues in Abomasum of The Swamp Buffal


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      Objective: The efficacy of the Durio zibethinus cortex extract as spermicidal agent was investigated on mice sperms and human sperms. The intense color spoiled the final product appearance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of decolorization and the best formula for preparation the spermicide gel from D. zibethinus cortex extract.Methods: The extract of the D. zibethinus cortex was prepared by two-step methods before made into the spermicide gels preparation. First, decolorization used activated carbon and second, the extract was formed into solid dispersion with variation of the polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 concentration were 2%, 4%, 6%, and 10%. The extract quality was investigated by total phenolic. The gel preparation was evaluated for pH value, viscosity, and spreadability.Results: The decolorization reduced 23.25% of total phenolic. The variation of the PEG 6000 concentration increased the viscosity (p<0.05) but decreased pH value and the spreadability (p<0.05).Conclusion: The decolorization increased final product appearance and formulation with 2% of PEG 6000 was found to be the best

    Morphological Characteristics of the Stomach of the Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)

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    The ability of swamp buffaloes for adaptation to swampland was suggested to be supported by their digestive system efficiency including absorption one. This research was done to obtain scientific explanation about digestive efficiency of swamp buffalo by investigating swamp buffalo stomach morphologically. Six stomachs were obtained at slaughterhouse from 2.5-3 years old healthy male swamp buffaloes. Every part of the stomach includes nonglanduler stomach (forestomach: rumen, reticulum, and omasum) and glanduler stomach (abomasum) was taken for measuring length, width, and weight organs. Then all of samples from each part of stomach were prepared for morphological observation. The data were analyzed descriptively. Stomach of swamp buffalo had morphological peculiarities, such as: mucosa surface of rumen, reticulum, and omasum has black color, and there is variation of ruminal papillae of swamp buffalo, including branching. Special characteristics of swamp buffalo stomach is estimated as supporting morphological factors for increasing digestive efficiency to survive in swampland

    Antioxidant Effect of Ethanol Extract of Bulbus Dayak Onion (Eleutherine americana) to the Quality of Spermatozoa Exposed by Cigarette Smoke in Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

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    The toxic substance within the cigarette smoke causing oxidative stress that may damage the quality of spermatozoa. Oxidative stress occurs because the amount of reactive oxygent species and antioxidant produced by the body are not in balanced. One of the alternative approaches of natural antioxidant produced by plant is dayak onion. The bulbus of dayak onion contains steroid, tanin, saphonin, naphtoquinon and flavonoid compound. The aims of this study are to find out the ability of antioxidant from etanol extrat of dayak onion bulbus to increase the quality of spermatozoa affected by smoke and to find out the dose of etanol extrat of dayak onion bulbus that can increase the percentage of viability, morfology, and amount if spermatozoa affected by smoke. In this study, three dose of treatments: 30 mg/kg BW, 60 mg/kg BW, and 90 mg/kb BW were used. The results of dose 30 mg/kg BW, 60 mg/kg BW, and 90 mg/kb BW extended the increased in the normal morfology and amount spermatozoa percentage rather than that of only treated by only the smoke, whereas the viability fordose of 30 mg/kg BW cannot increased in the percentage of spermatozoa viability after affected by smoke


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji efisiensi pencernaan kerbau rawa dengan mengidentifikasi jenis dan distribusi glikokonjugat  pada daerah abomasum kerbau rawa. Enam ekor kerbau rawa jantan 2,5 tahun dan berat badan 300-400 kg digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel diperoleh dari rumah potong hewan (RPH) Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan. Setiap bagian abomasum meliputi kardiak, fundus, dan pilorus diambil untuk pengamatan mikroskopis dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin-eosin (HE) dan alcian blue-periodic acid schiff (AB-PAS). Residu gula glikokonjugat pada abomasum dideteksi dengan pewarnaan histokimia lektin dengan menggunakan wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA), concanavalin agglutinin (Con A), ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA), dan soybean agglutinin (SBA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah kardiak mengandung glikokonjugat D manosa/D glukosa, D galaktosa, dan N asetilglukosamin.  Daerah fundus mengandung D manosa/D glukosa, D galaktosa, L fukosa, N asetilglukosamin, dan N asetilgalaktosamin. Daerah pilorus mengandung glikokonjugat L fukosa dan N asetilglukosamin. Pola reaktivitas daerah kardiak, fundus, dan pilorus kerbau rawa terhadap pewarnaan histokimia lektin memiliki pola yang berbeda dengan ruminansia lain. Jenis glikokonjugat yang dimiliki oleh kerbau rawa tersebut diduga berkaitan dengan fungsi peningkatan kemampuan efisiensi pencernaan kerbau rawa. Setiap bagian abomasum kerbau rawa memiliki jenis glikokonjugat yang spesifik dengan pola distribusi khas sesuai dengan fungsinya

    The Spermicide Effect from Methanol Extract of Kalangkala Seed (Litsea angulata) to Spermatozoa Mice (Mus musculus)

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    Men involvement in family planning needs to be increased by providing natural spermicide from natural source which is safer. One of them is kalangkala seed which is endemic plant in South Kalimantan. The spermicide effect from methanol extract of kalangkala seed to mice spermatozoa was studied in this research by in vitro method. Spermatozoa suspension was taken from epididymis cauda of twenty five male Balb/c mice. This research used a complete randomized design with five treatments i.e control which without any addition; spermatozoa suspension + NaCMC 0.5%; spermatozoa suspension + methanol extract of kalangkala seed 0.1%; spermatozoa suspension + methanol extract of kalangkala seed 0.3%; and spermatozoa suspension + methanol extract of kalangkala seed 0.5% with five repetitions for each treatment. The result of this study showed that methanol extract of kalangkala seed caused decrease of motility and movement velocity mice spermatozoa until achieve zero value in 0.5% concentration. Key words: kalangkala seed, mice, spermatozoa, natural spermicid

    Penambahan Niacin Pakan Berbasis Serat yang Disuplementasi Minyak Ikan dan Jagung terhadap Profil Kolesterol Plasma dan Kolesterol Telur Itik Alabio

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    Masalah utama dalam telur itik adalah tingginya kadar kolesterol. Hal ini perlu diantisipasi melalui penurunan kadar kolesterol telur dengan manipulasi pakan melalui mekanisme sistem gastrointestinal. Tujuan penelitian ingin mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi kadar serat ransum dengan level niacin terhadap profil kolesterol telur. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan rancangan RAL pola faktorial 2 x 5 dengan 3 ulangan yang terdiri dari 5 ekor itik, sehingga jumlah itik penelitian adalah 100 ekor itik pullet. Faktor pertama adalah perlakuan level Serat ransum (S) terdiri 2 taraf yaitu S1= Level serat kasar (SK) ransum 6 % dan S2 = Level serat kasar (SK) ransum 8 % , sementara Faktor kedua adalah penambahan Niacin (N) dalam Ransum Basal yang disuplementasi minyak ikan 2% dan minyak jagung 4%, terdiri 5 taraf yaitu N1 (kontrol), N2 (500 ppm), N3 (1000 ppm), N4 (1500 ppm) dan N5 (2000 ppm). Peubah yang diamati adalah kadar kolesterol telur, LDL kolesterol plasma, HDL kolesterol plasma dan asam lemak trigliserida plasma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian niacin sebesar 1500 ppm dalam ransum berserat yang mengandung minyak ikan dan minyak jagung nyata menurunkan kadar kolesterol telur itik pada kisaran 49,6 mg. g . Kombinasi serat 6% dan niacin 1500 ppm (S1N4) adalah interaksi terbaik yang secara nyata menurunkan asam lemak trigliserida plasma sebesar 48.12 mg.dl -1 -1 , meningkatkan HDL kolesterol plasma sebesar 251.69 mg.dl , serta kadar LDL kolesterol plasma sebesar 9.90 mg.dl . Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa kombinasi kadar serat ransum dan niacin yang disuplementasi minyak ikan dan minyak jagung mampu memperbaiki profil kolesterol plasma dan kolesterol telur itik Alabio melalui penurunan LDL kolesterol dan asam lemak trigliserida serta meningkatkan HDL kolesterolplasma, dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam telur. -1 -