27 research outputs found
Sustainable Cultural Development: the Fate of Balinese Adat Village Posterior the Enactment of Law Number 6 Year 2014 Concerning Village
Pengakuan keberadaan masyarakat adat sangat tergantung pada kehendak pemerintah yang berkuasa. Pemerintah Desa sebagaimana dirumuskan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa serta Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 43 Tahun 2014 tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 telah secara alami menjadi hukum birokrasi dan pejabat bahwa desa diatur dalam sistem pemerintah daerah di bawah pengawasan hukum negara. Dalam kasus Bali dan pemerintah daerah Bali, terdapat konsekuensi hukum dengan nasib dan masa depan keberadaan dan kehidupan desa adat/desa pakraman sebagai sistem sosial dan budaya masyarakat Hindu, yaitu hukum berdasarkan dari pakraman pembangunan desa adat/desa tidak akan tetap menjadi awig-awig sebagai hukum adat masyarakat tradisional Bali; filsafat dan esensi, fungsi dan peran desa adat/desa pakraman berubah secara fisik serta mengakhiri dan hilangnya komunitas kehidupan masyarakat Bali; adat tradisional dan sistem pemerintahan harus berubah sesuai dengan sistem pemerintahan desa dinas (Kelurahan); di satu desa sisi adat/desa pakraman harus mengatur urusan administrasi dan birokrasi di bawah struktur pemerintah daerah, dan di sisi lain desa adat adalah pada saat yang sama yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengatur dan bertanggungjawab tentang budaya, tradisi dan ritual adat serta sebagai urusan agama Hindu, pemandangan desa pakraman adat/desa harus benar-benar diabaikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari desa Bali dan masyarakat.The recognition of indigenous peoples existence is very dependent on the will of the Government. The village government as formulated in Act number 6/2014 of the village, as well as Government Regulation number 43/2014 about Implementation of the Act number 6/2014 has naturally become a bureaucratic and legal officials law, that the village is set in the system of local government under the supervision of State law. In the case of Bali and the local Government of Bali, there is legal consequences with the fate and the future existence and life of indigenous village/pakraman village as a social and cultural system of the Hindu society, it is the law on the development basis of the indigenous village/pakraman village will not remain be ”the awig-awig” as Balinese traditional society customary law; philosophy and the essence, function and role of the indigenous village/pakraman village changed physically as well as community life of Balinese people loss; traditional customs and Government system should be changed in accordance with the system of the village Government; on one side the customs affairs village should organize pakraman village administration and bureaucracy under the structure of local governments, and on the other hand the indigenous village is at the same time responsible to organize and responsible about the culture, traditions, customs and ritual as Hindu affairs, village understanding of pakraman village customs and traditions should be completely ignored in Balinese village daily community life
Seleksi Penerimaan Karyawan Baru Menggunakan Metode WP (Weighted Product) dengan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP dan MySQL
Seleksi karyawan merupakan proses pencarian dan penarikan tenaga kerja yang memiliki potensi untuk mengisi lowongan pekerjaan, tenaga kerja yang berkualitas sangat berpengaruh pada performa kemajuan Perusahaan. Dalam proses pengambilan keputusan penerimaan karyawan baru masih dipengaruhi faktor subjektifitas dan Perusahaan sering kali mengalami kesulitan dalam memilih karyawan, karena banyaknya calon karyawan yang melamar sedangkan yang akan diterima menjadi karyawan sangat terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merancang sebuah aplikasi pengambilan keputusan yang dapat membantu penerimaan calon karyawan baru.Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk pengambilan keputusan yaitu metode WP karena metode WP merupakan metode penyelesaian multi kriteria dimana dalam perekrutan atau seleksi calon karyawan banyak kriteria yang harus dipertimbangkan.Metode pengembangan pada sistem ini menggunakan metode waterfall. Bahasa pemograman yang digunakan adalah PHP dan MySQL sebagai database server.Dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu memberi kemudahan dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan karyawan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan Kriteria Perusahaan
Effects of Fruit Thinning and Percentage of Retained- Fruitlets on Fruit Quantity and Quality of Siam Mandarin Cultivar at Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia
Fruit thinning in Siam mandarin (Citrus nobilis var microcarpa L.) has been applied in order to improve quality of the fruit involving bigger or higher fruit weght, the sweet of the fruit hence higher market price. The experiment of hand thinning was conducted in farmer\u27s orchard in Bayung Gede village, district of Kintamani, Bangli regency, Indonesia province from 18 June until September 2015. The objective of the experiment was to investigate the effects of stage of fruit thinning and percentage of retained fruitlets on quantity and quality of fruits of siam mandarin cultivar. A randomized complete block design with three replicates was used in the experiment. Two treatment factors were the stage of fruit thinning (stage of fruitlet size of 10 mm, 30 mm and 50 mm) and percentage of retained fruitlet on a branch (100%, 75%, 50% and 25%). Results of experiment showed that thinning at the stage of 30 mm fruitlet size significantly increased fruit diameter fruit diameter, weight fruit-1, and fruit weight bunch-1. Thinning at the stage of 50 mm fruitlet size could only increase sugar content in the fruit of siam mandarin when retained fruitlets on the branch were 25%. Thinning at the stage of 10 mm and 30 mm fruitlet sizes resulted in higher ratio of sugar:acid content (7.34 and 7.39 respectively) than thinning at that of 50 mm. The size of fruit (diameter and fruit weight) and ratio of sugar:acid content were not significantly affected by percentage of retained fruitlets on a branch
Judicial Preview on the Bill on International Treaty Ratification
This research is aimed to find and introduce a new idea on the state administration, which has implications on the International treaty ratification procedure followed by Indonesia and additional authorizations of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia. The judicial preview in this research is an International treaty examination procedure by the Constitutional Court before an International treaty is transformed into a law, i.e. such International treaty is a Bill. The judicial preview shall have different terms in each country, such as Review ex ante, abstract review, judicial review. This procedure is applied when an International treaty has not been validated as a country's national law. The benefits of a judicial preview shall be a solution to connect an ambiguity between the state administrative law and International law. The judicial preview is also the inter-state institutions real check and balance on the International treaty. Out of benchmarking results of four countries following the monism doctrine, i.e. Russia, Germany, France, and Italty and two countries following the dualism doctrine, i.e. Hungary and Ecuador, several additional authorizations of the Constitutional Court shall be summarized, i.e. via the Amendment of 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and/or regulations via laws. If both manners are not possible, the Constitutional Court may apply the judicial preview as a state administrative practice. An International treaty draft, which has passed through the judicial preview, may not be submitted to the Constitutional Court to be performed a judicial review, unless 5 (five) year-period has passed since the bill is enacted as a law
Tidal Range Calculation Based on the Local Knowledge of the Sama Ethnic Group in the Eastern Indonesia
The Sama ethnic group (Bajo) is well known as “Indonesian marine people” that dominantly spreaded in coastal region of eastern Indonesian region. Their activities have been adapting with the territorial water as shown in the determination of their home floor height to prevent from the tidal flood. The purpose of this study was to examine the accuracy of the tidal range calculation by local knowledge of the Sama ethnic group (Sama Ethnic Method, SEM). The analysis was done by comparing tidal range result calculated by the Sama Ethnic Method (SEM) with the standardized tidal harmonic constituents. The result showed that the 2nd tidal peaks (DLB-s) in the 15th “Sya'ban” date was the best date to do measurement of a tidal range. In this case, the “Likkas Silapas” (LS) value at the above date was above the mean height water level (MHWL). Meanwhile, in other dates, the LS value was under MHWL value. The result also showed a strong correlation (R2> 90%) between rasio of tidal high on 1st and 2ndpeaks (DLB-s/DLB-m) on 15th Sya'ban date and LS-s value. The local knowledge of the Sama Ethnic Method to determine the tidal range was effective and scientifically proven
Radicalization in the Teaching Religion and Its Relations with Criminal Acts of Terrorism
The criminal act of terrorism is a crime against humanity, human civilization and constitute a serious threat to the integrity and sovereignty of a nation. In fact, terrorism can be a threat to a state security and sovereignty as well as world peace.It is argued that one of the main causes of criminal acts of terrorism is radicalization. Thus, this paper seeks to analyze the casual link between radicalization and terrorism. This paper determines to what extent does the radicalization affected the criminal acts of terrorism. This research uses a juridical normative method by analyzing legal instruments relating to terrorism and seeks to analyze the reason behind the provided rules.This paper submitted that while radicalization affected terrorism, de-radicalization is urgent in responding to terrorism. This paper also proposes how de-radicalization works in preventing terrorism
Sesar Flores merupakan pemicu gempa bumi pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2018 di Pulau Lombok. Dilaporkan bahwa gempa bumi dengan kekuatan 7,0 Mw saat itu, telah menyebabkan tsunami kecil dengan ketinggian 13,5 cm di pesisir pantai Desa Carik, Lombok Utara. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mensimulasikan potensi bahaya tsunami yang berasal dari aktivitas sesar Flores menggunakan pemodelan tsunami COMCOT v1.7 untuk mengestimasi potensi tinggi tsunami, waktu tiba tsunami, dan potensi area terdampak tsunami. Data historis untuk pusat gempa bumi dalam simulasi adalah gempa bumi pada tanggal 2 September 2018, dengan asumsi kekuatan gempa 7,0 Mw. Berdasarkan data gempa bumi diatas, parameter yang dipilih berupa kedalaman sumber gempa 14 km, luas patahan 47,9 x 15,9 km, dislokasi 2,5 m, dan parameter strike 284o, dip 64o, dan slip 88o. Layer simulasi dibagi menjadi 3 berdasarkan sistem model bersarang, dengan reolusi masing-masing 464 m, 232 m, dan 77 m. Data batimetri diperoleh dari GEBCO dengan resolusi 15-arcsecond. Waktu simulasi penjalaran tsunami yang dilakukan selama 30 menit, menghasilkan tinggi tsunami awal sebesar 0,9 m. Tinggi tsunami maksimum yang teramati di darat adalah 1–2,5 m. Estimasi waktu tiba gelombang pada pesisir Lombok Utara, adalah 3 sampai 13 menit. Hasil pemodelan menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Kecamatan Bayan, Kayangan, Tanjung, dan Gangga berpotensi terkena dampak tsunami. Tinggi maksimum dan kecepatan waktu tiba tsunami di Lombok Utara sangat berpotensi merusak dan dapat menimbulkan korban jiwa, sehingga perlu upaya mitigasi seperti sosialisasi dan pelatihan dalam menghadapi bahaya tsunami, penanaman vegetasi pantai yang sesuai dengan substrat di pantai, dan membangun pemecah gelombang lepas pantai.The Flores Fault is the one of caused an earthquake on August 5, 2018 in Lombok Island. It is reported that this earthquake with magnitude of 7.0 Mw caused a small tsunami with amplitude of 13.5 cm in the coastal area of Carik village, North Lombok. This study aimed to simulate a potential tsunami hazard from the Flores faults activity using the COMCOT v1.7 tsunami model which estimates potential tsunami height, tsunami arrival time, and potential tsunami affected areas. Historical earthquake data as an epicenter in the simulation was the earthquake on September 2, 2018, with the earthquake magnitude of 7 Mw. On the basis of the earthquake above, the model parameters was chosen, such as the depth of epicenter of 14 km, width fault area of ​​47.9 x 15.9 km, dislocation of 2.5 m, strike of 284o, slip of 64o, and dip of 88o. Simulation layer is divided into 3 layers based on nesting grid system with 464 m, 232 m and 77 m resolution, respectively. Bathymetric data were obtained from GEBCO with a 15-arc second grid size. Tsunami propagation simulation has been performed for duration of 30 minutes, which produced an initial tsunami height of 0.9 m. The maximum tsunami height revealed from the simulation was between 1-2.5 m on land. Estimated arrival time of the tsunami in North Lombok was ftom 3 to 13 minutes. Simulation result showed that sub-district area of Bayan, Kayangan, Tanjung, and Gangga are affected potentially areas by the tsunami. The maximum height and arrival time of the tsunami in North Lombok have the potential to be destructive and can cause casualties, so that mitigation efforts are needed, such as socialization and training in dealing with tsunami hazards, planting coastal vegetation that is suitable for the substrate on the coast, and building offshore breakwaters.
The research carried out is one part of a series of researches concerning shoreline changes of east coast of Bintan Island during 2005-2014. In this part of the study analyzed the characteristics of coastal sediments of east coast of Bintan Island which is one of the factors that compose the beach profile. Analysis of sediment samples follows standard procedures of ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials). The analysis results show that overall of sedimentary characteristics indicate the type of coastal sediment on east coast of Bintan Island is slightly gravelly sand
Morphoregression and Length-weight Relationship of Bali Sardinella, Sardinella Lemuru Bleeker 1853 in Bali Strait Waters
Bali Sardinella, Sardinella lemuru Bleeker 1853, included in small pelagic groups which have an important economic value. The production of Bali Sardinella was the highest among the other small pelagic fish in Bali Strait waters. The morphoregression and length-weight relationship are important to be known to facilitate the conversion between a length measurement to another type of length measurement and the weight. The aims of this research were to reveal the relationship between total length (TL) and standard length (SL), total length and fork length (FL), fork length and standard length, and the length-weight. The research was held in Bali Strait waters from March 2017 – Mei 2018. The morphoregression was analyzed using simple linear regression, whereas the length-weight relationship using power regression. A total of 470 individuals of Bali sardinella were collected during the study period. The fish that analyzed have a length range 9.7 –20.2 cm TL. The average length of Bali sardinella was13.7 cm. The relationship between total length (TL) and standard length (SL); total length (TL) and fork length (FL); fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) for Bali sardinella respectively were TL = 1.1038SL + 0.9313; TL = 1.0861FL + 0.2967; and FL = 1.0068SL + 0.6936, respectively. The value of b which were generated from the length-weight relationship of Bali Sardinella was 3.22 with the growth patterns were positive allometric