31 research outputs found

    Phonological strategies for intensifying adjectives in Javanese

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    Madurese has two types of first person possessive construction, the first person possessive markers, tang and sang and the definite suffix –na. This research aims at investigating the distribution of the Madurese first person possessor variations spoken in Madura island within the scope of geographic and social dialect. Madura island has four regencies, Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep regency. Although Sumenep is considered as the cultural capital of Madura, each regency in Madura has its own political institution and various local influences. In terms of language, each regencies has its own dialect. The research relies on descriptive qualitative research with questionnaire as its main instrument. The findings shows that distribution of the Madurese first person possessor variation is governed by geographic and social factors. Geographically, tang/sang construction is used in Bangkalan and Eastern Sampang regency while the definite suffix –na construction is used in Western Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep regency. Based on social dialect, the tang/sang construction is mostly used for the low level while the definite suffix na- is used for the middle and high speech levels.Key words: possessive, madura, mamdurase, social dialec

    The Jokowi’s Ideology Reflected on the Annual Speech

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    This study aimed to find out the ideology of Jokowi as the seventh president of Indonesia. It followed Fairclough’s framework of critical discourse analysis and Searle’s speech act as analysis tool. The data source of the study involved two Joko Widodo’s speech in the Annual session of the people's Consultative Assembly. Moreover, the main data of the study are the utterances from Joko Widodo’s speech which contain an illocutionary act. The result of this study showed four types of illocutionary act employed by Joko Widodo; they were representatives, directives, commisives, expressives. The representatives were mostly reflected in the speech. This study found that Jokowi expressed his alignment toward the high state institutions

    Commissive Speech Act in Indonesian Presidential Debate

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    A presidential debate is one of the campaign media which has a function to promote a presidential candidate to be a president. A linguistics theory of meaning was used to describe the utterances of the illocutionary act. This study was aimed to find a commissive speech act and its function in the first Indonesian presidential debate in 2019. The data source of this study was a video taken from Kompas TV channel on YouTube. The data of this study were utterances produced by the candidates. The data were collected by watching and note-taking techniques. As a result, 20 utterances belonged to the commissive speech act produced by Jokowi, Prabowo, and Sandi. However, there were no commissive speech act utterances produced by Ma'ruf. The conclusion is that the candidates mostly used promise act in producing utterances. The promise acts appear in the future tense, if clause condition sentence, and expression of InsyaAllah. Meanwhile, the function of producing utterances in this study is to show the candidates' capability to gain the consideration of society to vote one of them with a good sympathy


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    This article aims to get a better understanding of the text-picture interaction and, in particular, the pragmatic consequences of 150 online memes that feature puns, one of the linguistic humor subgenres. This article will analyze a corpus of 150 memes. Using a comic taxonomy by McCloud (1994). The internet memes then were to be categorized. The default taxonomy of categories produced the following classification of internet memes: word specific (28), picture specific (2), additive (29), and interdependent (91). The findings show rather significant disparities among the findings. Some categories in the original taxomony are even absent in the data set


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    Nominalizations can be structured by adding affixes before or after root to create new words in language.  Madurese has several language aspects that have not been widely explored. Previous linguistic studies on Madurese mostly focused on morphological aspects such as Madurese affixation in general. Therefore, this research discusses Madurese Deverbal Nominalization Process (Noun Derived from Verb). The goals of this research are to identify what types of affixes which form deverbal nouns in Madurese and to know how the affixation process that forms the deverbal nouns in Madurese. For example: pa-mandi-an, the root is mandi (take a shower) after it attachés to confix (pa- -an) the word class category changes to noun pa-mandi-an, that is a bath room. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, and the data were collected from a Madurese short story entitled Tora (satengkes carpan Madura), which was written by Jamal D. Rahma (2017). The findings are presented descriptively by identifying the process of the derivational forming nouns. The results of this research shows that prefixes, suffixes, confixes and infixes are contributed to create new lexemes in Madurese


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    This study aims to observe the change in the meaning of the nasal verbs in the Arek dialect of Javanese. The scope of the research is limited to the speeches of the community verbs in the Arek zone in Malang Regency. The research data was done from 7-17 April 2022 in 3 districts: Sumberpucung, Kalipare, and Kromengan. The data of this study were analyzed according to Bauer's theory of derivational and inflectional meanings. The results showed that the Javanese nasal verbs have more derivation processes than inflections. The derivation process marks the derivational meaning and the inflection process marks the inflectional process. The results of the study revealed that almost all nasal allomorphs which act as nasal affixes make a verb derivation. The researcher divided the nasal allomorph into 2 parts, /m/, /ñ/, and/ŋ/ which have 2 roles of affixes which is derivational and inflectional. Second, the nasal allomorphs /ŋǝ/, /n/, and /ṇ/ have 1 affix role. Both classifications apply the terms and conditions of the initial phoneme of a verb.Key words : Derivasional, Inflectional, Verb, Nasal, Javanese

    Indonesian Undergraduate EFL Students’ Perceptions toward Flipped Classroom

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    Abstract: The aim of this study was to find Indonesian undergraduate EFL students’ perceptions towards the implementation of flipped classroom. This study implemented survey research design and perceptions were found out through questionnaire and the questionnaires were spread to 30 students who experienced the implementation of flipped classroom. The questionnaire consisted of two aspects, namely meaningful and competence aspects. The results of questionnaire of perceptions were statistically calculated. The data on meaningful aspect revealed that mostly the students had positive perceptions toward the implementation of flipped classroom. On the other hand, in competence aspect, the students perceived that flipped classroom was beneficial for their writing competence. However, for the pre-class activities, such as viewing video and reading e-materials, the students had varied perceptions on it. They actually like the idea to have an additional video-lecture and e-material to prepare them before the class, but they did not really see the meaning by doing that pre-class activities. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan persepsi mahasiswa EFL Indonesia terhadap penerapan flipped classroom. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain survey dan data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan disebarkan kepada 30 siswa yang mengalami implementasi flipped classroom. Kuesioner terdiri dari dua aspek, yaitu aspek kebermaknaan dan kompetensi. Hasil kuesioner dihitung secara statistik. Data pada aspek kebermaknaan mengungkapkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa memiliki persepsi positif terhadap pelaksanaan flipped classroom. Di sisi lain, dalam aspek kompetensi, siswa merasa bahwa flipped classroom bermanfaat untuk kompetensi menulis mereka. Namun, untuk kegiatan pra-kelas, seperti menonton video dan membaca materi daring, siswa memiliki berbagai persepsi di dalamnya. Mereka menyukai ide untuk meononton video pengajaran dan materi daring tambahan untuk mempersiapkan mereka sebelum kelas, tetapi mereka tidak benar-benar melihat arti pada pelaksanaan kegiatan pra-kelas tersebut

    Semiotic Analysis on the Series of “Temu Manten” in Malang

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    Indonesia has lots of culture especially in Java. Javanese people still uphold their culture, it can be seen from many ceremonies and rituals they do. There is one ceremony that still uphold until now that is Temu Manten. Temu Manten is a highlight from the Javanese tradition wedding which has meaning as the meeting of the bride and the groom. There are lots of symbols there that represent about the marriage life. The study relates to symbol is semiotic. Based on Barthes’s theory, semiotic consists of denotative, connotative, and myths. This study aims to analyze the semiotic meaning on the series of Temu Manten that occurs in Malang. This study used qualitative method and used Barthes’s theory to analyze the data. The source of the data is from the interviewing the informant and some books that related to Temu Manten. The data collected in May 11th, 2022 in Kepuharjo, Malang, East Java. The data collected by using these techniques, such as: 1) Observing and taking notes; 2) Interviewing the informant.; 3) Recording and taking note.; 4) Transcribing. The data was analyzed by using Roland Barthes’s theory about denotative, connotative and myth. The result showed that the groom and the bride must be nice family and helpful to others. Where the family will always support and guide them to face a harmonious home life. In facing domestic life, keep learning to process the feelings and intentions that have been given by God to be able to understand one another