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    COVID-19 merupakan masalah Kesehatan global yang melanda berbagai lini kehidupan masyarakat. Transmisi penularan COVID 19 pada tenaga kesehatan menjadi isu penting di era pandemi COVID 19 ini. Pada bulan Juli 2020, terjadi penularan COVID-19 di RS UNS dalam jumlah besar. Mitra pengabdian adalah PPNI (Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia) RS UNS. Salah satu misi PPNI RS UNS adalah keselamatan kerja perawat dalam pandemi COVID-19. Analisis masalah menunjukkan bahwa kurang waspada terhadap penularan sesama perawat, kurangnya pengetahuan tentang penularan dan alat pelindung diri yang baik, stress dan kecemasan pada perawat, dan kurangnya dukungan manajemen rumah sakit adalah akar masalah dari penularan COVID-19 di tenaga kesehatan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya untuk melakukan pencegahan bagi tenaga kesehatan agar tetap dapat melakukan pelayanan kesehatan tetapi terlindungi dan terjamin keselamatannya sebagai upaya untuk meminimalisir risiko tertular virus COVID-19. Pengabdian ini bertema pencegahan penularan COVID-19 pada tenaga kesehatan di RS UNS. Kegiatan pengabdian meliputi edukasi penularan COVID-19 dengan bentuk video dan media sosial, pembuatan video adaptasi kebiasaan baru dan pemakaian APD, dan memberi masukan kepada manajemen RS mengenai pencegahan penularan COVID-19 bagi tenaga Kesehatan. Pengabdian pencegahan penularan COVID-19 pada tenaga Kesehatan di RS UNS menyebabkan penurunan angka penularan COVID-19 di RS UNS. Kata kunci: Pencegahan, Penularan, Corona virus disease-19, Tenaga kesehatan, RS UNS ABSTRACT COVID-19 is a global health problem that affects various lines of people's lives. The transmission of COVID 19 to health workers is an important issue in the era of the COVID 19 pandemic. In July 2020, there was a large number of COVID-19 transmission at the UNS Hospital. The community service partner is PPNI (Indonesian National Nurses Association) UNS Hospital. One of the missions of PPNI RS UNS is the safety of nurses in the COVID-19 pandemic. Problem analysis shows that less awareness of transmission among nurses, lack of knowledge about transmission and good personal protective equipment, stress and anxiety in nurses, and lack of hospital management support are the main cause of transmission of COVID-19 in health workers. Therefore it is necessary to prevention effort for health workers so that they can still provide health services but are protected and guaranteed their safety as an effort to minimize the risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus. The aim of this dedication is to preventing the transmission of COVID-19 to health workers at UNS Hospital. Dedication activities include education on the transmission of COVID-19 in the form of videos and social media, make videos of adaptation of new habits and the use of PPE, and providing input to hospital management regarding the prevention of COVID-19 transmission for health workers. The dedication to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 to health workers at UNS Hospital has led to a decrease in the number of COVID-19 transmission at UNS Hospital. Keywords: Prevention, Transmission, Corona virus disease-19, Health workers, UNS hospita

    Quantifying the contribution of mangroves to local fish consumption in Indonesia: a cross-sectional spatial analysis

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    Indonesia has lost more mangroves than any other country. The importance of mangroves for carbon storage and biodiversity is well recognised, but much less is known about what they contribute to the communities living near them who are called on to protect them. Malnutrition in Indonesia is high, with more than a third of children stunted, partly due to poor diets. Fish are nutrient-rich and are the most widely consumed animal source food in Indonesia, making the relationship between mangroves and fish consumption of great importance. Aquaculture is also tremendously important for fish production in Indonesia and has replaced large areas of mangroves over the last two decades. We performed a cross-sectional, spatial analysis in this study. We combined data on fish consumption for rural Indonesian coastal households from the Indonesian National Socioeconomic Survey with spatial data on mangrove forest and aquaculture area from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry to create a cross-sectional spatial dataset. Using a mixed-effects regression model, we estimated to what extent living in proximity to different densities of mangroves and aquaculture was associated with fresh fish consumption for rural coastal households. Our sample included 6741 villages with 107 486 households in 2008. The results showed that rural coastal households residing near high-density mangroves consumed 28% (134/477) more fresh fish and other aquatic animals, and those residing near medium-density mangroves consumed 19% (90/477) more fresh fish and other aquatic animals, than coastal households who did not live near mangroves. Coastal households that lived near high-density aquaculture consumed 2% (9/536) more fresh fish, and those that lived near medium-density aquaculture consumed 1% (3/536) less, than other rural coastal households. Mangroves contribute substantially to the food security and nutrition of coastal communities in Indonesia. This finding means that the conservation of mangroves is important not only for carbon storage and biodiversity, but also for the communities living near them. Aquaculture does not appear to offer similar food security benefits. Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment, United States Agency for International Development. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

    Effect of complementary food with small amounts of freshwater fish on whole blood n-3 fatty acids in Cambodian infants age 6-15 months

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.plefa.2018.07.002”. © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/The impact of freshwater fish consumption on the status of long-chain n-3 fatty acids (n-3 LCPUFA) in infants in landlocked, low-income populations is unknown. We used secondary data from a randomized, single-blinded, controlled trial to evaluate the impact of daily consumption of complementary food products with small amounts of freshwater fish on whole blood n-3 LCPUFA in Cambodian infants. Infants (n=419), received daily, one of four food products for 9 months. Two products contained freshwater fish: WinFood (10% fish by dry weight) and WinFood-L (12% fish by dry weight), while two products were non-fish-based: corn-soy blends (CSB+ and CSB++). Whole blood fatty acids and breastfeeding status were assessed at baseline and endline of the intervention. The WinFood products contributed to an estimated maximum intake of 86.5 mg/day n-3 LCPUFA. There was no difference in whole blood n-3 LCPUFA among the four intervention groups or between the fish-based and the non-fish-based groups (p≥0.142). At endline, 71% of the children were still breastfed. Interaction analyses indicated a lower ratio of n-6/n-3 PUFA in non-breastfed infants in the WinFood groups compared to the CSB groups (pinteraction=0.026). Thus, a high intake of n-3 LCPUFA from breastmilk may have blurred a potential impact of small amounts of freshwater fish effect on n-3 LCPUFA status in Cambodian infants.Danida || 57-08-LIFEEuropean Commission || SMILING Project 289616Institut de Recherche pour le DéveloppementUniversity of CopenhagenCanada Research Chair in Nutritional LipidomicsWorld Food Programm

    Nutritional composition of aquatic species in Laotian rice field ecosystems : possible impact of reduced biodiversity

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    The population density of Laos PDR has increased from 15 persons per square km in 1985 to 19 persons in 1995 and to 24 persons in 2005. This has threatened food security, which in Laos PDR is generally synonymous with rice availability. Rice production in Laos rose by 70 percent from 1990 to 2004. Evidence from Vietnam, Malaysia and Central Thailand has shown that the rise of rice production steadily decreases the population of aquatic animals in rice field ecosystems, as a result of higher applications of fertilizers and pesticides. In Laos PDR, the use of fertilizers and pesticides is still minimal, but said to be increasing. The role of aquatic rice field species in rural Laotian diets has been underestimated. Almost 200 species are consumed across the country. These aquatic animals potentially supply most of the vitamins A and B, calcium, iron, sulphur, essential fatty acids and amino acids that are needed by the villagers. However, national and regional food composition data bases contain very limited info on nutritional composition of these species. These aquatic animals are not consumed in large quantities elsewhere. Field sampling was undertaken in Champasak and Savannakhet provinces for nine species of aquatic animals, including fish, amphibians, crustaceans, molluscs and insects. Additionally four samples of fermented fish sauce were included. The samples were transferred to the University of Tromso for detailed analysis. The objective of the study was to gain knowledge on the nutritional composition of the most significant species included in the diet in Laos areas. As other studies have made estimates of the quantities consumed, the results of this work enable an assessment for the nutritional contribution of aquatic animals to the diet. The work also discusses the impact on nutrition of a possible decrease in the available species biodiversity. This study documented that the aquatic animals that are consumed daily contained high amounts of protein, amino acids, calcium, iron and zinc. On the contrary, they contained a low amount of fat, fatty acids, and vitamin A. Amino acids, iron and zinc are important nutrients for the Laotians. As the food supply of rural households in rice farming areas of Laos is critically dependent on the environment, the sustainable existence of the rice-based aquatic animals is crucial factor to the nutritional status of the Laotians. The objective of biodiversity conservation overlaps local and nutritional needs and should be emphasised in development of national nutrition policies, as well as agricultural development policies and fisheries management practices. Fishery managers and policy makers should integrate pro-poor community-based biodiversity conservation into their ongoing development programmes

    Freshwater Fish to Improve Nutrition of Infants and Young Children in Cambodia:Species Diversity, Impact on Fatty Acid Status and Market Potential

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    Caretakers' perceptions and willingness‐to‐pay for complementary food in urban and rural Cambodia

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    Abstract Inadequate child nutrition during the first ‘1000 days’ is widespread in Cambodia, resulting in a high prevalence of child malnutrition. Access to processed complementary food in packages (PCFP) may support caretakers in improving diet of young children. This study aimed to evaluate the caretakers' preferences and willingness‐to‐pay (WTP) for PCFP in Cambodia. The study was conducted in urban and rural settings, involving 520 caretakers with children aged 7–24 months in Phnom Penh (urban) and Prey Veng (rural). Four PCFPs were included: a commercial brand, a social‐commercial brand, a worldwide distributed fortified complementary food aid product (CSB++) and an experimental fortified rice‐and‐fish‐based PCFP developed in Cambodia (WF‐L). Sensory analysis was conducted for all products, stated WTP was assessed for three products (excluding CSB++) and actual WTP experiment was conducted on WF‐L only. Our results show that overall, WF‐L was preferred by the rural participants over food aid CSB++. Further improvements in the organoleptic qualities of WF‐L should focus on consistency and taste. The participants were, on average, willing to pay 1,667 Cambodian riel (KHR, 0.4)and1,192KHR(0.4) and 1,192 KHR (0.3) in urban and rural settings, respectively, for 35 g of WF‐L. We also found that despite being nutritionally inadequate, most participants considered homemade porridge to be healthier, more practical and preferred by the children. Therefore improving the quality of homemade foods merits urgent consideration. When applying PCFP in nutrition programmes as a supplementary option to homemade complementary foods, locally produced products could be a more viable supplementary option than global food aid

    Transforming food systems with trees and forests.

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    The global food system is failing to deliver sufficient and nutritious food to all, while damaging the earth and unsustainably drawing down its resources. We argue that trees and forests are essential to solving these challenges. We outline the current contributions of trees and forests to the global food system and present recommendations to leverage these contributions as part of the efforts to reshape food systems to better support healthy diets and environmental sustainability. Trees and forests provide nutrient-rich foods, incomes for food security, ecosystem services for food production, and add resilience to food systems. At the same time, trees and forests protect biodiversity and mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration. We recommend four approaches to realise the full potential of trees and forests to contribute to healthy and sustainable food systems: scaling up current tree-based food production, reorientating some agricultural investments towards nutrient-dense food production, repurposing production incentives from support of calorie-rich but nutrient-poor foods to support nutrient-dense foods, and integrate nutrition objectives into forest conservation and restoration programmes. Trees and forests have important roles to play in the transformation of our food systems, but more needs to be done to ensure that these roles are realised. [Abstract copyright: Copyright Š 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.