18 research outputs found

    REPRESENTASI TOXIC RELATIONSHIP DALAM DRAMA: (Studi Analisis Isi Krippendorff Pada Drama Korea Nevertheless)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui representasi toxic relationship yang ada dalam drama nevertheless dengan menggunakan unit analisis dari Krippendorff. Dalam penelitian ini, membahas tentang bagaimana representasi toxic relationship yang terjadi di dalam Drama Korea Nevertheless yang digambarkan oleh pemerannya pada scene tertentu yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi teori dari Klauss Krippendorff dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif.Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat lima jenis toxic relationship yang muncul yaitu meremehkan, tempramen, pengatur, mengambil keuntungan, dan paranoid. Dari lima jenis tersebut yang paling banyak muncul adalah jenis pengatur dengan jumlah persentase 33,33%. Representasi toxic relationship dilihat juga dari teknik pengambilan gambarnya, dimana yang sering digunakan adalah type shoot close up 48,39%, straight angle 70,97%, dan noseroom composition frame 83,87%. Kata Kunci: Analisis Isi, Klauss Krippendorff, Toxic Relationship, Drama Korea, Teknik Pengambilan Gambar.&nbsp

    REPRESENTASI PANGAN DALAM KOMUNIKASI RITUAL (Kajian Komunikasi Ritual dalam Perayaan Sekaten di Yogyakarta 2015 - 2016)

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    AbstrakPangan merupakan bagian dari peradaban manusia. Pangan tidak sekedar memenuhikebutuhan hidup semata, tetapi juga mengandung sebuah relasi sosial, ekonomi dan politik.Fenomena begitu lekatnya pangan dengan kehidupan keseharian kita hadir dalam wujud pangantradisional sebagai uborampe dalam tradisi Sekaten di Yogyakarta. Di sana, pangan merupakanwujud kebudayaan yang berkaitan erat dengan cara manusia membangun pesan, komunikasi daninteraksi kebudayaan. Pangan dalam ritual syukuran Sekaten, tidak terlepas dari konteks sosiohistorisyang melingkupi masyarakat dankebudayaan Yogyakarta khususnya dan Jawa padaumumnya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pangan dalam ritual Sekaten merepresentasikanbagaimana pangan lebih dari sekedar kebutuhan dasar, tetapi juga diyakini sebagai bagian dariBerkah dan mampu memberikan rejeki pada anak turun mereka hingga kini. Sekatendiselenggarakan untuk memperingati kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW, yang dilakukan oleh rajasebagai penguasa setempat dalam rangka menyiarkan agama Islam dan melestarikan tradisi yangdiwarisinya. Dalam situasi ekonomi global yang memprihatinkan termasuk Indonesia (jugamasyarakat suku Jawa di Yogyakarta), Sekaten tetap diselenggarakan tidak hanya terkait sematatentang pangan tapi juga nilai-nilai luhur yang terkandung di dalamnya.Kata kunci: sekaten, pangan, simbol, interpretasi

    Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Ikan Wader dan Manajemen Usaha Berbasis Marketing Online di BUMDes Margosari, Kulon Progo

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    Margosari village has the Serang River which is a source of income for the community. The catched fish is sold in the form of fresh wader fish at a price of Rp. 7,000.00 to Rp. 9,000.00 / Kg. Selling price and storage capacity of wader fish are very low, so it needs to be increased by diversifying the process into krispi wader as one of the business opportunities. The problems faced by partners are: 1) Limited knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish; 2) Packaging method is still simple and does not meet standards; and 3) Marketing process is still carried out by direct selling and has not used online marketing method. This community service program aims to increase knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish into krispi wader, packaging technology and online marketing. The methods used in conducting this program were in the form of counseling and training as well as assistance to 20 BUMDes members. Counseling and training activities include: 1) Counseling and training on the diversification of processed wader fish into krispi wader fish; 2) Counseling and packaging training was held to know how to pack and making packaging labels; 3) Marketing training based on online marketing. The benchmarks for the success of this service activity can be seen from the increasing of knowledge and skills regarding the diversification of wader krispi process, knowledge of labels and packaging as well as knowledge of online marketing for members of the Margosari BUMDes group based on pretest and posttest analysis of service activities. The conclusion of this service activity is that the counseling method followed by training methods are effective for members of the Margosari BUMDes group in diversifying their wader fish, labeling and packaging as well as online marketing.Margosari village has the Serang River which is a source of income for the community. The catched fish is sold in the form of fresh wader fish at a price of Rp. 7,000.00 to Rp. 9,000.00 / Kg. Selling price and storage capacity of wader fish are very low, so it needs to be increased by diversifying the process into krispi wader as one of the business opportunities. The problems faced by partners are: 1) Limited knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish; 2) Packaging method is still simple and does not meet standards; and 3) Marketing process is still carried out by direct selling and has not used online marketing method. This community service program aims to increase knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish into krispi wader, packaging technology and online marketing. The methods used in conducting this program were in the form of counseling and training as well as assistance to 20 BUMDes members. Counseling and training activities include: 1) Counseling and training on the diversification of processed wader fish into krispi wader fish; 2) Counseling and packaging training was held to know how to pack and making packaging labels; 3) Marketing training based on online marketing. The benchmarks for the success of this service activity can be seen from the increasing of knowledge and skills regarding the diversification of wader krispi process, knowledge of labels and packaging as well as knowledge of online marketing for members of the Margosari BUMDes group based on pretest and posttest analysis of service activities. The conclusion of this service activity is that the counseling method followed by training methods are effective for members of the Margosari BUMDes group in diversifying their wader fish, labeling and packaging as well as online marketing. &nbsp

    Communication and E-Government: The Case Study of E-Government Implementation in Tourism Communications in the Tourism Department, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Province

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    The development of Digital Government Services (DGS) is a form of bureaucratic transfor-mation. This research focuses on virtual digital technology used in the government, especially in the tourism office department of Yogyakarta special administrative region which is also known as Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Province. Based on Ministry of Communication and Information (MoCI) 2012 report, e-Government adoption in DIY was ranked 4th in the country. The province has the vision of becoming a cyber province as one of the ways to fulfil the needs of its residents. The objectives of this study encompass: 1) description of the imple-mentation of e-government in DIY Tourism department; 2) mapping and utilizing the tourism communication strategies to identify e-government implementation in the Tourism department; and 3) assess the role that e-government technology adoption can help to strengthen service encouraging the enhancement of service and creative industries towards contributing to im-prove the higher tourism development in DIY. The research used a case study approach with data collected using informal interview and documentation. Results of the research showed that: 1) the expertise in information and communication technology (ICT) is pivotal for was necessary for the development of ing the tourism-based websites and e-government applica-tions; 2) the importance of developing multimedia-based content to ensure relevant and updat-ed content; and 3) the importance of taking into account the needs and interests of undergradu-ates and undergraduate audience in developing and adoption of e-government services because they constitute the largest segment that uses the virtual digital government services

    Communication Management of “Branding Bahagia” in Creative Youth at Indonesian Heritage Sites

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    This research aims to understand and map the process of communication management of Creative Youth at Indonesian Heritage Sites through “Branding Bahagia”. Creative Youth at the Indonesian Heritage Site is a program held by UNESCO in collaboration with Citi Indonesia (Citibank) to promote the strengthening of the cultural and creative industry in Indonesia. The program aims to encourage the capacity and participation of youth who live around the heritage sites of Prambanan and Borobudur temples to have a better income and helping them in the local economy. The research uses the qualitative method with a case study approach, accompanied by data collection through in-depth interviews with several informants. The result of this research is communication management established by UNESCO in the “Branding Bahagia” project as a part of its Creative Youth at Indonesian Heritage Sites program, which is strengthened by effective communication among all parties involved in a series of action. There are four stages in the process of communication of project management in “Branding Bahagia” i.e. Creative Team Development, Need Assessment, Creative Process, and Evaluation. Keywords: communication management, brand strategy, creative youth, “Branding bahagia”, Indonesia heritag


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    Abstrak: Klitih merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan sekelompok orang yang menjurus ke arah perilaku kriminal seperti mencari target untuk dihajar, disiksa, bahkan sampai ada yang dibunuh. Klitih menjadi fenomena di Yogyakarta yang sangat meresahkan. Peran orang tua menjadi sangat penting dalam melakukan pengawasan terutama dalam mengantisipasi terjadinya tindak kekerasan yang melibatkan pelajar. Para orang tua perlu menggunakan pendekatan komunikasi yang tepat untuk dapat mendampingi anaknya dengan baik, sehingga perilaku-perilaku yang menjurus pada kenakalan dapat terminimalisir. Perlu adanya pelatihan untuk para orang tua dalam mendampingi tumbuh kembang anaknya, salah satunya dengan pelatihan komunikasi interpersonal berbasis self-regulation untuk mereduksi perilaku klitih pada remaja. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan keterampilan komunikasi interpersonal berbasis self-regulation antara orang tua dan anak dalam melakukan pendampingan dan pengawasan pada anak. Pelatihan ini dilakukan selama 1 hari, dengan mitra 25 warga kelompok Program Keluarga Harapan di dusun Bangunrejo Sleman. Metode pelatihan meliputi pemaparan materi, diskusi, penugasan dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi pada pemahaman orang tua menunjukan Peserta menunjukan peningkatan sebesar 33,3% pada pemahaman orang tua terhadap perkembangan remaja anak, sebesar 30% peningkatan pemahaman mengenai pola pengasuhan yang tepat. Peningkatan terbesar terletak pada pemahaman mengenai komunikasi interpersonal berbasis self-regulation, yaitu sebanyak 70%. Abstract: Klitih is an activity carried out by a group of people that leads to criminal behavior, such as finding targets to beat up, torture, and even kill someone. Klitih is a very disturbing phenomenon in Yogyakarta. The role of parents is very important in supervising, especially in anticipating acts of violence involving students. Parents need to use the right communication approach to be able to accompany their children properly, so that behaviors that lead to delinquency can be minimized. There needs to be training for parents in accompanying the growth and development of their children, one of which is by training interpersonal communication based on self-regulation to reduce clit behavior in adolescents. This training aims to provide interpersonal communication skills based on self-regulation between parents and children in providing assistance and supervision to children. This training was conducted for 1 day, with 25 partners from the Family Hope Program group in Bangunrejo Sleman hamlet. Training methods include material presentation, discussion, assignment and evaluation. Based on the evaluation results on parental understanding, it showed an increase of 33.3% in parental understanding of the development of adolescent children, a 30% increase in understanding of proper parenting patterns. The biggest increase lies in the understanding of interpersonal communication based on self-regulation, which is as much as 70%.Participants showed a 33.3% increase in parents' understanding of adolescent child development, a 30% increase in understanding of proper parenting patterns. The biggest increase lies in the understanding of interpersonal communication based on self-regulation, which is as much as 70%.


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    “Bakpia Ivan", Small and Medium Business Unit is managed by family and hereditary manner, so that several times there are employee turnover and sometimes causes the production process to be slightly inhibited. Another thing that is a problem is the lack of awareness of the product packaging process (creative packaging) that is able to attract consumer interest and from the side of packaging security. This problem is linear unoptimal brand awareness and brand patent rights, so that when the product arrives at the reseller, the packaging is often replaced with other brands even though the contents are Bakpia Ivan. The purpose of this public service activity, first is to increase awareness of product packaging, positioning. Secondly, providing socialization and training about creative packaging, starting from the most basic capabilities. The method used in this activity is socialization and training. First, socializing and demonstrating how to begin packaging. Secondly, renew the logo design. Third, conduct social experiments related to logo renewal. The result of this activity is the acceptance of product packaging updates by the market so it can be expand sales and market segmentation. Second, the renewal of the logo / packaging design will be increasingly recognized and realized loyal consumers.   Keywords: creative packaging, bakpia ivan, segmentation, positionin