46 research outputs found

    Fungsi Keluarga dan Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak dalam Perspektif Kontrol Sosial

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    This study aims to examine child abuse which has currently received attention from the community, related to the increasing number of cases revealed with various forms of violence and the adverse effects that must be borne by children as victims of violence. The research method used case study by conducting interviews with members of the Tasikmalaya Regency KPAID task force which aims to reveal various sexual violence against children. In the perspective of social control, violence occurs because of the vacuum of social control that exists in society, this can occur when family institutions have undergone changes in carrying out their functions and roles, especially in terms of parenting applied to children. Various data reveal that sexual violence against children actually occurs in the closest environment such as family and school, this is what causes cases of sexual violence against children to be increasingly difficult to uncover and resolve, social control needs to be carried out not only by family members, but also by various parties with an interest in child protection. Keywords: Children, sexual violence, social control

    Perancangan Interior Erha Clinic di Bandung

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    ABSTRAK PERANCANGAN INTERIOR ERHA CLINIC DI BANDUNG Siti Nurbayani Program Study Interior Design, Faculty of Creative Industries Telkom University, Bandung Email: [email protected] Masalah kulit yang disebabkan oleh stress dari aktivitas dan rutinitas seseorang dapat bermacam-macam seperti jerawat, komedo hingga perubahan warna kulit dan kulit wajah. Wadah yang menunjang untuk perawatan masalah kulit disebut dengan Skin Care. Salah satu skin care yang memiliki interior yang nyaman dan memiliki peminat yang terdiri dari masyarakat kalangan menengah ke atas adalah Erha Clinic. Erha Clinic melayani kebutuhan masyarakat di bidang dermatologi, selain itu fasilitas perawatan yang di tawarkan bermacam-macam. Salah satunya memberikan fasilitas khusus bagi pengunjung yang memnginginkan layanan lebih antara personal dengan waktu yang fleksibel pada ruangan yang nyaman yang dinamakan Erha Priority. Berdasarkan hasil survey di beberapa Erha Clinic di bandung, belum menerapkan adanya fasilitas Erha Priority, selain itu terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan interior ruang Erha Clinic, seperti sempitnya alur sirkulasi, tidak ada pemisah di ruang treatment anatara laki-laki dan perempuan, dan tidak ada pemisah antara laki-laki dan perempuan di toilet. Dalam perancangan Interior Erha Clinic Priority ini mengusung tema “Modern Skin” di ambil dari visi misi Erha itu sendiri. Tema Modern Skin ini mengambil konsep “skin tone” yang berarti warna kulit, warna kulit orang Indonesia yang mayoritas berwarna coklat diaplikasikan dalam bentuk konsep visual yang memberikan kenyamanan baik dari segi fasilitas ruang atau alur sirkulasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengunjung. Kata Kunci: Interior, Skin Care, Erha Clinic, Modern Skin

    Local Government Efforts in the Protection of Women and Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has changed most routines for the global population. Central and regional governments need to synergize policies to prevent further spread. Therefore, government and other agencies as well as other elements of the community are important factors in the implementation of working programs for disaster management. This study investigates the efforts of the local government and society in protecting women and children during the COVID-19 pandemic in West Java Province. In this case, the units involved include Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level, Women\u27s Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning Office, and various community organizations that focus on women\u27s empowerment and child protection. The approach used in this study was qualitative with critical research endeavoring to understand the particular context and interactions. This brief study of the institution in the West Java Area in the provincial and district offices was conducted within one week. The results of the study showed that there are no specific policies set by the government concerning the handling of COVID-19 for women and children by the three local government institutions mentioned above. Policies created by the local government are still general in nature. There have been several strategic steps taken by government agencies regarding the protection of children and women. Government funds have been reallocated to help stop the transmission of the virus by disseminating information to the public via television, video conferencing, and other media. These programs should also be implemented asynchronously to maintain their continuity in the future. Non-governmental organizations have the flexibility to implement protection programs for children and women according to the problems and needs in the community. During the pandemic period, innovative programs for gender mainstreaming, women\u27s empowerment, and child protection can be conducted by changing the format of existing programs to follow social-distancing health protocols but still maintain the sustainability of the programs for the long term


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    The pandemic has been putting pressure for us to make a big digital leap, in an instant, education changed as if it’s a digitalization remote, forces pupils to manage and master digital device in order to participate in education, and it’s not just the pupils who adhere to these changes, but also the teachers, schools, families, even society. This online learning system demands teachers’ role, even more, bestowing the measurement of a successful online learning process, which determined by the teacher, creativity enhancement so that learning becomes interesting with the fully online e-learning format learning method.  This case study research will examine teachers’ strategies to overcome problems that arise in online learning through character building. This research purpose is to describe educator roles in overcoming online learning problems through character building. This research captures its data through observations, in-depth interview, documentation study and literature study. Furthermore, this research uses data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing as methods of analysis. To test the reliability of the data, this research uses data, method and source triangulation. The result of this research shows that teachers and pupils collaboration through its creativity is a must, one of it is to involve OSIS as an activity partner

    The New Way of Beauty Experience From Korean Wave as Vocational Guidance in Indonesia

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    Korean Wave called Hallyu is the most phenomenal global culture that spread around the world as well as Indonesia. Along with Hallyu syndrome, plastic surgery began to be known by the Korean fans in Indonesia. Participation of the media, in particular, information technology became an important key by the Korean wave invasion. Korean idol who is so pretty and charming make Korean fans want to emulate his idol. This study aims to discuss how the views of Indonesian young women within decision making undergo plastic surgery in beauty experience as the effect of the Korean wave invasion. Data were collected using a qualitative method by face-to-face interviews. Purposive sampling will be used for election respondent to Indonesian young women as Korean fans. The findings from this study show that Indonesian young women wish to have a face and body like a Korean idol. However, they did not even think to undergo plastic surgery. Culture, religious, and social expectations are the reason they do not undergo plastic surgery. They prefer to empower themselves through cosmetic skills in make-up and exercising. And it is used as a vocational guidance especially in beauty experience

    Women in the Eye of Pesantren

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    Pesantren is a religion-based boarding school chain that is widespread in Indonesia. Pesantren are often negatively stigmatized by a small number of people owing to the perception of the schools radicalizing religious values and demanding the obedience of women. In contrast, this study aims to analyze the way in which Pesantren education plays a major role facilitating the contribution of women in three domains, namely domestic, public, and social. Analysis of women’s self-conception and the role of women in these three domains was conducted using a qualitative approach with a phenomenological design and interview techniques, together with observations on female students in one Pesantren in Central Java and East Java and two religious groups in the West Java region. The results revealed that Pesantren education for women had an impact on the social recognition of women. Keywords: Islamic Boarding Schools, Pesantren, Social recognition, Three domains of women, and Women


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    Masalah human trafficking dewasa ini terus berkembang dengan modus yang semakin bervariasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui dan mengenal permasalahan sosial tentang human trafficking, yaitu tentang faktor penyebab, pola perekrutan, sikap self awareness korban, peran keluarga, sikap social awareness masyarakat, serta konstribusi terhadap IPS.Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, dimana peneliti melakukan observasi, studi pustaka, dokumen, dan wawancara mendalam kepada para korban human traffickingdi Jawa Barat dan Kalimantan Barat.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa:(1) Faktor terjadinya human traffickingterjadi karena faktor primer seperti kemiskinan dan minimnya pendidikan; dan faktor sekunder seperti gaya hidup dan motivasi untuk mengabdi pada orang tua. Hal tersebut merupakan bauran interaksi budaya lokal, nasional dan global yang mempengaruhi gaya hidup korban sehingga melakukan cara mudah (instan) dalam mengharapkan kekayaan (ekonomi). Kombinasi tersebut kemudian didukung oleh legitimasi kekuasaan yang dimanfaatkan oleh trafficker dengan mengatasnamakan perekrutan tenaga kerja, sehingga trafficker mendapat simbol “pahlawan” bagi mereka yang mencari pekerjaan. (2) Pola rekruitmen yang digunakan trafficker seperti:(a) penipuan dengan atau tanpa kekerasan. (b) pola pengasuhan karena saluran yang digunakan mulai dari orang tua, keluarga, tetangga atau teman dekat serta agen diperkuat dengan media sosial, (c) pola penculikan. (d) pola melalui media sosial (facebook). (3) Self awareness (kesadaran diri) korban humantrafficking ditemukan pada ekspresi diri yang mengandung masalah kerentanan secara psikologis yang mempengaruhi indentitas diri yang kabur dan cenderung bersikap fatalis. (4) Peran preventif keluarga sangat penting yaitu proteksi terhadap korban dalam pergaulannya yang terkait dengan upaya mencari pekerjaan. (5) Social awareness masyarakat sekitar pada umumnya bersifat reaktif terhadap masalah korban humantrafficking. Reaktif dalam arti kesadaran baru muncul setelah kejadian tersebut. (6) Masalah human trafficking bagi IPS merupakan masalah yang dapat dimasukkan sebagai materi perkuliahan dalam IPS, dan kajian yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepekaan sosial calon guru IPS. Sementara itu, metode pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan yaitu metode bervariasi yang menekankan inquiri sosial dalam menggali permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat

    The Impact of Online Loans on Consumptive Behavior Among Students in The City of Bandung

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    This research aims to analyze the impact of online loans on the consumptive behavior of students in the city of Bandung. Online loans have become a significant phenomenon in today's modern society, especially among students vulnerable to the influence of the digital economy. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The data collection techniques used were observation and in-depth interviews. There were 12 informants in this study, consisting of 10 key informants who are students and two supporting informants. The research was conducted at the UPI Setiabudhi campus and Pasundan University in the city of Bandung. The theoretical analysis uses Ulrich Beck's concept of the risk society to analyze changes in modern society that are increasingly filled with complex risks in the context of online loans and the consumptive behavior of students. The results of this research indicate that online loans significantly impact students' consumptive behavior. Factors such as ease of access, product promotions, and social pressure encourage students to take online loans, thereby influencing their consumptive habits. Based on the research results, students in Bandung use the money from online loans for consumptive and hedonistic needs and lifestyles, such as hanging out, indulging, vacations, attending concerts, nightlife entertainment (clubbing), buying electronic goods, and showcasing possessions on social media. Dampak Pinjaman Online (Pinjol) Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Pada Mahasiswa di Kota BandungPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pinjaman online (pinjol) terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa di Kota Bandung. Pinjaman online telah menjadi fenomena yang signifikan dalam masyarakat modern saat ini, khususnya di kalangan mahasiswa yang cenderung rentan terhadap pengaruh ekonomi digital. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Informan dalam penelitian ini sebayak 12 orang terdiri dari informan kunci yaitu mahasiswa 10 orang dan  2 orang informan pendukung. Lokasi penelitian dilkukan di lingkungan kampus UPI Setiabudhi dan Universitas Pasundan Kota Bandung. Analisis teori menggunakan konsep masyarakat beresiko (risk society) menurut Ulrich Beck untuk menganalisis perubahan dalam masyarakat modern yang semakin dipenuhi oleh risiko-risiko kompleks dalam konteks pinjol dan perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa pinjaman online memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa. Faktor-faktor seperti kemudahan akses, promosi produk, dan tekanan sosial mendorong mahasiswa untuk mengambil pinjaman online, sehingga mempengaruhi kebiasaan konsumtif mereka. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa di Kota bandung menggunakan uang dari pinjaman online tersebut mereka pergunakan untuk kebutuhan dan gaya hidup konsumtif dan hedonisme seperti nongkrong, berfoya-foya, liburan, nonton konser, hiburan malam (clubbing) membeli barang elektronik dan kebiasaan pamer barang (flexing) di media sosial

    Development of Characterized Digital Comics for Junior High School Students in Social Studies Learning

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    This study is aimed at developing the material for social science study at Junior High School by using characterized digital comics. The study uses a research and development model popularized by Borg and Gall. The types of data used in this research are qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data was obtained based on criticism and suggestions for improvement from validators. Quantitative data was obtained based on the results of filling out a questionnaire in the form of objective product assessment scores. The instruments used for data collection were open and closed questionnaires. Based on the results of data analysis from media experts, a feasibility value was obtained from media experts 149 a maximum value of 152 so that a percentage of 98% was obtained, from material experts a feasibility value was obtained of 112 from a maximum value of 114 so that a percentage of 98% was obtained, and the results of scale group trials limited (10 students) obtained a score of 890 out of a total of 1000 so that a percentage of 89% was obtained. This shows that the digital comic with characters being developed is classified as "very valid" and can be implemented. In brief, the results of developing digital comics with characters are appropriate and can be recommended to be used in social science studies at junior high schools