35 research outputs found


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    This research explored students’ motivation to learn English as a foreign language. The aim of this research was to find out what kind of motivation underlie their decision to choose English as their major. This research is important as it can be used as an assist for students to be aware of their own motivation to learn as well as a basis for teachers in helping students to improve students’ learning motivation. To reach the goal of the research, an interview was carried out. The result showed that from the data, initially, most students had extrinsic motivation and only a few students experienced intrinsic motivation. After learning English for more than a year, the motivation of some students mostly stayed the same. However, some students changed their motivation. Due to difficulties in learning, several students who were motivated to learn English intrinsically turned into extrinsic motivation. Oppositely, one student coined her extrinsic motivation attributable to her curiosity into intrinsic motivation and found that English is an interesting subject to lear

    Gaps in the Thread: Disease, Production, and Opportunity in the Failing Silk Industry of South Sulawesi

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    Indonesian silk farming (Sericulture) has experienced two waves of a pebrine epidemic (also known as pepper disease) and grasserie. The first pebrine epidemic occurred in 1973 and the second one occurred in 2010. Natural silk production in Indonesia has undergone dramatic decline after these epidemics. In addition to the disease, other factors also simultaneously contributed to the decline. This research examines the conditions and challenges to national natural silk industry recovery after a pebrine epidemic. The present study employs a survey and focus group discussion in three regencies (Wajo, Soppeng, and Enrekang), which took place in September 2016. Findings show that there are three major factors which contribute to the decline of national silk production, namely the: i) epidemic of silkworm disease, ii) quality of silkworms and the process of silkworm provision, iii) insufficiency of farmer means of production, and iv) lack of guidance and assistance for the farmers. Without interventions and greater support to properly maintain silkworm operations a potentially lucrative economy for rural farmers could go unrealized. The implications of this research also highlight key potential interventions for working with communities and supporting the overall resilience of national silk production in Indonesia

    Students’ View on Using Online Application to Work on Online Assignment

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    This research aimed to examine students’ views on using online applications, particularly Edmodo to do online assignments (e-assignment). This study was conducted at Universitas Muslim Maros in the English language education department. Eight students joined as the participants voluntarily.  This research used qualitative research with a semi-structured interview method. Data were recorded then transcribed. The data then were analyzed using thematic analysis. The result showed that most participants were engaged to work on their assignments online. Positive views were given by the participants as they gained effective learning through the online assignment. However, some students felt the pressure when doing online learning. The big problems are a low internet connection and the use of timer features

    Respon Empat Ras Ulat Sutera Terhadap Bombyx Mori Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (BmNPV)

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    Penyakit graseria disebabkan oleh nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) merupakan salah satu penyakit penting pada ulat sutera. Penyakit graseria dapat menurunkan bahkan dapat menggagalkan panen kokon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon empat ras ulat sutera terhadap infeksi NPV. Inokulasi dilakukan pada awal instar III dengan metode oles pada daun murbei berukuran 2 x 4 cm2. Konsentrasi larutan BmNPV sebagai isolat yang digunakan adalah 1 x 107 polyhedron/ml. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masa inkubasi BmNPV pada ras PBE mulai pada hari ke-3 - ke-14 hsi, ras bivoltin (N1, N2 dan BC 107) pada hari ke-5 - ke-15 hsi. Mortalitas tertinggi terjadi pada hari ke- 10 hsi atau instar V. Ras N1, N2 dan BC 107 kecuali PBE ngengatnya masih dapat meletakkan telur dan termasuk kategori tahan. Infeksi BmNPV dapat menurunkan fekunditas ulat sutera meskipun daya tetas dapat mencapai 90%. Virus BmNPV dapat ditransmisikan dari induk ulat sutera yang terinfeksi dengan jumlah polyhedron yang berkisar antara 3 – 8 PIB tiap butir telur. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi untuk memilih bahan persilangan bibit ulat sutera


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    The purpose of this research to compared the characteristic and productivity of three silkworm seeds. The result of this research can be information for user of the sericulture. Three seeds examination from Perum Perhutani Soppeng ( P1), BS09 ( P2) and C103 ( P3) from Perum Perhutani Candiroto (Central Java).The observation will be done the hatchability of eggs, resistance of larval, and the characteristic of the larval. Result of research shows that stadium of P2 and P3 silkworm is shorter (21 days) than P1 (23 days). Larval characteristic; colored and larval pattern are equal relative except longer caterpillar P1 length from P2 and P3. Cocoon characteristic; colored, wrinkle and its hardness relative is of equal except size measure and form the cocoon, ellipse globular bigger P1 than P2 and P3 are elliptical like peanut. The result of this research was showed that examination three seeds hybrid of productivity observation (hatchability of eggs and resistance of mature larval,) P1 better than P2 and P3. Key words: Characteristic, productivity, hybrid seed, silkworm (Bombyx mori L)


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    Pseudomonas solanacearum is a bacterial agent causing wilt disease on mulberry species and other woody plant in Indonesian. Biological control employing the antagonist bacteria such as P. fluorescens and P. Putida is a potential method. The aim of the research was to know the effectiveness of P. fluorescens and P. putida to suppress wilt diseases caused by P. solanacearum. The diseases control test with antagonist bacteria was conducted by immersion of root of seedlings in P. fluorescens and P. putida suspensions before planted in a growth medium inoculated by P. solanacearum with the all concentrations were 108 CFU/ml. The following parameters were observed: numbers of leaves, fresh and dry weights of leaves and severity of disease. The results of the effectiveness test showed that antagonist bacteria in the form of mixing of P. fluorescens and P. putida was the best, because they were capable to suppress wilt disease caused by P. solanacearum and increased productivity of mulberry leaves. keywords : antagonist bacteria, biological control, wilt diseas


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    The purpose of this research to compared the biological aspect of silkworm seeds with two resources of seeds in South Sulawesi are Perum Perhutani (P1) and China hybrid (P2). The result of this research can be information for user of the sericulture. The observation will be done the hatchability of eggs, resistance of larva, and the characteristic of the larval. The observation of the cocoon quality such as whole fresh cocoon weight, the cocoon without pupa weight, the presentation of shell cocoon, the presentation of abnormal cocoon, and the characteristic of the cocoon. The data was analyzed with using proportion different test and t-student test. The result of this research was showed that hatchability of kind eggs as not significant. The resistance of larva as the higher from P2 and presentation of abnormal cocoon was lower. So the cocoon without pupa was not significant with the seeds from P1, but the cocoon weight and size of cocoon are bigger than from P2. Both larva motif and cocoon characteristic from P1 and from China hybrid is significant, but larva stadia from P2 was shorter than from P1. Key words : Biological aspect, silkworm (Bombyx mori), seeds resources Reference

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar IPA Kelas VII SMPIT Al Khair.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPA kelas VII SMPIT Al Khair pada materi kalor dan perpindahannya. Model pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Problem Based Learning. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes dan non tes, dengan instrumen berupa lembar observasi aktivitas peserta didik, dan lembar test akhir setiap siklus. Prosedur pelaksanaan penelitian ini meliputi: (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan tindakan, (3) observasi, dan (4) refleksi dalam setiap siklus. Hasil observasi aktivitas belajar peserta didik menunjukkan peningkatan dalam tiap siklusnya. Persentase keaktifan peserta didik pada Siklus I adalah 33,33 %, Siklus II 66,67 % dan Siklus III 89.58%. Persentase ketuntasan belajar pada Siklus I adalah 67 %, Siklus II menjadi 83 % dan siklus III menjadi 100 %. Rata – rata hasil belajar pada siklus I adalah 72,22, Siklus II menjadi 81,67 dan siklus III menjadi 90,91. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPA kelas VII SMPIT Al Khair

    EKSPLORASI PEWARNA DAN MOTIF ALAM PADA KAIN SUTERA DARI VEGETASI HUTAN: Exploration of Natural Colors and Motives on Silk of Forest Vegetation

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    Natural coloring and batik techniques by directly printing the shape or motifs of leaves, flowers or fruit, called ecoprint, have been in great demand by the global community. Therefore, the search for types of plants that can produce color continues to be pursued. In this study, the aim of this research is to explore the types of plants from the tree level to the understorey which can provide distinctive colors and motifs to silk fabrics. Part of the plant is collected, especially the leaves, flowers and other parts, especially those that have color and can be perfectly expressed on the fabric. The coloring method used is direct paste method or better known as ecoprint. The mordant treatment used was basic mordant, namely the treatment of soaking the cloth in 10 g / l alum solution for 24 hours. The plant part samples were treated with immersion for 12 hours in 10 g of alum solution plus 30 g of acetic acid. Next, the plant samples are laid out on a cloth and wrapped in clear heat-resistant plastic. After the cloth is wrapped and tied tightly so that it sticks tightly and does not blend in the colors, then steam it for 2 hours. The results of this study showed that of the 88 plant species tested, only 32 species produced the expression of their color and motif from the leaf part, while in flowers there were only two types and one sample from the fruit part. The data from this research can provide information for silk craftsmen as an alternative choice of natural dyes and motifs for fabrics


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    Sabbeta Village ', Pising Village, Soppeng Regency is a pilot village for silk development in Soppeng Regency. Service activities undertaken are Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and training. Partners of this community service activity are the Sabbeta Village Farmers Group and the Mega Sutera Farmers Group. The purpose of the FGD is to examine the debates and challenges raised by silk farmers in developing women's relations in Pising Village. From the results of the FGD chose a number of problems to make training materials as a solution for farmers. In general, topics related to farmers are silk related to marketing, low productivity and eco print on silk fabrics. Monopoly-producing marketing makes the price of yarn produced very low. Until now, silk farmers in Soppeng Regency only produce silk yarn, while silk fabric production is in Wajo District. Low productivity because it is related to the importance and the product, especially the yarn produced, is not standard. In addition, women-only societies develop eco-print techniques on silk fabrics. The FGD was closed with a visit to the houses of the people which were used as caterpillars, seed gardens, spinning and souvenir galleries. Based on a review of the FGD results, the activities carried out were training on entrepreneurship, silkworm maintenance and eco print. The business of silkworm maintenance can be optimal if carried out in accordance with the procedure so as to produce threads that meet the standards. The maintenance of silkworms by farmers is very conventional, not in accordance with standard procedures. The results of the eco print technique were not satisfactory because the coloring was not optimal. The training provided is expected to increase their knowledge, so that it becomes a solution to the problem so far.Keywords: Sabbeta Village, Pising Village, silkworm maintenance, eco print. ABSTRAKKampung Sabbeta’, Desa Pising, Kabupaten Soppeng merupakan kampung percontohan untuk pengembangan sutera di Kabupaten Soppeng. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan adalah Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan pelatihan. Mitra dari kegiatan pengabdian ini, yaitu Kelompok Tani Kampung Sabbeta’ dan Kelompok Tani Mega Sutera. Tujuan dari FGD untuk mengkaji permasalahan dan kendala yang dihadapi para petani sutera dalam mengembang-kan persuteraan di Desa Pising. Dari hasil FGD dipilih beberapa masalah untuk dijadikan bahan pelatihan sebagai solusi dari permasalahan para petani. Secara umum, permasalahan yang dihadapi petani sutera terkait pemasaran, produktifitas yang rendah dan eco print di kain sutera. Pemasaran yang bersifat monopoli membuat harga benang yang dihasilkan sangat rendah. Sampai saat ini, petani-petani sutera di Kabupaten Soppeng hanya menghasilkan benang sutera, sedangkan produksi kain sutera ada di Kabupaten Wajo. Produktifitas yang rendah disebabkan karena ketergantungan akan bibit impor dan produk, khususnya benang yang dihasilkan, tidak standar. Selain itu, masyarakat khususnya para wanita mengem-bangkan teknik eco print di kain sutera. Kegiatan FGD ditutup dengan kunjungan ke rumah-rumah penduduk yang dijadikan tempat pemeliharaan ulat, kebun benih, pemintalan, dan galeri souvenir. Berdasarkan kajian dari hasil FGD, kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah pelatihan yaitu kewirausahaan, pemeliharaan ulat sutera dan eco print. Usaha pemeliharaan ulat sutera dapat optimal jika dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur sehingga menghasilkan benang yang memenuhi standar. Pemeliharaan ulat sutera yang dilakukan petani sangat konvensional, tidak sesuai dengan prosedur standar. Hasil teknik eco print yang dikerjakan kurang memuaskan karena pewarnaan belum maksimal. Pelatihan yang diberikan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka, sehingga menjadi solusi dari permasalahan selama ini. Kata kunci: Kampung Sabbeta’, Desa Pising, pemeliharaan ulat sutera, eco print