180 research outputs found

    Determination of ascorbic acid at solid electrodes modified with L-cysteine

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    Gold and glassy carbon electrode surfaces were modified with L-cysteine, and the electrochemical behavior of ascorbic acid (AA) was investigated on these new surfaces. To improve the efficiency of electrodes, the electrode surfaces were modified and optimum conditions for AA determination were established. Electrochemical experiments were performed at different potential ranges, the concentration of AA, scan rates, number of polymerization cycles and pH values. Using cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique, optimum conditions were determined as the potential scanning range of 0.2 to 1.5 V vs. Ag/AgCl in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.02) for the L-cysteine/Au electrode, and -1.95 to 1.9 V vs. Ag/AgCl in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (pH 2.7) for the L-cysteine/GC electrode. For the characterization of both modified electrode surfaces, a series of physicochemical techniques was also applied. The usability and selectivity of these two proposed modified electrodes for the determination of AA were investigated using square wave voltammetry (SWV) in the presence of possible interferents, i.e., glycine, L-glutamic acid and uric acid

    The impact of COVID-19 pandemic in medical waste amounts: a case study from a high-populated city of Turkey

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    In this study, the amount of medical waste generated in a high-populated city in Turkey between January 2018 and August 2021 was evaluated, and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on waste amounts and waste production rate was investigated. While a total of 79,027 kg/month of medical waste was produced in the city before COVID-19, this value reached 116,714 kg/month after COVID-19. The increase in the amount of medical waste due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the province was calculated as 48% on average. It was determined that 75% of this waste amount originates from public hospitals in the city. While the production of medical waste was 0.86 kg/bed day in the pre-COVID-19 period, this value increased to 0.96 kg/bed day in 2020 and to 1.34 kg/bed day in 2021 with the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the results obtained, the amount of medical waste reached in the province due to COVID-19 is the amount of medical waste expected to be generated in the 2040s under normal conditions. It is a very important issue in terms of public health that the capacity of waste disposal in medical waste management in cities is flexible to respond to severe epidemic conditions. Based on the information obtained within the scope of the study, changes in the amount of medical waste in a city with a dense population under pandemic conditions can be obtained based on real data and projections regarding disposal capacity can be made more realistically

    Loxosceles: Acil tıp kliniğince nekrozsuz tam iyileştirilen olgu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Loxosceles ısırığında görülen en sık bulgu ısırık yerinde progresif ülsere dermonekrozdur. Sphingomyelinase D zehirdeki asıl dermonekrotik faktördür. Zehir küçük kapillerlerde doku nekrozu başlangıcı olan hızlı koagülasyon ve oklüzyona neden olarak etkisini gösterir. 28 yaşında kadın hasta, sabah ayakkabısını giymeye çalışırken kahverengi bir örümcek tarafından ısırılmasından 3-4 saat sonra kliniğimize başvurdu. Sağ ikinci parmak iç proksimalinde lokal minimal inflamasyondan başka bulgusu yoktu. Ertesi gün gelen hastada ayak bileğine kadar orta derecede ödem, ısırık yerinden başlayarak proksimale ilerleyen sınırları net olmayan palpasyonla ısı artışı ve geniş kırmızı-mor cilt lezyonu mevcuttu. Hospitalizasyonun ilk günü CBCde RDW 15,50, lökosit 11,20, nötrofil %79,80, lenfosit %11,30, CRP 16, ABKda CPK 455, LDH 78, se- dimantasyon, PT, PTZ, kan gazı parametreleri normal sınırlarda idi. Ayak düz filmi çekildi. Ayak stabilizasyon ve elevasyonu sağlandı. Loxosceles zehirlenmesi öntanısıyla Acil Tıp adına 5 gün hospitalize edildi. Hospitalizasyonda sıvı replasmanı, antibiyotik, kortikosteroid, antiinflamatuar ile konservatif tedavi başlandı. Dördüncü hafta hafif pigmente cilt bulgusu dışında doku nekrozuna ait komplikasyon gelişmeksizin iyileşme sağlandı. Böcek sokmaları ile ilk anlarda belirgin bir şikayet ve bulgu olmaması klinisyeni yanıltmamalıdır. Bu hastaların izlemi ve kontrole çağrılmasının ciddi komplikasyonlar ve atlanabi- lecek olgularda önemi açıktır. (JAEM 2013; 12: 101-4)The most common finding of Loxosceles biting is a progresive ulcerous dermanecrosis. The responsible dermonecrotic factor found in the venom is Sphingomyelinase D. Poison effects are indicated by coagulation and occlusion which are the initial triggers of tissue necrosis in small capillaries. A 28 year old female patient was admitted after being bitten by a brown spider 3-4 hours earlier while putting on her shoes in the morning. There was a finding wit t a local inflammation on the medial proximal part of the right second toe. The following day, there was a medium grade edema reaching to the ankle, a large lesion colored in red-purple with undetermined borders and increased temperature on palpation. On the first day of hospitalization, RDW was 15.50, WBC was 11.20, neutrophil was 79.80%, lymphocyte was 11.30% on CBC, CRP was16, CPK was 455, LDH was 78 whereas the parameters of sedimentation, PT, PTT, blood gas were in normal ranges. An x-ray of the foot was taken. Stabilization and elevation of the extremity were provided. She was hospitalized due to Loxosceles poisoning in the Emergency Department for 5 days. The conservative treatment with fluid, antibiotics, corticosteroid, antiinflamatory drugs were initiated. The foot healed with a minimal pigmented dermal finding without any complication of tissue necrosis on the fourth week. The patient without any significant initial complaints and findings in insect bites should not confuse the clinician. The importance of observation of these patients is clear for control of probable complications and misdiagnosis cases. (JAEM 2013; 12: 101-4

    Peripapillary Retinoschisis in Glaucoma Patients

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    Purpose. To investigate peripapillary retinoschisis and its effect on retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness measurements by using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) in glaucomatous eyes. Methods. Circumpapillary RNFL (cpRNFL) B-scan images of 940 glaucoma patients (Group 1) and 801 glaucoma-suspect patients (Group 2) obtained by SD-OCT were reviewed. The structural and clinical characteristics of the retinoschisis were investigated. The RNFL thickness measurements taken at the time of retinoschisis diagnosis and at the follow-up visits were also compared. Results. Twenty-nine retinoschisis areas were found in 26 of the 940 glaucoma patients (3.1%) in Group 1 and seven areas were found in 801 patients (0.87%) in Group 2. In glaucomatous eyes, the retinoschisis was attached to the optic disc and overlapped with the RNFL defect. At the time of retinoschisis, the RNFL thickness was statistically greater in the inferior temporal quadrant when compared with the follow-up scans (p<0.001). No macular involvement or retinal detachment was observed. Conclusion. The present study investigated 33 peripapillary retinoschisis patients. Increase in RNFL thickness measurements was observed at the time of retinoschisis. It is important to examine the cpRNFL B-scan images of glaucoma patients so that the RNFL thickness is not overestimated

    Analysis of the Effects of Time Pressure and Supervisor Support on Organizational Cynicism and Employee Surveillance in Organization

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    Objective. Analyze the relationships between the variables of employee surveillance, supervisor support, organizational cynicism, and time pressure. Methodology.The sample group of the study consists of 417 white-collar employees in private and public sector. After the analysis of the findings were made with the SPSS 25 program, the resultswere analyzed and evaluated. Analysis data were collected from both public and private institutions operating in Istanbul. Results. As a result of the analysis, it is understood that time pressure and supervisor support have significant effects on organizational cynicism and employee surveillance. Conclusions. With the analysis of the data received in the scope of research model, it may be drawn a conclusion that employees expect support from their supervisors, otherwise they start to move away from the institution.Objetivo. Analizar las relaciones entre las variables de vigilancia de los empleados, apoyo del supervisor, cinismo organizacional y presión del tiempo. Metodología.El grupo de muestra del estudio está formado por 417 empleados de cuello blanco del sector privado y público. Los resultados se analizaron y evaluaron con el programa SPSS 25. Los datos del análisis se recogieron en instituciones públicas y privadas que operan en Estambul.Resultados. Como resultado del estudio se entiende que la presión del tiempo y el apoyo del supervisor tienen efectos significativos sobre el cinismo organizativo y la vigilancia de los empleados. Conclusiones. Con el análisis de los datos recibidos en el ámbito del modelo de investigación se puede concluir que los empleados esperan el apoyo de sus supervisores, de lo contrario comienzan a alejarse de la institución

    Silent polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in a patient with angioid streaks

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    ABSTRACT We present a case of silent polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) in a patient with angioid streaks. PCV was detected during a routine ophthalmic examination and confirmed by fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, and optical coherence tomography. After 2 years of follow-up, the PCV remained silent without any complications. We report this rare coexistence and review literature on this topic

    Synthesis, characterization, COX1/2 inhibition and molecular modeling studies on novel 2-thio-diarylimidazoles

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    Heterocyclic compounds with diaryl substituents have been a milestone approach for selective cyclooxygenase 2 (COX 2) inhibition by bioisosteric replacements and modifications. It is also known that thiazole derivatives have different pharmacological activities. In this study, nine novel 2-[(1,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazole-2-yl)thio]-N-(thiazole-2-yl)acetamide derivatives (Compound 1-9) were synthesized via the reaction of 1,5-disubstitued phenyl-imidazole-2-thiole and N-thiazole acetamide. The inhibitory effects of COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes were tested for the synthesized compounds. Enzyme-ligand interactions of the most active compound on COX subtypes were elucidated by molecular modeling studies. The percent inhibitory effect for compound 1, which is the naked derivative among all the compounds, was found to be the most active on COX-2 at 10 mu M concentration (C1(COX-2): 88%, SC-560(COX-2): 98.2%, C1(COX-1): 60.9%); whereas compound 9 showed the highest inhibitory effect and was found to be the most selective derivative on COX-1 isoenzyme (C9(COX-1): 85%, DuP-697(COX-1): 97.2%, C9(COX-2): 57.9%)

    Montelukast jest skutecznym lekiem w zapobieganiu zespołowi hiperstymulacji jajników: badania eksperymentalne

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    Objectives: To determine the efficacy of montelukast in comparison with cabergoline in the prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in rats. Material and methods: An experimental OHSS model was formed in 35 female Wistar rats. Rats (22 days old) were randomized into 5 groups, each containing 7 animals. The control group received no therapy; the mild OHSS group was administered pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) 10 IU for 4 days, hCG 10 IU on the 5th day; the severe OHSS group received PMSG 10 IU for 4 days, hCG 30 IU on the 5th day. The montelukast group: received montelukast 10 mg/kg/day and the cabergoline group was administered cabergoline 100μg/kg/day via oral gavage for 6 days (days 22–27), in addition to those of severe OHSS. All groups were sacrificed on 28th day. Body weight, ovarian diameter and weight, vascular permeability, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), semiquantitative VEGF receptor-1, and VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) immunohistochemistry were evaluated. Results: Ovarian diameter and VEGF expression were significantly lower in the montelukast and cabergoline groups than in the severe OHSS group. While montelukast was more effective in limiting vascular permeability in the severe OHSS, cabergoline was superior to montelukast with respect to the limiting effect on increased body weight and VEGFR-2 expression. Conclusions: The VEGF/VEGFR-2 interaction plays an important role in OHSS pathogenesis. Montelukast limits VEGF expression, and cabergoline reduces both VEGF and VEGFR-2 expressions; they are both effective therapies for the prevention of severe OHSS.Cel: Ocena skuteczności montelukastu w porównaniu z kabergoliną w zapobieganiu zespołowi hiperstymulacji jajników (OHSS) u szczurów. Materiał i metoda: Model doświadczalny OHSS stanowiło 35szczurów rasy Wistar, płci żeńskiej. Szczury (22 dniowe) podzielono na 5 grup, każda zawierająca 7 zwierząt. Grupa kontrolna nie otrzymała żadnej terapii. Grupa z łagodnym OHSS otrzymała gonadotropinę z surowicy ciężarnych klaczy (PMSG) w ilości 10IU przez 4 dni, hCG 10IU w 5 dniu, grupa z ciężkim OHSS otrzymała PMSG 10IU przez 4 dni, hCG 30IU w 5 dniu. Grupa z montelukastem otrzymała montelukast w dawce 10mg/kg/dzień a grupa z kabergoliną otrzymała kabergolinę 100μg/kg/dzień przez doustny zgłębnik przez 6 dni (dni 22-27). Wszystkie zwierzęta zabito w 28 dniu. Oceniono masę ciała, wymiar i wagę jajników, przepuszczalność naczyń, czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka naczyń (VEGF) oraz w immunohistochemii półilościowo receptor – 1 VEGF i receptor-2 VEGF. Wyniki: Wymiar jajnika oraz ekspresja VEGF były istotnie niższe w grupach z monelukastem i kabergoliną niż w grupie z ciężkim OHSS. Podczas gdy montelukast był bardziej skuteczny w ograniczaniu przepuszczalności śródbłonków w ciężkim OHSS, to kabergolina okazała się lepsza od montelukastu po uwzględnieniu ograniczającego efektu zwiększonej masy ciała i ekspresji VEGFR-2. Wnioski: Wzajemne oddziaływanie VEGF/VEGFR-2 odgrywa istotną role w patogenezie OHSS. Montelukast ogranicza ekspresję VEGF, a kabergolina zmniejsza zarówno ekspresję VEGF jak i VEGFR-2; obie terapie są skuteczne w zapobieganiu ciężkiemu OHSS

    Bakteriyel Vajinal Mikrobiyotanın Metagenomik Yaklaşımla Tanımlanması

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, alem düzeyinden tür düzeyine kadar farklı taksonomik seviyelerde yüksek verimli yeni nesil dizileme ve metagenomik yaklaşım kullanarak 38 Türk kadınının vajinal bakteriyel mikrobiyotasını belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği’nde Haziran 2021’de DNA/RNA koruma toplama tüplerine vajinal sürüntü örnekleri (n=38) alındı ve ZymoBIOMICS DNA miniprep kiti ile DNA ekstraksiyonu yapıldı. Hastaların yaşı, medeni durumu, ön tanı ve anamnez durumu ile ilgili bilgiler toplandı. Vajinal mikrobiyotayı belirlemek için 16S rRNA amplikon DNA dizilimi kullanılarak metagenomik bir yaklaşım uygulandı. Bulgular: Vajinal örneklerde baskın filum Firmicutes’i Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Tenericutes, Fusobacteria ve Synergistetes izledi. Lactobacillus en fazla bulunan “cins düzeyinde bakteri” olup onu Prevotella, Enterobacter, Gardnerella ve Dialister izledi. Vajinal sürüntü örneklerinde tür düzeyinde Lactobacillus iners baskın bulundu, bunu Gardnerella vaginalis, Enterobacter tabaci, Prevotella timonensis, Prevotella bivia ve Lactobacillus jensenii izledi. Kanonik uyum analizi (CCA), filum düzeyinde Proteobacteria ve Fusobacteria’nın en yüksek yüzdelerle evli/bekar değişkeni ile ilişkili olduğunu, ancak Actinobacteria ve Tenericutes’in yaş değişkeni ile ilişkili olduğunu gösterdi. Campylobacter, Atopobium, Enterobacter ve Lactococcus en yüksek yüzdelerle evli/bekar değişkeni ile ilişkili bulunurken, Anaerococcus, Streptococcus, Sutterella ve Veillonella en yüksek yüzdelerle yaşla ilişkili bulundu. Ayrıca, CCA, Campylobacter ureolyticus, Lb. jensenii ve Atopobium vajinae türlerinin evli/bekar değişkeni ile en yüksek yüzdelerle ilişkilendirirken, Lactobacillus johnsonii ve G. vaginalis en yüksek yüzdelerle yaş değişkeninde ilişkili bulundu. Sonuç: Vajinal hastalıklar hala önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Son yıllarda teknolojik gelişmeler sayesinde daha derinlemesine çalışılan vajinal mikrobiyotanın sanıldığından daha karmaşık olduğu keşfedilmiştir. Bu bulguları doğrulamak ve geliştirmek için daha fazla hasta araştırmasına ihtiyaç vardır

    Alteration of boza microbiota in the fermentation process

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    Boza is a fermented beverage containing beneficial microorganisms for human health. In our study, microbiota present in raw materials used boza production (corn flour, wheat flour, and mayşe), 1st day, 3rd day of boza fermentation and 4th day final product of boza, has been identified by Next Generation DNA Sequencing and metagenomic analysis. As a result of genus-level analysis directly from corn flour and wheat flour samples contained dominantly Streptophyta and Pleomorphobacterium, while in the 1st day, 3rd day, the final product of boza and boza ferment the dominant bacteria were Leuconostoc and Lactococcus at genus level. In the analysis of the pre-enriched samples, the dominant bacteria in corn flour were Enterococcus, Klebsiella, and Micromonospora and in wheat flour were Pantoea and Bacillus. Boza ferment, boza on the 1st day, boza on the 3rd day and the final product of boza dominantly contained Lactococcus. The bacterial diversity, similarity and differences among samples were analyzed by Principal Coordinate Analysis and dendrogram construction. The contribution of raw materials used in the production of boza change to the products at the fermentation stage and to the microbiota during the fermentation process and their contribution to the final product were determined by metagenomic analysis at DNA level.Boza, insan sağlığı için yararlı mikroorganizmaları içeren fermente bir içecektir. Çalışmamızda boza üretiminde ham madde olarak kullanılan (mısır unu, buğday unu, mayşe) ve boza fermantasyonunun 1. günü, 3. günü ve 4. gün son ürün boza’nın içerdiği mikrobiyota Yeni Nesil DNA Dizileme yöntemi ve metagenomik analiz ile ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Örneklerden doğrudan cins düzeyinde yapılan analiz sonucunda, mısır unu ve buğday ununda dominant olarak Streptophyta ve Pleomorphobacterium bulunurken; bozanın 1. gün, 3. gün ve son ürün ile boza mayasında dominant bakterilerin Leuconostoc ve Lactococcus cinsine ait olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ön zenginleştirme yapılan örneklerin analizinde, mısır ununda dominant bakteriler Enterococcus, Klebsiella ve Micromonospora, buğday ununda ise Pantoea ve Bacillus olduğu, boza mayası, 1. gün boza, 3. gün boza ve satışa sunulan son üründe dominant bakteri Lactococcus olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmamızda örnekler arasındaki bakteriyel çeşitlilik, benzerlik ve farklılıklar Principal Coordinate Analiz ve dendrogram oluşturulması ile ortaya konmuştur. Boza üretiminde kullanılan ham maddelerin bozanın fermantasyon aşamalarındaki ürünler ile fermantasyon sürecinde mikrobiyotasına nasıl değiştiği ve son ürüne olan katkıları, DNA düzeyinde yapılan metagenomik analizler ile belirlenmiştir