59 research outputs found

    Hermeneutika Imajinasi Sufistik : Studi terhadap Metodologi Ta'wil Ibn 'Arabi

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    Riset ini berawal dari ungkapan Ibn ‘Arabi, “penta’wil yang tidak mengetahui kedudukan mundus imajinasi, maka ia dinilai tidak mengetahui apapun”. Ibn ‘Arabi menilai bahwa untuk menta’wilkan teks-teks kebahasaan dan keagamaan melalui non-sensoris (kulit) menuju makna sensoris (batin) melewati alam imajinal terlebih dahulu, yang ada di tengah-tengah antara alam material dan maknawi, dan lebih luas lagi, apa saja yang dilihat oleh manusia, adalah laksana mimpi pula, sehingga perlu untuk dita’wilkan. Rumusan masalah yang diteliti pada penelitian ini adalah, bagaimanakah teori hermeneutika Imajinasi Sufistik sebagai metode ta’wil?, dan bagaimanakah penerapan Imajinasi Sufistik Ibn ‘Arabi dalam men-ta’wil-kan al-Saffat: 102, dan Yusuf: 4? Tujuan penelitian ini, adalah untuk mengkaji dan memahami alam imajinasi secara umum, dan lebih khusus lagi dalam imajinasi pada pemikiran Ibn ‘Arabi. Serta penerapan imajinasi sebagai metodologi ta’wil Ibn ‘Arabi. Sedangkan manfaat penelitian ini, melihat “sisi lain” pemikiran Ibn ‘Arabi yang luput dari perhatian beberapa penelitian sebelumnya, serta sebagai sumbangsi bagi pemikiran keislaman dalam bidang ilmu al-Qur’an dan Tafsir. Dalam menjawab permasalahan di atas, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan riset sufistik, dengan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan cara diskriftif-analisis, jenis penelitian berbasis kepustakaan (library research) murni. Dengan jalan menelaah data-data primer dan data sekunder yang relevan sesuai dengan objek penelitian. Melalui rumusan masalah tersebut memberikan kesimpulan, pertama, dalam menempuh hermeneutika imajinasi sufistik, Ibn ‘Arabi, menyeberangi makna non-sensoris menuju sensoris menempuh epistemologi ‘irfani dengan kerangka metodologis suluk, muka>shafah, tajalli, dan mushahadah, sehingga dapat mengantarkan dirinya untuk memahami teks-teks kebahasaan metaforis yang dikehendaki oleh Allah. Kedua, melalui Interpretasi Ibn ‘Arabi pada al-Saffat: 102, dan Yusuf: 4, sebagai dasar utama untuk menerapkan hermeneutika imajinasi sufistik, selalu mengantarkan Ibn ‘Arabi pada penta’wilan dalam alam spiritual melalui tataran Imajinal, kemudian diproyeksikan (ta’wilkan) dalam alam material, sebagaimana yang dialami oleh Nabi Ibrahim, Yusuf, dan ahli gnostik, kemudian Ibn ‘Arabi menerapkan pula imajinasi pada semua fenomena alam, baik mikro/makro kosmos, bahkan eksistensi keberadaan diri manusia juga dikategorikan sebagai wujud metaforis yang laksana mimpi, yang selalu butuh untuk ditafsirkan (dita’wil). hanya Allah-lah wujud segala wujud yang hakiki

    Arus Baru Politik Islam: Pluralisme, Kontestasi, dan Demokratisasi

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    The recently political contestations in the Muslim world confirmed a new wave of Islamic politics. The political dynamics that have revolved so quickly and surprisingly, especially in non-Arab countries, are evidence that questioning the harmony between Islam and democracy, pluralism and human rights is no longer relevant. Even though it is not monolithic and is still in the “process of becoming”, the political dynamics that are revolving in a number of Muslim-majority countries actually lead to the same goal, namely the realization of a democratic and civilized politics. Keywords: Political Contestation, Democratization, Process of Becomin

    Zakat: Solusi Pengentasan Kemiskinan

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    Poverty is one of the problems that become a homework for developing countries including in Indonesia. Some goverment programs that have been launched in order to overcome poverty do not seem reliable enough to be a solution to the problem, instead of succeeding, the poverty rate in Indonesia is getting higher. In Islamic economics, zakat is a concentrated discourse as one of the alternatives to breaking the problem of poverty. The majority of Indonesia’s Muslim population, provides a great opportunity for the achievment of poverty alleviation missions, it is believed that as more and more Muslim aware of the obligation to pay zakat, the greater the potential of collected zakat. Zakat wise management and fair distribution and equitable, of course, be one requirment taht must be fulfilled so that function of zakat can be felt by all society layer. This paper use the literature approah and draw the concusion that the potential of zakat in Indonesia reached a fantastic figure. Zakat can be used as an alternative solution to the problem of poverty in Indonesia. With professional management, the people of Indonesia must be optimistic that the poverty rate will soon decline. Keyword: Poverty, Zakat, Islamic Economics

    Qodhoya Lughowiyah Mu'ashiroh

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    Thathwir Kitab al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah ‘Ala Asas al-Aghradh al-Iqtishadiyyah bi al-Madkhal al-Siyaqiy

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    This research aimed to develop an Arabic language book for students of the Islamic Economics Department at the State Islamic Institute of Curup, based on economic purposes with a contextual approach. The model for teaching the Arabic language that had been used by the lecturer was found to be ineffective, as it did not integrate language and economic subject matters. Based on research on contextualized language learning, the researcher investigated the effectiveness of a contextual approach in teaching Arabic language to students in Islamic economics. This study aimed to answer the following research questions: how to develop an Arabic language book based on economic purposes with a contextual approach for students of the Islamic Economics Department at the State Islamic Institute of Curup? What is the impact of the Arabic language textbook on students' Arabic language competencies based on economic purposes with a contextual approach for the students of the Islamic Economics Department at the State Islamic Institute of Curup, Bengkulu? The research hypotheses suggested that the Arabic language book based on economic purposes with a contextual approach would effectively promote students' competencies in the Arabic language. This study sought to develop the aforesaid book with an experimental design to measure its impact. The results showed that the use of the Arabic language book significantly improved students' Arabic language skills and that the use of lesson materials accompanied by a dictionary was effective. This study provides insights into the importance of a contextual approach in teaching Arabic language to students in specific fields, such as Islamic economics


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    Skripsi ini mengkaji tentang hubungan antara adversity quotient dengan prokrastinasi akademik siswa. Prokrastinasi akademik adalah perilaku penundaan dalam konteks tugas-tugas akademik baik dalam memulai maupun menyelesaikan tugas akademik. Prokrastinasi akademik siswa dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu faktor internal (kondisi fisik dan psiologis), dan faktor eksternal (gaya pengasuhan orang tua dan kondisi lingkungan). Salah satunya yang dapat mempengaruhi prokrastinsi akademik siswa adalah adversity quotient kemampuan individu dalam menghadapi kesulitan dan tantangan hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara adversity quotient dengan prokrastinasi akademik siswa di SMP Insan Cendekia Mandiri Boarding School Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini merupakan tipe penelitian korelasional. Berdasarkan pendekatannya termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelas VIII dan IX SMP Insan Cendekia Madiri Boarding School Sidoarjo tahun pelajaran 2013-2014. Metode pengumpulan data dari kedua variabel menggunakan kuesioner yang disusun dalam bentuk skala likert dengan pilihan jawaban Sangat Sesuai (SS), Sesuai (S), Tidak Sesuai (TS), Sangat Tidak Sesuai (STS). Untuk menguji validitas skala menggunakan validitas isi (Content Validity). Reliabilitas diuji dengan menggunakan teknik Alpha Cronbach dan perhitungannya menggunakan program SPSS 15.0 for windows. Data kedua variabel diolah dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi Product Moment dengan taraf signifikansi 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan r hitung = -0,658 lebih besar daripada r tabel yaitu sebesar 0,2199 yang berarti negatif signifikan. Berdasarkan analisis data, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara adversity quotient dengan prokrastinasi akademik siswa di SMP Insan Cendekia Mandiri Boarding School Sidoarjo

    Implementing problem based learning method in teaching Arabic syntax

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    The low ability of students to understand Arabic grammar requires the right learning method given the limited time of the study. Problem-based learning as an alternative method used by language and Arabic lecturers in teaching Arabic grammar especially syntax has provided a solution for students who have difficulty. The method used in this study is qualitative, with a type of case study research. Case study research has the characteristics of investigating phenomena in real-life contexts and carried out on ongoing events or symptoms. The results of this study indicate that the PBL Method is applied to understand Arabic grammar that is familiar to students such as mubtadak, khobar, fail, Naibul fail, kaana wa akhowatuha, Inna wa akhowatuha. In addition, in order to understand these materials students feel easy and even more varied in finding the forms and models of Arabic language expressions that have the structure of the mubtadak khobar, fiil fail, you are familiar with, and broken and so on, because students can explore their own abilities through the problem given by the lecturer to be solved

    Penggunaan aplikasi e-learning “HATI” dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri

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    Arabic learning at the State Islamic Religious Universities has not used many applications. This is due to the unavailability of the proper application. The Arabic learning application "HATI" can contribute to learning Arabic. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of the "HATI" application from the perspective of PTKIN students. The research method used is descriptive quantitative using a questionnaire instrument. This study's results indicate that using the HATI application in learning Arabic at PTKIN is very easy and interesting. This is proven that 26.25% of respondents answered that it was effortless to operate the HATI application, 42.43% of respondents answered that it was easy, 22.06% of respondents answered that it was not easy, and 8.97% of respondents said it was not very easy. While 37.87% of respondents answered very interesting, 48.16% answered interesting, 8.82% answered less attractive, and 4.96% answered very unattractive

    Analysis Translation Methods of Text Translation in the Novel Al-Liṣ wa al-Kilāb by Najib Mahfuz

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    Based on Peter Newmark's translation methodology theory, this study aims to identify and classify the accuracy of the use of diction in the novel Al-Lis} wa al-Kila>b. A descriptive qualitative approach was used in this research type. Reading techniques, document analysis, and sampling were used to collect data. Meanwhile, data is being analysed at the following stages: 1) identify and classify the original text based on the translation method, then compare the diction with the translated text, and 2) analyse and provide reasons for the translated text's incompatibility with the original text. The results showed that the most appropriate translation method to use in this novel is one that favours the target language, because translation methods that favour the source language have some diction inaccuracies. The original text's source language contains a style of language that cannot be interpreted lexically but must be interpreted contextually. The study's implication is to improve the reader's understanding of the author's intended message. مستخلص تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد وتصنيف دقة استخدام الإلقاء في رواية "اللص والكلاب" استنادا إلى نظرية بيتر نيومارك في منهجية الترجمة. يستخدم هذا النوع من الدراسة منهجا نوعيا وصفيا. يتم تنفيذ تقنيات جمع البيانات من خلال تقنيات القراءة وتحليل المستندات وأخذ العينات. وفي الوقت نفسه، يتم تحليل بيانات من خلال المراحل التالية: 1) تحديد النص الأصلي وتصنيفه بناء على طريقة الترجمة، ثم مقارنته بإملاء النص المترجم، 2) تحليل وتقديم الأسباب المتعلقة بعدم توافق النص المترجم مع النص الأصلي. أظهرت النتائج أن أنسب طريقة ترجمة مستخدمة في هذه الرواية هي الطريقة التي تفضل اللغة المستهدفة، حيث توجد بعض الأخطاء في استخدام الإلقاء كطريقة من طرق الترجمة لصالح اللغة المصدرية. تميل اللغة المصدرية في النص الأصلي إلى احتواء نمط من اللغة لا يمكن تفسيره معجميا، بل يجب تفسيره في السياق. الآثار المترتبة على هذه الدراسة هي زيادة فهم القارئ للرسالة التي يقصدها المؤلف. الكلمات المفتاحية: تحليل الإملاء؛ طرق الترجمة؛ اللص والكلاب؛ بيتر نيومار