17 research outputs found


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    In the management of parking during this run visible indicators that can be used as a benchmark as the low contribution of parking service on revenue of Makassar and still less professional and optimal management of parking. This study aims to determine the level of optimization of the application of the parking management system by operators of parking based on public perception and analyze the level of service and high availability of parking facilities in the city of Makassar. This research was conducted by direct interview to the community and the spread of random questionnaires to determine public perceptions of parking management that are run during this and subsequent analysis of the level of service and availability of parking infrastructure by taking samples of the two locations in the city of Makassar. From the results of research in getting that parking geometric arrangement resulted in the design markings on the road Bougainville Makassar park consists of 26 markers and 20 markers of motor cars, while road markings Pengayoman consists of 146 cars and 54 motorcycles markers. Overall capacity of the car park on the street Bougainville 104 vehicles/h, the capacity of the car park on the street Pengayoman the west as much as 584 vehicles/hour. Capacity motorcycle parking on the street Bougainville as many as 80 vehicles/hour, capacity bike parking on the street Pengayoman the west as much as 216 vehicles / hour. For availability of parking facilities in addition to marking problems of parking, availability of infrastructure such as parking signs, SRP and parking attendants in Bougainville and western aegis not ideal should be added and equipped. Potential revenue (PAD), which can be generated at the study site from the calculation of the accumulation of cars and motorcycles parked vehicles every 15 minutes in the span of 13 hours every day for a week total daily average of Rp. 1,657,346. The respondent's perception of the overall entry in the medium category. For the highest score obtained at a frequency of parking of vehicles in the parking lot was not authorized by a score of 1054. While the lowest score in the delivery of tickets, with a score of 716. Overall it can be concluded that the availability of parking infrastructures is lacking and parking management systems are still considered less than optimal

    Analisis Efisiensi Kinerja Keuangan Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) Rumah Zakat Indonesia dengan Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

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    Poverty in Indonesia is a very difficult problem to overcome. Therefore, one of the efforts to overcome poverty is the empowerment of the potential for zakat, infaq and alms (ZIS). However, the implementation of receipt and distribution of ZIS is still not optimal. This study aims to measure the level of efficiency of the financial performance of the Zakat Management Organization (OPZ), namely the National Zakat Management Organization (LAZ). The population in this study is the national level Indonesian Zakat House for the period 2010-2019. The factors that cause the Indonesian Zakat House to experience inefficiency as well as the policies that will be carried out by the government and the Indonesian Zakat House to improve performance or better governance. The analytical tool used non-parametric quantitative methods, namely Data Envelment Analysis (DEA) with a production approach using DEAP 2.1 software. The type of data used is secondary data in the form of financial statements of the Indonesian Zakat House for the period 2010-2019. There are two variables used in this study, namely the input variable and the output variable. The input variables in this study were operational costs, personnel costs and socialization costs, and total assets, while the output variables in this study were total ZIS funds received and ZIS funds disbursement. This study uses 2 assumptions, namely Constant Return to Scale (CRS) and Variable Return to Scale (VRS). Based on the results of research carried out with the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, it was found that the performance of Rumah Zakat Indonesia experienced efficiency in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018 and 2019, namely 100% and Rumah Zakat Indonesia experienced inefficiency, namely in 2015 amounting to 98.1% and in 2016 amounting to 99.5%. Efficiency occurs because the actual value is not the same as the target value set by the DEA


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    Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport as one of the supporting sub-sectors of air transportation should be able to prepare and take strategic steps to proactively provide services and support customer needs for both airlines and passengers. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The method of collecting data and information is Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA). Data analysis with statistical methods. The results showed that the physical facilities, the level of reliability of the officers, the responsiveness of the officers, the security guarantees, the attitude of the officers' empathy, the work environment at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, showed a fairly small number of significance and had no effect on the level of passenger satisfaction. This can be interpreted that passenger satisfaction is quite good, but in this case to achieve a better value of passenger satisfaction, it is necessary to follow up so that the six variables get better attention so that the coefficient number is close to zero. It is recommended to improve both aspects of physical facilities and performance. The role of officers in serving passengers at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar


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    Perbedaan asal - tujuan wisata dan pola penggunaan lahan menghasilkan volume yang berbeda dan waktu gerakan di jalan-jalan. Sepanjang hari pada fluktuasi lalu lintas jalan, seperti menjadi padat pada jam-jam tertentu dan bergoyang di lain waktu. Misalnya di Bagian Jalan Andi Tonro Makassar. Efek pada jumlah angkutan umum di daerah juga merupakan indikator dari peningkatan arus lalu lintas di jalan ini, salah satunya adalah transportasi umum (minibus). Dimana Jalan Tonro Makassar Andi adalah pilihan dari beberapa ini rute trek transportasi kota. Kondisi arus lalu lintas pada jam sibuk (peak hour) di jalan-jalan waktu Andi Tonro studi ini dilakukan, hasil perhitungan dapat dilihat total volume rata-rata jam puncak (peak hour) di Jalan Andi Tonro = 315,031 smp / jam dengan kecepatan (V ) = 21,90 km / jam. MKJI diperoleh berdasarkan kapasitas (C) = 2755 smp / jam, dengan waktu perjalanan (TT) = 0.046 jam, tingkat layanan "D" dengan nilai 0,9, yang berarti arus lalu lintas dari jalan mulai tidak stabil

    Fenomena Trend fashion Jilbab dalam Keputusan Pembelian Jilbab (Studi Pada Mahasiswi Jurusan Ekonomi Islam)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) untuk mengetahui mengapa para muslimah memakai jilbab tapi tidak sesuai dengan syariat Islam 2) untuk mengetahui apa alasan mahasiswi jurusan ekonomi Islam angkatan 2014 memilih dan mengikuti trend fashion dalam berjilbab, 2) Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar dampak dari fenomena trend fashion jilbab terhadap keputusan pembelian jilbab mahasiswi jurusan ekonomi Islam angkatan 2014. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yang bersifat kualitatif deskripstif yaitu data dikumpulkan dengan menggambarkan, meringkas berbagai kondisi, situasi atau fenomena sosial yang ada di masyarakat khususnya mahasiswi. Sumber data dalam penelitian menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Dalam menjawab permasalah tersebut metode yang digunakan penulis menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dan syar’i. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan informan, dokumentasi dan observasi. Setelah wawancara secara tertulis, peneliti membuat hasil wawancara dengan memilih pendapat informan yang sesuai kemudian menuliskan kata-kata yang sesuai dengan apa yang ada ditulisan tersebut. Setelah peneliti menulis hasil wawancara selanjutnya peneliti membuat reduksi data dengan cara abstraksi, yaitu mengambil data yang sesuai dengan konteks penelitian dan mengabaikan data yang tidak diperlukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah adanya trend fashion di kalangan mahasiswi maka alasan mahasiswi melakukan pembelian jilbab dikarenakan harganya yang relative murah, warnanya yang variatif, kualitas kainnya yang bagus serta mereknya yang cukup terkenal dikalangan mahasiswi. Dampak dari fenomena yang terjadi yaitu berdampak positif dan negatif. Positifnya yaitu melakukan pembelian jilbab setiap adanya trend jilbab yang lagi popular di masyarakat khususnya mahasiswi dan semakin banyaknya mahasiswi yang memakai jilbab di setiap aktivitas dan terdapat juga dampak negatif yaitu masih banyaknya mahasiswi yang mengikuti trend fashion jilbab yang cara memakainya tidak memperhatikan kesyariahannya

    Sifat Mekanik Beton Serat Ijuk yang Terendam Air Laut

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    This research aims to determine the value of mechanical properties in fiber fibers which are submerged in seawater and to find out the optimum length of fiber fibers to the mechanical properties of fiber fibers which are submerged in sea water. The method used is an experimental method carried out in the laboratory by varying the length of the fibers, which is 25 mm; 50 mm; 75 mm; and 100 mm with 4% fiber addition. Tests of mechanical properties carried out in the form of compressive strength, split tensile strength, and flexural strength. The results of the research challenge the palm fiber-concrete that the longer the fibers used in the concrete, the mechanical properties decrease. Fiber concrete submerged in seawater has higher mechanical properties than normal concrete. Optimum fiber length length in fiber concrete from the results of this study is 25 mm

    Analisis Preservasi Jalan Long Segment Terhadap Kinerja Jalan Pada Paket Preservasi Jalan Malabo – Tabone – Polewali: Analysis of Long Segment Road Preservation on Road Performance in the Malabo – Tabone Road Preservation Package - Polewali

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    Lokasi penelitian pada Pekerjaan Preservasi Jalan Malabo-Tabone-Polewali adalah merupakan ruas jalan nasional Propinsi. Sulawesi Barat dengan fungsi kolektor sekunder yang menghubungkan langsung dengan Prov. Sulawesi Selatan. Skema pekerjaan preservasi jalan  long segment.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dimana menjelaskan kemantapan sebagai salah satu indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur  Kinerja  Jalan. Berdasarkan   hasil  Survey  Mutual Check Nol persen (MC Nol) Tahun anggaran 2021,  capaian  kemantapan  jalan  pada  Paket Preservasi Jalan Malbo – Tabone – polewali yang terdiri dari dua ruas jalan  yang  terbentang  mulai  dari ruas Malobo - Tabone  (Km. 138+839 – Km 165+000) dan ruasTabone – Polewali (Km. 165+000 – 210+088)  sepanjang  71,249  Km belum dikategorikan mantap dalam melayani arus lalu lintas. Dalam hal belum dapat dilaksanakan perbaikan jalan yang rusak sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) Undang-undang No.22 Tahun 2009 pasal 24 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan yaitu penyelenggara jalan wajib memberi tanda atau rambu pada jalan yang rusak untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan. Manajemen mutu pekerjaan jalan di lokasi penelitian berdasarkan pengamatan yang dilakukan dilapangan secara visualisasi dari hasil pelaksanaan pekerjaan pada paket Presevasi Jalan Malabo – Tabone – Polewali. Konsep Quality Control dan Quality Assurance belum diterapkan dengan baik

    Synergy of Islamic Social Finance and SMEs in Economic Recovery Due to The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Background: The existence of MSMEs in Indonesia constitutes the most significant part of the national economy and indicates community participation in various sectors of economic activity. One of the solutions offered in facing the financial crisis is the Islamic social finance sector.   Objectives: The research aims to analyze concepts in dealing with the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Novelty: The novelty of the research contains ideas for SMEs in economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic using an Islamic philanthropic approach. Research Methodology / Design: This research method is qualitative descriptive analysis with an inductive reasoning approach through content analysis and library research. Findings: The results of this research show that efforts are needed to recover the economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic by synergizing the concept of philanthropy, namely Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, and Waqaf (ZISWAF) with MSMEs, namely optimizing the collection and distribution of ZISWAF funds by implementing GCG (Good Corporate Governance). Collecting digital-based ZISWAF funds, mapping the distribution of regional-based ZISWAF funds, and developing MSMEs by strengthening capital, developing potential businesses, strengthening technology-based MSMEs, and empowering MSMEs based on regional potential.. Implication: Based on the research, this research implications for SMEs in business recovery with various funding innovations and business development models


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    Fly ash is one of the residues produced from burning coal which consists of fine particles. Fly ash, also knownas fly ash, is one of the industrial wastes from the PLTU in South Sulawesi which is rich in silica and aluminum whichcan be used as a sturdy binder through the polymerization process. South Sulawesi Province itself has several coal-firedpower plants. PLTU annually produces a lot of fly ash or fly ash waste. The waste produced by the PLTU raises theproblem that arises is how to use the garbage so as not to pollute the environment and can be used mainly in theconstruction world. Because of these problems, it is necessary to research the potential waste of PLTU coal-fired fly ashin South Sulawesi as a base material for geopolymer mortar. The research method used is the experimental method in thelaboratory. The method in making and testing mortar samples refers to SNI 03-6825-2002. The composition of aggregatehas a ratio of fly ash: sand of 1: 2.75, and the composition of activator 10 Molar NaOH, the ratio of Na2SiO3: NaOH is 2.The results of the research are the most dominant chemical composition of Fly ash, namely silicate (SiO2), Aluminum(Al2O3 ), Ferrum (Fe2O3) and Lime (CaO). Fly Ash type A and Fly Ash type A are class C fly ash. The compressivestrength of Geopolymer mortar based on fly ash A is much higher than geopolymer mortar based on fly ash B, and thecompressive strength of geopolymer mortar is very significant with the age of geopolymer mortar


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    Abstrak Perbedaan asal - tujuan wisata dan pola penggunaan lahan menghasilkan volume yang berbeda dan waktu gerakan di jalan-jalan. Sepanjang hari pada fluktuasi lalu lintas jalan, seperti menjadi padat pada jam-jam tertentu dan bergoyang di lain waktu. Misalnya di Bagian Jalan Andi Tonro Makassar. Efek pada jumlah angkutan umum di daerah juga merupakan indikator dari peningkatan arus lalu lintas di jalan ini, salah satunya adalah transportasi umum (minibus). Dimana Jalan Tonro Makassar Andi adalah pilihan dari beberapa ini rute trek transportasi kota. Kondisi arus lalu lintas pada jam sibuk (peak hour) di jalan-jalan waktu Andi Tonro studi ini dilakukan, hasil perhitungan dapat dilihat total volume rata-rata jam puncak (peak hour) di Jalan Andi Tonro = 315,031 smp / jam dengan kecepatan (V ) = 21,90 km / jam. MKJI diperoleh berdasarkan kapasitas (C) = 2755 smp / jam, dengan waktu perjalanan (TT) = 0.046 jam, tingkat layanan "D" dengan nilai 0,9, yang berarti arus lalu lintas dari jalan mulai tidak stabil