1,250 research outputs found

    Developing Literacy Skills through Learning Products in English for Young Learners

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    Becoming literate in this era is something urgent. Literate young learners are not the exception to realize. Along with their specific characteristics, young learners also need to be facilitated to develop their literacy skills to adapt themselves as early as possible to cope with their environment. The teaching of English to young learners can be one of the efforts to assist them to adjust their language skills to struggle in their life. Language exercises and practices in the classroom settings can help them understand, and communicate with their surroundings, in spoken and written forms of communication channels. The teacher’s design on their learning activities can prepare the young learners to be familiar with the media of communication in the society. Furthermore, the learning activities which result in tangible learning evidence are one of the ways to strengthen the sense of being able to use the language learned. In relation to reading and writing, the real learning outcome gives the young learners opportunity to remember, recycle and reuse the learning materials. Posters, reminders, cards, invitation letters, class books are some of the learning products the young learners can share to communicate with other language users. Thus, they can develop their cognitive as well as their social competence. Through this paper, the writer discusses the importance of literacy skills in teaching English to young learners, various activities to stimulate children in developing reading and writing skills, and the advantages of having learning products in teaching English to young learners

    Class Performance, a Step toward an Authentic Assessment in Teaching English to Young Learners

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    Communicative language teaching leads language learners to be able to use the language in real-life or real-life like situations. Through the learning activities, the learners are facilitated to use the language for communicative performance in the target language. Class performance is one of the activities enabling the learners to use their knowledge and to apply their skills in the demanded communication event(s). The performance provides a situation where learners can develop different skills. During the performance tasks, the teacher can observe, monitor and at the same time, the teacher can get ideas to prepare an authentic assessment. To deal with these pedagogical issues in teaching English to young learners (TEYL), the writer of this paper discusses the benefits of performance, the practice of class performance in TEYL and some insights for a performance and authentic assessment

    penyesuaian diri yang dilakukan korban dating violence, dan bentuk-bentuk kekerasan yang dialami korban

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    Abstrak .Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi.Jumlah subjek yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 3 orang.Responden diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara menggunakan guide interview dan observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh pacar korban membawa pengaruh yang cukup besar dalam kelangsungan hidup responden.Bentuk-bentuk kekerasan yang dialami responden berupa kekerasan fisik dan verbal yang berdampak pada psikologis, sosial, fisik, akademik dan ekonomi. Penyesuaian diri yang dilakukan responden berasal dari faktor internal yaitu karena responden tidak menerima perlakuan pacarnya, namun harus tetap bertahan menjalani hubungannya sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya konflik batin yang dirasakan responden, hal ini membuatnya merasa frustasi dan tertekan dalam melakukan penyesuaian diri

    Class Performance, A Step toward An Authentic Assessment in Teaching English to Young Learners

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    AbstractCommunicative language teaching leads language learners to be able to use the language in real-life or real-life like situations. Through the learning activities, the learners are facilitated to use the language for communicative performance in the target language. Class performance is one of the activities enabling the learners to use their knowledge and to apply their skills in the demanded communication event(s). The performance provides a situation where learners can develop different skills. During the performance tasks, the teacher can observe, monitor and at the same time, the teacher can get ideas to prepare an authentic assessment. To deal with these pedagogical issues in teaching English to young learners (TEYL), the writer of this paper discusses the benefits of performance, the practice of class performance in TEYL and some insights for a performance and authentic assessment

    Managing Electronic Discussion Forums to Support Character Building

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    Discussion is part of the activities in learning. The discussion also is also conducted in e-learning. It is expected that the e-forums enable learners to have virtual interaction more intensively. An early observation shows that one of the activities most students did during e-learning is downloading the materials. It is 45.32 % of the students who joined in the discussion forums. The most common activity of this group of students is responding the posted message. What can the teacher do to stimulate the students to be more active, to have more initiative and motivated? Learning through e-discussion forums is a process. It can be evaluated and (re-) designed to develop learners’ characters. This paper offers some ideas to manage the electronic discussion forum to facilitate the students to participate more actively and at the same time the forum can help the students develop their characters. Further, this paper discusses what the teacher can plan and do to manage electronic disscussion forums. Other points to share are the ones on reasonable learning activities in e-discussion forums and their contribution to character building. Keywords: e-discussion, learning activities, character buildin

    Students’ Needs for Academic Writing at the English Education Department

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    There are some demand and facts on English teching and learning that made the research conducted. They are the teaching and learning in the academic writing class, the feedback from lecturers on the students language performance, the students’ weaknesses in writing, the students’ expectation for the materials, and the requirement on publishing scientific articles. The study, then, reveals the students’ needs for academic writing at the English Education Department of Ahmad Dahlan University and their problems in academic writing. The aspects investigated were teaching materials, learning activities, skills and learning resources. The data were obtained by a questionnaire to describe whether the stated items very interesting/very important – not very interesting/not very important. The number of population is 370. Krejcie and Morgan table was referred for the sample. An open question was responded to enable respondents to share more feedback on their academic writing skills and problems. The results show that the materials designed by the Department are worth to teach. Further, interesting learning activities include getting feedback from the lecturer and peers, and in-class writing practice. In relation to writing, the students confirm the importance of essay elements and academic work, outlining, paraphrasing and producing complete academic writing. Another finding is priority to use textbooks, references from the internet and journals. The last is that the students have problems in developing ideas, grammar, vocabulary, and language expressions

    STRATEGI PROMOSI PERPUSTAKAAN PADA MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM : Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif pada Pustakalana Children’s Library

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum maksimalnya penggunaan media sosial instagram sebagai media promosi perpustakaan. Berbeda dengan Pustakalana Children’s Library memanfaatkan media sosial instagram sebagai media promosi dengan maksimal. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan, terdapat keunikan pada promosi media sosial instagram Pustakalana Children’s Library yaitu merupakan instagram aktif dan konten visual dikelola secara konsisten, memiliki jumlah pengikut yang banyak dan terjadi peningkatan member, sukarelawan serta tawaran kerja sama melalui media sosial instagram, selain itu berpegang untuk mempertahankan statistik instagram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi Pustakalana Children’s Library dalam melaksanakan promosi perpustakaan pada media sosial instagram. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Data dianalisis melalui triangulasi teknik yaitu dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi Pustakalana Children’s Library dalam promosi pada media sosial instagram adalah melaksanakan aspek the anchor yaitu memiliki tujuan, sasaran, username instagram sesuai branding dan deskripsi profil yang ideal, melaksanakan aspek the offer yaitu mempromosikan akun instagram melalui media sosial instagram dan media lain, melaksanakan aspek the visual curator yaitu dengan memiliki strategi pembuatan konten sendiri dan kurator visual, serta aspek chemical x atau faktor lain yaitu mengenai alasan pengguna tetap mengikuti instagram Pustakalana Children’s Library untuk mengetahui informasi agar dapat berkontribusi karena Pustakalana Children’s Library menerapkan pembelajaran perilaku operant conditioning.;--This research is motivated by use of social media Instagram as a library promotion media is not yet maximum. In contrast to Pustakalana Children's Library has been utilizing social media Instagram maximally as a promotion media. Based on the preliminary study, there is a uniqueness in the promotion of social media Instagram Pustakalana Children's Library which is an active Instagram and visual content managed consistently, has a large number of followers and an increase in members, volunteers and offers of cooperation through social media Instagram, besides holding on to maintain Instagram statistics. This study aims to describe the strategy of the Pustakalana Children's Library in carrying out library promotion on social media Instagram. The approach uses qualitative with descriptive methods. The selection of informants uses purposive sampling technique. Data collection by conducting interviews, observation and of study documentation. Data were analyzed through technical triangulation, namely data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. The results showed that the strategy of the Pustakalana Children's Library in promoting social media in Instagram was to practice the anchor aspects of having the goals, objectives, Instagram username according to branding and profile description ideal, carrying out the offer aspects namely promoting Instagram accounts through social media Instagram and others media, carrying out the visual curator aspect by having its content creation strategy and visual curator, and chemical x aspects or other factors which are about the reasons users keep following Pustakalana Children's Library Instagram is wanting to find out information so they can contribute because Pustakalana Children's Library applies behavioral learning operant conditioning


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    Abstract : Fine motor skills is a state where children are able to perform simple movements through the use of small muscles in a particular part of the body, The main motion carried with the fingers and hand-eye coordination Cerebral palsy children have obstacles that lie in its motion Cerebral palsy children have obstacles that lie in the limited movement, This makes it difficult to coordinate the movement of hands and fingers flexibly. with the modified media pantograf and the direct instructional model pursued cerebral palsy children were able to improve their fine motor skills.General research aimed to prove presence or absence of direct instructional model of media the influence of pantograf to the fine motor skills of cerebral palsy children in SLB D-D1 YPAC Surabaya This study used a quantitative approach to pre-experimental by design of “the one group pretest post test design”. The data collection of fine motor skills to use the test works. The data analysis using non-parametric statistics with the sign test. Analysis of the test data was obtained from the results of tests of fine motor cerebral palsy children SDLB-D1 YPAC Surabaya.Subjects were children cerebral palsy tetraplegia, as many as 6 people, aged between 9-13 years.Treatment was 9 meeting, with a time of 60 minutes.From the results of analyzed testing the two sides that show that significant signs before and after treatment, for students participating in learning fine motor skills through pantograf not increased significantly. Proven before treatment was given the average value of 42.95 and after the treatment of the average value of 48.51. Based on the analysis of data obtained ZH = 0.4 with 5% critical value = 1.96 ZH in the presentation of the hypothesis, it can be seen to the calculation of the average pre test and pos test an increase fine motor skills of cerebral palsy children, but the sign test analysis did not produce a significant number of calculations. Conclusion The results showed that there was no significant effect of direct instruction of media pantograf toward fine motor skills to cerebral palsy children of SDLB-D1 YPAC Surabaya.Kata kunci: pembelajaran langsung, pantograf, motorik halu

    Membingkai Ajaran Islam Dengan Produk Multimedia “Hakikat Kaya” dalam Film Dokumenter Religi Bukan Seperti Miskin Tidak Seperti Kaya

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    This article is a result of a research about how to pack islamic teachings in a multimedia product which can enjoy by sense of hearing and sense of eyesight at once, that’s film. The result is a religious documentary film by the title Bukan Seperti Miskin Tidak Seperti Kaya, which is framing hadis Rasulullah SAW about the truth of richness, that is “richness doesn’t lie in the abundance of (worldly) goods, but richness is the richness of the soul (heart, self).” This concept visualized by the living condition and story of a man named Makmur who lived in the bamboo huts. Islamic values such as unpretentious, patience, sincere, thankfulnes, and qana’ah, take a colour of content of pervormative documentary film, which depicts reality of life with more subjective, expressive, stylish, and indepth display.***Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang bagaimana mengemas ajaran Islam dalam suatu produk multimedia yang bisa dinikmati indra pendengar dan penglihat sekaligus, yaitu film. Adapun hasilnya adalah sebuah film dokumenter religi berjudul Bukan Seperti Miskin Tidak Seperti Kaya yang membingkai sabda Rasulullah SAW mengenai hakikat kaya yakni “bukanlah kekayaan dengan banyaknya harta benda, akan tetapi kekayaan yang hakiki adalah kaya jiwa (hati).” Konsep tersebut divisualisasikan melalui pengalaman dan kisah hidup seorang lelaki bernama Makmur yang tinggal di gubuk bambu. Nilai-nilai ajaran Islam lain seperti kesederhanaan, sabar, ikhlas, syukur, dan qana’ah, turut mewarnai isi film dokumenter bertipe performatif ini, yang mana menampilkan kehidupan nyata dengan gambaran lebih subjektif, ekspresif, stylish, dan mendalam

    Membingkai Ajaran Islam Dengan Produk Multimedia “Hakikat Kaya” dalam Film Dokumenter Religi Bukan Seperti Miskin Tidak Seperti Kaya

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    This article is a result of a research about how to pack islamic teachings in a multimedia product which can enjoy by sense of hearing and sense of eyesight at once, that’s film. The result is a religious documentary film by the title Bukan Seperti Miskin Tidak Seperti Kaya, which is framing hadis Rasulullah SAW about the truth of richness, that is “richness doesn’t lie in the abundance of (worldly) goods, but richness is the richness of the soul (heart, self).” This concept visualized by the living condition and story of a man named Makmur who lived in the bamboo huts. Islamic values such as unpretentious, patience, sincere, thankfulnes, and qana’ah, take a colour of content of pervormative documentary film, which depicts reality of life with more subjective, expressive, stylish, and indepth display.***Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang bagaimana mengemas ajaran Islam dalam suatu produk multimedia yang bisa dinikmati indra pendengar dan penglihat sekaligus, yaitu film. Adapun hasilnya adalah sebuah film dokumenter religi berjudul Bukan Seperti Miskin Tidak Seperti Kaya yang membingkai sabda Rasulullah SAW mengenai hakikat kaya yakni “bukanlah kekayaan dengan banyaknya harta benda, akan tetapi kekayaan yang hakiki adalah kaya jiwa (hati).” Konsep tersebut divisualisasikan melalui pengalaman dan kisah hidup seorang lelaki bernama Makmur yang tinggal di gubuk bambu. Nilai-nilai ajaran Islam lain seperti kesederhanaan, sabar, ikhlas, syukur, dan qana’ah, turut mewarnai isi film dokumenter bertipe performatif ini, yang mana menampilkan kehidupan nyata dengan gambaran lebih subjektif, ekspresif, stylish, dan mendalam
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