48 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Ada beberapa alasan kenapa orang Islam belajar bahasa Arab, pertama, bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa ibadah ritual keagamaan seperti sholat, dzikir, doa – doa, dan lain – lainnya dengan menggunakan bahasa Arab. Kedua, dengan menguasai bahasa Arab, maka akan dapat memahami Al Qur’an dan Hadits Nabi SAW. Dimana keduanya adalah sumber pokok ajaran dan hukum Islam. Yang ketiga, dengan menguasai bahasa Arab, maka wawasan kajian Islam akan berkembang karena dapat mengkaji Islam dari kitab klasik yang kaya dengan kajian Islam dan alasan lainya. Kata Kunci: Peningkatan, Pembelajaran, Bahasa Ara


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    The Progress of the World of Education with the 4.0 Industrial Revolution marked by the increasing era of digital manufacturing is driven by four factors: 1) an increase in data volume, computing power, and connectivity; 2) the emergence of analysis, capabilities, and business intelligence; 3) the occurrence of new forms of interaction between humans and machines; and 4) improvement of digital transfer instructions to the physical world, such as robotics and 3D printing. The World of Learning Education Particularly in sports is also highly developed along with the revolution of the era, namely Industrial Revolution 4.0. The emergence of this development is marked by the increasing number and sophistication of learning aids and sport science that can be connected with an exercise application or sports learning that can easily be accessed through the internet network. Physical Education in the School is a part of sports that is directly related to students, in this case, it is very appropriate and strategically ideal for finding talent or sports scenting, with such developments expected to be able to contribute significantly to the achievement of sports coaching. The minimum contribution is in the form of important information for sports practitioners related to sport height owned by students in Indonesia. Tallent sports information should be connected to an application that can be accessed by stakeholders or sports coaching practitioners so that in this case it can be directly followed up as a long-term coaching reference in determining the talent program. The emergence of advancing times that continue to grow or commonly referred to as the 4.0 industrial revolution today will provide the right opportunity for the acceleration of the progress of Indonesian sports


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    Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) is a plant with great potential as a fuel source that can be developed in Indonesia. The oil content of nyamplung seeds is 60-75%. This study aims to optimize the process of extracting oil from nyamplung seeds using hexane solvent at various operating conditions and obtain optimum extraction operating conditions. In the process stage, extraction will be carried out using hexane solvent with several operating variations, namely extraction temperature (35-45oC); extraction time (4-6 hours); stirring speed (200-600 rpm), the process of optimizing oil extraction from nyamplung seeds was carried out using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The oil obtained was then characterized through several analyzes, namely yield, acid number, density and viscosity. Based on the research results, optimization of the nyamplung seed oil extraction process resulted in an oil yield of 52.43% which was obtained at 40oC, 5 hours of extraction time and 500 rpm of stirrer speed. Optimization with the aim of maximizing the oil yield response was obtained 55.33% yield at 45oC, 6 hours extraction time and 600 rpm stirrer speed. Optimization of each oil quality does not produce a significant model response. The quality of the oil resulting from the optimization of the yield is an acid number of 10.51 mgKOH/g, a density of 0.94 g/ml, and a viscosity of 4.47 cP.Keywords: calophyllum, oil, optimization, response surface methodology


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    Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a new breakthrough in the business world by relying on information and communication technology. The impact of this industrial revolution also occurred in Indonesia. In the aviation industry for example, ticket booking can be directly purchased via mobile phone. The rapid growth of the national aviation industry makes competition between airlines occur ranging from services to ticket prices. This research uses normative research methods, namely using legislation approaches and conceptual approaches on the concept of conspiracy and cartels by analyzing potential cartels against rising airfares. Business competition methods if done healthily will benefit both consumers and businesses / producers, but unfair business competition can give birth to monopolies and cartel practices. Cartels are considered criminal acts accompanied by criminal fines and/or confinement. The Business Competition Supervisory Commission responded to these allegations by conducting an investigation that was previously only within the limits of research, in the process of investigation must look for at least two tools of evidence to advance to the filing stage then proceed to court


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    Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a new breakthrough in the business world by relying on information and communication technology. The impact of this industrial revolution also occurred in Indonesia. In the aviation industry for example, ticket booking can be directly purchased via mobile phone. The rapid growth of the national aviation industry makes competition between airlines occur ranging from services to ticket prices. This research uses normative research methods, namely using legislation approaches and conceptual approaches on the concept of conspiracy and cartels by analyzing potential cartels against rising airfares. Business competition methods if done healthily will benefit both consumers and businesses / producers, but unfair business competition can give birth to monopolies and cartel practices. Cartels are considered criminal acts accompanied by criminal fines and/or confinement. The Business Competition Supervisory Commission responded to these allegations by conducting an investigation that was previously only within the limits of research, in the process of investigation must look for at least two tools of evidence to advance to the filing stage then proceed to court


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    Adsorpsi merupakan suatu proses pemisahan bahan dari campuran gas maupun cairan, bahan yang harus dipisahkan ditarik oleh permukaan adsorben padat lalu diikat oleh gaya-gaya yang berkerja pada permukaan tersebut. Karbon aktif merupakan salah satu adsorben yang paling sering digunakan untuk menjerap zat-zat tertentu pada suatu larutan seperti kandungan logam.. Kulit jagung memiliki kandungan selulosa yang cukup tinggi, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai adsorben. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh massa adsorben pada pengurangan kadar logam dan mengetahui pengaruh aktifator terhadap adsorbsi. NaOHsebagai aktivator karbon kulit jagung terhadap adsorpsi kadar logam dalam larutan ZnSO4. dimana diketahui kadar awal larutan ZnSo4 sebesar 15 mg/L. Dilakukan adsorpsi dengan adsorben karbon dari kulit jagung dengan maasa adsorben 0,8 gram yang telah diaktivasi dengan konsentrasi aktivator 1 mg/L, 1,2 mg/L, 1,4 mg/L, 1,6 mg/L dan 1,8 diperoleh penurunan, kadar Zn hingga sebesar 93%. Selanjutnya dilakukan adsorpsi dengan adsorben karbon dari kulit jagung dengan maasa adsorben 1 gram yang telah diaktivasi dengan konsentrasi aktivator 1 mg/L, 1,2 mg/L, 1,4 mg/L, 1,6 mg/L dan 1,8 diperoleh penurunan, kadar Zn hingga sebesar 73%


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    Marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family (household) based on God Almighty. However, falsification of data in marriage is still common among the public due to their lack of understanding regarding the importance of marriage data. As a result of cases like this, KUA has its own policies in dealing with cases of falsification of marriage data, such as warnings and warnings to those concerned and re-checking the data that has been given and holding data updates with correct data. This is the background of the KUA to cancel the marriage for falsification of marriage data.Kata kunci: Effort,  KUA, Marriage Cancellatio


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang kemunculan tarekat shiddiqiyyah di Desa Kalibagor Kabupaten Kebumen. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas adalah tentang sejarah, dinamika penyebaran, dan pengaruhnya dalam masyarakat. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada, penelitian ini tergolong penelitian sejarah yang secara metodologis dimulai dari pemilihan topik, pengumpulan sumber, verifikasi sumber, interpretasi data dan historiografi. Adapun metode penggalian data adalah observasi, Interwiew dan dokumentasi dengan menitikberatkan pada sumber primer berupa buku tarekat shiddiqiyyah, Interwiew, dan penelitian terdahulu. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa Tarekat Shiddiqiyyah Kalibagor dibawa oleh Kiai Ja’far Shodiq, seorang khodamul ulum sepulangnya dari Pesantren Shiddiqiyyah Ploso Jombang. Masa perkembangan tarekat dimulai dengan berdirinya pesantren Mambā’ul Mubasysyirīn Majma’al Bahroin pada tahun 2001, yang menjadi pusat kegiatan shiddiqiyyah seperti kautsaran dan khalwat. Vonis tarekat ghoiru mu’tabar dan klaim sesat shiddiqiyyah di Kalibagor menjadi cair atas penjelasan dan bukti sanad tarekat. Eksistensi shiddiqiyyah Kalibagor mampu memberikan dampak positif terhadap perkembangan sosial keagamaan seperti dalam pendidikan pesantren, rutinan dzikir kautsaran bersama dan kegiatan santunan anak yatim membawa pengaruh masyarakat lebih agamis. [This research discusses the emergence of shiddiqiyyah orders in Kalibagor Village, Kebumen Regency. The issues that will be discussed are history, the dynamics of its spread, and its influence on society. Based on existing problems, this research is classified as historical research that methodologically starts from topic selection, source collection, verification, interpretation, and historiography. While the method of extracting data through observation, interviews, and documentation by focusing on the primary source in the form of shiddiqiyyah order books, interviews, and previous research. This research resulted in the conclusion that the Kalibagor shiddiqiyyah order was brought by Kiai Ja'far Shodiq, a khodamul ulum, after returning from the Shiddiqiyyah Pesantren Ploso Jombang, the period of development of the order began the establishment of the Mambā'ul Mubasysyirīn Majma'al Bahrain pesantren in 2001 which became the center of shiddiqiyyah activities such as kautsaran and khalwat, the verdict of the ghairu mu'tabar order and the false claims of shiddiqiyyah in Kalibagor became liquid on the explanation and evidence of the order sanad (transmission). The existence of shiddiqiyyah Kalibagor can have a positive impact on the development of religious society is realized in pesantren education, routine dhikr kautsaran together, and orphan compensation activities bring the influence of a more religious society.

    Persepsi Siswa terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Daring di SMAN 1 Pasuruan

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on all aspects of education around the world. This pandemic shattered the previously established education system. Face-to-face offline learning in schools has been forced to close and disrupt the learning of more than 1.6 billion students worldwide. Learning in droves has turned to using online-based technology, including learning Indonesian in Indonesia. Students are forced to follow these fundamental changes for the sake of the continuity of the learning process. This study attempts to describe students' perceptions of online-based Indonesian language learning in one of the Indonesian schools, SMAN 1 Pasuruan.Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar pada seluruh aspek pendidikan di seluruh dunia. Pandemi ini meluluhlantakkan sistem pendidikan yang sudah mapan sebelumnya. Pembelajaran luring tatap muka di sekolah terpaksa ditutup dan mengganggu pembelajaran lebih dari 1,6 miliar siswa di seluruh dunia. Pembelajaran berbondong-bondong beraling menggunakan teknologi dengan berbasis daring, termasuk pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Indonesia. Siswa dipaksa mengikuti perubahan fundamental tersebut demi keberlangsungan proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini berupaya mendeskripsikan persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berbasis daring di salah satu sekolah Indonesia, SMAN 1 Pasuruan

    Developing Model Test of Reading Comprehension for Islamic Studies

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      Abstract: This research is aimed to produce model test of reading comprehension for Islamic Studies which is one of the sections of English Proficiency Test (EPT) in UIN SMH Banten. This is Research and Development (R&D) which employs ADDIE model i.e. Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.  The data are reading texts which are developed based on Islamic Studies and General Science needed in Islam. The result produces a new model of reading comprehension (third section) of EPT in UIN SMH Banten, i.e. model Test of English (TE)-A, TE-B, TE-C, and TE-D. Each of the model test consists of 50% Islamic Studies and 50% general science needed in Islam. For Islamic Studies consists of seven themes i.e. Al-Qur’an and Hadith Studies, Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Morality (Akhlaq) belief (Tauhid) Mu’amalah, and Siasah. The General Science consists of seven themes i.e. Economy, Law, Linguistics, Education, culture, arts, and politics. The level of difficulty of the texts is standardized into academic reading standard that is usually used in Universities and Colleges.&nbsp