2,235 research outputs found

    The influence of ethical practice on sustainable supplier selection in the furniture industry

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    This study was carried out with an objective to investigate the sustainable supplier selection and ethics influence within the furniture industry. Literature has shown that corporates have increasingly adopted the ethical standards provided they also achieve economic sustainability. The current study carried out in the furniture industry aimed to achieve four objectives: (1) to appreciate the role of ethics in selection of a sustainable supplier; (2) to evaluate and assess different methods used in the selection of suppliers; (3) to appreciate the role of ethical practices in supply chain management; and (4) to explore the important ethical practices within the furniture industry. In the furniture industry, organizations are keen to involve top management in pushing for ethical practices that enhance sustainability within supply chain management. This includes the presence of environmental policies for sustainability and carrying out corporate social responsibility activities in order to boost it. Despite the cost still being a major factor for corporates, understanding the importance of ethical practice in such an industry is becoming appreciated as more rules and standards become standard in these corporate sectors. Thirty-one participants were interviewed in four groups. The major conclusions supported the appreciation of the role of ethics in influencing sustainable supplier selection and cite the significance of adopting ethical practices in the furniture industry. The study found out that the process of selecting suppliers is flexible, and that supplier selection is integrated with ethical practices. It boosts the organization’s image, reputation and competitiveness

    Coming into the Anthropocene

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    This essay reviews Professor Jonathan Cannon’s Environment in the Balance. Cannon’s book admirably analyzes the Supreme Court’s uptake of, or refusal of, the key commitments of the environmental-law revolution of the early 1970s. In some areas the Court has adapted old doctrines, such as Standing and Commerce, to accommodate ecological insights; in other areas, such as Property, it has used older doctrines to restrain the transformative effects of environmental law. After surveying Cannon’s argument, this review diagnoses the historical moment that has made the ideological division that Cannon surveys especially salient: a time of stalled legislation, political deadlock, and highly contested regulatory and judicial interpretation. This analysis, however, does not limit the interest of Cannon’s analysis to this political moment. Rather, Cannon’s integration of legal and cultural analysis has great promise for the Anthropocene, the dawning era when human decisions and values will be among the most important forces shaping the planet. In the future, it will be necessary to think of environmental law as both reflecting and producing ideas of the value and meaning of the natural world. Cannon’s analysis is an excellent starting point for an Anthropocene approach

    Pengaruh Aromaterapi Lavender Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Pada Pasien Pasca Operasi Di Rumah Sakit Dustira Cimahi

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    Lavender as aromatherapy give effect of relaxing and sedation. Research aimed to know the influence of lavender aromatherapy on pain intensity on major surgical post operative patient. This research used pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design form. Sample in this research as many as 10 people by purposive sampling technique and data analysis by paired t-test. Statistical test result obtained p value 0,001. There is seen a significance difference of pain intensity before and after lavender aromatherapy provision. Suggestion for Dustira Hospital Cimahi, research could become input for Hospital to applied lavender aromatherapy provision on post operative patient. Lavender aromatherapy should be taught before surgery, and patients can be applied in patients after surgery

    Thermoluminescence study of Mn doped lithium tetraborate powder and pellet samples synthesized by solution combustion synthesis

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    In this paper, the thermoluminescence (TL) dosimetric characteristics under beta-ray, x-ray and gamma-ray excitations of powder and pellet Mn-doped lithium tetraborates (LTB) which were produced by solution combustion synthesis technique were investigated, and the results were compared with that of TLD-100 chips. The chemical composition and morphologies of the obtained LTB and Mn-doped LTB (LTB:Mn) were confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with EDX. LTB:Mn was studied using luminescence spectroscopy. In addition, the effects of sintering and annealing temperatures and times on the thermoluminescence (TL) properties of LTB:Mn were investigated. The glow curves of powder samples as well as pellet samples exposed to different beta doses exhibited a low temperature peak at about 100 °C followed by an intense principal high temperature peak at about 260 °C. The kinetic parameters (E, b, s) associated with the prominent glow peaks were estimated using Tm-Tstop, initial rise (IR) and computerized glow curve deconvolution (CGCD) methods. The TL response of integral TL output increased linearly with increasing the dose in the range of 0.1-10 Gy and was followed by a superlinearity up to 100 Gy both for powder and pellet samples using beta-rays. Powder and pellet LTB:Mn were irradiated to a known dose by a linear accelerator with 6 and 18 MV photon beams, 6-15 MeV electron beams and a traceable 137Cs beam to investigate energy response. Further, TL sensitivity, fading properties and recycling effects related with beta exposure of LTB:Mn phosphor were evaluated and its relative energy response was also compared with that of TLD-100 chips. The comparison of the results showed that the obtained phosphors have good TL dose response with adequate sensitivity and linearity for the measurement of medical doses

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etil Asetat Kulit Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L.) terhadap Staphylococcus Epidermidis

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    Kulit manggis (KM) (Garcinia mangostana L.) diketahui memiliki kemampuan antibakteri Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya kandungan polifenol dan flavonoid pada kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) dan mengetahui kemampuan antibakteri. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi selama 72 jam menggunakan pelarut etil asetat. Uji antibakteri ekstrak etil asetat kulit manggis terhadap Staphyloccocus epidermidis dilakukan dengan metode difusi cakram Kirby Bauer. Variasi konsentrasi ekstrak yang digunakan yaitu 4%, 6%, 8%, dan 10% dengan kontrol positif klindamisin, kontrol negatif akuades. Ekstrak etil asetat G. mangostana L. mengandung polifenol dan flavonoid. Diameter zona hambat rata-rata untuk konsentrasi 4%, 6%, 8%, dan 10% secara berurutan yaitu 12 mm; 12 mm; 12,5 mm; 13,5 mm. Nilai tersebut berbeda signifikan dengan kontrol negatif yang tidak menghambat pertumbuhan Staphyloccocus epidermidis

    Uji Kefektifan Atraktan oryza sativa, capsicum annum, trachisperum roxburgianum pada Trapping nyamuk Aedes Aegypti

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    Nyamuk Aedes aegypti merupakan vector penularan demam berdarah dengue. Sampai saat ini belum ada cara yang efektif untuk mengatasi penyakit DBD karena belum ditemukan obat anti virus dengue. Penanggulangan penyakit DBD saat ini yaitu dengan menurunkan kepadatan populasi nyamuk Aedesa egypti salah satunya dengan alat penjebak nnyamuk (Trapping) dengan media atraktan. Namun, saat ini belum diketahui konsentrasi yang paling efektif dari atraktan oryza sativa (jerami), capsicum annum(cabe merah), dan trachisperum roxburgianum (jinten) untuk menjebak nyamuk. Untuk itu perlu diketahui berapa konsentrasi yang paling efektif dari atraktan oryza sativa (jerami), capsicum annum (cabai merah), dan trachysperum roxburgianum (jinten) untuk menjebak nyamuk. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan uji efektifitas ketiga jenis atraktan dengan konsenstrasi 2,5 %, 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20%, dengan melakukan lima kali pengulangan. Berdasarkan uji beda didapatkan bahwa, konsentrasi 15 % pada atraktan capsicum annum (cabai merah) p-value 0,009 dan konsentrasi 20% pada oryza sativa (jerami) p-value 0,020 paling baik memerangkap nyamuk Aedes Aegypti pada trapping. Konsentrasi atraktan trachysperum roxburgianum tidak berbeda nyata dengan kontrol p-value 0,250 dalam memerangkap nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Kata Kunci : Atraktan, Trapping, Aedes aegypt

    Enhanced magneto-optic properties in sputtered Bi-containing ferrite garnet thin films fabricated using oxygen plasma treatment and metal oxide protective layers

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Magneto-optic (MO) imaging and sensing are at present the most developed practical applications of thin-film MO garnet materials. However, in order to improve sensitivity for a range of established and forward-looking applications, the technology and component-related advances are still necessary. These improvements are expected to originate from new material system development. We propose a set of technological modifications for the RF-magnetron sputtering deposition and crystallization annealing of magneto-optic bismuth-substituted iron-garnet films and investigate the improved material properties. Results show that standard crystallization annealing for the as-deposited ultrathin (sputtered 10 nm thick, amorphous phase) films resulted in more than a factor of two loss in the magneto-optical activity of the films in the visible spectral region, compared to the liquid-phase grown epitaxial films. Results also show that an additional 10 nm-thick metal-oxide (Bi2O3) protective layer above the amorphous film results in ~2.7 times increase in the magneto-optical quality of crystallized iron-garnet films. On the other hand, the effects of post-deposition oxygen (O2) plasma treatment on the magneto-optical (MO) properties of Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin film materials are investigated. Results show that in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum (at 532 nm), the O2 treated (up to 3 min) garnet films retain higher specific Faraday rotation and figures of merit compared to non-treated garnet films
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