410 research outputs found

    Rancanga Bangun Sistem Irigasi Otomatis Berbasis RTC Menggunakan Solar Panel

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    Desa Sinarancang Kecamatan Mundu, Kabupaten Cirebon adalah salah satu desa penghasil pertanian terbaik di Kecamatan Mundu. Agriculture is becoming more productive today as a result of advances and new technologies such as sensors, devices, and information technology, which help generate a large amount of data penyiraman secara manual tersebut dirasa kurang efesien, dikarenakan membutuhkan banyak waktu, tenaga, finansial berupa uang, dan pemilik tanaman tidak bisa meninggalkan tanaman dalam kurun waktu yang lama. Oleh karena itu Sistem Irigasi Otomatis berbasis solar panel dibuat dan diimplementasikan. Pada alat ini digunakan RTC sebagai alat hitung waktu. RTC yang digunakan adalah jenis RTC DS 1307 compitable Arduino. Solar Panel digunakan sebagai catu daya pengganti PLN. Komponen sistem terdiri dari solar panel, control box, pompa, dan keran nozzle. Sistem sudah dilakukan pengujian dan tegangan untuk mengaktifkan pompa adalah sekitar 12 volt. Selang waktu untuk mengalirkan air pada keran nozzle saat pompa sudah aktif sekitar 6- 10 second. Sistem diimplementasikan dilahan kering dengan memanfaatkan sumber air disekitar lahan yang berasalal dari dataran yang lebih tinggi sehingga menjadi efektif untuk sistem penyiraman

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Materi Gejala Alam di Indonesia Menggunakan Model CTL Siswa Kelas V SD

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    Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang bagaimana mengimplikasikan mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga banyak siswa yang kurang memahami dan mencapai nilai yang relatif rendah. Tujuan penulisan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran objektif tentang peningkatan hasil belajar mata pelajaran IPS materi gejala alam di Indonesia pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri 007 Gunung Kijang, bentuk RPP dan skenario pembelajaran IPS dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran CTL, dengan tahapan sebagai berikut;  (1) Guru mengajak siswa mengamati Peta Indonesia dan Peta Asia Tenggara; (2) ) Guru melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran; (3) Guru menjelaskan pelajaran tentang gejala alam yang terjadi di Indonesia dan negara tetangga; (4) peserta didik yang bisa mengerjakan soal, menjelaskan kepada anggota kelompok lainnya sehingga semua anggota dalam kelompok itu mengerti. ; (5) Guru bertanya jawab tentang ciri-ciri gejala alam Indonesia dengan negara-negara di Asia Tenggara; (6) Guru bertanya tentang hal-hal yang belum diketahui oleh siswa; (7) Guru memberikan evaluasi; (8) Penutup pelajaran. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian expost facto. Akan tetapi pada Penelitian ini menggunakan metode meta analisi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan diterapkannya Model Pembelajaran CTL dapat membuat siswa aktif  dan meningkatnya hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran IPS   materi Gejala Alam di Indonesia pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri 007 Gunung Kijan


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    Program pemberdayaan petani melalui penyelenggaraan penyuluhan selama ini terkesan koersif, monolog, dan lebih berorientasi kepada upaya peningkatan produksi, serta memposisikan mereka sebagai objek penyuluhan. Fenomena ini menyebabkan petani kehilangan daya/kekuatan untuk mandiri dan lebih menunjukan ketergantungan kepada pihak luar. Implikasinya perlu dibenahi model pemberdayaan ke arah penyelenggaraan penyuluhan yang dialogis, interaktif, serta memberikan peluang kepada seluruh anggota kelompok untuk berpatisipsi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, peningkatan produktivitas, dan bekerjasama ke arah peningkatan kemandirian petani dalam berusahatani. Dengan metodelogi Riset dan Pengembangan dilakukan, Pertama : merumuskan hipotesa konseptual berdasarkan fenomena program pemberdayaan, dan menelusuri teori yang relevan dengan pengenalan perjalanan epistimologis (theory of knowledge), ontology (konsep yang relevan), dan axiology (dasar etika), Kedua : merancang pengembangan model konseptual pemberdayaan berbasis dinamika kelompok, Ketiga : mengimplementasikan pengembangan model pemberdayaan berbasis dinamika kelompok, serta keempat : membuktikan efektivitas pengembangan model pemberdayaan berbasis dinamika kelompok untuk meningkatkan kemandirian petani dalam berusahatani. Pengalaman empirik menghasilkan temuan dan kesimpulan, Pertama; perlakukan pengembangan model pemberdayaan berbasis dinamika kelompok telah mampu meningkatkan keaktifan dan peran serta anggota kelompok dalam proses interaksi pembelajaran, mengubah sikap dan perilaku dalam produktivitas petani, serta membangkitkan semangat dan perluasan ruang-lingkup kerjasama untuk mengatasi kesulitan usahatani, Kedua : Uji statiska membuktikan adanya peningkatan kemandirian petani setelah diberikan perlakuan pengembangan model pemberdayaan berbasis dinamika kelompok, artinya semakin tinggi intensitas perlakukan model pemberdayaan tersebut, maka semakin meningkat kemandirian petani dalam berusahatani. Ketiga; Temuan penelitian, bahwa “pemberdayaan petani melalui penyelenggaraan penyuluhan untuk berinteraksi dalam proses pembelajaran, peningkatan produktivitas petani, dan kerjasama pada kelompok yang dinamis mampu meningkatkan kemandirian petani dalam berusahatani’.;--- The program of power empowerment through counseling implementation has been considered coersive, monologue, and more oriented to improving the production. Besides, the farmers position is like an object of extension. This phenomenon causes farmers to lose power/strength and depicts their independency on outsiders. The phenomenon also implies that empowerment model needs to be addressed to dialogic and interactive counceling, encouraging the members of the group to actively participate in the process of learning, productivity, and cooperation heading to indendence improvement. Research methodology and development is conducted, First: formulating conceptual hypotheses based on the phenomenon of empowerment programs, and relevant theory. Second: designing group dynamics-based empowerment conceptual model development, implementing model development, Fourth; proving the effectiveness of the model development to improve the independence of farmers. Empirical experience has produced findings and conclusions; (1) the treatment of group dynamics-based empowerment conceptual model development have been able to enhance the activity and participation of members in the learning process, to change the attitudes and behavior of the productivity of farmers, and to generate a spirit of cooperation, (2) statistical test proves that the increased farmers independence after being given the treatment of empowerment model, meaning that the higher the intensity of the treatment of the empowerment model, the bigger the independence of farmers, (3) The findings of the study, that; "Empowerment of farmers through counceling to interact in the learning process, increasing the productivity of farmers, and cooperation in the dynamic group is able to increase the independence of farmers in farming"


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    The main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of learning mathematics with Reciprocal Teaching approach toward the increase enhancement of mathematical communication and disposition ability in junior secondary school students. The method employed in this research is quasi experiment by using pretest-posttest control design. Population of this research is all junior secondary school students from middle level school in Bandung. The number of the samples is 76 students distributed into two classes. The samples of the classes are purposive sampling. Research instrument consists of one set of mathematical communication tests, and one set of mathematical disposition scale, observation sheets and interview guide. Data analysis in this study uses Independent Samples Test (t-test), one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA. The results are: (1) increasing mathematical communication and disposition ability students who obtain Reciprocal Teaching learning is better than that of students who obtain konvensional learning; (2) There was significant difference student’s mathematical communication ability who obtain Reciprocal Teaching learning toward student’s prior abilities (upper, middle and lower); (3) There was significant interaction between learning approaches and student’s prior abilities toward increasing the ability of mathematical communication; (4) There was no significant interaction between learning approaches and student’s prior abilities toward mathematical disposition ability

    Healthy Kids Program and the Safety Net: Perceptions of Community Clinic Administrators

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    Based on interviews with clinic CEOs, assesses the impact of the program to provide comprehensive health insurance to children not eligible for Medi-Cal or Healthy Families, including enrollment, services extended, and clinic operations and finances

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Distribusi Obat Pasien Rawat Inap (Studi Kasus : RSUD Cideres Kadipaten)

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    Bentuk pelayanan rumah sakit yang paling utama adalah memberikan pengobatan. Permasalahan yang timbul yaitu terjadi kesalahan pemberian obat, tetapi bukan dari kesalahan resep obat melainkan karena kesalahan distribusi obat yang kurang tepat sasaran dan pengelolaan data distribusi obat pasien rawat inap. Dimana jika ada pasien yang ingin menanyakan kapan obat datang, jenis obatnya apa saja, pada tanggal berapa itu sulit untuk mencari datanya. Begitu pula dengan data riwayat pemberian obat pasien. Pasien ataupun dokter harus datang kepada bagian administrasi atau rekam medis dan meminta buku Medical Record jika ingin mengetahui dan membutuhkan data tersebut. Pembuatan aplikasi sistem informasi distribusi obat pasien rawat inap memungkinkan dilakukannya inventarisir obat, distribusi obat, dan mutasi obat. Proses peringatan yang ada pada sistem akan sangat membantu pengguna dalam pengawasan terhadap obat-obat yang kadaluwarsa dan mencapai minimum stok. Laporan pengadaan, dan distribusi dengan periode per bulan yang dihasilkan sistem, membantu untuk kontrol dan monitoring persediaan obat


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    The purpose of this study was to find out the learning process in the classroom through the probing-prompting method. In this study, the method used is a literature review which consists of four stages, namely collecting literature data, selecting relevant literature, conducting a review, and concluding or providing new interpretations. Data collection techniques are carried out online by downloading literature in the form of journals or articles through Google scholar with the keyword probing-prompting and obtained 113 literature data. The results of this literature study showed that the probing-prompting method in classroom learning was more effective than conventional learning methods. The Efforts made to achieve optimal learning in the classroom can be achieved through the foresight of teachers to choose learning methods that provide the space for students to participate actively, develop their potential. One of the better methods is the probing-prompting method. It can be seen from the development of student communication, increasing creative thinking, increasing critical thinking, instilling learning concepts, and improving the students’ learning outcomes

    Implementasi Kebijakan Program Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Paud) Pada Dinas Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Early Childhood Education (ECD) Program is one of the educational service programs to educate the people and make them healthy physically and mentally. This is in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution which states that all citizens of the Republic of Indonesia have the rights to gain educational opportunities and accesses that are equal, full of quality, relevant, and competitive according to their interests, talents, and abilities regardless of social statuses, ethnicities, and genders in all corners of the country. Based on that, the problems to be studied were how the implementation of the ECD Program Policy at Central Sulawesi Department of Education and Culture and what factors influencing the implementation of that policy in the region of Central Sulawesi Province. The purposes of this study were to determine and analyze the process and the factors influencing the process. The uses of this study were both academical (theoretical) and practical uses.The research method used was qualitative. Data collection techniques were observation, interview, and literature research. The results showed that the implementation of the ECD Program Policy at Central Sulawesi Department of Education and Culture and some of ECD institutions was influenced by four aspects, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The implementation of the ECD Program at Central Sulawesi Department of Education and Culture involving ECD institutions in the region of Central Sulawesi Province had not been running maximally. The communication aspect: Coordination among the implementors of the ECD Program had not been running properly and optimally, resulting in miscommunications that caused the implementation not running optimally as expected. The resources aspect was also less effective, either in terms of human resources, facilities, infrastructures, or financial resources (budget)


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    The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the inculcation of student independence carried out by the teacher through the habituation of the good deeds of students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors in its implementation. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach because it will describe certain facts in detail and depth. Research data were collected by means of observation; interview or conduct direct questions and answers with students and teachers on duty at Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School; and documentation. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative, namely describing data from interviews from informants as a whole. The main informants were 12 teachers and 83 students of class VI. While the supporting informants are supporting documents related to the independence of students through the concept of good deeds in Islamic boarding schools. The results of this study are. The planting of self-reliance education for students through the concept of good deeds at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muara Mais Jambur, namely: (1) making a commitment between teachers and students; (2) students are independent in personal activities; (3) the teacher monitors, provides examples, rewards and punishments to students. The supporting factors for the implementation of the inculcation of santri independence education through the concept of pious charity, namely: maximum teacher performance in monitoring and fostering students, good interaction between fellow stakeholders, facilities and infrastructure that support and support student activities, and support from the surrounding community. The inhibiting factors for the implementation of the inculcation of santri independence education through the concept of pious charity, namely: lack of awareness of students, students who have not been able to manage time as well as possible, the emergence of a sense of laziness in students, and the use of dormitory facilities that are not good

    Transmisi Etika Ke Tatanan Politik Perspektif Muhammad Abid Al-jabiri

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    Several political issues are presumed having a relationship with the ethical values such as the problems of authority and its distribution, the application of laws, human rights, women emancipation, social justice, the distribution of national wealth, economics justice, and etc. These problems show us the importance of ethical reference to polish the political countenance as well as to straighten up the political manoeuvres that are often full of intrigues, arrogance, and tyranny. The transmission concept from ethics to the political order that has ever been stated by Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) in his book “Politea” on political matters, and his “Nicomachean” on moral issues is presumed inspiring the philosophers both in the West and in the East. This article elaborates Muhammad \u27Abid Al Jabiri\u27s thought (1936-…), a Muslim thinker from Morocco who classifies ethical values that are transmitted into political order in the Muslim World consisting of four main variants; (1) subservience ethics, an ethical system that is inherited by Persian sultanate; (2) happiness ethics, an ethical system of Greece; (3) transitory ethics, an ethical system developed by Sufi order; and (4) Muru\u27ah ethics, an ethical system developed in the Arabian World. According to al-Jabiri, these all four systems still left the important matters dealing with the claim of progressive and futuristic -oriented human dynamics. Therefore, al-Jabiri proposed a recommendation for Arabian and Islamic world in order to exceed such ethical systems and to side with the pious deed ethics and profit that became their tendency
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