The main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of learning mathematics with Reciprocal Teaching approach toward the increase enhancement of mathematical communication and disposition ability in junior secondary school students. The method employed in this research is quasi experiment by using pretest-posttest control design. Population of this research is all junior secondary school students from middle level school in Bandung. The number of the samples is 76 students distributed into two classes. The samples of the classes are purposive sampling. Research instrument consists of one set of mathematical communication tests, and one set of mathematical disposition scale, observation sheets and interview guide. Data analysis in this study uses Independent Samples Test (t-test), one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA. The results are: (1) increasing mathematical communication and disposition ability students who obtain Reciprocal Teaching learning is better than that of students who obtain konvensional learning; (2) There was significant difference student’s mathematical communication ability who obtain Reciprocal Teaching learning toward student’s prior abilities (upper, middle and lower); (3) There was significant interaction between learning approaches and student’s prior abilities toward increasing the ability of mathematical communication; (4) There was no significant interaction between learning approaches and student’s prior abilities toward mathematical disposition ability