386 research outputs found

    A Self-Guided Docking Architecture for Autonomous Surface Vehicles

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    Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) provide the ideal platform to further explore the many opportunities in the cargo shipping industry, by making it more profitable and safer. Information retrieved from a 3D LIDAR, IMU, GPS, and Camera is combined to extract the geometric features of the floating platform and to estimate the relative position and orientation of the moor to the ASV. Then, a trajectory is planned to a specific target position, guaranteeing that the ASV will not collide with the mooring facility. To ensure that the sensors are within range of operation, a module has been developed to generate a trajectory that will deliver the ASV to a catch zone where it is able to function properly.A High-Level controler is also implemented, resorting to an heuristic to evaluate if the ASV is within this operating range and also its current orientation relative to the docking platform

    The effect of a physical literacy and differential learning program in motor, technical and tactical basketball skills

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a physical literacy and differential learning program in motor, technical and tactical basketball skills. Seventy-six college students (age 20.4 ± 1.9) were randomly allocated into control and experimental (BasketCAL) groups. The motor skills were assessed using Illinois Agility Test, technical abilities were evaluated through Taco Bell skills challenge and tactical variables were examined during a 4-on-4 full-court basketball game. Globally, the learning program and respective classes could be characterized by attentional breadth, large unpredictability and adaptation demands. The results indicated that BasketCAL group had a significant improvement in agility comparatively to the control group. Also, was noted that BasketCAL students decreased the unsuccessful actions performed during the game. Overall, this program prepares the players to attune the relevant stimulus through the development of adaptive behaviors to overcome environment constraints, leading to better game decisions.El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar el efecto de un programa de alfabetización motora y aprendizaje diferenciado en el desempeño motor, habilidades técnicas y tácticas de baloncesto. Setenta y seis estudiantes universitarios (20.4 ± 1.9 años de edad) fueron asignados de modo aleatorio en grupos experimental (BasketCAL) y de control. Las habilidades motoras se evaluaron a través de la prueba la agilidad de Illinois, la habilidad técnica se evaluó a través de concurso Taco Bell y se examinaron las variables tácticas durante un juego de baloncesto 4 contra 4 en toda la cancha. En general, el programa BasketCAL y las respectivas clases podrían caracterizarse por la amplitud atencional, gran imprevisibilidad y demandas de adaptación. Los resultados indicaron que el grupo BasketCAL tuvo una mejora significativa en la agilidad comparativamente con el grupo control. Además, se observó que los estudiantes BasketCAL disminuyeron las acciones sin suceso durante el juego. En conclusión, este programa prepara a los jugadores para sintonizar el estímulo relevante a través del desarrollo de conductas adaptables para superar las limitaciones del entorno, lo que lleva a mejores decisiones en el juego

    Effects of fatigue and time-out on physiological, time-motion indicators and in patterns of spatial organization of the teams in basketball

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    The aim of this study was to identify the effects of fatigue on physiological variables, time-motion indicators and patterns of spatial organization of the teams in basketball. The study sample consisted of 10 basketball players of the under-18 with a mean age of 17.5 ± 0.3 years. There were two sessions: session a) game continuous (C1) 10 minutes - yo-yo intermittent recovery test (level 1) - 1 minute timeout - game continuous (C2) 10 minutes. Session b) game interrupted (I1) 5 minutes - 1 minute timeout - 5 minutes game - yo-yo intermittent recovery test (level 1) -1 minute timeout -game interrupted (I2) - 5 minutes - 1 minute timeout - 5 minutes game. HR values were determinate by the YYIRTL1 and registered by short range radiotelemetry heart-rate monitors (Polar Team System, Polar Electro, Finland), time-motion analysis were registered with GPS (SPI Elite. GPSports Systems, Australia), and a digital camera was used to record the game. The results suggest that the fatigue and the time-outs promote betters patterns of spatial organization. Additionally the results showed that with the accumulated fatigue the players covered a less total distance and in a slower way

    Power, heart rate and perceived exertion responses to 3x3 and 4x4 basketball small-sided games

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    Despite the interest drawn by game adaptations in players' performance development, no study examined the effects of these task constraints in basketball games exercise intensity. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify differences in power, heart rate and perceived exertion responses to 3x3 and 4x4 basketball small-sided games. Eight young male basketball players participated in this study. Player's individual peak heart rate value and global perceived exertion was registered immediately after two small-sided games, 3x3 and 4x4. Additionally, squat jump and countermovement jump were used to assess power. Our results show that both small-sided games promoted high physiological demands, whereas the players performed the tasks above 80% of HRmax. Nevertheless, another interesting finding of this study is related to the fact that 3x3 contributed to higher physiological demands than the 4x4. The significant increase in the countermovement jump posttest jump results could suggest that the 4x4 were not played as quickly nor intensely as the 3x3. Decreases of the space and number of players in game allow greater self-recreation of players and greater intervention in game. Therefore, the heart rate response during the series displays a higher physiologic impact in 3x3 than in 4x4

    Documentação colaborativa de software através de anotações contextuais.

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    A documentação de software, apesar de nos dias de hoje ainda ser considerada secundária em relação a outros artefactos resultantes do processo de desenvolvimento, desempenha um papel fundamental no uso eficaz e na compreensão do software. O processo de desenvolvimento de software tem sofrido evolução ao longo dos tempos, sendo hoje em dia geralmente uma atividade cada vez mais social, nomeadamente quando se olha para frameworks populares na web. Contudo, os mesmos princípios são aplicáveis a equipas mais pequenas e ágeis. Neste contexto, uma documentação minimalista, onde apenas se cria o conteúdo mínimo necessário e que vai evoluindo de acordo com as necessidades dos utilizadores, tem vindo a ser prática cada vez mais utilizada. A interação e comunicação entre leitores e autores, com o intuito de debater que alterações se devem fazer à documentação, é fulcral para essa evolução.O principal objetivo desta dissertação é mostrar que essa comunicação pode ser melhorada, nomeadamente com o uso de anotações contextuais na documentação. Para o alcançar, foi desenvolvida uma wiki, que irá servir de plataforma para a documentação colaborativa de software.A essa wiki foi adicionada a possibilidade de adicionar comentários a uma página e anotações a secções específicas, criando um ambiente propício à discussão entre leitores e autores.Finalmente, de modo a comprovar que a ferramenta desenvolvida cumpre o seu objetivo de melhorar a comunicação entre os vários intervenientes, esta será testada numa pequena equipa de desenvolvimento de software.Software documentation, despite still being considered secondary in relation to other artifacts that result from the development process, is fundamental in order to use and understand software in an efficient way. The software development process has been evolving over time, and is now an increasingly social activity, namely compared to other popular frameworks on the web. However, the same principles can be applied to small agile development teams. In this context, minimalist documentation, where only the bare minimum content is created, which will evolve according to the specific needs of the users, has been rising in popularity. The interaction and communication between both readers and authors, with the goal of debating what changes must be made to the documentation, is key to this evolution.The main goal of this work is to demonstrate that this communication can be the subject of improvement, namely with the use of contextual annotations in the documentation. In order to achieve this goal, a wiki has been developed, which will serve as platform for collaborative software documentation. Then, the possibility to add comments to a certain page and annotations to specific portions of that page was added to the wiki, thus creating a friendly environment to discussion between readers and authors.Finally, in order to verify that the developed tool fulfills its goal of improving communication and interaction between the various interveners, it will be tested in a small software development team

    The influence of previous sport experiences in transfer of behaviour patterns among team sports

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    The present study aimed to examine how players' positional data can be used to assess the transfer of behaviour patterns among team sports (basketball, football and rugby) in early specialized and diversified sport careers. Thirty-four college students were divided into early specialization and early diversification groups, according to information provided by a questionnaire designed to obtain detailed information about their sports career. In-game derived variables were calculated based on players' positioning data, collected by GPS and processed with non-linear techniques (approximate entropy). For each positional variable (distance to both team and opponent team centroid and distance to target and opponent target) a top-10 ranking was computed based on approximate entropy values in basketball, football and rugby game performance. The results suggested that students belonging to the early diversification group are over-represented (top-10) in all positional variables regardless of sport. This trend, especially in football and rugby, confirms that it is possible that transfer of behavior patterns occurs more significantly in early diversified approach.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar cómo se pueden utilizar los datos posicionales de los jugadores para evaluar la transferencia de patrones de comportamiento entre los deportes de equipo (baloncesto, fútbol y rugby) en las carreras deportivas de especialización ó diversificación temprana. Treinta y cuatro estudiantes universitarios fueron divididos en grupos de especialización temprana ó de diversificación temprana, de acuerdo a la información proporcionada por un cuestionario diseñado para obtener información detallada acerca de su carrera deportiva. Las variables de la situación de juego, fueron calculadas en función de los datos de posicionamiento de los jugadores, obtenidos por GPS y procesados con técnicas no lineales (entropía aproximada). Para cada variable posicional (distancia de la propia equipo a su centro, y la distancia al centro del equipo contrario y la meta oponente) se calculó un ranking top-10 con en base a los valores de entropía aproximadas en el juego del baloncesto, fútbol y rugby. Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes pertenecientes al grupo de la diversificación temprana son más representado (top-10) en todas las variables posicionales, independientemente del deporte. Esta tendencia, sobre todo en el fútbol y el rugby, confirma que es posible que la transferencia de patrones de comportamiento se produce más significativamente cuando la iniciación deportiva es direccionada a una diversificación temprana

    Coaches perceived importance of tactical items in basketball players' long term development

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    One of the topics of sport sciences that have not been adequately investigated is the importance that specialists dedicate to tactical skills in long-term players development. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the importance that basketball coaches give to the development of these abilities in both sexes. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Items tapped six areas tactic related to: small sided games, offensive superiority games, defensive superiority games, formal game, offense and defense. The sample was divided according to team's sex and stage of long-term development: initiation, orientation, specialization, or high-performance. No significant differences were found in small sided games and formal game. Significant differences in assigned importance between coaches of boys to offensive superiority and defensive superiority games were found, supporting that these items should be the subject of more intense development primarily until 14 years of age. Significant differences in assigned importance between coaches of girls to defense were found. Coaches reinforced the importance of developing team offensive aspects, primarily at highperformance stage. Finally, significant differences in assigned importance between coaches of both sexes to defensive tactical work were found. Results confirmed that defensive tactical work should be the subject of more intense development between 11 and 14 years old but mostly after 19 years of age, reinforcing the importance of tactical work in later stages of development, i.e., high-level performance

    Coaches perceived importance of drills items in basketball players' long term development

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the importance that basketball coaches give to drills items during basketball players' development. Data were collected using a questionnaire previously validated by specialists. Eleven drillsrelated items were tapped: opposition, competition, repetition, execution speed, execution technique, length, timing, decisionmaking, space, game and enjoyment. The sample was divided according to sex and stage of long-term development: initiation, orientation, specialization, or high-performance. No significant differences were found in opposition, cooperation, repetition, execution speed, execution technique, timing, space and game. Significant differences in assigned importance of coaches working with boys in drills length were found. Coaches reinforced the importance of drills length in high-level performance. These results could be related with coaches' experience, while they consider selecting those drills that allow developing simultaneously all training factors (technical, tactical, physical and psychological). Also, significant differences in assigned importance of coaches working with boys to decision-making were found, suggesting that it should be the subject of more intense development primarily in later stages of development, i.e., after 19 years of age. Thus, results seem to reinforce the importance of anticipating handling decision-making in practice drills, increasing players' experiences and developing the ability to beat the opponents. Finally, significant differences in assigned importance of coaches working with both sexes to enjoyment were found. Results suggest that in early stages coaches attribute a great importance to enjoyment. However, in later stages, the importance decreases significantly