2,218 research outputs found

    Kinematic Comparison and Description of the 3-Dimensional Shoulder Kinematics of 2 Shoulder Rotation Tests

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare shoulder external rotation range of motion (ROM) during the hand-behind-neck (HBN) test and a standard shoulder external rotation test and to describe the 3-dimensional scapular motion during the HBN test. Methods: An electromagnetic tracking device was used to assess the dominant shoulder of 14 healthy participants while performing active full ROM in a standard shoulder external rotation test in an elevated position (EREP) and in the HBN test. The humeral and scapular 3-dimensional positions at the end of EREP and HBN were compared using a paired-sample t test. A correlation analysis was performed between humeral and scapular angles to assess the contribution of scapular motion to the full shoulder ROM during the HBN test. Results: No significant differences were found between the HBN test and the EREP at the end-range of the glenohumeral external rotation (HBN: 15.6° ± 6.3° vs EREP: 23.4° ± 4.7°; P = .08) and on scapular internal-external rotation (HBN test: 21.2° ± 6.3° vs EREP: 15.6° ± 1.8°; P = .23). Significant differences were found in scapular upward rotation (HBN: 21.2° ± 6.3° vs EREP: 15.6° ± 1.8°; P b .01) and scapular spinal tilt (HBN: − 0.4° ± 2.3° vs EREP: 8.1° ± 2.1°; P b .01). There was a positive correlation between the humeral angles and scapular internal and posterior spinal tilt angles with the HBN test. Conclusions: The results of the present study showed that, in young asymptomatic participants with no known shoulder pathology, the end-range of shoulder rotation was similar in the HBN test and in a standard shoulder rotation test. During the HBN test, the scapula assumed a more internal and anterior spinal tilted position at the end-range of active shoulder external rotation. These results suggest that the HBN test may be used to assess the end-range of glenohumeral external rotation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Innovation in Private Infrastructure Development Effects of the Selection Environment and Modularity

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    This study investigates how the selection environment and modularity affect innovation in private infrastructure development. Our findings stem from an in-depth empirical study of the extent ten process innovations were implemented in an airport expansion programme. Our findings suggest that developer and customers can each occasionally champion or resist innovations. An innovation succeeds contingent upon the capability of the stakeholder groups to develop collectively a plan to finance and implement the innovation, which reconciles subjective individual assessments. Innovations can be particularly hard to adopt when they require financing from different budgets, or when the developer’s investment pays off only if customers behave in a specified way in the future. We also find that the degrees of novelty and modularity neither represent sufficient or necessary conditions enabling or hindering innovation. Novelty, however, makes the innovation champion’s job harder because it leads to perceptions of downside risk and regulatory changes, whereas modularity helps the champion operationalise ways that moderate resistance to innovate.Innovation; financing; implementation

    Equity research report Palantir Technologies Inc

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    Dissertação de mestrado em FinanceO Equity Research Report sobre a Palantir foi elaborado de acordo com o formato recomendado pelo CFA Institute e reflete as informações públicas da empresa publicadas até 11 de novembro de 2022. Consequentemente, qualquer evento ocorrido após essa data não foi considerado na análise. Como entusiasta da tecnologia interessado em avaliar empresas de crescimento, estou feliz por ter escolhido uma empresa única, icónica e desafiadora, que possui uma filosofia diferente das outras empresas do ramo e que apresenta forte comunidade de fás não institucionais, chamada de "Palantirians", que surgiram do fórum de investidores do Reddit r/WallStreetBets. O projeto começa com uma descrição do negócio da empresa, incluindo uma introdução à sua história, uma análise detalhada de cada software e as estratégias projetadas para o presente e futuro. Além disso, a Coporate Governance e a ESG também são destacadas neste relatório, devido à sua complexidade e ao segmento em que a empresa atua, a privacidade, a regulamentação de proteção de dados, entre outros. O projeto apesenta também, uma análise detalhada da indústria, as tendências de vendas e receita, a perspetiva económica e os impulsionadores de oferta e demanda da indústria. A Posição Competitiva é fornecida por meio da análise SWOT e das cinco forças de Porter. O Price Target de 10.45para31dedezembrode2023,equivaleaumpotencialdevalorizac\ca~ode+24.310.45 para 31 de dezembro de 2023, equivale a um potencial de valorização de +24.3% em relação ao preço de 11 de novembro de 2022 (9,24). Este valor foi calculado a partir do modelo DCF, usando o Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF). Outros métodos de avaliação, incluindo Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) e Avaliação Relativa, foram utilizados para apoiar minha recomendação. O presente relatório inclui uma análise de sensibilidade e uma simulação de Monte Carlo de alguns riscos selecionados para o preço-alvo, o número de clientes, a receita média por cliente, a taxa média ponderada de custo de capital (WACC) e a taxa de crescimento terminal (g). Com base no potencial de valorização de 24.3%, no crescimento potencial da indústria e nos projetos que a empresa está desenvolvendo para um futuro sustentável, minha recomendação para a Palantir é COMPRAR.The following Equity Research Report on Palantir was written in line with the research report format recommended by the CFA Institute, and it reflects the public information of the company published until 11th November 2022, Consequently, any event following this date was not considered in the analysis. As a Technologic enthusiast interested in evaluating growth companies, I am glad to have chosen a unique, iconic, and challenging Company, which has a different philosophy compared to other tech companies and a strong community of fans called "Palantirians", who were emerging by Reddit investors forum r/WallStreetBets. The project starts with a business description of the Company, including an introduction to its history, a detailed analysis of each software, and the strategies designed for the present and future. In addition, Corporate Governance and ESC are also highlighted in the present report, due to their complexity and the segment Company is working in, privacy, data protection regulation, and more. Moreover, an In-depth Industry analysis mentions the sales and revenue trends, the economic outlook, and the supply and demand drivers of the Industry. Competitive Positioning is also provided, through the SWOT analysis and Porter's five forces. The Price Target of 10.45for31stDecember2023,equivalenttoa+24.310.45 for 31st December 2023, equivalent to a +24.3% upside potential from the close vice on 11th November 2022 (9,24) was computed through the DCF model, using the Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF). Other valuation methods, including Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) and Relative Valuation, were used to support my recommendation. The present report includes a sensitivity analysis and a Monte Carlo simulation of a few selected risks to the price target, the number of customers, the average revenue per customer, the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), and the terminal growth rate (g). Based on the 24.3% upside potential, the industry's potential growth, and the projects the Company is developing for a sustainable future, my recommendation for Palantir is BUY

    Sharing Design Rights: A Commons Approach for Developing Infrastructure

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    This study empirically investigates the relationship between design structure and organization structure in the context of new infrastructure development projects. Our research setting is a capital program to develop new school buildings in the city of Manchester, UK. Instead of creating a controlled, hierarchical organization, which would mirror the buildings’ design structure, the Manchester City Council created a “commons organization,” and chose to share decision-rights with local claimants. Each school’s faculty was thus given rights equal to Council staff to participate in the design process and to approve the school’s design. In the natural resources literature, commons theory predicts that, if a robust governance structure is created, this complex form of organizing gives claimants incentives to contribute to the enterprise whilst dampening collective action problems (Ostrom 1990). Here we extend this claim to the production of man-made artifacts. The design commons induced teachers to volunteer time and effort to communicate their practical knowledge, but created corresponding tensions over interdependent choices for the final design. Yet, none of the projects succumbed to collective action problems in the form of budget overruns, bogged-down processes, or users feeling disenfranchised. Applying Ostrom’s (1990) principles of robust commons governance, we show that the Manchester design commons organization was robust by her criteria and propose that robustness contributed positively to the outcome. We also discuss design flexibility as an intervening variable that was critical in reconciling differences that governance alone could not resolve. We conclude with the rudiments of a theory describing when and why a commons organization can be advantageous for production of designs

    Activation of effector immune cells promotes tumor stochastic extinction: A homotopy analysis approach

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    In this article we provide homotopy solutions of a cancer nonlinear model describing the dynamics of tumor cells in interaction with healthy and effector immune cells. We apply a semi-analytic technique for solving strongly nonlinear systems - the Step Homotopy Analysis Method (SHAM). This algorithm, based on a modification of the standard homotopy analysis method (HAM), allows to obtain a one-parameter family of explicit series solutions. By using the homotopy solutions, we first investigate the dynamical effect of the activation of the effector immune cells in the deterministic dynamics, showing that an increased activation makes the system to enter into chaotic dynamics via a period-doubling bifurcation scenario. Then, by adding demographic stochasticity into the homotopy solutions, we show, as a difference from the deterministic dynamics, that an increased activation of the immune cells facilitates cancer clearance involving tumor cells extinction and healthy cells persistence. Our results highlight the importance of therapies activating the effector immune cells at early stages of cancer progression

    Structured manipulable material versus applet in the development of algebraic thinking at the 1st cycle of basic education

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    This investigation was conducted in the framework of the master's degree in Preschool Education and teaching of the first cycle of basic education, with students of a class of third-year elementary schooling in a Castelo Branco elementary school. Through this study, we intend to examine whether digital technology improving the number of success cases and decisionmaking in solving mathematical tasks involving repetition patterns, compared the tasks solved by using the standard blocks. This research, comparative in nature, was based on a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) data processing level. Our intervention was structured in 3 phases. In the first phase, the 23 students who made up the class solved 4 tasks with repeating patterns through a work record (repeating Patterns: ABAB, ABCABC, ABBABB e ABBCCABBCC). The responses of students, in the schedule of work, were analyzed through a holistic scale focused adaptation of [1], in which it was ranked each response between 0 to 2 points. From the ratings obtained by students, the class was divided into 2 homogenous groups. On the other hand, in the second phase, the students who were part of the Group (11 students) solved the same tasks using an applet, while students who comprised the Group B (12 students) solved the same tasks through manipulable material (standard blocks). To proceed to correction of the tasks of the group, we ran the ‘screenshots’ to computer screens for each task. On the other hand, the answers of the students of Group B were analyzed using not only to work but also the photos of the compositions performed. In the third stage we proposed the same tasks, in which all students in the class, decided the issues through a worksheet. After the data analysis we found that there were no statistically significant differences between the results obtained by the students who worked with the applet compared students who worked with manipulable materials. Although both groups of the 1st to the 3rd stage have improved substantially in terms of decision-making, as well as the number of replies considered assertive, but not so complete that work with the applet was better for the work with manipulable materials.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Keyed User Datagram Protocol: Concepts and Operation of an Almost Reliable Connectionless Transport Protocol

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    Departing from the well-known problem of the excessive overhead and latency of connection oriented protocols, this paper describes a new almost reliable connectionless protocol that uses user datagram protocol (UDP) segment format and is UDP compatible. The problem is presented and described, the motivation, the possible areas of interest and the concept and base operation modes for the protocol named keyed UDP are presented (here called KUDP). Also, discussed are some of the possible manners in which the KUDP can be used, addressing potential problems related with current networking technologies. As UDP is a connectionless protocol, and KUDP allows for some degree of detection of loss and re-ordering of segments received out-of-sequence, we also present a proposal for a stream reconstruction algorithm. This paper ends by mentioning some of the research issues that still need to be addressed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio