3,444 research outputs found

    Tempo de ovulação em cabras (sem raça definida) sincronizadas com esponjas vaginais de FGA (acetato de fluorogesterona) e superovuladas com PMSG. (Resultados preliminares).

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    Resultados preliminares, indicam que a inseminação natural ou artificial em cabras sincronizadas, criadas em regime semi-extensivo, deve ser feita acima de 37 horas após a retirada da esponja ou acima de 11 horas após o início do estro, quando ocorre a ovulação

    Non-hexagonal-ring defects and structures induced by strain in graphene and in functionalized graphene

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    We perform {\textit ab initio} calculations for the strain-induced formation of non-hexagonal-ring defects in graphene, graphane (planar CH), and graphenol (planar COH). We find that the simplest of such topological defects, the Stone-Wales defect, acts as a seed for strain-induced dissociation and multiplication of topological defects. Through the application of inhomogeneous deformations to graphene, graphane and graphenol with initially small concentrations of pentagonal and heptagonal rings, we obtain several novel stable structures that possess, at the same time, large concentrations of non-hexagonal rings (from fourfold to elevenfold) and small formation energies

    Atributos microbiológicos do solo em área desmatada da Floresta Amazônica na jazida petrolífera do Rio Urucu, Coari-AM.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do solo utilizando atributos microbiológicos em área uma área desmatada da Floresta Amazônica na jazida petrolífera do Rio Urucu no município de Coari-AM

    Problemas com cavalos em pastagens de humidicola.

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    Aplicação do algoritmo LEGAL/SPRING na cobertura florestal do município de Ivorá/RS nos anos de 2011 e 2012.

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    Neste trabalho, foram utilizadas técnicas de sensoriamento remoto a fim de analisar a distribuição dos recursos florestais do Município de Ivorá, RS, enfocando sua evolução, para, com isso, manejar a área do município visando a sustentabilidades de suas atividades. A área de estudo é caracterizada pelos biomas Mata Atlântica e Pampa, característicos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, e tem sua economia fortemente baseada na pecuária e agricultura. Para a realização do trabalho, foram utilizados dados temporais do satélite RapidEye, sensor Reis, datados de 2011 e 2012. Foi criado um banco de dados, que foi usado para: testar variadas composições e contrastes; definir as legendas das categorias de uso e cobertura da terra; realizar testes de segmentação, classificação das imagens e elaborar uma programação em Linguagem Espacial para Geoprocessamento Algébrico (LEGAL) (CÂMARA, 1995); e elaborar os mapas temáticos. A classificação supervisionada das imagens revelou que a classe de uso do solo ?Floresta? foi predominante no município em 2011 e 2012, quando representou um quarto da sua área total. Conclui-se que, por meio da análise LEGAL, houve aumento da expansão florestal em detrimento do desmatamento, o que evidencia a importância da análise de uso do solo para a adequação e o planejamento ambiental do município

    Cluster scaling relations from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations in dark energy dominated universe

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    Clusters are potentially powerful tools for cosmology provided their observed properties such as the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) or X-ray signals can be translated into physical quantities like mass and temperature. Scaling relations are the appropriate mean to perform this translation. It is therefore, important to understand their evolution and their modifications with respect to the physics and to the underlying cosmology. In this spirit, we investigate the effect of dark energy on the X-ray and SZ scaling relations. The study is based on the first hydro-simulations of cluster formation for diferent models of dark energy. We present results for four dark energy models which differ from each other by their equations of state parameter, ww. Namely, we use a cosmological constant model w=1w=-1 (as a reference), a perfect fluid with constant equation of state parameter w=0.8w=-0.8 and one with w=1.2w = -1.2 and a scalar field model (or quintessence) with varying ww. We generate N-body/hydrodynamic simulations that include radiative cooling with the public version of the Hydra code, modified to consider an arbitrary dark energy component. We produce cluster catalogues for the four models and derive the associated X-ray and SZ scaling relations. We find that dark energy has little effect on scaling laws making it safe to use the Λ\LambdaCDM scalings for conversion of observed quantities into temperature and masses.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A&

    Sinalização de Política Monetária e Movimentos na Estrutura a Termo da Taxa de Juros no Brasil

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    This paper examines how monetary policy decisions in Brazil, regarding short term interest rates, have affected the term structure of interest rates. We apply an event study methodology in two distinct periods: between January 2000 and August 2003, right after the implementation of the inflation targeting in Brazil, and between September 2003 and July 2008. The main results are: 1) the surprise effects have decreased; 2) the explanation power has increased in the second period, indicating enhancement of monetary policy; 3) market participants adjust their expectations with greater advance; 4) the surprise effects of decisions on short term rates on the term structure of interest rates are now close to those found in the USA and Germany, but higher to those found in the UK and Italy. Therefore, the results indicate that fixed income market expectations are better adjusted to the Central Bank anti-inflationary policy.Política Monetária, Metas de Inflação, Estrutura a Termo da Taxa de Juros, Sinalização