1,518 research outputs found

    Inactivation of Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores by alkaline hydrolysis applied to medical waste treatment

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    Although alkaline hydrolysis treatment emerges as an alternative disinfection/sterilization method for medical waste, information on its effects on the inactivation of biological indicators is scarce. The effects of alkaline treatment on the resistance of Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores were investigated and the influence of temperature (80 degrees C, 100 degrees C and 110 degrees C) and NaOH concentration was evaluated. In addition, spore inactivation in the presence of animal tissues and discarded medical components, used as surrogate of medical waste, was also assessed. The effectiveness of the alkaline treatment was carried out by determination of survival curves and D-values. No significant differences were seen in D-values obtained at 80 degrees C and 100 degrees C for NaOH concentrations of 0.5 M and 0.75 M. The D-values obtained at 110 degrees C (2.3-0.5 min) were approximately 3 times lower than those at 100 degrees C (8.8-1.6 min). Independent of the presence of animal tissues and discarded medical components, 6 log10 reduction times varied between 66 and 5 min at 100 degrees C-0.1 M NaOH and 110 degrees C-1 M NaOH, respectively. The alkaline treatment may be used in future as a disinfection or sterilization alternative method for contaminated waste

    Carbon dynamics in aboveground coarse wood biomass of wetland forests in the northern Pantanal, Brazil

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    International audienceThis is the first estimation on carbon dynamics in the aboveground coarse wood biomass (AGWB) of wetland forests in the Pantanal, located in Central Southern America. In four 1-ha plots in stands characterized by the pioneer species Vochysia divergens Pohl (Vochysiaceae) forest inventories (trees ?10 cm diameter at breast height, DBH) have been performed and converted to predictions of AGWB by five different allometric models using two or three predicting parameters (DBH, tree height, wood density). Best prediction has been achieved using allometric equations with three independent variables. Carbon stocks (50% of AGWB) vary from 7.4 to 100.9 Mg C ha?1 between the four stands. Carbon sequestration differs 0.50?4.24 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 estimated by two growth models derived from tree-ring analysis describing the relationships between age and DBH for V. divergens and other tree species. We find a close correlation between estimated tree age and C-stock, C-sequestration and C-turnover (mean residence of C in AGWB)

    Mapping and characterization of vegetation units by means of Landsat imagery and management recommendations for the Pantanal of Mato Grosso (Brazil), north of Poconé

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    In the present study, remote sensing in the northern region of Poconé-MT was used to identify vegetation categories, which were then mapped and characterized. The goal in generating the map was to provide information needed to support sustainable use and to formulate conservation policies. Vegetation units were identified and classified using digital images that were taken in 1990 by the Landsat Thematic Mapperc Satellite and then processed using ERDAS software. First, the vegetation classes were systematically defined. In a preliminary interpretation of the image data, Landsat-TM bands that allowed the best visual differentiation of these classes were selected and the image was georeferenced. Routes for trips to the study area to collect truth data (training samples) for further supervised classification were then determined. These data were subsequently classified according to The System of Classification of Brazilian Vegetation (VELLOSO et al. 1991), which has been used in other physiognomic maps of the Pantanal, in order to make our results comparable to those from other mappings. In addition, some modifications of this system were made due to the particular characteristics of the Pantanal and the scale used for this map. Six classes and 16 subclasses were defined for part I of the vegetation map of Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil, specifically, the area north of Poconé. A distinction was made between the vegetation units of the Paraguayan Depression and those of the Pantanal due to the different characteristics of the vegetation from these two regions, and particularly the role played by inundation. The phytoecological region savanna (cerrado) covers a large part of the total area (53.05%) and consists of five sub-classes. Two forest classeswere identified: seasonal semideciduous forest and seasonal deciduous forest. These two phytoecological classes occupied 16.21 % of the total mapped area; 14.45% of the area has been strongly modified by humans (agriculture, pasture, gold mine, and construction); 0.80% is covered during the dry season by perennial water bodies. Based upon ground truth data and regional field experience, ten eco-zones are proposed and suggestions for sustainable management and conservation measures are discussed

    Estudo dos solos do município de Piratini.

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    bitstream/item/41337/1/Piratini.pdf; bitstream/item/41340/1/mapa-capacidade-de-uso.pdf; bitstream/item/41341/1/mapa-geomorfologia.pdf; bitstream/item/41342/1/mapa-solos.pd

    Faciologia e análise tectônica de materiais de origem dos solos de Tabuleiros Costeiros no litoral Norte da Bahia.

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    O presente trabalho estudou os elementos faciológicos, arquiteturais, morfogenéticos e os reflexos da neotectônica no Grupo Barreiras, através de várias secções geológicas, análises de fotografias aéreas, imagens de satélite e de radar. O estudo mostra que os principais litofácies que compõem o Barreiras na região são os conglomerados maciços sustentados por lama (Cmf), conglomerados maciços sustentados por clastos (Cmc), arenitos lamosos conglomeráticos maciços (Alcm), arenitos lamosos conglomeráticos com estratificação cruzada (Alce), arenitos lamosos maciços (Alm) e argilitos maciços (Agm). A presença dos elementos arquiteturais fluviais canais (CH), finos de transbordamento (FF), fluxos gravitacionais de sedimentos (SG) e formas de leito arenosas (SB) indicam que os sedimentos do Grupo Barreiras são oriundos de sistemas fluviais entrelaçados e os depósitos ocorreram sob condições climáticas mais secas, em duas fases distintas, intercaladas por um clima úmido. Depois da deposição o Grupo Barreiras foi afetado por reflexos da tectônica, os quais podem ser inferidos pela direção preferencial das drenagens, anomalias das drenagens, padrão de drenagem dendrítico/paralelo, retangular e treliça, vales em forma de "U" com talvegues chatos, presença de basculamentos de blocos e vales dissimétricos. O trabalho desenvolvido dá subsídios para um melhor entendimento da gênese e evolução dos solos e do relevo na região, isto porque os litofácies e a neotectônica afetam a drenagem superficial e interna, condicionando processos intempéricos, pedológicos e morfodinâmicos

    The Volunteer Satisfaction Survey (VSS): adaptation and psychometric properties among Portuguese Volunteers

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    (1) Background: Volunteering satisfaction is one significant construct that nourishes the sustaining of volunteer work, and it is present in reference models such as the three-stage volunteer process model (VPM). The volunteer satisfaction survey (VSS), created by Vecina, Chacón and Sueiro, evaluates three different domains of volunteer satisfaction: specific motivations, organization management and volunteering tasks. The aim of this study was to adapt the instrument and explore the psychometric properties of the 17 items of the VSS in a sample of Portuguese volunteers. (2) Methods: The sample was composed of 335 Portuguese volunteers (aged between 14 and 81 years), mainly women (76.4%). Measures included volunteer satisfaction, work engagement and organizational commitment. (3) Results: The original three-factor model was tested with a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and the model fitted the data. Satisfactory levels of internal consistency, discriminant and convergent validity were found. (4) Conclusions: The VSS reveals good psychometric properties and can be considered a useful tool for professionals and future research for volunteers’ satisfaction assessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dendê uma opção de cultivo para áreas degradadas na Amazônia.

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    O cultivo de dende surge como opcao para exploracao na Amazonia, tendo em vista sua adaptacao as condicoes edafoclimaticas da regiao. Esta cultura, com vida util de 25 anos, inicia sua producao aos quatro anos, tem produtividade media de 4t/oleo/ha/ano - 6t/oleo/ha/ano, colheita durante o ano todo, ausencia de entressafra, demanda expressivo contigente de mao-de-obra, fixando, dessa maneira, o homem na zona rural. Buscando apoiar e incentivar a expansao da cultura, a EMBRAPA-CPAA e o IRHO implantaram, no Amazonas, varios ensaios, objetivando desenvolver um programa de melhoramento, para a obtencao de material mais produtivo e melhor adaptado as condicoes da regiao. A producao media experimental de cachos aos quatro anos de idade variou de 12t/ha. Atualmente, EMBRAPA/CIRAD produzem sementes comerciais para atender os dendeicultores da regiao