394 research outputs found

    Indicadores econômicos da produção orgânica de minitomate em casas de vegetação

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    Financial profitability is a factor as important as quantifying production using new technologies. This study was installed to evaluate short and long term financial viability of organic production of cherry tomatoes. Plants were grown in a greenhouse under diverse technological degrees for partial control of micrometeorological elements. The experiment was carried out at the experimental field FEAGRI/UNICAMP in three greenhouses with automated mechanical ventilation systems, evaporative cooling and thermo reflective screen. We cultivated Carolina cultivar in a spacing of 0.5x0.9 m, each plant conducted with two stems, under organic production and fertilization management. The average of production data of treatments {three greenhouses (A= climate-controlled, B= mobile screen and C= fixed screen), two cultivation systems (pots and soil beds) and five biofertilizer doses (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200%)} were evaluated using joint analysis. Thus, the economic indicators {cost benefit ratio (B/C), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and Payback (PV)} were evaluated through revenues and production costs. The best alternative to net monthly cycle profitability (500 m2) was approximately 1 and 1.5 minimum wage with and without particular labor, respectively, associated with the greenhouse of medium technological level, using soil bed cultivation system. The economic viability of the project in long-term interest rates above 3% (a.a) was consistent, but the payback period even with a rate of 1% a.a was high (6.54 years) in financing conditions.362246252A rentabilidade financeira é um fator tão importante quanto quantificar a produção utilizando novas tecnologias. Assim, objetivou-se analisar em curto e longo prazo a rentabilidade financeira da produção orgânica de minitomates em casas de vegetação com diferentes graus tecnológicos de controle parcial dos elementos micrometeorológicos. O experimento foi desenvolvido no campo experimental da FEAGRI/UNICAMP (SP) em três casas de vegetação com sistemas automatizados de ventilação mecânica, resfriamento evaporativo e tela termorrefletora, sendo estas cultivadas com a cultivar Carolina em espaçamento 0,5x0,9 m em duas hastes, e manejo da produção e adubação orgânica. As médias dos dados de produção dos tratamentos {três casas de vegetação (A= climatizada, B= tela móvel e C= tela fixa), duas formas de cultivo (vasos e canteiros) e cinco doses de biofertilizante (0, 50, 100, 150, e 200%)} foram avaliadas em análise conjunta. Assim, avaliou-se através das receitas e custos de produção os indicadores econômicos {relação benefício custo (B/C), valor presente líquido (VPL), Taxa interna de retorno (TIR) e Payback (PV)}. De acordo com os resultados, a melhor alternativa de rentabilidade líquida mensal ciclo (500 m2) foi de aproximadamente 1 e 1,5 salários mínimo para a condição com e sem mão de obra particular, respectivamente, associado à casa de vegetação de médio grau tecnológico, utilizando a forma de cultivo em canteiros. A viabilidade econômica do projeto em longo prazo a taxas de juros acima de 3% (a.a) mostrou-se consistente, porém o período de payback mesmo à taxa de juros 1% a.a foi elevada (6,54 anos) em condições de financiamento

    Evaluation of radiofrequency signals for Zigbee technology in poultry housing

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    This study aimed to conduct an evaluation for the implementation of Wireless Sensors Network (WSN) of tracking and control in a poultry farm. The wireless technology used was Zigbee, with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard forming the physical layer and link layer. To automate the power measurement a DELPHI language software was developed and, for the prediction of RF signals, an adjusted model of the shadowing was used. All tests were performed in a commercial broiler farm, in the city of Tuiuti in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The results of this study indicate that Zigbee technology is appropriate, from the perspective of signal propagation, to implement WSN in poultry housing.Visou-se, neste trabalho, realizar a predição de sinais de radiofrequência para a aplicação de Rede de Sensores Sem Fio (RSSF) de monitoramento e controle em uma granja de frango de corte. A tecnologia de comunicação sem fio utilizada foi a Zigbee, com o padrão IEEE 802.15.4 compondo a camada física e de enlace. Desenvolveu-se, para automatizar a leitura de potências, um aplicativo em linguagem Delphi e, para a predição de sinais de RF (Radiofrequência), utilizou-se o modelo Shadowing adaptado. Todos os testes foram realizados em granja comercial, no Município de Tuiuti, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram boas condições de transmissão até 131 m, indicando que a tecnologia Zigbee é adequada, segundo a perspectiva de propagação de sinais, para a implementação de RSSF em granjas de frango de corte.10210

    Ventilation and deodorization system optimization of a wastewater treatment plant

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    Quality of life is entirely linked to air quality around us, whether inside or outside a building. Therefore, it is not surprising that the owners and occupants of certain spaces pay attention to the air quality, especially when they work or are close to a wastewater treatment plant. The aims of this work are to diagnose the existing situation in ventilation and deodorization system of covered wastewater treatment plant and to suggest changes to improve indoor air quality and make the operation of this system more reliable and economical. The ventilation system, consisting of 10 air handling units, supply 230.000 m3/h, where some ventilation lines have 250 m. The system’s optimization solution, as well as the two new centrifugal fans implementation, with speed variation, allow a reduction in the total fans power to 60 kW and increase the energy efficiency in 60 %

    Simultaneous Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy Combined with High-Resolution Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography: A Review

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    We aimed to evaluate technical aspects and the clinical relevance of a simultaneous confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope and a high-speed, high-resolution, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) device for retinal imaging. The principle of confocal scanning laser imaging provides a high resolution of retinal and choroidal vasculature with low light exposure. Enhanced contrast, details, and image sharpness are generated using confocality. The real-time SDOCT provides a new level of accuracy for assessment of the angiographic and morphological correlation. The combined system allows for simultaneous recordings of topographic and tomographic images with accurate correlation between them. Also it can provide simultaneous multimodal imaging of retinal pathologies, such as fluorescein and indocyanine green angiographies, infrared and blue reflectance (red-free) images, fundus autofluorescence images, and OCT scans (Spectralis HRA + OCT; Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). The combination of various macular diagnostic tools can lead to a better understanding and improved knowledge of macular diseases

    Development of an automatic identification algorithm for antibiogram analysis

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    Routinely, diagnostic and microbiology laboratories perform antibiogram analysis which can present some difficulties leading to misreadings and intra and inter-reader deviations. An Automatic Identification Algorithm (AIA) has been proposed as a solution to overcome some issues associated with the disc diffusion method, which is the main goal of this work. AIA allows automatic scanning of inhibition zones obtained by antibiograms. More than 60 environmental isolates were tested using susceptibility tests which were performed for 12 different antibiotics for a total of 756 readings. Plate images were acquired and classified as standard or oddity. The inhibition zones were measured using the AIA and results were compared with reference method (human reading), using weighted kappa index and statistical analysis to evaluate, respectively, inter-reader agreement and correlation between AIA-based and human-based reading. Agreements were observed in 88% cases and 89% of the tests showed no difference or a o4 mm difference between AIA and human analysis, exhibiting a correlation index of 0.85 for all images, 0.90 for standards and 0.80 for oddities with no significant difference between automatic and manual method. AIA resolved some reading problems such as overlapping inhibition zones, imperfect microorganism seeding, non-homogeneity of the circumference, partial action of the antimicrobial, and formation of a second halo of inhibition. Furthermore, AIA proved to overcome some of the limitations observed in other automatic methods. Therefore, AIA may be a practical tool for automated reading of antibiograms in diagnostic and microbiology laboratoriesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Synthesis of Fe/Ti oxides from a single source alkoxide precursor under inert atmosphere

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    The heterometal alkoxide [FeCl{Ti2(OPr i)9}] (1) was employed as a single source precursor for the preparation of Fe/Ti oxides under inert atmosphere. Three different synthetic procedures were adopted in the processing of 1, either employing aqueous HNO3 or HCl solutions, or in the absence of mineral acids. Products were characterised by powder X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and Raman, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and Mössbauer spectroscopies. Oxide products contained titanium(IV) and either iron(III) or iron(II), depending on reaction conditions and thermal treatment temperatures. An interesting iron(III)→iron(II) reduction was observed at 1000 ºC in the HNO3-containing system, leading to the detection of ilmenite (FeTiO3). SEM/EDS studies revealed a highly heterogeneous metal distribution in all products, possibly related to the presence of a significant content of carbon and of structural defects (oxygen vacancies) in the solids.O alcóxido heterometálico [FeCl{Ti2(OPr i)9}] (1) foi utilizado como um precursor de fonte única para a preparação de óxidos de Fe/Ti sob atmosfera inerte. Três procedimentos sintéticos distintos foram adotados no processamento de 1, com o emprego de soluções aquosas ácidas (HNO3 ou HCl), ou na ausência de ácido mineral. Os produtos foram caracterizados por difratometria de raios X (pó), microscopia eletrônica de varredura combinada com espectroscopia de dispersão de raios X (MEV/EDS) e espectroscopias Raman, de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) e Mössbauer. Os óxidos produzidos contêm titânio(IV) e ferro(III) (ou ferro(II)), dependendo das condições de reação e das temperaturas de tratamento térmico. Uma interessante redução de ferro(III) a ferro(II), que levou à obtenção de ilmenita (FeTiO3), foi observada a 1000 ºC no sistema contendo HNO3. Estudos por MEV/EDS revelaram uma distribuição altamente heterogênea dos metais em todos os produtos, possivelmente relacionada com a presença de um conteúdo significativo de carbono e de defeitos estruturais (vacâncias de oxigênio) nos sólidos.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) U


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    This study aims to test the influence of political cycles in the Brazilian stock market. The variables are returns (nominal and real) returns and risk (nominal and real) risk . Our selected assets were Ibovespa, PETR4 (Petrobrás) and Elet6 (Eletrobrás), with the daily data of the period between 1995 and 2010. The method used was OLS with dummy variables - (to capture the immediate effects of the electoral calendar and differences due to the president in power), and time trends - (to capture changes over presidential the terms). The main results are: higher volatility for the examined assets during the Cardoso administration than during the Lula administration; the assets of the two state owned enterprises (SOEs) are more susceptible to influences generated by the political variables of the models; markets reacts to the outcome, or likely outcome, elections immediately and not gradually over the mandates. In general, the results indicate that political cycles influence risk and returns in the Brazilian stock market.Este trabalho tem como objetivo testar a influência do calendário eleitoral (ciclos políticos) sobre o mercado brasileiro de ações. As variáveis dependentes são o risco e o retorno nominais e reais e os ativos selecionados foram Ibovespa, Petr4 (Petrobrás) e Elet6 (Eletrobrás), em dados diários do período entre 1995 e 2010. O método utilizado foi o MQO com variáveis dummy - para captar os efeitos imediatos do calendário eleitoral e diferenças atribuíveis ao presidente no poder, e tendências de tempo - para captar variações ao longo dos mandatos. Os principais resultados são: durante o governo FHC os ativos em estudo apresentaram maior volatilidade que durante o governo Lula; os ativos das duas estatais são mais sensíveis às influências geradas pelas variáveis políticas dos modelos; o mercado reage ao resultado, ou provável resultado, das eleições de maneira imediata e não de forma gradativa ao longo dos mandatos. Os resultados indicam, de forma geral, que os ciclos políticos influenciam o risco e o retorno do mercado brasileiro de ações


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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo testar a influência do calendário eleitoral (ciclos políticos) sobre o mercado brasileiro de ações. As variáveis dependentes são o risco e o retorno nominais e reais e os ativos selecionados foram Ibovespa, Petr4 (Petrobrás) e Elet6 (Eletrobrás), em dados diários do período entre 1995 e 2010. O método utilizado foi o MQO com variáveis dummy - para captar os efeitos imediatos do calendário eleitoral e diferenças atribuíveis ao presidente no poder, e tendências de tempo - para captar variações ao longo dos mandatos. Os principais resultados são: durante o governo FHC os ativos em estudo apresentaram maior volatilidade que durante o governo Lula; os ativos das duas estatais são mais sensíveis às influências geradas pelas variáveis políticas dos modelos; o mercado reage ao resultado, ou provável resultado, das eleições de maneira imediata e não de forma gradativa ao longo dos mandatos. Os resultados indicam, de forma geral, que os ciclos políticos influenciam o risco e o retorno do mercado brasileiro de ações

    Are olive pomace powders a safe source of bioactives and nutrients?

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    "First published: 10 September 2020"BACKGROUND Olive oil industry generates significant amounts of semi-solid wastes, namely the olive pomace. Olive pomace is a by-product rich in high-value compounds (e.g. dietary fibre, unsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols) widely explored to obtain new food ingredients. However, conventional extraction methods frequently use organic solvents, while novel eco-friendly techniques have high operational costs. The development of powdered products without any extraction step has been proposed as a more feasible and sustainable approach. RESULTS The present study fractionated and valorised the liquid and pulp fraction of olive pomace obtaining two stable and safe powdered ingredients, namely a liquid-enriched powder (LOPP) and a pulp-enriched powder (POPP). These powders were characterized chemically, and their bioactivity was assessed. LOPP exhibited a significant amount of mannitol (141 g/ kg), potassium (54 g/ kg) and hydroxytyrosol/ derivatives (5 mg/g). POPP exhibited high amount of dietary fibre (620 g/ kg) associated to significant amount of bound phenolics (7.41 mg GAE/ g fibre DW) with substantial antioxidant activity. POPP also contained an unsaturated fatty acids composition similar to olive oil (76\% of total fatty acids) and showed potential as a reasonable source of protein (12 \%). Their functional properties (solubility, water-holding and oil-holding capacity), antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity were also assessed, and their biological safety was verified. CONCLUSION The development of olive pomace powders to apply in the food industry could be a suitable strategy to add-value to olive pomace and obtain safe multifunctional ingredients with higher health-promoting effects than dietary fibre and polyphenols itself. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.TBR thanks the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal for PhD grant SFRH/BDE/108271/2015 and the financial support of Association BLC3 – Technology and Innovation Campus. This work was supported by National Funds from FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the project MULTIBIOREFINERY – SAICTPAC/0040/2015 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016403). We are also grateful for the scientific collaboration under the FCT project UID/Multi/50016/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio