9 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 89 responden yaitu seluruh pegawai PT. PLN (Persero) APJ Ponorogo. Dalam penelitian ini teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan uji analisis regresi sederhana, yang menghasilkan peneliti menunjukan bahwa budaya integritas dan budaya profesionalisme berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap prestasi kerja. Serta menggunakan analisis moderated regression Analisis, yang menunujukan bahwa budaya integritas dan budaya profesionalisme yang dimoderasi agent of change menghasilkan memperkuat pengaruh terhadap prestasi kerja. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa budaya integritas dan budaya profesionalisme yang diterapkan pada seluruh karyawan akan mendorong terciptanya prestasi kerja yang baik, dan agent of change akan sangat mempengaruhinya

    Augmented Reality-Based Board Game for Learning English for Junior High School Students

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    English is the language used by all countries as the main communication tool. By understanding English, young people can have the opportunity to work abroad and gain more knowledge and better job opportunities. But education in Indonesia and the willingness of young people to learn is still low, young people tend to prefer to play games rather than learn. Therefore, a game made with Augmented Reality technology was combined with a Board Game called the game "ArReadSpeed" in hopes of helping young people especially those still sitting in junior high schools (SMP) to learn while playing. This game can be played by 4 people, so we can give free time children the game "ArReadSpeed". But because currently there is a Corona pandemic, the data search and testing process must be changed by going through online classes. The purpose of this study is about how to formulate games so that it can make young people more easily learn English lessons. The formulation in it determines the gameplay, reward system, and punishment for incorrectly answering questions. After the game was finished, some junior high school children were tested and the results were that performance expectations (usability) and entertainment (pleasure) had a correlation with the variable wanting to continue to use (desire to use again

    Pengujian Black Box pada Aplikasi Sistem Pengarsipan Surat Menggunakan Teknik Equivalence Partitions

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    Archiving is usually carried out by the secretary or administration. The archive manager usually does it manually, it makes the number of archives stored and looks increasingly unorganized on the filing shelf. As a result, the archiving section will need a lot of time to search for documents that have long been stored. Especially in the modern era, the development of increasingly sophisticated technology will help the archiving in managing the records in the room or office. One of them is through software testing or software testing, this device is one of the software tools used to obtain information or results on the quality of a product and service application. This test in addition to looking for errors or defects of an application also has other functions, such as testing how far the capabilities of the application or system. Equivalence Partitions Technique is a test based on entering data in 2 (two) forms in a letter archive application, each menu input will be tested and grouped according to function whether it is true or false. So expect the quality of the software produced in accordance with the expected function.Pengarsipan biasanya dilakukan oleh bagian sekretaris atau bagian administrasi. Pengelola arsip biasanya melakukan secara manual, hal itu membuat banyaknya arsip yang tersimpan dan terlihat semakin tidak tertata rapih di rak pengarsipan. Akibatnya, bagian pengarsipan akan membutuhkan banyak waktu untuk mencari dokumen yang telah lama tersimpan. Terutama di era modern, perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih akan membantu bagian pengarsipan dalam menata arsip yang ada di ruangan atau kantor. Salah satunya melalui pengujian perangkat lunak atau software testing, perangkat ini merupakan salah satu alat perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan keterangan atau hasil terhadap mutu dari suatu produk dan layanan aplikasi tersebut. Pengujian ini selain untuk mencari kesalahan atau cacat dari suatu aplikasi juga memiliki fungsi lain, seperti menguji seberapa jauh kemampuan dari aplikasi atau sistem tersebut. Teknik Equivalence Partitions merupakan sebuah pengujian berdasarkan masukkan data pada 2 (dua) form yang ada pada aplikasi arsip surat, setiap menu masukan akan dilakukan pengujian dan dikelompokkan berdasarkan fungsinya baik itu bernilai benar ataupun salah. Sehingga diharapkan  kualitas software yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan fungsi yang diharapkan


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    Pariwisata adalah suatu perjalanan yang dilakukan untuk rekreasi atau liburan. Kota Langsa adalah salah satu kota yang ada di Aceh, luas wilayah kota langsa  yaitu 262,4 km². Masih banyak masyarakat dalam dan luar kota Langsa yang belum mengetahui destinasi wisata yang ada dan transportasi untuk menuju ke kota Langsa, sehingga wisatawan kekurangan informasi transportasi dan destinasi wisata yang ada di kota Langsa. Dari penelitian ini akan dibuat aplikasi explore wisata berbasis android yang dapat memberikan informasi wisata serta mengestimasikan biaya. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam pembangunan aplikasi explore wisata dan penyusun laporan adalah metode pengumpulan data, analisis dan perancangan, implementasi, pengujian, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Aplikasi explore wisata dibangun untuk platform android dan menggunakan ionic sebagai framework. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan aplikasi yang dibangun telah dapat memberikan informasi tentang destinasi wisata di kota langsa serta dapat mengestimasikan biaya yang akan dikeluarkan oleh wisatawan.   Keywords : Wisata, Kota Langsa, Explore Wisata, Android  Tourism is a trip carried out for recreation or leisure. Langsa City is one of the cities in Aceh, the total area of ​​the city of Langsa is 262.4 km². There are still many people in and out of the city of Langsa who do not know of existing tourist destinations and transportation to go to the city of Langsa, so tourists lack information on transportation and tourist destinations in the city of Langsa. From this research, an application will be made to explore android-based tours that can provide tourist information and estimate costs. The method of research carried out in the construction of applications explore tours and compilers of reports is the method of data collection, analysis and design, implementation, testing, and drawing conclusions. Travel explore application is built for the android platform and uses ionic as a framework. Based on the testing that has been carried out the application built has been able to provide information about tourist destinations in the city of Langsa and can estimate the costs to be incurred by tourists. Keywords: Tourism, Langsa City, Explore Tourism, Android

    The Impact of Japan Tsunami Disaster on Indonesian Stock Market : an Event Study

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    Event Study is research method that assesses how a particular event affects the value of a firm. According to Binder (1998), some popular paper by Fama (1969) introduced event study as a methodological revolution in accounting and economics as well as finance. Since then event study methodology has been widely used in those disciplines to examine security price behaviors around certain events such as accounting rule changes, earnings announcements, changes in the severity of regulation and money supply announcements. The purpose of this study is to analyze Indonesia stock market reaction to Japan tsunami event on March 11, 2011. The sample in this research is 30 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Market especially in LQ45. Period estimates for 190 trading days, while the period of the event for 11 trading days. The result of this study found there is no abnormal return during the event period, there was no difference to the average abnormal stock returns before and after the period events and there is no difference to the average stock trading volume activity before and after events

    Analysis of the Principal’s Leadership Role on Cultural Development

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    Leadership is a process of influencing others towards achieving organizational goals. The most important aspect of the leadership process is the result of a complex series of interactions between the leader, the people being led, and the situation. This complex interaction can be directed to generalizations about leadership as something that is problematic as a factor influencing the leadership process. This must be supported by the appearance of the head of the madrasa. The appearance of the madrasa principal is determined by factors of authority, character and skills, behavior and flexibility of the madrasa principal. The results of the study concluded that Al-Ma'arif Boja School instilled the habit of speaking politely to the principal, teachers, staff and peers. The school also makes it a habit to smile and greet when meeting the principal, teachers, staff and friends. Schools also make it a habit to say hello when entering class, make it a habit to ask permission from the teacher when going to the bathroom to train students to respect elders and the same age both in madrasas and outside madrasas. In terms of social values, the madrasa head teaches teachers, staff, and students the meaning of caring for one another. The principal of the madrasa always pays attention to teachers and staff, because caring for one another will create a harmonious family atmosphere